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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP Economy and Ranked Rewards Restructure for Game Update 3.3


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We are discussing if the titles and mount rewards should be BoL in future seasons. The crystals and weapons are already BoL in previous/current seasons and that will stay the same moving forward. We would like you hear y'alls thoughts on the subject. Does seeing a mount or title on character that (at the extreme) doesn't PvP at all hurt the significance and exclusivity of the reward? Or is it enough to know that someone in the Legacy of that character worked to get the reward?


won't hurt it at all. as someone else said it'll actually enchaourage people to do it more often. especially on the RP servers (where your main PVP char may not have a use for an item but an item would be PERFECT for an alt whom you RP on) it doesn't impact it to me because the mount etc is something the PLAYER has acheived. who cares if he's not acheived it on THAT toon?

from a player POV it also allows people to collect items across a single character, even if, due to upgrade cycles for a particular season a class is somewhat weaker then it should be. I can't see any down side to making them BoL.


but then I'm not someone whose obsessed with "exclusive to a small group forever and all time" and personally would be happy if you took all the goods on the collectors edition vendor, put them on the VIP vendor (which needs more then just a speeder) and put a new wave of items in the CE vendor. so clearly I'm of a differnt mentality to many people

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How about putting that in ASAP since the thought of PVP'ing right now is just painful as the system is. Knowing I am pvping for gear and trying to grind out my Dark Reaver set that could ANY DAY become 10 times easier to get, is just making me not want to pvp at all.


Now's the time to level new Alts. If you don't have one of every AC already, get it done... ;)

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Now's the time to level new Alts. If you don't have one of every AC already, get it done... ;)


I had too many alt's 6 months after this game released. They need to just put this in now it really is just killing PVP for lots of people who are just waiting for this fix. Right now PVP isn't a whole lot about skill as it is gear, when this goes live it will help fix that some.


I would expect them to have this out soon since they have to know people aren't going to waste their time grinding gear thats going to be way easier to get in 3.3. But then again lol this is Bioware or EA or whoever runs this anymore. If only this was a soccer game I am sure it would be perfect.

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We are discussing if the titles and mount rewards should be BoL in future seasons. The crystals and weapons are already BoL in previous/current seasons and that will stay the same moving forward. We would like you hear y'alls thoughts on the subject. Does seeing a mount or title on character that (at the extreme) doesn't PvP at all hurt the significance and exclusivity of the reward? Or is it enough to know that someone in the Legacy of that character worked to get the reward?


I'd say what matters is the player who earned those rewards, not the character they happened to be playing at the time.

So no, It would not bother me in the slightest. In fact, I welcome it.

Spoken from the point of view of someone who has earned extremely little from ranked play.

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It only takes 4 seconds to defuse in Voidstar last I checked.


That still rules out juggernauts, so you'd need like 4+ assassins starting to defuse at the same time for it to be a problem. Yeah that ain't gona happen every time.

If it is a problem they can still just change how defusing works since the AoE change is better in almost every other situation.

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I haven't yet read the thread so maybe someone has already mentioned it, but with this new systems do you think you could the previous rank rewards for the next 1 or 2 seasons. I really wanted those flaming effect sabers for Burning Watchman Sentinel.


Doubt they plan on doing it and I'm sure plenty of people would complain if they re-released earlier season rewards for the new token system, somehow devaluing their items, but a vendor that sold a "best of" selection of earlier season rewards would be pretty cool, even if the costs were higher for them than current rewards. Mainly because if they don't get to releasing Nightmare ToS(which looks unlikely, and yes I realize that even at level 65 a Revan NiM encounter would be extremely difficult), I doubt there will ever be a way to get the season 3 reward weapon effects ever again, which sucks because I really like those as well and didn't get into ranked PvP until the pre-season before season 4...

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That still rules out juggernauts, so you'd need like 4+ assassins starting to defuse at the same time for it to be a problem. Yeah that ain't gona happen every time.

