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There's a special place in hell for....


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I won't speak for Bran but I'm waiting for you to make a solid counter argument, minus silly insults. But until then, keep being upset I guess.


counter argument against stealing? you should have learned that before preschool. it isnt illegal, it isnt against biowares rules. but it is still stealing. you can try to justify it all you want, but it is stealing. some people find that morally wrong. you obviously dont. I dont let scumbags like them bother me in game. but that doesnt stop them from being scum. If you choose to group yourself with them, thats your choice. its like the fans that try to justify deflategate or hackgate...they might get away with it but it is still cheating

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and why exactly is it stupid? I'd say its playing smart. you cannot control actions of other players.








you can only control your own. so as an honest player - you can do two things. not loot a chest/quest item another person is fighting next to? and when you see an item you need - grab it, than fight. jerks will always be jerks. you cannot guilt them into not being jerks you cannot convince them to care for anyone else's experience. this is why they are jerks! but just like you can learn to look left and right when crossing the street, even when you are crossing on a green light, just in case. you can learn to compensate for other people's jerk behavior. YOU can be the helpful person. YOU can be NOT a jerk. AND? you can chose NOT to be the victim.


bioware gave us a solution. they gave us means to deny jerks the satisfaction. how is it stupid to use it?


you missed the point. it makes you approach the fight from a tactically stupid position. you have to do it that way because of scum, but in an instance you would never attack that way. it is jarring to not use your abilities to eliminate opposition in a logical way, but to rush in leroy jenkins style and grab. I like to wait till they are coming to do that on my shadow...hit escape while they are running in and let them have the agro.

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counter argument against stealing? you should have learned that before preschool. it isnt illegal, it isnt against biowares rules. but it is still stealing. you can try to justify it all you want, but it is stealing. some people find that morally wrong. you obviously dont. I dont let scumbags like them bother me in game. but that doesnt stop them from being scum. If you choose to group yourself with them, thats your choice. its like the fans that try to justify deflategate or hackgate...they might get away with it but it is still cheating


It's not stealing at all. Until someone tags an NPC, clicks a quest objective or opens a loot container in the open world, it's free game to who ever grabs it first.


Stealing is taking possession of another person's property with out them asking.


Therefor since the aforementioned items above weren't tagged clicked or looted that makes them free game to whoever collects them first.


That's a fact.

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It's amazing how people can make presumptions about someone else's entire real-life moral compass based on something they see in an anonymous video game.


I'm a good person. I help people. I don't just say "ALT-F4". I re-do Datacrons with people just for fun and the chance to spread good cheer. I "do unto others" as often as I can and usually I see reciprocity from people that I do help out and that makes me feel good as well as them.


I learned a LONG time ago to click objectives and then fight. If I happen to forget and someone grabs it before I do then, hey, it's on me, cuz I should have been paying more attention. I hold no ill-will or grudge against that person. It's the way this MMO world works right now and the best thing to do is adapt to it rather than rage about it.


I find it highly insulting that someone feels they can tear apart someone else and make false judgments about them and their real life just cuz they don't like something about them and do it without even thinking about it due to their anonymity online.


TL;DR - Darwin.

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yeah I do the same thing. ALWAYS GET THE CHEST FIRST!


I mostly refuse to do this. If someone ninjas the chest while I'm fighting for it I tell the player that his behaviour is widely considered to be bad form and put him on ignore.

Better to have them reveal themvelves over a chest instead of ending up with them in a GF FP/OP and having them ninja loot there.

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That's why I too use the tried and true method of getting the chest opened first.


I just find attempts (not just your's but anyone's) to armchair-lawyer real world statute to gameplay behaviour misplaced at best.


Misplaced is saying people need to go to hell for how they legit within the rules play a video game.

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If I happen to forget and someone grabs it before I do then, hey, it's on me, cuz I should have been paying more attention. I hold no ill-will or grudge against that person. It's the way this MMO world works right now and the best thing to do is adapt to it rather than rage about it.


Yep. Last week as I was getting my baby Jugg through Belsavis I saw a chest that somehow had not been pillaged yet by the farmers. I fought my way over and just as I killed the last mob ... some random took it. I started to get so pissed but then said to myself, 'self, if you really had wanted it, you'd have clicked it first.'


The folks who pull that stunt are still douchebags but I can either get pissed at douchebaggery I cannot control or just remember to open the dumb chest first. In the end, its about 10k of credits, so, whatever.

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you missed the point. it makes you approach the fight from a tactically stupid position. you have to do it that way because of scum, but in an instance you would never attack that way. it is jarring to not use your abilities to eliminate opposition in a logical way, but to rush in leroy jenkins style and grab. I like to wait till they are coming to do that on my shadow...hit escape while they are running in and let them have the agro.


Well, it isn't logical that a chest full of goodies, labeled 'security chest,' is lying out under a tree in Belsavis completely unlocked yet full of some mob's goodies.


In addition, I highly doubt that (mayhaps with the exception of a first-time player now undergeared due to 12x XP and with no supply of basic comms to stay twinked fighting those rare chests with an elite mob guarding it) any open world PVE scenario is going to be unbeatable because you choose the metagame priority of getting the chest over the ingame tacticly appropriate approach.


