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Jeff Hickman has promised we will NOT be getting any new MMO content this year.

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The interview above marks the first time I've ever seen a major MMO dev being proud and happy about focusing on an expansion that comes without any core MMO elements. Direct quote from Jeff Hickman below:


"I want to be really clear to our fans out there who are deep MMO fans. We're not forgetting about that part of the game either," said Hickman. "We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year."



Now that at least some people have stopped being excited over absolutely awesome 8 million, 4 minute cinematic of daddy issues, could we please maybe talk a little bit about them implications here?


Are you happy Bioware has put all of their eggs in one basket here? Til foreseeable future, you will be playing an MMO where the MMO elements will be left without attention. Devs main focus and ambitions will be exclusively on storyline and narrative.


SW:TOR's F2P model is one that ultimately aims to make a monthly sub out of it's player... and then proceed to turn as many of these subscribers into Cartel coin using whales. I think it is a really good model and it has worked really well for TOR. Specially due to this, I look at their ongoing plans in utter disbelief. Subscribing to something, anything is all about longevity. You need wealth of content that remains relevant, exciting and interesting for months, even years to come. Investing tens of millions in in 10 hour story and 4 minutes of cgi is, in MMO context, surprisingly close to the "anti" of longevity I think.


We all (=ones actually able to post and reply here) are subscribers to an MMO with a lead dev who dismisses core MMO features as " stuff" that they " look into" at some point or another after next expansion and after the ongoing year. I wonder how many water cooler gangs EA office spaces have, where we make a running joke among people gathering.


Do you think it is good or healthy how Bioware has evidently made a conscious decision to completely drop the ball on relevant, challenging or involving PvE/PvP/GSF/Anything content and completely focus on 10 hours of talking heads?

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"I want to be really clear to our fans out there who are deep MMO fans. We're not forgetting about that part of the game either," said Hickman. "We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year."


"We [are] doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PVP"

How does that translate to no new MMO content?


I think it's way too soon to claim the MMO sky is falling. Let's see what the 2nd half of 2015 brings first.

Edited by azudelphi
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Considering this MMOs "claim to fame" is their story driven content the fact that they are once again focusing on that makes me very happy. It was that story driven theme that got me into SWTOR in the first place. Edited by Anaesha
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He didn't promise anything. In fact,, in a latest interview they said


“It’s a very big departure, but at the same time we’re not abandoning the online components — we still have a giant online universe, you just now have the most epic BioWare Star Wars stories.” Backus assures that it is still an MMO; devs know that players still enjoy grouping content, and it will be there."


there will be new content, they just haven't announce it yet.

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Are you happy Bioware has put all of their eggs in one basket here? Til foreseeable future, you will be playing an MMO where the MMO elements will be left without attention. Devs main focus and ambitions will be exclusively on storyline and narrative.

Yes, very happy. It was the game's main bullet point and strongest feature. It's why I became a founder and continue to support the game with two subbed accounts from that day. Considering that fact, it's about damn time that they finally got back to what makes this game great - we had a good 3 year period there where there was very little story being added at all in favor of all those MMO elements you are crying about.

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Considering this MMOs "claim to fame" is their story driven content the fact that they are once again focusing on that makes me very happy. It was that story driven theme that got me into SWTOR in the first place.


^^ This. 100% this.


I'm happy about the new stuff coming too. I'm excited. The stories are why I play this. I don't raid, pvp, or do flashpoints I can't solo. I basically play Malibu Darth Barbie and live the adventure. So, I'm happy. :D

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I'm saddened by them seemingly putting all their eggs in one basket. The new story content will probably last me through the new year, given all the holidays and such. After that 2 hours of story per month even if played 3-4 times on alts will not suffice. It will be great content I'm sure, but my play style is to run a character through the story, run Ops on it for a while, then repeat months later (this outside HM progression on my main). Not sure what's going to fill that time in between if nothing new Operation-wise is on the horizon in the next couple months. Edited by bdatt
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How is it a lie?


In the very quote I provided, you have lead manager person of SW:TOR personally underlining how there will not be any ambition to develop MMO core elements at all this year. This year will be all about story.


Once again:

"We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year."


What are you seeing when you read that?


Based on the admirable united front you guys out up though, it is clear you are either extremely happy or overly optimistic towards the literal writing on proverbial wall. I've no doubt there are two pages of people here who love the idea of subscribing to an MMO where new content is a 10 hour long RPG narrative. You are the people Bioware chose to listen and you are getting exactly what you want. Enjoy your game. :)


.....I'm little surprised and saddened how vast majority sees no cause for concern in this what so ever. I'm glad if I never need to feel I TOLD YOU SOs about this.


.....Try to remember threads like this and all you pie lulz meme replies like..one year from now. And ask yourself if the doomsayer or you had the right of it.