If it is a problem they can still just change how defusing works since the AoE change is better in almost every other situation.


I would rather they change capping in all the warzones to the Novare Coast model.


Yes, you can lay down AOE in NC. However, the range cap also allows you (as a team attempting to cap) to spread out around the AOE to cap as well. So the spam cap can be countered by AOE, but the AOE can then be countered by spreading out (incidentally this also prevents the "stack and cap" scenario dreaded by those who see the need to keep AOE), and spreading out is countered by the individual targeting that Bioware now wants to force upon us, and individual targeting gets countered by spam capping...really it's a scenario in which every cap method has easily understood counterplay except in the most extreme cases of two highly/equally skilled teams who are so skilled at defense and staying alive that no one could cap anything (i.e. 8v8 ranked). Really the only situation where it becomes an issue is at the extreme top end of play where neither team can cap mid. In nearly all other situations, NC capping is more dynamic than capping in the other warzones, and even when I'm saddled with clueless pugs I can still manage to make the game interesting even if I still end up losing. (And hey, sometimes I even pull the win out of my rear end!)


Instead of allowing cappers to counter AOE spam (by spreading out of it), Bioware wants to remove AOE as a method of counterplay, which runs counter to their own stated philosophy of encouraging counterplay. If Bioware feels it is too easy to stalemate an 8-second-cap objective, let them implement the most dynamic cap system currently in the game more widely.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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We are discussing if the titles and mount rewards should be BoL in future seasons. The crystals and weapons are already BoL in previous/current seasons and that will stay the same moving forward. We would like you hear y'alls thoughts on the subject. Does seeing a mount or title on character that (at the extreme) doesn't PvP at all hurt the significance and exclusivity of the reward? Or is it enough to know that someone in the Legacy of that character worked to get the reward?


Make the previous rewards available to only people who have them already. If a player earned say the s1 rancor then they should be able to use it on every toon in their legacy. So make it unlockable via collections. This should be done to all mount rewards. 2 or 3 seasons after the reward, make it unlockable. So the season 3 walker should be unlockable at the start of season 6. And the season 4 cutter would be unlockable in season 7.

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Make the previous rewards available to only people who have them already. If a player earned say the s1 rancor then they should be able to use it on every toon in their legacy. So make it unlockable via collections. This should be done to all mount rewards. 2 or 3 seasons after the reward, make it unlockable. So the season 3 walker should be unlockable at the start of season 6. And the season 4 cutter would be unlockable in season 7.


This is actually not a bad idea. I doubt it would happen with the logistics involved, but would be a nice "gift" to those who have been around since the beginning. :d_angelic:

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"A player that wins the match with max medals gets a larger amount of Comms than a player that gets the minimum number of medals and loses, at roughly a 1:18 ratio. "


As in, 1 to 18 medals? If so, please reconsider that. Some classes have a very hard time getting that many comms because they don't have both taunts, shields and damage / healing.


Arena medals don't work like the 8v8 medals do

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It's 3.


Which means AOE no longer stopping caps+person in the mob defusing activating CC immunity cooldown=guaranteed defuse!


Using AoE CC + diffuse already works well as long as their are no ranged. If their are ranged it just means they will have to directly shoot you.

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We are discussing if the titles and mount rewards should be BoL in future seasons. The crystals and weapons are already BoL in previous/current seasons and that will stay the same moving forward. We would like you hear y'alls thoughts on the subject. Does seeing a mount or title on character that (at the extreme) doesn't PvP at all hurt the significance and exclusivity of the reward? Or is it enough to know that someone in the Legacy of that character worked to get the reward?


If that's the case, what's stopping everyone from running Sins and then transferring their loot to whatever toon they like the most.? The biggest problem with ranked arenas is the lack of balance, and BoL rewards perpetuates this problem.

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Attention PvP fans! Here's a glimpse into new changes coming with Game Update 3.3!


