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KotFE: Name one character to keep, one to wish for and one to throw out the airlock!


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To throw out the airlock: can't decide between Tharan Cedrax (sheer obnoxiousness) ...


That I could agree with. I'm puzzled by why many people like him. Maybe it's the beard on the default skin? On my current Sith Pureblood Consular, I always seem to punish him whenever he says "Did I mention that I'm a pacifist?". He still hasn't taken the hint.

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This is for my 'main,' my marauder.


To keep: Vette. No matter how dark I play my marauder, Vette is the one thing she can hang some goodness on. Plus, Vette is cool.


To wish for: I think getting Risha and Vette back together would be fun.


To shove out the airlock: oh, Quinn. I so hope the developers let us kill you again. You crappy excuse of an officer. Even before his betrayal, when he comes to you to complain about Vette, even though he has assumed the role of XO, it just shows what a crappy officer he really is. But this category has a long list: Skadge, Doc, Corso and a few others will join Quinn.

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Keep: Pretty much eve-- Oh, this is a one character limit? In that case, you can pry Blizz from my cold dead hands.


Wish for: Of all the people I've wanted to kidnap on my ship to keep as a companion forever and ever (and there are MANY), Lord Praven takes the cake.


Airlock: Hah, bye, Skadge.


I don't actually want to airlock many people, except Holiday when she talks. I would also maim for Theron as a companion, and Master Kwiks. I pretty much want to keep everyone, though Skadge and Gault were the only companions I tried REALLY HARD not to pick up. Gault because it was hideously OOC for my "Get the job you're hired for done" bounty hunter.

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Well, hard to say, I like at least one companion on most characters


But I will try



Keep: Forex, perfect companion for all LS Pubs

Wish: HK55 (he is not confirmed yet as companion}, but I would love to see him and HK51 argue who is better

Airlock: Rusk, to this day, I never understood why he is in my JK crew. Or maybe Tanno, never liked him



Keep: Vette

Wish: HK55, for reasons above

Airlock: Skadge or Quinn (can I do both? Please?)

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For my main Gunsligner.


Keep: Bowdaar, no wait Guss, no Bowdaar...wait...nooooo!

Wish for: Theron.

Throw out the airlock: Eh, no one?


For my Sage:


Keep: Zenith.

Wish for: Theron. (yeah yeah, I know having both Zenith AND Theron will be problematic but I don't care!)

Throw out the airlock: Tharan Cedrax.


My BH refused to take part in this... all she wanted to say was "Space Skadge"...who on earth knows why? *shrug*.

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Ok. It is hard, but I'm going to limit myself to one answer across all my alts and all the classes. If I open the door to keep, and waste, there would be several. Also since, it is a wish, I'm going to wish for the impossible.


Keep: Kira

Wish: Jaxo

Airlock: Skadge


You can come out now Quinn, only one companion goes in the airlock. Hey... what is that shiny thing in front of Bulo's exploding load lifter? Looks like an Imperial commendation! I'd run and grab it if I was you Quinn!

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Keep: Treek - Idgaf what anyone says, I could listen to that cute little munchkin go on all day about how she wants to fulfill my every desire!


Wish: Eldon Ax - Neither Sith nor Jedi at the end of "Fatal Alliance", Ax could easily play a dual-story based on your faction. If Imperial, you woo her back to the Dark Side, and if Republic, you introduce her to the path of the Light (maybe with the help of Satele, whom she so obviously admired)


Airlock: THE SHIP DROIDS - omg, at least give us a muzzle bolt for them!

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Pub - Elara Dorne. She's my main beezy.

Imp - Tossup between HK and Blizz


Wish for:


Pub - Jaxo...for um...recreational purposes.

Imp - Tossup between Keeper or Crysta - Keeper is just ...well, Keeper. Crysta seems like she'd be one of those brassy broads that curse like sailors and drink whiskey like me.




Pub - Iresso, Corso, Theran, Jorgan, and a few others I am forgetting, lol.

Imp - Skadge...but I'd like a few clones so I can do it several times.

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Keep: Vector, my favourite romance.


Wish: Theron, pretty please can we have him :)


Airlock: Skadge, yup goodbye never want to see or hear you ever EVER again.


I think I second this. If I don't reunite with Vector I will feel quite sad. I need an update on my singing electrons.

My "keep" runner up is Guss Tuno, because ..... he's a mean jedi.

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To keep: Kira Carsen. Always good for a laugh in a serious situation.


Wish: Lana, but it's already been confirmed. In the interest of an unconfirmed one, I'd have to go with Jace Malcom.


To shove out the airlock: Saresh...oh wait; she's not a companion /sigh In that case, I'm definitely getting rid of Scourge on my Knight for lore reasons. (Though, it'd interesting to pick him up as a companion for my Warrior.)

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Keep- DS Jaessa....I digs crazy chicks lol :D

Wish- Thanna Vesh or the female Jedi master you help near the end of the smuggler story

Airlock-only one huh...well....Skadge would make a good coat, and my LS Inquisitor can ACTUALLY tolerate Ashara, so Quinn.....look there's a trail of candy leading into the airlock! Go get it!

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Keep: Kira Carsen, HK and Quinn. He is funny

Wish: odd one- REVAN

Airlock: here's an odd one. Lieutenant pierce. Hate him. Never obeys me- boring story. Just hate him. Oh- and skadge mabey khem too. Oh- tharan, scourge! Kalyo, doc and many more


Oh- while we are on the subject of companions- dose vette ever stop resisting shocking after she starts? Because if I can't shock her anymore out the Airlock she goes!

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Keep: Jaessa, After all the work that went into recruiting her BW would be really dropping the ball if she was lost.


Wish For: Thana Vesh it would be nice to humble her and she would make a good melee tank


Throw out the Air Lock: Ashara Zavros she can keep muttering about not going against her jedi teaching as I boot her out the airlock stupid psudeo twi'lek.

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Keep= Skadge . So hated. Must be the "runt thing". Honestly though, you are a runt next to him. No sense denying it.


Wish= <empty>. Sounds too much like "try". Do or do not, there is no try.


Buhbye= Saresh. Dunno who she has holos of (only explanation for her gaining any position of authority), but space it all together. Obviously the Republic was going to fall with her in charge.

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Keep: Kira


Wish: That they return choose roles for companions that they had at one time in beta.


Carbonite: Quinn. My Light Side Sith so wants him hanging on his wall.

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To keep: Skadge is great. Never had a problem with the big guy. Hes a thug yes, but he is MY thug.


Wish: General Garza. She's like Capt Janeway but with a huge booty and white hair.


To shove out the airlock: Mako. I cant stand that nag and emotional toilet. Someone please find a way to shut her up.

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Keep: Khem Val for my SIs, Jaesa for my juggernaut. Forex for my trooper.


Wish: Lana's confirmed... so... Thana or Coratanni, I guess?


Airlock: Quinn, Quinn, and did I mention Quinn? Beyond me why anyone would keep him after the Quincident.

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