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My Swtor Confessions


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Small confession

I dont think many of the stories are that great, entertaining yes? but nothing spectacular,

The cutcenes are boring 99 % of the time, and could be a lot better



Not to say i dont enjoy the game

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1) I joined May 1, 2014 and have not made a single in game friend.

2) I hate people who claim "to be here since beta" yet then admit to taking breaks. That means you werent here since beta.

3) I believe the Jedi Knight is the best story in the game for new members to play.

4) I believe the Agent storyline is completely overrated... Yeah I said it.

5) I do not play ranked pvp even though I have people in full ranked gear.

6) I often rp by myself (see #1) on Ebon Hawk

7) I believe you lot need to follow Snave on hitbox.

8) I do not go to fleet cantina in the evening.

9) I sit on fleet and/or starter worlds with my fully geared 60s and offer help to any low levels that might need it.

10) Even though I have characters in full 186 and 190, I have never attempted an operation.

11) I hate every one of my female characters romance options. EVERY ONE.

12) The Sith Warrior should have been allowed to be a polygamist with both Vette and Jaesa.

13) When selling on gtn i will undercut competiton by 3/4 or 2/3 each and every time.


Thats all for now unless i can think of more lol

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1. All of my characters have white/grey mo-hawks

2. All of my characters are named after the same thing.

3. I have been here since launch and didnt make a female character until the first 12x XP. Now I have 4.

4. I have no interest in ever rolling a twi'lek, but I might make a togruta :rolleyes:

5. Before 3.0 i barely used ranged classes - I have since retired my main sentinel for a commando because of the melee unfriendly raids. I secretly love my commando now.

6. I like adding cybernetic armor to my characters.

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1. I got on the balloon with a SW 14 levels below me. I challenged him to a duel on the balloon. I completely forgot that they have a push back ability. I landed with a sliver of health only to get attacked and killed by some reptile thing.


2. Once my Assassin got his ship. I did nothing but space missions all the way to level 42. It was great not hearing Andronikos Revel saying stupid things. I can't do space missions sober.


3. I challenge people to duels who discuss regions or politics in general chat. When I am playing, I want to escape into my delusional world and I am willing to kill to maintain my delusion.


4. I won an "ugliest toon" contest my guild had. I still have him. Great big fat guy with greasy hair. I put him in the ventilated scalene armor just to gross people out.


5. I created a male toon that looks as close to Freddie Mercury as I could get him. I have him in a nice, revealing pink and white outfit.


6. I like to PVP while intoxicated.


7. I have managed to rack up 200 million+ credits by selling mats. I quit doing that and keep the mats for myself and just craft everything I need (mostly).


8. The sound of an ugnaught makes me physically ill.


9. I am not a big time gamer. This was the first MMO I played. The first toon I played, I was so scared of dying that I waited until mortar volley cooled down and used it to start every fight. It took 5 months to get to level 50.


10. When it came time to pick my first advanced class, I was given a back pack looking thing. I couldn't sell it or get rid of it so I just stashed it. A year later, I tried right clicking on it. I am such a dork.


11. A friend of mine, who is a competitive jerk, talked me into playing this game. He quit playing when I got better at it then he did. We're still friends.


12. In the Senate tower, if I have to go upstairs, I jump off the second floor just so I don't have to spend the next 45 minutes running down the stairs.


13. When someone asks how to do something in general chat, I still think alt-F4 is the best answer.


14. Kehm Val sounds all sophisticated but I'll bet in his native tongue, he is a slack jawed yokel and I am pretty sure Qyzen Fess speaks like crazed Pentecostal minister in his language.


15. Funniest line in the game: Sith Inquirer picking up a side quest on Tattoine: "I'm quite certain I didn't say 'please expendable worm, tell me about your life.'"


16. I would pay $1,000 to dress all my toons in "droug" garb from "A Clockwork Orange".


17. Flesh raiders?


18. The Galactic Trade Network, you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. I am a proud participant.


19. I filled up an entire cargo bay tab with slot machine tokens the day before they changed it.


20. After a difficult fight, I say aloud a Bruce Willis line from "The Fifth Element"; "Anybody esle wanna negotiate?"

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1) I used to think that having a green or blue color crystal in my sniper rifle would confuse people in PvP so they would't attack me.