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Several issues that have ultimately caused me to stop que.


1. I have 3 full sets of War Hero, and 2 bank tabs full... how much does all that time/effort spent to now?? ZERO. Not only that, I have more of a leg up playing on one of my alts that never pvp'd at ALL.


2. Premade groups allowed in RANDOM matches. Should be self explanatory.

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Changes: I like it. Send it to print!!


BoL Titles: Yes! If I earned it I should be able to show it. Just like the Manhunter title (which we need a newer and larger title since lots of us have passed this a long time ago) that I earned on my legacy.


AOE change: I can see where it would encourage spam caps on voidstar where you could be outnumbered on one side since the defending team has to send people to each door and the attackers could just zerg one side. But I would be willing to see how it goes. It should not effect Ranked since there are no nodes or capping involved.


Suggestions: Make PVP gear sets look completely different from PVE gear sets. This would encourage people who PVE that like the look of the PVP gear to go and earn the gear if they want it. Adds some encouragement for participating. Makes no sense to have them look identical. It just makes sense to see a gear set and recognize that the player earned it from PVP or that he/she earned it from doing the hardest raids. I do both and I would love to know that I didn't do all of that work for 2 sets that look exactly the same (excluding color).



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So your outcome of bad pvp experience in this game after 3.8 and pvp players quiting this game was because of high gear prices? wow your team is very smart and after 7 months they found what is missing in pvp who care about class balance or other stuff, my friends said they are all coming back to game since this changes will save pvp so we owe you for this enormous change for pvp.

Such idiotic changes to save PvP wow your team is very smart now we will do pvp and queue for ranked since it will be easier to gear our toons. I already have ranked gear for almost all my toons now i can get pvp gear to all my companions since pvp will be fun again lower prices will make all classes equal.

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So your outcome of bad pvp experience in this game after 3.8 and pvp players quiting this game was because of high gear prices? wow your team is very smart and after 7 months they found what is missing in pvp who care about class balance or other stuff, my friends said they are all coming back to game since this changes will save pvp so we owe you for this enormous change for pvp.

Such idiotic changes to save PvP wow your team is very smart now we will do pvp and queue for ranked since it will be easier to gear our toons. I already have ranked gear for almost all my toons now i can get pvp gear to all my companions since pvp will be fun again lower prices will make all classes equal.


Or maybe you could say thank you, maybe its not UP to YOUR standard but they trying. This is good start. And for most of us getting dark reaver is actually exciting.

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Or maybe you could say thank you, maybe its not UP to YOUR standard but they trying. This is good start. And for most of us getting dark reaver is actually exciting.


Yes they are trying but they are comning a few years behind, 2018 expertise requirement for solo ranked was asked since season 1 and they missed that little but important change just with 5 seasons and to be honest after their too many announcements and canceling it i dont believe any change they say. Ranked gear being too expensive was always an issue but it was not game breaking thing. Other changes aoe wont break capping means pvp will be mass capping no fighting so it will make worse for already broken system.

They are trying but not solving problems, season 4 ended with 3 classes dominance and same classes are dominating season 5 and they only say underperforming classes are doing very well. If you try to do pvp everyone is playing same 3 advence classes. We had smash monkey area and like they never seen it was bad experience they added dot spread and with an assassin with only 4 GCD you can do more than 100k damage with dot spread. It wont be instant damage but you must be either stupid to not see this is ridicilous or you just dont care it i assume they are not stupid so they are not caring this game. And after 7 months they didnt do any right move to make balanced pvp so i should thank them making gears cheaper since it was the thing we really needed.

PvP players already left game pvp servers are about to die and they are moving to pve servers to be able to do some pvp isn't it ironic. So if you think they ar trying you are very new with pvp.

I have full dark reaver with 3 of my toons and believe me it doesnt make difference if you are not playing FOTM classes if you are playing with fotm classes gear or talent is not that important just put your face on keybord and roll it you will do fine but dont forget to keybind your abilies :)

Edited by omeru
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Several issues that have ultimately caused me to stop que.


