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Story and MMOs don't mix. ToR the most underwhelming game ever made.


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You can't really put much merit into a complaint post that ends with "But...I'm having fun..."


I disagree. The point was I'm having fun but I see long term problems. Not every thing is as 2D or black & white as people would like. I'm not a fanboi or a hater.


I am having fun because it's new but I see incoming problems that if bother me (and others) now will ripple onwards later and cause the game harm unless BioWare address them soon.

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I disagree. The point was I'm having fun but I see long term problems. Not every thing is as 2D or black & white as people would like. I'm not a fanboi or a hater.


I am having fun because it's new but I see incoming problems that if bother me (and others) now will ripple onwards later and cause the game harm unless BioWare address them soon.


I'm sure the creators of the game are more aware of the problems than the people playing it. Sometimes you just have to live with it in the mean time until you can schedule maintenances to improve the game.


It's going to take a month or two to clean up some of the more minor bugs, and as things are being implemented they have to make sure that the new stuff stays bug free as well.

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I disagree. The point was I'm having fun but I see long term problems. Not every thing is as 2D or black & white as people would like. I'm not a fanboi or a hater.


I am having fun because it's new but I see incoming problems that if bother me (and others) now will ripple onwards later and cause the game harm unless BioWare address them soon.


It just seems to me and some people that you come across as a doomsayer.


Somebody is only able to point out flaws and is able to predict the day ToR will most certainly "die" or go F2P.


I don't know if that's your intention, but there's far too much of that going around.


As for BioWare not responding to any complaints just yet, keep in mind that it's the holiday season, and that many customer service reps and / or devs are celebrating.


I'm surprised they put out a sticky thread announcing that they've been listening to the community and are planning to implement / fix things.


Usually this happens well after the release date, or far too late.

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I find the group flash points and heroic quests a lot more fun than dungeons in WoW. Since they actually require a brain to do. The story is pretty awesome from what i have seen. Pvp could be pretty fun but it does have issues.

I really don't know what the end game will be like, which is why I am keeping my sub to WoW.


The same could have been said about Vanilla WoW though. World pvp was horribly imbalanced, there were no BGs, and the only good pve was at level 60. Questing was bore. The game didn't get interesting until BC where blizzard actually created a story arc.


What I am saying is give it time. Bioware is new to mmos just as blizzard was new to mmos, WoW had an awesome endgame in BC and I'm sure bioware will learn as they go.

Edited by realityreaper
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There is no community...

Bioware seems to be playing this "play it safe" game. No server forums, keeping both factions apart so even my full server BloodworthEU feels empty. No chat bubbles and boring emots means a souless game.


The only thing that makes sense here is lack of chat bubbles, everything else is rambling nonsense.


PVP is the worst out of any MMO

Seriously, I found the battlegrounds to be boring and underwhelming. There is like a 0.5 second delay in all abilities. My kalto injection has a cast time of 2seconds but a hidden delay of 0.5 seconds. 1.5 second GCD is stupid. Combat feels very clunky and my feelings have been echoed accross all class forums.


There's some lag and it needs tweaking. Worst ever? Hell no, it's refreshingly different.




Story is meh. Yes Agent is fun it s ure adds something new but I felt way more immersed in games like Fallout and other such single player games where they do it best. The idea of an MMO is that it's MULTIPLAYER! players make the content and make the game feel specail. Bioware seems to have designed there game to keep people apart.


They can add more dynamic gameplay later. I'll admit that I would love to see space exploration and galactic civil war myself, but saying it isn't multiplayer at all is ridiculous. I've had tons of fun in groups "that don't suck" that are generally within the same level range.




Was the biggest disappointment I've had. Once I hit the dune sea I though "ok now for some fun" I saw no one of the other faction and 3/4 easy quests later I was done. Who ever designed Tatooine should be fired IMO


You lost me here. Keep working towards endgame maybe....



Ok, I'm having fun but that's because it's shiny and new, however I can see this game growing old very fast. I really hope it works out as I'm willing to invest my money and time into it. I'm going to keep on marching on but there needs to be some improvments and fast.



I've already invested over 60 Hours into one character and i'm nowhere near bored, ONE CHARACTER. The only other MMO I can say that had me hooked like this was WoW, cause the gameplay is fun, it isn't just cause it's shiny and new, but it helps and man is it ever shiny. :)

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Story is meh. Yes Agent is fun it s ure adds something new but I felt way more immersed in games like Fallout and other such single player games where they do it best. The idea of an MMO is that it's MULTIPLAYER! players make the content and make the game feel specail. Bioware seems to have designed there game to keep people apart.

