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Make The Seeker Droid & Macrobinocular Heroic Quests Soloable Already!!


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I find it kind of ridiculous that they haven't been made soloable yet.. They're outdated content by, uh.. how many years & months exactly?


Finding a group for them is near impossible, and the only reason you need to group up is to click some stupid terminals, seriously come on..


This is just like the Heroic Aurora Canon quest, there is NO NEED for them to require 4 players anymore, they are old content which hardly anybody does anymore, let us solo it.

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I don't normally make posts like this but this's why you need guildies... Some of this stuff was always intended to be group-oriented. When I did Seeker or Macro I just asked my guildies and they helped.


And I got both of them out of the way, on 4 characters over the past month by simply spending some time in general asking for more people to do them.

You do need the 4 for the macrobinocular one, but the seeker droid one can be done easily with 3.

But there is this scary push towards making the entire game solo from people who seem to lack the concept of "group play".

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And I got both of them out of the way, on 4 characters over the past month by simply spending some time in general asking for more people to do them.

You do need the 4 for the macrobinocular one, but the seeker droid one can be done easily with 3.

But there is this scary push towards making the entire game solo from people who seem to lack the concept of "group play".


You can still group. Just not with us. :)


Seriously, if I continue playing the game solo, you may not ever get into the same group with me or people like me, but we boost the economy with buying your GTN listings, selling you various stuff, crafting stims for raiders(so competition is high and prices are low), and actually paying for the game. The more people are paying for the game, the more content(including group content) you're going to get. Giving us Aurora Cannon, Binoculars and stuff like that solo doesn't seem too high a price.

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I don't normally make posts like this but this's why you need guildies... Some of this stuff was always intended to be group-oriented. When I did Seeker or Macro I just asked my guildies and they helped.


I'm in a guild that's usually 40+ online at any given moment, not 1 of them wants to do this god-awful quest again, and I can fully understand why.


These quests should've never been group quests in the first place, the ENTIRE quest chain is based around solo play until you get to that specific point, its ridiculous that such a LONG solo quest then turns into a 4+ requirement

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And I got both of them out of the way, on 4 characters over the past month by simply spending some time in general asking for more people to do them.

You do need the 4 for the macrobinocular one, but the seeker droid one can be done easily with 3.

But there is this scary push towards making the entire game solo from people who seem to lack the concept of "group play".


These posts annoy me.. just because you gut lucky and managed to find people to do the quest, doesn't mean other people will have the same luck, I've been advertising in general chat for 6 hours a day for around a week now, and have I had a single whisper? nope.


Also for goodness sake.. I'm not asking for the entire game to be made solo, I fully understand the concept of group play, but this content is over TWO YEARS old.. it's no longer relevant, and for that reason it should be soloable, asking for 2 quests at the end of a SOLO quest chain to also be made solo is not asking for the entire game to be made solo, stop being unreasonable.

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And I got both of them out of the way, on 4 characters over the past month by simply spending some time in general asking for more people to do them.

Good for you, but most of the time no one wants to do these quests. I managed to finish them once... Have not been able to again. Why, cause no one wants to.


You do need the 4 for the macrobinocular one, but the seeker droid one can be done easily with 3.

Only the binocular one requires a group, the other one can be done solo at level 60, at most you MAY need 2 depending on class.


But there is this scary push towards making the entire game solo from people who seem to lack the concept of "group play".

The quest is clearly outdated. Outdated content should be adjusted. Shoot they haven't even used to things since Oricon. Anytime now that they want to do something that should have used these, they just make them part of the quest because NO ONE does them anymore. Obviously their metrics told them this, or they would have required you to do the quest to get the items to do the later quests.


And also keep in mind that the quest STARTS solo, then solo, then solo, then H2, then H4. You should NEVER chain quests together like this. You notice they figured that out after Oricon as well (Solo, Solo, Solo, H2, Raid).

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  • 3 months later...

I had taken a hiatus away from the game when these were added. Upon returning I picked these up and haven't been able to find a group to do them with.


I'd really love it if any solution was provided that would allow me to more easily experience the rest of this content. I don't really care if that is making it solo, providing a group mechanism for us lost souls, or any other workable solution. I'd just like to be able to complete this content in some way.

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And I got both of them out of the way, on 4 characters over the past month by simply spending some time in general asking for more people to do them.

You do need the 4 for the macrobinocular one, but the seeker droid one can be done easily with 3.

But there is this scary push towards making the entire game solo from people who seem to lack the concept of "group play".


I DO NOT LIKE GROUP PLAY. I am a loner and prefer to be one. And i love this game and i am glad they are making it far more solo-able. So I support the Original Poster's post :D


I know others do (like grouping), but there should be "enablements" for those of us who are VERY ANTI-SOCIAL and who just want to do things OUR WAY and not "go along to get along" with groups of people whom we DO NOT LIKE.


I want LESS grouping and i am all for this new trend of more solo-ness.

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As I said before, just make it a tactical that you and anyone can queue for.


That is not a bad idea. I would like to see these quests fixed too, because I kinda like doing the casual / lazy digging type seeker droid and macrobinocular quests (all by myself, mind you) :D


CASUAL PVE is where my heart is. PVP and OPS are not something i like that often unless a LOT of people are already wanting it (like WB OPS and KDY TFP during the old 2x XP days)

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I am also at the very last Heroic 4 'The Shroud Revealed' and can not find anyone willing to help push buttons...


So, so disappointing.


I really do hope that the Developer sees reason to change the mechanics ever so slightly so this quest can be completed without the hassle of begging people to assist us in completing this old quest.


Especially considering (I have just read in another post suggesting) we may need to complete the Macrobinocular quest chain if we would like to complete the Heroic 2+ The Star Fortresses General Achievement with the MCR Droid to attain 100%... ?


Bye for now and have fun out there.

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I am also at the very last Heroic 4 'The Shroud Revealed' and can not find anyone willing to help push buttons...


So, so disappointing.



join a guild

and if you have and still cant get help

join a better guild


I had zero issue getting help on the final heroic 4 after doing everything else before hand solo

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join a guild

and if you have and still cant get help

join a better guild


I had zero issue getting help on the final heroic 4 after doing everything else before hand solo

Thanks for your comments, socially sound guilds that have plenty of contributing and willing members consistently online are certainly a pleasure to be a part of, but are also few and far between.


I'm also pleased that you had zero issues getting help on the final heroic 4. Unfortunately, not all of us for whatever reason there may be are as fortunate in completing the quest.


Bye and have fun out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Agreed....please make these missions solo-able. I have been unable to find people in game to group with and no one in my guild wants to play it either.


As to the comment about and increasing push to make the entire game solo play, I do like the fact that more flash point missions have the solo option. Why? Because it makes it easier for new players to experience a flash point , get familiar with the map, story line and a bit of experience battling the bosses without the repeated comments to "press the space bar" to skip scenes. Also during group play, few players want to take the time to explain a boss fight. When I was leveling my first character, this was the most frustrating aspects of the game.

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