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This is why me and my friends we will cancel after the first month.I feel very sad.


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I think i ll have to cancel after the first month.I really wanted to play an open world mmo sw game with voice acting from bioware but sems like my dream has come to an end.The game has a lot of problems and false game mechanics and bugs that makes it no fun at all.


Heres is my list and some of my friends thoughts about this game that makes it fall very short.

Graphics needs improvemet texures are awful antialiasing is not present and if u enable it through the ini it works like trash.


Fps drops on random places for no reason and generaly very low fps for such a low graphics game on gtx 580 sli.Much fail here.


gameplay needs improvement combat feels not so good because u have the general cooldown on skills and not the cast on demand with a unique skill cooldown.This one is called spam button games which every game follows it fails horribly.The same done with rift and it failed.


Sound effects some times at heavy battles go away and u are missing sound effects


Open world is not here instead we get this heavy instanced thing which is awful.The game does not feel like mmorpg.It feels like a single player with mmo elements and if it wasn't that enough we get charged with a subscription per month.I bet this is a joke right


Companions is a good idea if u cant find someone to party but other than that the game has become a pet park that everyone is running around with a nerd npc.They should make u earn less xp when using your companion in combat so as to encourage players who like to play solo.But seems like they have no minds.And where is the option to get rid of companions that i dont want to be with me.Fail.


Game difficulty is unstable.There where a lot of quest that i was at the exact lvl it was demanding although i couldnt complete it and it seemed it wanted to be 4 lvls above.


Moreover if u dont want to use your companions at combat u are advancing at ridiculous slow rates.Fail,where is the option to this u force people to use a companion.Some say this is how bioware games work and i come to say this is how mmorpgs dont work.Mmorpgs are about giving options/freedom to the players and not rail guide them and forcing them.

And if u had played other bioware games there was alaways a chance to get rid of companions u didn't like.

Even skyrim whitch is single player gives terrible ammounts of freedom to the player.No wonder why it became Game of the year right?


Bugs are evryware i cant seem to find some crafting spots bosses on class quests regenarate health at ridiculous rates and never die whitch make the game unable from advancing,some mouths in dialogs are not moving and some other major bugs that other people are facing eg with the bounty hunter that cant progress.



Some skills sometimes dont work on major battles and that may have as a result your death.While other skills start beeing casted before the first one u hitted ends which becomes overpowered against other classes


Lag glitches when u pve or pvp.I play other games online and never had that problem even with battlefield 3 witch is more heavy game and more demanding on 64 maps.


cover system for smuggler does not respont at once.


Interface is the worst ive seen in my whole life and if it wasn't that enough we have no option to customize it.


Patches on the game?Where are they?Even rift had tremendous amounts of patches at very high speed for their game and they continue to do so.Why it didn't work?Dont ask me cause ill have to right 3 whole pages if not more about it.


I have more things to say but i think ive already spent a lot of time on biowares forums.


I just wanted to write this so as bioware get a glimpse and realise why so many people will be cancelling after the first month.And why so many other people will not have trust anymore on bioware's games.


First it was dragon age 2 now swtor.What is next i dont care cause im done with bioware.I may remember baldure's gate series,neverwinter,dragon age origins and mass effect 2 but thats it.The developers at bioware studios have changed and it's very clear that people created dragon age origins didn't created da2 nor swtor.



Finally the funniest thing of them all is that instead of posting on the forums that we are working to fix all these things by the end of the first month they say that more content is coming.

Guess what i dont care about new content on a broken game.Where is the fun of the new content if there are so many issues to be handled first.


Support and community communication is not here also.If u dont speak with the community how in the seven hells u are going to have warm relationship with your customers and make the game as it should be.


Im not against the players.I really hope if any of u to enjoy the game and play it as long as u like.

I just feel like beeing tricked by bioware and their promises especialy the one in the interview they were saying "we are not releasing crap".Guess what again this is your second one after da2.


Merry christmas to all of u guys if u are enjoying the game.I dont enjoy it and ill have to find other ways to entertain myself.I think a bunch of girls will cheer me up in no time and have me forget about this failure.

Have fun and stop counting on game companies they dont care to create worthy games anymore.They just testing their games on us.They release beta games instead of released games.

See ya.

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Out of all the garbage you posted and call reasons, I shall coment on:


Patches on the game?


Game has been out for 5 days officialy, and there is a patch on the PTR to be tested for deployment.


If your friends are of the same mind of you, I'm so endlessly glad you guys are leaving.

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When you have the drop in FPS do you report it as a bug? It is hard for them to find something like off a general statement if it happens in a specific place.


Rift has not failed nor do I think this game will


Sorry if some fights are difficult for you at lvl. Perhaps try a different companion or different tactics?


I understand your concern for AA and as they have said several times it is a high priority for them to get in into the game for those not running 1920x1080 or better resolution.


The combat seems fine to me although I am not a big fan of global cool downs it does prevent spamming.


you can dismiss your companion.