Again, is it 'douchey?' Yeah. Is it that big of a deal? No, if you want it, just click it first.

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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I used to help low level players when traveling on low level planets or leveling up. I even used to help players with first two quests in HK quest chain. Not anymore. Why? Other people can change a person.


When this is going:

- player clicks the objective after you enter combat

- "this is about my comms/hr, I don't care about your RL distractions"


I still wait until player finishes his/her objective though. Golden Rule. Once I didn't follow this rule and felt bad about it after it happened even though it was just experiment.

A long ago I was leveling on Nar Shaddaa and there was this operative with trollish name who kept "stealing" objectives after I entered combat. I decided to check what he thinks about it and started following him. I waited until he tried to click the objective but ended up entering combat so I ran and clicked the objective. He got really angry about it and said he would report me.


To anyone who says "it's just a game":

Exactly. Don't get angry when someone does the exact same thing to you.

Edited by Halinalle
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I think Bioware did the wise thing with Yavin sensors by letting them respawn every 15 seconds or so. Quest objectives need to respawn quickly, so people don't lose their... um, nerve over them - game's meant to be enjoyable.


As for the chests, I never open them. What's the point? I run "The Mines of Doan" in five minutes, it gives me 9 genetic anomalies, I sell those for 9k while continuing my dailies. Or pick two or three slicing nodes.


(yeah, people would fight over slicing nodes, there's no way to fix that. but I wouldn't berate anyone who steals "my" slicing node, simply because it's not "mine". too late to grab it? tough luck, but there's plenty to go around)

Edited by Kulyok
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I think Bioware did the wise thing with Yavin sensors by letting them respawn every 15 seconds or so. Quest objectives need to respawn quickly, so people don't lose their... um, nerve over them - game's meant to be enjoyable.


That is a good point. On my server at least, Red Eclipse, everyone tends to just queue for those rather than a free for all, you get the odd one who desperately tries to click before everyone else but in general it works well/


The lurkers though, when its busy is the exact opposite, everyone trying to get their 10 kills by any means necessary when the resource is limited.

Edited by Voblat
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The lurkers though, when its busy is the exact opposite, everyone trying to get their 10 kills by any means necessary when the resource is limited.


Oh, yeah, the lurkers are really a stopper. :( I usually camp in one place.

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you missed the point. it makes you approach the fight from a tactically stupid position. you have to do it that way because of scum, but in an instance you would never attack that way. it is jarring to not use your abilities to eliminate opposition in a logical way, but to rush in leroy jenkins style and grab. I like to wait till they are coming to do that on my shadow...hit escape while they are running in and let them have the agro.


I didn't miss a point at all. if you cannot utilize your companion, your cc, etc - even while going for the chest, then killing off enemies? you may want to practice your gameplay some more. no one is saying you just blindly run for the chest. you engage the enemy, but you loot and THEN you finish off the enemy, NO one said you have to blindly rush in with no use of tactics whatsoever.


common courtesy of not grabbing an item someone is fighting around is nice. but its NOT a requirement. so you cannot expect other people to do that, you can only do so yourself if you so chose.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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counter argument against stealing? you should have learned that before preschool. it isnt illegal, it isnt against biowares rules. but it is still stealing. you can try to justify it all you want, but it is stealing. some people find that morally wrong. you obviously dont. I dont let scumbags like them bother me in game. but that doesnt stop them from being scum. If you choose to group yourself with them, thats your choice. its like the fans that try to justify deflategate or hackgate...they might get away with it but it is still cheating

You can rationalize it all you want, complain about it all you want, poorly analogize to theft IRL all you want. There is nothing you can do to stop it other than grab the chest first. And as I said before, the fact that there is nothing you can do about it is what really bothers you (and the OP). It's just a game. Someone got 10,000 game monies worth of game loot that you thought was yours because "you saw it first". Crikey.

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Oh, yeah, the lurkers are really a stopper. :( I usually camp in one place.


I usually finish all other quests in that area and kill them when I find any. I usually have 10 kills before I've finished the one where you have to kill a lot of revanites.

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So the moral of this thread?


If you see a chest/node you want, open it FIRST. Assume everyone else in-game are ninja looters who will grab it given half a chance. If you choose to be naive and ignore the way the world works (in-game & irl), expect to be **** on regularly.


THIS is the reality society has created for us.....


And OP....in the words of Curtis Mayfield.... "Don't worry...If there's Hell below, we're ALL gonna go."

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I'm one of those, on the other hand, that will take a damn beating to open a chest first while the mobs around it beat on me to make sure that if I got to it, it's freaking mine.


If I see someone clearing a chest, I'll leave it be, but if there's no one around, I'll make a beeline for the damn thing, mobs around it and all.


It's best practice, sadly.

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If you see a chest/node you want, open it FIRST. Assume everyone else in-game are ninja looters who will grab it given half a chance. If you choose to be naive and ignore the way the world works (in-game & irl), expect to be **** on regularly.


You can't click some of the objectives if you're in combat.

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