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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Corellia, worst planet ever for class story?


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Run for 100miles, fight some baddies.

Run another 200 miles, fight some baddies.

Run 900 miles and fight some baddies.


Im a Jedi Knight and "commander" or something over the people here, but feels like Im an Errand Boy.. ugh worst planet everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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There are a lot of dead areas where you never go because there's nothing to do (Aside from random groups of mobs). It's not a bad planet, but maybe a bonus series would have helped a bit, at least to justify all those areas you visit only once if you go for datacrons/champions/explorer achievement.
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JK is the worst class for levelling. way too much travelling and time wasted doubling back. Sentinels in particular have been battered with the balancing bat - ridiculously squishy, constantly knocked off speeders and have crap dps compared to other classes.

The sent was my first toon I rolled at launch (I have over 30 at lvl60 so far) so I rolled another for nostalgia. Big mistake. I have seen how bad they are compared to the others.

Shadow and sniper are the best pve classes by far

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I think we should find out that the Corellian City Planner was a secret Eternal Empire plant in the new expansion. We can fight him in the centre of an urban maze during a flashpoint or operation or something. Of course, he probably is Kephess.
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Part of it is that you see the place you need to be at on the map being close, yet you have to travel CLEAR AROUND all this hogwash just to get there. Honestly, none of the 8 class stories has anything of interest on Corellia, all 8 of them bore me to tears on that planet. It is obvious that Corellia was designed to be nothing more than a large time sink just to draw the story out a few more hours.


Frankly, the last 3 planets (Belsavis, Voss, Corellia) bore me. I always dread doing them partly because of their size. They could have made them half the size and done just fine.

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Pointless lack of straight lines between blocks, dangerous trash that has nothing to do with your mission but you have to kill through it anyway, so long you have to reclear pre-phase trash often if you med-center resurrect. Bugged positioning mobs that BioWare never got around to fixing including elites. Obnoxious trash-filled penultimate missions with pulls which can be harder than your story boss.


See a theme yet? The world could use a Makeb-type bolster to take out all the trash.


Other than it being an answer to anyone who whined about small planets...nope, no redeeming value.

Edited by Canareth
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the planet itself isn't that bad. doesn't require much traveling unlike hoth.


You might be trying to make a sarcastic joke, but I am not seeing it that way, so...


Are you high? Next mission waypoint is just "over there" on Corellia (for this example, we'll say west about 2 city blocks), BUT you have to go 1 block east, 2 north, 1 west, 1 north, 2 west, 2 south, 1 west, 2 south, 1 east, and finally 1 north to actually get there.


Give me Hoth's basically straight lines any day.

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I'd put Voss up there as well, sometimes it is more annoying seeing as they pack the roads and travel paths with mobs/elites to make travel time take even longer if you can't avoid the aggro. I remember the first time I got to Corellia, I had flashbacks to questing in WOW everything was so spread out and poorly designed in terms of quest routes/turn ins.


What's funny is I used to hate Taris with a passion on pub side, but then doing the last few planets in most of the pub questlines made me realize it isn't so bad compared to Voss/Belsavis/Corellia/Hoth.

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I just don't like the

  1. go this way for fifteen minutes to talk to a guy
  2. go back halfway the way you went to run the first part of the mission
  3. run a third direction for another ten minutes
  4. second part of the mission
  5. run all the the way back to where you were in the first place for the next part
  6. run waaaaay back to the NPC to finally turn in the mission
  7. go back to the third location to get the next mission in the chain.
  8. go back to the place with the first part of the last mission to run the first part of the new mission.
  9. go all the way back to the space port to talk to some bigwig.
  10. repeat.


So. Much. Backtracking. I ran my main for the first time through Correlia, dealt with the meerkat people for the story, and then the planet quest had me go back there three missions later, which also unlocked the area's sidequests. Seriously? Why can't they just have side missions unlocked to where you are in the class story?



At least my BH got to beat the face of that annoying Jedi in as a reward.

And my trooper got Rakton to beat up.

And my smuggler got his uber empire.

And my JC just got the job done she needed to get done.

And SW got to **** up Baras' plans and get a new ally.

Agent had the perfect opportunity to fake being dead. Got better.


Edited by LyraineAlei
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Corellia sucks, no doubt. Broken maps with reveals designed to waste your time and send you backtracking.


And it seemed worse on the Pub side as far as traveling and broken maps and doubling back, with JK being the worst of the worst.


With 2X and now 12X XP events, I have leveled many alts that have never finished their stories as I cannot stomach the thought of wasting one more minute on that miserable planet.

Edited by DawnAskham
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You might be trying to make a sarcastic joke, but I am not seeing it that way, so...


Are you high? Next mission waypoint is just "over there" on Corellia (for this example, we'll say west about 2 city blocks), BUT you have to go 1 block east, 2 north, 1 west, 1 north, 2 west, 2 south, 1 west, 2 south, 1 east, and finally 1 north to actually get there.


Give me Hoth's basically straight lines any day.


Bah, Hoth? Sure its big and desolate but the quest hubs are in a logical order, you can drive anywhere, mobs stick out like sore thumbs and dangerous stuff is nowhere near main missions or roads.


It's like the anti-Corellia.

Edited by Canareth
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I love Corellia. You're all nuts :p


Or maybe I am. The travel doesn't bother me, the stories are fun, and the trash is pretty weak. I've never reached Corellia before being 50, though. I also tend to be wearing really nice gear when I get there. I don't recall ever being knocked off my speeder by anything. What I remember most is the sheer number of times NPCs repeat "Axial Park" (I think they're trying to tell me something....) and the very bizarre road signs.



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Every time i go to corellia cant help but laugh and imagine the utter chaos that would ensue if you used Mapquest there... as the other poster said, 14 lefts 4 straights, 7 rights and the hokey pokey just to go two blocks over.


Still i hate it less then Alderaan though...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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the planet itself isn't that bad. doesn't require much traveling unlike hoth.


You kidding me? At least on Hoth there is no worry about getting lost in the maze of buildings. Not only do you travel back and forth do to your quests on Corellia you also do a lot of backtracking because all of a sudden the road you where heading has a dead-end or it turns out that, now that the map has revealed itself, you are heading the wrong way.


Hate Corellia and Belsavis for the same reason :mad:


My vote for worst backtrack grind ever is LOTRO. I never made it past Moria because of it.

It has it better now, you shoould try it out. The areas and quests are revamped to make the leveling really a nice expirience :)

Edited by Asheris
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