Since the start of the game there has been a few patchs to fix bugs and a major one is in the works.

Edited by Baaddare
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First off; take an English-speaking class. Second: every single dispute you have with the game is irrelevant due to the fact that THE GAME JUST LAUNCHED. Did you and you're little friends play WoW in beta or alpha? Were you there for launch? The game was just as clunky as this one. They are ALL EQ clones (imo). MMO is a GENERA, which means they're all going to look and feel the same. Deal with it.


Have faith in the creators and if you aren't a die-hard fan of SW then you shouldn't be playing this to begin with.




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When you have the drop in FPS do you report it as a bug? It is hard for them to find something like off a general statement if it happens in a specific place.


Of course not they just ***** about it and expect happy magic pony miracles to happen, like the rest of the children playing this game.

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I think i ll have to cancel after the first month.I really wanted to play an open world mmo sw game with voice acting from bioware but sems like my dream has come to an end.The game has a lot of problems and false game mechanics and bugs that makes it no fun at all.


Your first problem was ever assuming this was an open world MMO.

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Some of these are valid complaints, but the one they HAVE to fix is the ability delay and character responsiveness, one complain you included in here. @eggowaffles, if you are gonna post such useless "garbage" as you label this person's post, then don't post at all. Edited by StormDragonlord
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I've been playing since day one of early access. I have not seen one item listed in the OPs post...


The game is not perfect, but it is fun. I will keep my subscription going because I see a game that is playable and enjoyable.

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The responsiveness on using combat abilities is definitely an issue. It makes combat at times feel very clunky and slow. However....


This game is very true to the KOTOR line, as it was always intended to be and advertised to be. Those who are KOTOR fans will understand this and do just fine with the companion system. Not all Bioware games are KOTOR, so just because you've liked some Bioware games doesn't mean you will be a fan of them all. In short...this game isn't for everyone.


I love how story-driven it is, I think the graphics are a touch laggy but playable and you can feel the difference as they work on server loads, and I don't think most of what you complained about is anything I have encountered at all. I played beta, I played early access....not all of us are having troubles.


I'm sorry you aren't happy with the game, but please understand that you don't speak for us all. I think the majority of players love this game and the developers know that.

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OP I hate agree with every word you said because i really wanted to love this game and I'm going to keep lvling with the high hopes that it gets better at later lvls. As of now I feel like I am paying for a single player game ( and a very average one at that). There is no massive in this MMO.


see i would disagree this game is massive. It is just not a traditional MMO. One million subscribers in one day is massive. There are multiple players ( who you group with from FP and quests or just see in the cities) and it is online. So it is an MMO.

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This game was released during Christmas. TOR has only been out for 5 days right in the middle of our biggest holiday and this guy is complaining about there being no patches. I think that invalidates everything in his post. Edited by Trekk
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These are valid complaints


I'm afraid I may be cancelling in one of the first couple months too, unless major changes are made


Please don't leave us Shadysketchy. It will take a hundred trolls to fill the void you would leave!

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Game has been out for 5 days officialy, and there is a patch on the PTR to be tested for deployment.


I will have to back up Mr/Miss Waffles on this one. With the huge release, things will be buggy and patchy, as it was when WoW came out.


Being release right next to a holiday helped sales exponentially, but also hurt because there's that massive wave of people who will only likely be around for the first month. Give the devs time to patch and fix the bugs, errors, and overall poorly implemented tools.


Rome was not built in a day.

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you complain about a pet making things easy, then you complain about not being able to do content at-level?


well to fair it is a bit odd, if anything the mobs should scale a bit differently if you have a companion out..dunno just make em harder to kill instead of giving them more health, was just a thought....i'm kinda benched on the whole debate.


on topic.


the responsivness point is rather more valid however, it feels off which has a bigger impact on gameplay than almost any other aspect of the game, people could bare the odd missing wall or graphic glitch but give them an unresponsive character and you've got a problem.


even at 20 ms mobs are showing as dead via warning messages....you can not attack this target or this target is already dead....yet it's still hiting me for 3+ seconds then it falls over or just stands still and fades out.


some bugs are a priority and will be addresed sooner rather than later i hope.


personally i'm cancelling for none of these reasons bugs i can live with, calls to make the game stupidly convienent like were seeing...i got really on a tangent in one thread....is where i draw the line, i expect an rpg of any type to be a grind fest, when it's taken out the game meh lost interest and i know those players will get what they want so i'm cutting my losses and pretending i didn't drop 129 quid on a game i'll never play again.

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I agree with the companion thing. I played KOTOR 1 & 2 and loved them, probably best single player game i have ever played.


But you get this feeling that you are gonna pay for a KOTOR 3 to play monthly. Which is fine if thats what youre after. But i understand that people get dissapointed.


Being so dependant on having a companion in an "MMO" is wrong IMO unless you choose a class thats supposed to have them. Should be balanced around not having one, my opinion.

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