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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A bit harsh Bioware ? The one chair infraction.


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I don't really know if it is harsh, too harsh, or just right. But I bet that the next time an exploit is found and spreading like wildfire, it will make a few players pause and a few more to turn away from the exploit altogether. That, works in my book.
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All those that exploited are getting punished. The severity of the punishment is tailored to the severity of the transgression.


Could there be anything more fair and reasonable?

OK, I guess I misread your previous comment to mean they should all be punished equally.

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People exploit ruthlessly, BW does nothing, people complain.


People exploit ruthlessly, BW does something, people complain.


While this is true, I'd personally much rather have people complaining about BW doing something then not doing nothing. This a marked improvement compared to previous exploits.

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While this is true, I'd personally much rather have people complaining about BW doing something then not doing nothing. This a marked improvement compared to previous exploits.

This is a good point as well.

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People exploit ruthlessly, BW does nothing, people complain.


People exploit ruthlessly, BW does something, people complain.


Yes, you just discovered the nature of the internet... complainers will complain.

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Never sell, only DESTROY!


Yes, that is one of the pieces of advice I will take from this thread. :)


And to a lot of you others that seems to think I did it with ill intent, yes, I understand it. You have nothing to go on but my word, so better assume the worst :cool:


I guess I just needed to vent, and I should have reaøized theese forums are not a good place to do that, so for my part, this is now behind me, and I think I am just going to log back in and enjoy the game.


I wish you all good times :)




There have been alot of good points raised in this thread, and I guess I kinda ended up feeling that it was a fair enough rulig, even if it was accidental.

Edited by Elothan
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But, they 'are' being treated equally in that all are being punished. The punishment, however, is fitted to the severity of the transgression.


And that's both reasonable and fair.


I think that's a good stance. However, I'm not at all sure that it's the same stance taken by the person I was replying to.

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I think that's a good stance. However, I'm not at all sure that it's the same stance taken by the person I was replying to.


No that is exactly what I meant and I realize I should have been a little more clear on that.


I equate it to the law....it doesn't matter if you steal a pack of gum or brand new 4k tv, either way you stole. Both case, the person should be punished; but the punishment should fit the crime.


And I believe that is what has occurred here.

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No that is exactly what I meant and I realize I should have been a little more clear on that.


I equate it to the law....it doesn't matter if you steal a pack of gum or brand new 4k tv, either way you stole. Both case, the person should be punished; but the punishment should fit the crime.


And I believe that is what has occurred here.




Punishment fit the OP's crime. Not much else to be worried about really.

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I have to disagree with some. This doesn't show the punishment fits the crime because if a mistake happens again he get banned just like a person that totally exploits that bug. It also means that he is as punished as anyone that exploited more, but not enough to get banned.


The closest real world example would be like saying that he bought a stolen CD* this time and next time no matter if it is a stolen CD or he commits mass murder he get the death penalty.




*Smallest punishable crime I could think of you could do inadvertently.

Edited by Sorwen
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I have to disagree with some. This doesn't show the punishment fits the crime because if a mistake happens again he get banned just like a person that totally exploits that bug. It also means that he is as punished as anyone that exploited more, but not enough to get banned.


The closest real world example would be like saying that he bought a stolen CD* this time and next time no matter if it is a stolen CD or he commits mass murder he get the death penalty.




*Smallest punishable crime I could think of you could do inadvertently.


No....what's been proven is that if someone made a mistake they got a warning which is the farthest thing from a ban possible.


edit: And future action is not guaranteed by any stretch of the imagination. Just because he/she got a warning now doesn't mean that he's guaranteed to receive a ban if there is a future transgression. Overall though, if anyone who participated in this exlpoit, or any exploit really, participates in each and every new exploit that comes around they can't really use the accidental card anymore since evidence shows a trend to the contrary.

Edited by Shwarzchild
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No....what's been proven is that if someone made a mistake they got a warning which is the farthest thing from a ban possible.

Agreed...let's not overreact to warnings...they aren't punishments. However...if they do get punished, that's another matter.

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Agreed...let's not overreact to warnings...they aren't punishments. However...if they do get punished, that's another matter.


Yeah I know accidents happen but it clearly stated it in the launcher and if you didn't read it then its your fault for not being cautious about only buying 50 tbh.

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I have to disagree with some. This doesn't show the punishment fits the crime because if a mistake happens again he get banned just like a person that totally exploits that bug. It also means that he is as punished as anyone that exploited more, but not enough to get banned.


The closest real world example would be like saying that he bought a stolen CD* this time and next time no matter if it is a stolen CD or he commits mass murder he get the death penalty.




*Smallest punishable crime I could think of you could do inadvertently.


A consistent history of "accidentally" being a part of exploiting in minor ways is a good excuse for taking advantage as much as possible without getting punished. If this isn't a description of you, then you shouldn't have to worry as you won't participate in future exploits.

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Yeah I know accidents happen but it clearly stated it in the launcher and if you didn't read it then its your fault for not being cautious about only buying 50 tbh.

I didn't even read the launcher warning, I knew from the forums what was going on. Accident or not, Bioware is clever enough to determine who exploited and who didn't.

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I think it should be clear who abused this and who didn't or did to a small degree a handful say 10-20 resells let it slide, those who did it systematically to show they have no life real warning with the doom and gloom of "if ya do it again we are gonna go medieval on your account;'.


Now if the 'warning' is just BS and next time they'll look at what actually happened then it doesn't matter but if they are counting this as a 'strike' in some mandatory minimum style banning/punishment then the handful of exploits is being overreacted to.


I didn't even know about this, I may have seen a thing about it in the launcher I honestly don't know, my first real notice of this was the post about the 'exploit' from the devs. Still haven't gone to collect my 50 or whatever the limit is of this item.

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They should clearly see who was making a profit and who did it accidentally.


I personally think they should ban everyone who was trying to make millions off of it, I mean permanently too.


For starters, who knows if they laundered it on the GTN or if people had their stuff bought with laundered money.


Some have already posted how certain things have jumped in price. These players need to be removed from game permanently imo. :rak_03:

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