1. The words you have in bold are a figure of speech. It is like saying that

the smuggler stabbed beryl thorne in the back, even though no vibroknives/vibroswords/lightsabers/electrostaffs/techstaffs/techblades were involved.



2. I believe you missed a part: "We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year." So even in your very quote, he admits they are not just keeping the mmo content, they're actively working on new content. Again, just to emphasize "We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year." A dictionary might help.

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They really need to make blatant clickbaiting and sensationalism a ToS violation worthy of moderation.


Yep. It's ridiculous that people can straight up lie in their thread titles and leave it unchanged even if they weasel-word and backpedal their way out of their lies in the thread itself.

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Considering this MMOs "claim to fame" is their story driven content the fact that they are once again focusing on that makes me very happy. It was that story driven theme that got me into SWTOR in the first place.


I feel the same. I am absolutely here for the story. I do not raid, I don't do operations, and I wouldn't do PVP if you paid me to. My group content is I do flashpoints and heroics and I enjoy chatting in guild chat.


I will give the OP a point for not trying the classic childish whine that "Bioware doesn't listen to the fans." Bioware does listen. Right now they are listening to fans like me. It's a nice change, people have been begging for more story for a long time. I am certain they will add more raids and operations soon. I hope for the sake of the PVP people (who I do feel sorry for) that they give PVP some love too.

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1. The words you have in bold are a figure of speech. It is like saying that

the smuggler stabbed beryl thorne in the back, even though no vibroknives/vibroswords/lightsabers/electrostaffs/techstaffs/techblades were involved.




"Smuggler stabbed John Smith in the back" is a figure of speech. One that gets the point across. If you hear smuggler saying he has stabbed John in the back, you don't wonder if it is some form of a body massage has been delivered. You know there is betrayal a foot.


When lead dev of this MMO tells us this year will be all about story, it is a figure of speech that gets the message across pretty well I think.


Like 30 messages here now I guess. Literally all of it is either people disagreeing, or critique/ridicule of my OP, or contributions to some surprisingly weird&useless National Thread Title Critics - convention. SW:TOR has certainly found it's niche I guess; people who absolutely love watching and listening to talking heads makes a huge majority of the player and subscriber base now. If you like the way Bioware keeps handling video game narrative there is much to envy in your gaming: sheer quantity of talking heads in vanilla alone is staggering. If you love that stuff, you have much to love indeed.


You know, SW:TOR is a very good game for people who like casual Warzones or GSF as well. Just for an example. However, it is also a very frustrating game for those people. Sometimes I find it irritating GSF is as awesome as it is; I'd love to switch to an MMO where it feels devs have one ounce of faith or give a single F about parts of the game I enjoy. It is frustrating to like bits of this game that appear utterly dropped by devs. And watch them investing millions on narrative that I've almost always found somewhat awkward to follow.


Couple of people who actually found it in them to make a proper reply kinda nailed much of it I think; the whole sentiment " Story is all there is here. It is why I am here. " gets often repeated..and I think devs have come to believe in it too; I wish they had bit more faith in other parts of the game that are undeniably awesome. Almost Everybody who gets past few sharp turns in learning curve of GSF comes to like it well. Star Citizen got AAA level crowd funding from people busy daydreaming of experience that is quite close to what SW:TOR, when played as a GSF pilot, is. Today, it remains quite unique game-within-a-game, as far as modern video games are concerned. Yet, Bioare/EA has no faith in pushing, developing, advertizing or selling it. I think they, too, might believe story is all there is. Which, from my subjective pov, is incredibly ironic; generally speaking narrative in this game usually feels as exciting and lively as a wet towel mentioned earlier.


How good or bad you or I think narrative in SW:TOR is makes a subjective matter. Fact this storyline, no matter how good or bad it is, won't be adding much longevity to the game is much closer to something objective, don't you think? Release half a dozen excellent maps for GSF or ground PvP, or couple of difficult and fun PVE Ops and it keeps people busy for months, if not years. But how long does a 10 hour stroyline keep people excited, paying and playing? I'd really like to see an answer to this question tbh. Dropping some 1 hour slices of it every few months apparently is supposed to be all that is needed to keep people in for the long haul. I just can't imagine them calculations and numbers according to which this will work out. But I guess many of us will have the luxury to wait and see huh? Eventually that awesome 4 min long cinematic will come to an end, and talking head stops talking. What sort of a game is this to a talking head enthuasist then?

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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OP... this has been discussed, and the Poly article has been reviewed and re-reviewed. Was this news to you? They are not forgetting about MMO content. In fact, Eric and team will be putting up a blog that will detail the plans.


Let a little search through the forums guide you.


Now back to your regularly schedule programming. Let's talk slot machines! That horse "aint" dead yet.

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