The story is amazing. This blows away fallout's storyline. In WOW, I couldn't tell you how my character changed from 1-85. Here, I know my history of my BH from 1 to 37 so far.


If you want a sandbox game, play Eve.

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I agree with OP.


I found the game great the first levels. The story, combat and "newness" was great. But just after 2 weeks, I'm already bored because it brings nothing new.


It is the same as wow. But with absolutly nothing new besides VO and no autoattacks.


Rift is also a copy of wow like swtor, but it brings several new things. Rift release just had bad timing and couldn't bring friends over. swtor on the other hand released at perfect time, so we are playing it, for now

Edited by kalarro
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After following ToR for a while and being a huge Star Wars fun as well as a MMO fan I help but feel hugely underwhelmed.


There is no community...

Bioware seems to be playing this "play it safe" game. No server forums, keeping both factions apart so even my full server BloodworthEU feels empty. No chat bubbles and boring emots means a souless game.


PVP is the worst out of any MMO

Seriously, I found the battlegrounds to be boring and underwhelming. There is like a 0.5 second delay in all abilities. My kalto injection has a cast time of 2seconds but a hidden delay of 0.5 seconds. 1.5 second GCD is stupid. Combat feels very clunky and my feelings have been echoed accross all class forums.



Story is meh. Yes Agent is fun it s ure adds something new but I felt way more immersed in games like Fallout and other such single player games where they do it best. The idea of an MMO is that it's MULTIPLAYER! players make the content and make the game feel specail. Bioware seems to have designed there game to keep people apart.



Was the biggest disappointment I've had. Once I hit the dune sea I though "ok now for some fun" I saw no one of the other faction and 3/4 easy quests later I was done. Who ever designed Tatooine should be fired IMO


Ok, I'm having fun but that's because it's shiny and new, however I can see this game growing old very fast. I really hope it works out as I'm willing to invest my money and time into it. I'm going to keep on marching on but there needs to be some improvments and fast.




- I wouldn't say there is no community. Bioware doesn't need to hold our hands to form communities. At least Trask Ulgo seems to have a pretty decent community. I do agree though that having server forums would be nice.


-Haven't tried PvP so I can't judge. Combat in general is fun, but it could use a bit of smoothing out. No biggie for PvE, but I can imagine that it doesn't flow as well for faster paced PvP.


-Disagree. The story is pretty decent, maybe not as complex as other games but it's still fun enough and engaging. And it definitely does not keep people apart.


-Haven't been to Tatooine yet, but there's bound to be some worlds that appeal to you and some that don't. For example, I don't like Korriban and can't wait for my Inq alt to get off that rock. I loved Hutta though.

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I'm sure the creators of the game are more aware of the problems than the people playing it. Sometimes you just have to live with it in the mean time until you can schedule maintenances to improve the game.


It's going to take a month or two to clean up some of the more minor bugs, and as things are being implemented they have to make sure that the new stuff stays bug free as well.


Sorry bro, but im skipping your posts simply because of the font.

comic sans is just horrible to read!

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The only thing I can agree with the OP on is the game does feel rather empty. I mean I see a ton of people at the fleet but anytime I'm out in the wild I see hardly no one.


I play on the Swiftsure one of the highest populated pvp servers, I've played 2 toons and one of which I have over 50 hours. In that 50 hours I have honestly with my Star Wars account on the line here seen exactly 2 members from the opposite faction in the open world.


Game does feel empty.


Aside from that I'm loving it and I think it's a blast.

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I greatly disagree. And I think the lag in abilities in the BG's is on your side. It works perfectly for me. And honestly, I enjoy PVP on SWTOR much more than I did on WoW.


I will agree that Tatooine was hell on Star Wars though tbh. I couldn't stand it. Though I am absolutely in love with Alderaan. Scenery is beautiful and such.

Edited by LordRelyks
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Hm, i enjoy the story greatly.

I group for hours every day. Not real life friends but people i meet ingame.

Enjoying pvp so far. No brackets can sometimes give a team an unfair advantage but it usually evens out.


So i disagree with your personal and subjective opinion.

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Story is meh. Yes Agent is fun it s ure adds something new but I felt way more immersed in games like Fallout and other such single player games where they do it best.[/Quote]


MMORPGs have their limitations. I never expected to get Mass Effect level cutscenes or storytelling, but for a MMO, the way story is delivered and done is outstanding and with TOR, Bioware proves that story and MMOs can mix.

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