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Relics of the Gree Conquest Issue


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Hey folks,


I wanted to give you an update on the Conquest issue from this morning. What we learned is that there was an error in the timing associated with the Relics of the Gree Conquest event. During this week the Relics Conquest event will end early, based on the in-game timer, on Thursday. This was not intended and so we are going to make a few adjustments to correct this. These changes will require a maintenance, which will happen later this week.


  • We are going to extend the Gree event by another week! It will now end on Tuesday, May 26th.
  • The Relics of the Gree Conquest event will run again next week, this way Guilds will be able to run it fully!
  • Bounty Contract Week will be pushed out one week and will run from Tuesday, May 26th – Tuesday, June 2nd


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through this issue. We hope that you enjoy the extended time with the Gree event.



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Thanks for the update and letting us know what will happen! Nevetheless, I have to criticize how this issue was handled. It took you 1 hour to acknowledge the problem, then another 6 hours to tell us how you are going to fix it. This may be fine for US players who missed most of this since they were at work but in the EU, this happened at primetime.


Players were unsure whether to go ahead and kill the Xeno raid boss since it counts for this week's conquest and they'd get a weekly lockout. This created a lot of confusion and had some guilds cancel or adjust their scheduled raid, purely because of the lack of information. Deciding on how to tackle this bug does not take 6 hours, it would have been nice to have gotten an update on the issue before noon Austin time (which is appr. the time when most EU raids start).


Of all the possible solutions to this, running the conquest again next week seems to be the best compromise but it is certainly nothing worth cheering for. Clearly, this type of bug can only happen with an understaffed/underbudgeted development team and continually seeing bugs like this after each patch without seeing light at the end of the tunnel is frustrating players in the long term and only strengthens the "this game will shut down" posts because there is no evidence to point to that shows otherwise.

Edited by Jerba
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  • Dev Post
So what's going on then? Are we going to be unable to invade a planet until Thursday? Will Thursday-Tuesday be the Gree event as well before you start the whole thing again on Tuesday?


Good question! What will happen is on Thursday when the Conquest ends, it will go into Time of Peace (the Conquest review period). That means that during this week, you can earn personal Conquest rewards, but you cannot earn Guild Conquest rewards (since Guild Flagships can't be committed to a planet).


Hope that clears things up, thanks!



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Good question! What will happen is on Thursday when the Conquest ends, it will go into Time of Peace (the Conquest review period). That means that during this week, you can earn personal Conquest rewards, but you cannot earn Guild Conquest rewards (since Guild Flagships can't be committed to a planet).


Hope that clears things up, thanks!



I'm not super well-versed on Conquest, so just to make sure I have this right: "this week, you can earn personal Conquest rewards" means that today and tomorrow you can try to hit the goal, but from Thusday - Monday you won't be able to get points at all (towards either guild or personal goal) because it'll be in the Time of Peace mode? Or can you still gain points towards the personal goal even during Time of Peace?

(My recollection was that there are no objectives listed during Time of Peace when it's up as normal, but I could be completely wrong about that.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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I'm not super well-versed on Conquest, so just to make sure I have this right: "this week, you can earn personal Conquest rewards" means that today and tomorrow you can try to hit the goal, but from Thusday - Monday you won't be able to get points at all (towards either guild or personal goal) because it'll be in the Time of Peace mode? Or can you still gain points towards the personal goal even during Time of Peace?

(My recollection was that there are no objectives listed during Time of Peace when it's up as normal, but I could be completely wrong about that.)


My understanding is the same as yours. The "Time of Peace" allows no conquest point accumulation. You can still strive towards the personal goal leading up to the review period, but once that period starts you are finished for the week.


Confirmation from Eric would be appreciated, but I think without that the best bet is to go under the assumption you can't earn points once conquest is "over" this week (meaning Thursday when the timer runs out).

Edited by azudelphi
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With the extension of the Gree Event by one week, will the schedule for the Cartel Market sales be changed as well? Specifically, will items normally available following the Gree Event, such as the Solus Secant and Gold Scalene armor, be available at the end of the first week, or will they be pushed back to the end of the second week/end of event?
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Hey folks,


I wanted to give you an update on the Conquest issue from this morning. What we learned is that there was an error in the timing associated with the Relics of the Gree Conquest event. During this week the Relics Conquest event will end early, based on the in-game timer, on Thursday. This was not intended and so we are going to make a few adjustments to correct this. These changes will require a maintenance, which will happen later this week.