2) I thought that when a companion died, they stayed dead forever.


3) I don't really care for the Star Wars movies that much, but I am a huge fan of the Expanded Universe.


4) I dislike 12xp, since the leveling is too fast, and I don't have time to "get to know" my character.

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7. I started playing this game after BF2. I thought the way to get on a speeder was the same as in BF2. I found a speeder vendor, saw the speeders all around him, jumped on one, and was confused about what I was doing wrong.

8. i miss bao-dur

9. When someone asks in gen chat how to leave their guild.. I always reply "/sleepwithguildleadersmom"

Edited by JSitruc
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4. My second character I made was a sniper, he has been sitting on Belsavis for about 4 years. Still a level 46. Poor guy.

9. I made another agent and finished the story, my poor first agent, he is still on Bel.


10. I made the horrible mistake of going Dark side at the end of act 1 of 2nd agents story and then killed Ardun Kothe latter, only to go back to the light and then I found out I could have joined the sis if I had kept him alive


4) Same here. I made an Agent (Operative) the month of launch and loved, loved, loved Act 1 of the story. I kept on breezing through and for some reason stopped playing. Poor Eriona is still sitting idly on Alderaan at level 32 with an unopened Champion bag in her inventory.


9) About two years ago I made another Agent (Sniper this time) and fell in love with the story all over again. I actually finished it this time, but never even bothered with my Operative.


10) Awesome!!!!! I didn't know that you could do that. I'm going to have to create another Agent to make that happen. That was on my top 5 list of story-related things that I wish I could do in SW:TOR. Joining the New Empire is still up there at number one, though.


9. When someone asks in gen chat how to leave their guild.. I always reply "/sleepwithguildleadersmom"


You play on Shadowlands, right? Pretty sure I've seen that remark in gen chat before and I remember laughing about it.

Edited by flyersfan
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10. When it came time to pick my first advanced class, I was given a back pack looking thing. I couldn't sell it or get rid of it so I just stashed it. A year later, I tried right clicking on it. I am such a dork.



LOL, I did the same thing with my Mara (who was the first character I rolled). I was using the orange mainhand you get at the end of Korriban and a green off hand because I couldn't afford another orange weapon for my offhand. I also didn't know what the backpack was for so I, too, stashed it until much later. When I opened it I was like, "Well THAT would have been useful..."

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1. I have 32 characters and plans for more.

2. I keep coming up with excuses not to do group content. I keep meaning to get back in the swing of pvp and flashpoints, but thing just always happen and I don't.

3. I ship Quinn with just about everyone.

4. I don't upgrade my armor until I can't live through basic trash fights.

5. I don't know my Star Wars lore very well.

6. I'm compulsive about unlocking things in collections.

7. I like dressing my characters and companions in skimpy clothes (both genders). But not dancers bottoms. Those look stupid with everything.


8. I'm a clicker and keyboard turner.

9. I love reading fan fiction and find it has enhanced my appreciation of many of the in-game stories and companions.

10. When my husband and mother-in-law played, husband and I wouldn't group to queue for pvp in the hopes we'd get on the opposite team from the MIL and torment her. We'd all be on Skype and she swears like a sailor!

10a. I'm sorry for every pvp pug that I've inflicted with my MIL. She is perhaps the worst player ever, but thinks she's a great pvper, so when she subs, she pvps a lot.

11. I don't play stealth classes right. When I'm soloing with them, I forget they even can stealth.

12. I'm not a good jumper in this game. I cry inside when pugs use jumping short-cuts.

13. My first warrior is the only one who couldn't pick between Lana and Theron. She didn't want to hurt either one. I have since overcome my scruples, and the rest of my characters romance Theron.

14. I love opening hypercrates, but hate selling on the GTN, so my alts are getting clogged with things I really need to try and sell off.

