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Erik you willing to give a word on sex changes?


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If you want to ask for the option to change gender even though it was stated by the devs that it's not cost effective go ahead, but why mix it with LGBT issues? I'm pretty sure trangenders (or any other part of the LGBT communitty for that matter) playing the game don't really care for that feature.


I was scratching my head about people saying there are no gays is the SW universe because Juhani from KotOr is gay, but i just realized i modded the hell out of the game, i don't remember how i unlocked that particular dialogue option, but i unlocked some dialogue options where she gave her opinion about the planet you are in so maybe that's how you unlock it.

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If you want to ask for the option to change gender even though it was stated by the devs that it's not cost effective go ahead, but why mix it with LGBT issues? I'm pretty sure trangenders (or any other part of the LGBT communitty for that matter) playing the game don't really care for that feature.


I was scratching my head about people saying there are no gays is the SW universe because Juhani from KotOr is gay, but i just realized i modded the hell out of the game, i don't remember how i unlocked that particular dialogue option, but i unlocked some dialogue options where she gave her opinion about the planet you are in so maybe that's how you unlock it.


Originally it was a bug, and never really a technical romance because Juhani would pull a "well it can't be" thing. It was only suppose to happen for males but somehow the code got mixed up on release versions and only happened for females instead. But it's never even close to the Bastila or Carth romances, unless you had a mod.

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The romanceable companions in SWTOR were originally written as player sexual but Lucasarts forced them to change it in the vanilla game.


Well, IMO the player-sexual romances in DA2 were pretty dumb. I much more liked the romances in DAO/DAI, they felt more realistic. Yeas, having Sera as LI on my male Inquisitor would be nice, but I can get over it.

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Well, IMO the player-sexual romances in DA2 were pretty dumb. I much more liked the romances in DAO/DAI, they felt more realistic. Yeas, having Sera as LI on my male Inquisitor would be nice, but I can get over it.


People end up complaining about it both ways.


I was GDC earlier this year and someone from Bioware during a round table discussion mentioned that they got a lot of criticism about how the romances in DA2 were player sexual and so they made an effort to make them more diverse in DAI but then people complained that they were locked out of certain romances because they were a certain race or gender.

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Anyone who says that this is difficult or it'll break things is wildly guessing. They don't have to go back and change all of the previous interactions with NPCs, just ones going forward. It's a simple change of one value on the character and a model change. No reason it can't be done.
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Anyone who says that this is difficult or it'll break things is wildly guessing. They don't have to go back and change all of the previous interactions with NPCs, just ones going forward. It's a simple change of one value on the character and a model change. No reason it can't be done.


Stay at Holiday Inn last night? Instant expert on coding SWTOR? I hate to tell you how many romances, planetary conversations, class quest conversations, and various interactions in the game that depend on that flag.


And yes it would break alot of things. Companions you previously romanced as one sex, would not recognize that romance. Conversations with differences between the sexes would have to be programmed to handle the fact your sex can change now, and future conversations that reference previous ones would have to account for and record that difference.


It's not difficult, it's extremely time consuming to change that amount of code and then test it and debug it and refine it. The ROI is just not there for them to do it.

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From what I understand this game did originally plan for same gender romance from day one but good ol Lucas Arts Said AH HELL NO!!!


This isn't true at all, Lucasarts is based in San Francisco, and is very progressive on these issues.

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Anyone who says that this is difficult or it'll break things is wildly guessing. They don't have to go back and change all of the previous interactions with NPCs, just ones going forward. It's a simple change of one value on the character and a model change. No reason it can't be done.


No, you are the one wildly guessing, BioWare has said on multiple occasions that Gender Change and Faction Change are not possible because of all the flags that are involved in the character stories, and there being no easy way to convert them. They can't just ignore them because they might want to use them in the future, and ignoring them would break the character.

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Since we have same sex romances now...


Wait, say what?


Since when?


Don't even say 'Makeb'. My smuggler gets one smooch, and my sorceress, who had no real romance options even if SGRA had been a 'thing' (Ashara or Andronikos - bleah) still has absolutely zip? That was a 'here you go, please shut up now' maneuver, and not a very good one at that.


Same-sex romance? Pfft - don't hold your breath. Even with the movie introduction of Moff Mors in the films, it's a blip on the radar, if that. I've seen no evidence where EA is going to be introducing any such thing. I'm willing to admit it when I'm wrong, but I'll believe it when I see it.