  • We are going to extend the Gree event by another week! It will now end on Tuesday, May 26th.
  • The Relics of the Gree Conquest event will run again next week, this way Guilds will be able to run it fully!
  • Bounty Contract Week will be pushed out one week and will run from Tuesday, May 26th – Tuesday, June 2nd


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through this issue. We hope that you enjoy the extended time with the Gree event.




Heh so basically simplifying the event progression for many ppl instead of fixing the Conquest and allowing Gree event to continue to it's originally planned day or just extend it with 1x day. So no guild can't get their name to Conquerable location's list in mission journal's CQ tab as still that 2x Days left for the CQ.. :/


I hope that we still get the reward after pass the required personal amount. Strange that support couldn't do server restart / patch today couple hrs max after the bug started. Oh well simplifying progression pace is nothing new here as have been proven since around patch 1.5 - 2.0 when watering down the content started. Simplifying Gree Event / Rep progress pace for many by extending it with so long time. 1x day longer would've been enough. Shame on u.. So No actual CQ fix within few hrs after servers came back online in Eu and timing for it was again badly made and favored NA customers / supporters more :/


I imagine that this next patching that u make to fix CQ later this week also happens @ wrong time for Eu fans. Hopefully not like last time when 3.2 came and Gmt +2 Eu supporters were able to login only @ 7pm. Would love to see u doing patching for NA supporters at those times. Making Peace Time period for it for conquest and not fixing it on same day "tuesday 12.5.2015" and let Conquest go normally.. Heh :/ Shame that no dedication to fix things and then simplifying more :/


Ty for the note though and wish good rest of the week for all. :cool:


Friendly regards: Subber since launch & also supporter via purchasing 2.4 pack when feel like it.

Edited by Dragen
Added info and cried more for simplification continuation.
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Hey folks,


I wanted to give you an update on the Conquest issue from this morning. What we learned is that there was an error in the timing associated with the Relics of the Gree Conquest event. During this week the Relics Conquest event will end early, based on the in-game timer, on Thursday. This was not intended and so we are going to make a few adjustments to correct this. These changes will require a maintenance, which will happen later this week.


  • We are going to extend the Gree event by another week! It will now end on Tuesday, May 26th.
  • The Relics of the Gree Conquest event will run again next week, this way Guilds will be able to run it fully!
  • Bounty Contract Week will be pushed out one week and will run from Tuesday, May 26th – Tuesday, June 2nd


Thank you all for your patience as we worked through this issue. We hope that you enjoy the extended time with the Gree event.




Good. The fact that you extended this is great, yay. But what matters to me is that you finally demonstrated that you (BW as a whole) are in control of your schedule, rather than your schedule controlling you.


I feel that if this had happened half a year ago, you wouldn't have had the ability to adjust the Conquest lineup. It's encouraging to see improvement.

Edited by idnewton
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Pity, because I sat on Ilum for 30 min each Imp and Rep side and not one single Xeno group formed, and it was peak hours as well. That never happens, there is usually always one being formed at that time, many times.


Bad time to have an event with 12x XP going on Bioware.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Pity, because I sat on Ilum for 30 min each Imp and Rep side and not one single Xeno group formed, and it was peak hours as well. That never happens, there is usually always one being formed at that time, many times.


Bad time to have an event with 12x XP going on Bioware.


Start your own. I had some free time yesterday and was able to form 5 successful groups 16 m sm and hm - 10 total kills.

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Pity, because I sat on Ilum for 30 min each Imp and Rep side and not one single Xeno group formed, and it was peak hours as well. That never happens, there is usually always one being formed at that time, many times.


Bad time to have an event with 12x XP going on Bioware.


What server? I saw plenty forming...like a LOT of them on Harb.

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So the solution was to destroy the conquest schedule...Guilds plan around these:(

Honestly... GOOD!


They never intended to know what the next event was save for Gree or Bounty Week. The only reason anyone even knows what the next event is is because people break the TOS/ELUA...


Last week was a perfect example of WHY knowing ahead of time was a bad thing. Knowing that you could pre make 30 Invasion forces per character and pump them out and have a multimillion point lead before the event even starts. Huge guilds already had a big advantage, they really didn't need a bigger one.

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Since I'd rather lose the gree event.

What about the resources that were consumed? for placement of the guild in the rankings ...


Find that it is not done with an extra week of gree event.

This error has angered me hard :mad:

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