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9. I love reading fan fiction and find it has enhanced my appreciation of many of the in-game stories and companions. *snip*


Hey, I love WRITING fanfiction, hehe! ;)


Stuck on a chapter, so I decided to check out the forums. Don't tell anyone!


And some more from me:


(1) I leveled a Smuggler in beta, before the game was even released. Then leveled three more after the game came out. Smuggler remains one of my favorite classes in the game.

(2) I don't really like Bowdaar too much. But I adore Corso Riggs and can't wrap my head around why he gets so much complaints.

(3) I wrote my first SWTOR fanfiction based on the Sith Warrior story, after I endured yet another vicious argument in the Story & Lore forums in regards Malavai Quinn. Just to explain MY own personal interpretation of that character. And he remains nearby the top of my list of all-time favorite Bioware companions.

(4) I'm an RP nerd on a pve-centric server, but my guild puts up with me anyway, hehe.

(5) My absolute favorite one of the SWTOR romances belongs to Torian Cadera and every time someone calls him either "too young" or "too boring" I go cross-eyed with bewilderment. He's the one who had me looking into Mandalorian culture, to better understand what made him work. And now my wall's splattered with Mandalorian-focused collectibles and my husband loves how he never has to doubt what to buy me so long as it has a Mythosaur skull etched somewhere on the thing.

(6) I am an absolute awful DPS, can't seem to get any particular DPS character to "work right". I finally gave up and told my guild's Operations leads to just leave me in the healing group. But I love running operations!

(7) I never have the in-game music turned on. I listen to various "epic music" playlists that I've downloaded onto my system, rather.

(8) I'm utterly terrified that the Expansion will break my characters' romances! I just want to shield my companions -- Quinn and Temple and Akaavi and Torian and Doc! Please don't hurt them, Bioware! My characters adore their lovers, all of them!

(9) I'm addicted to Diet Coke, btw. And whenever I'm playing, I end up with no less than three empty soda cans sitting nearby my computer. It's how my husband tracks my progress through the house.


(10) I named our family's kittens Jedi and Sith. My youngest daughter argued with me, that "girl cats can't have those names". To which I responded in proper motherly lecture-form, that a "girl cat can grow up to be whatever she wants, whether it's Jedi or Sith." Learning moments, people!

(11) I am utterly frustrated by all the armors on the Cartel market, that show so much skin. I just can't RP a rationale, for someone intent on preventing injury to bare that much of their body. I stick to armors that "make sense" and lol whenever someone runs by in another dancer's costume.

(12) I'm a huge Bioware fan and sometimes sneak away to play Inquisition or Mass Effect. Or both.

(13) I'm a Cullenite, too.

(14) My favorite class story in SWTOR, hands down, is the bounty hunter. Only because she can tell the Sith in the end, that they can't claim her for anything. Gutsy girl, my hunter!

(15) I despise the planet Voss and the neutrality of the people there irks the crap out of me. I keep wanting to yell at them, "Take a dang stand!" How pretty the planet is just gets squashed by that placid tone the Voss use whenever they talk to my characters. At this point, I tend to stick to the class story and get off the world as fast as possible.

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  • 1 month later...

1. Played as a preferred half a year just because I enjoy how it makes leveling more difficult. Then the credit cap finally got me and I subbed. I definitely spent more money than my sub would have cost, being a sub just makes everything TOO easy. But the credit cap...you just can't beat it.

2. I will remember fondly how I struggled to get my Inquisitor and Jedi Knight to 60 as preferred.

3. On my first char (Agent) I threw away the adaptive armour you get free (I bought something and all my chars get it I dunno what I bought) because lolwut, empty armor?

4. It took me far too long to understand how modifications work in this game...look #3.

5. Yesterday I realized I have a stronghold-trader. In my stronghold personnel. Go figure.

6. I have done everything the most difficult way (oh the facepalm-moments...) with my Agent, poor him. I rerolled an Agent now so I can really enjoy the story without pressure of learning how to survive.