As to gender change - nope. Not happening, and they've specifically said as much. Personally, I'm ambivalent - if it were possible and people wanted to use it, hey, swell, go for it. I tend to have a concept for each character that completely precludes a gender swap, but if floats someone else's boat, who am I to say they can't? Not my character, not my concept, and not my business.

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No, you are the one wildly guessing, BioWare has said on multiple occasions that Gender Change and Faction Change are not possible because of all the flags that are involved in the character stories, and there being no easy way to convert them. They can't just ignore them because they might want to use them in the future, and ignoring them would break the character.


I'm so glad you're around to tell us these things. You're so smart! I bet you don't have any hangups at all.

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I'm so glad you're around to tell us these things. You're so smart! I bet you don't have any hangups at all.


Nice way of not admitting that you were completely wrong about what you said. You flat out lied and tried to pass off what you said as if it was a fact, which obviously turned out to be a bad idea. Multiple people took what you said and threw it right back in your face as they should have and instead of admitting that you messed up or just not responding, you lashed out. What a surprise.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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Make a female character and RP that she was once male (or vice versa). Done.
The ability to change a character's gender is not necessarily linked to a desire to RP a transgender persona. Some players ... RPers and non-RPers alike ... may simply want to change sexes. Maybe they're tired of their current gender; perhaps they realize that they erred during character creation and feel that they are too far down the trail to make a new character.


I really don't care whether they are allowed to do so. We can pay to change our species so, in my opinion, the "some decisions must be final" argument loses steam. But I accept that technology/resources/time/etc. may push this issue to the smallest, darkest corner of the Wall of Crazy. I can't condemn EA/BW for not allowing it; neither would I condemn them if they did allow it.


I doubt I'd ever have much use for changing character gender. But what I really want are sliders for each body type that allows us to control height and weight within each type. I'd like to make a Type 3 who is tall and thin ... or a Type 1 who doesn't look so frail that he would tip over if a flea sneezes. THIS is much more useful ... in my opinion ... than changing genders. But, alas, the same hurdles of technology/resources/time/etc. likely condemn "Build Sliders" to that same small, dark corner.

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I really don't care whether they are allowed to do so. We can pay to change our species so, in my opinion, the "some decisions must be final" argument loses steam.

Race/species has no effect on the story. Gender (and faction and base class) does (do). Big, giant, huge, whopping difference, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.


I would at least like the ability to wear a dress on my muscled hairy male toons


Edited by branmakmuffin
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If that were really the case, though, would he have written this?


"And in 25 years, I have never, not once, written, introduced, nor hinted at a single Bi, Gay, or transgender character in a single story, novel, comic book, or tabletop RPG product."


Clearly he has a very specific idea of the sexual preferences of all his characters he's created to make that statement.


Had he said he has no idea what they do behind closed doors because that isn't important in his work, that would be very different and in line with what you're saying. But he's not saying that.

Not everyone demands to be defined by what they do in their bedroom. And the fact that you're this hung up on labeling people is sick...you're the one being truly discriminatory.

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Race/species has no effect on the story. Gender (and faction and base class) does (do). Big, giant, huge, whopping difference, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.
I do acknowledge it. I said the argument loses steam ... not that it was totally invalid. I just find it less compelling. How gender impacts those issues is all part of the "technology/resources/time/etc." factor I mentioned. Allowing gender changes would (it seems to me) require a massive recoding project to retcon those changes. Such a project is simply not worth investing the technology, resources, time, etc., to perform. Hence my understanding and acceptance of the decision not to do it.
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Not everyone demands to be defined by what they do in their bedroom. And the fact that you're this hung up on labeling people is sick...you're the one being truly discriminatory.


I think you quoted the wrong person. I'm not the one that made the claim to not ever write about certain people in a 25 year career of fiction.

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I think you quoted the wrong person. I'm not the one that made the claim to not ever write about certain people in a 25 year career of fiction.


No, he quoted correctly. He was saying it was sick that you need everyone's orientation out in the open and accounted for, and if you don't get to check so many people off of your list then it's time to get TRIGGERED.


It is kinda sick.

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No, he quoted correctly. He was saying it was sick that you need everyone's orientation out in the open and accounted for, and if you don't get to check so many people off of your list then it's time to get TRIGGERED.


It is kinda sick.


I love how you're trying to project your issues with orientation on to me. You brought it into this thread, not I. To what end, exactly? Obviously you weren't expecting the response you got.

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I love how you're trying to project your issues with orientation on to me. You brought it into this thread, not I. To what end, exactly? Obviously you weren't expecting the response you got.

I just need to know who the intolerant homophobe is, for record-keeping purposes.

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