1. I have 3 full sets of War Hero, and 2 bank tabs full... how much does all that time/effort spent to now?? ZERO. Not only that, I have more of a leg up playing on one of my alts that never pvp'd at ALL.


2. Premade groups allowed in RANDOM matches. Should be self explanatory.


If you have 3 full sets of War Hero gear (which BTW are at least two years old and completely irrelevant) then what are your two bank tabs full of? Obviously not War Hero gear as that would only be 42 items and bank tabs hold 80. So... aside from stating a random fact which fails to support a random point which isn't relevant to the conversation, you also claim that Premade groups be allowed in random matches, which directly promotes unfairness.


Um, no. I don't know where you're getting these ridiculous ideas, but it seems you've been away from the game for a while, or bought your account, and for whatever reason feel some huge sense of entitlement to your opinion and 'accomplishments' over 2 years ago.


The game has changed, and so must you. The goal of these changes, of any changes, is to promote fairness, not to give you better rewards.

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Whilst the changes to coms are welcome, its all a bit late.



And lets not forget those poor souls stuck on dead PvP servers. Is it any wonder they all left?


These changes are just yet another plaster on an open wound.


Those chaps have found their way to PVE servers and are happily farming pugs in unranked. You know those guilds you never see queue solo and only play in a premade and usually on the opposite team because your high valor groups you with undergeared lower valor players. :rolleyes:

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Those chaps have found their way to PVE servers and are happily farming pugs in unranked. You know those guilds you never see queue solo and only play in a premade and usually on the opposite team because your high valor groups you with undergeared lower valor players. :rolleyes:


Are you trying to whine on every thread about PvP? Keep up the good work.


PvE servers have the most population, its a fact. Plus you consider ping, time of day they want to play, and if RP is a consideration for them. Its not the players fault that they are transferring to another server and playing with their same group of friends because those servers have people to play with.


It does suck when players get spanked in pvp, I'm sure everyone has been on the receiving end of a premade. Its part of the game and I don't blame players for going where they will get the most pops.



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With the changes to AoE no longer keeping players from capping nodes, what's the chances of getting Force Storm/Turbulence returned to it's forming 8 8sec glory? I'm an assassin main and never really cared for Sorcerer especially lightning until 3.0's additional abilities. The visual and better sounding crackles they emit vastly improved my opinion of the class feeling like it's a force to be reckoned with but with Force Storm reduced to 3 seconds (less with all the alacrity buffs) makes it feel less impressive. I was beginning to love raining down the death and spamming the ability doesn't give it a natural display of power. Even if the damage was still nerfed if necessary to get it back to 8 secs I'd rather have that than how it's at now.
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2 things:

1st- 1vs1 is not lost cause at all...v been always and will be FOTM classes..but aint player issue..its dev one.

So if some with FOTM class "claim"to be best...just do same and smash him down....

Dont know in your server but in mine i know player who do a toons just "best to be" and only thing which they do receive is mocking all day long :)

2nd Ppl spend ed a massive amount of time grinding for gear ...should be rewarded..... iv got just 2 toon with ranked + extra mods swapping( you know the math as time consuming) and id love to commit suicide with new "on to go" pvp players.. so if dev s do not make it up to ppl like me........would be cheap.... or might, just might start think about new tier eh?

But im just casual pvp player....my words gravity is equal to 0....im afraid of what iv seen....same apply to majority of pvp community in swtor......Cheers !

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Can we actually get new Warzones?? (AND NOT HUTTBALL) I mean new objective based warzones maybe an 8v8 deathmatch first team to 50 kills wins or team with highest points after 15 mins. I personally would like to see new pvp content it would certainly enhance the pvp aspect. Also I would like to see full 8v8 ranked matches back... those were fun.
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