7. I have fallen from elevators, clifs, rocks, mountains, whathaveyou, to my death. Numerous times.

8. I love my Sith Inquisitor to bits. I call him my main just because I adore him. In reality, I have no main. I'm altoholic.

9. I adore Theron Shan too and I will cry if they don't give him back to my Inquisitor.

10. I play 100% solo. No chat, auto decline everything. After two years of healing in TERA I had it. No min/maxing, no rag-raids, no bending to other peoples whims. But....

11. I love auction house. I spend a lots of time hassling with it. That's a best part of MMO's.

12. It took two months for me to notice I don't have to buy legacy-travels in spesific ORDER. I can just pick what I need and leave the rest. GO FIGURE.

13. I play this game too much. I can't help it. I play 12 hours if nothing stops me.

14. This game made me write fan-fic. Something I have never done before. It was really fun!

15. I'm a female, I play only males. Don't ask, I can't explain. People tell me I make very pretty men.

16. I want to strangle Ashara every time she opens her pie-hole. Today I got achievement of 100 kills with her....my Inquisitor has been on 60 over a month. Buahahah.

19. I have a problem with Republic-side. I don't like it. It is really strange. I don't know how many Smugglers I have deleted. I especially hate Coruscant. I'm afraid my JK will be my only Rep-char. And I really struggled with him. Now he is awesome and kills like an Uzi. I don't understand why Rep-side just feels like eating barb wire.

20. I could strangle Risha too. Instead I deleted my Gunslinger. Again, I love Agent but can't play the mirror-class. "Gets her tinfoil-hat"

21. I've had dreams of my Sith Inquisitor. "wonders if her tinfoil-hat is large enough"

22. Do you know how much time it took for me to notice that people sell adaptive armor in auction? Yep, that long time. I think i popped a vein in my head when I realised it.


That was plenty :o

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I think the romance with Ashara is one of the best.

I sometimes (frequently) do the in-game emotes and dances in real life.

I made a male Jedi Knight just so I could romance Kira. Best DS points I ever earned.



My male jedi didn't get DS points for romancing Kira, bu my female one did for romancing Doc. I think this game is sexist.

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3. The Consular is one of the most boring characters ever. I hate playing through the storyline because I'm stuck hearing their monotone voice droning on and on and on. And the romances sucked too, which made it even worse.



I agree with this, I'm not playing a Consular, I'm waiting for the level 60 boost to be released so I can boost a consular to 60.

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I agree with this, I'm not playing a Consular, I'm waiting for the level 60 boost to be released so I can boost a consular to 60.


The story is actually pretty good, imo, and ties into the overall story quite a bit with its main plot. I had to do it as a female though. The male VA just came off as doofy to me. If nothing else, assuming you are interested in the story, I'd lookup the collection of cutscenes for the consular and watch it.

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The story is actually pretty good, imo, and ties into the overall story quite a bit with its main plot. I had to do it as a female though. The male VA just came off as doofy to me. If nothing else, assuming you are interested in the story, I'd lookup the collection of cutscenes for the consular and watch it.


Some people like the Consular storyline, some people don't, why couldn't they have made it as good as the SI storyline?

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Some people like the Consular storyline, some people don't, why couldn't they have made it as good as the SI storyline?


I think that Consular is better than SI. I think it represents what the Jedi are supposed to be much more than Knight does.

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I think that Consular is better than SI. I think it represents what the Jedi are supposed to be much more than Knight does.


Yeah but to be honest, I prefer the darkside over light, so I don't really play any of the lightside classes except for smuggler and trooper.

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Yeah but to be honest, I prefer the darkside over light, so I don't really play any of the lightside classes except for smuggler and trooper.


Well, sure, DS Jedi do not come out all that well, because it often is an option just for the sake of having that option. At best, they do come across as Mass Effect's Renegade instead of Star Wars "evil".


However, it doesn't take from the fact that Consular is an awesome class, whose story doesn't stall and die into oblivion like with Smuggler and Trooper. I played it on launch, and I still remember what I did (roughly). I cannot say that for Trooper and Smuggler after Chapter 1, except in extremely broad strokes.

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