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So Bioware, about people bypassing the locked part on Ziost to fight the OP Boss etc.


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Hey there Bioware - could we have some official word on if bypassing the locked area on Ziost and going forward to fight the operation boss ( and whatever else can be accessed ) and getting the gear and whatever else drops early is an exploit or not?


If not cool - everyone can go and do it and get a head start ( once they find out how to do it ).


If it is though I would assume similar punishment as to the Ravagers exploit for people doing this and very harsh punishment for those that already got caught and punished for Ravagers? Such as perm bans this time perhaps?


After the lack lustre performance you gave over The Ravagers ( taking far too long to announce it was an exploit and then the punishment was pathetic since you let everyone keep the gear ) I think this time might be a good example for you all to set the record straight early ... so exploit or not?



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Permaban the players and put the corpses of their characters on display impaled Dracula style.


That should send the proper message to them.


Or, you know, Maybe put some better locks in to keep people from getting in to there in the first place, like engineered terrain bugs or textures designed specifically to crash the client if it tries to render them.

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I agree, it would be great to get an official answer on this. I don't think it is as severe of an exploit as the Ravagers loot exploit but it may still be actioned, who knows...


But in any case, please give us an answer if it is allowed or not. My raid group does not have a raid scheduled on Monday, so the only way to get the loot this week before the weekly reset would be by killing the boss before the official release. Who doesn't want to have a 204 mainhand?


Please clarify whether or not this is a punishable exploit. :)

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Permaban the players and put the corpses of their characters on display impaled Dracula style.


That should send the proper message to them.


Or, you know, Maybe put some better locks in to keep people from getting in to there in the first place, like engineered terrain bugs or textures designed specifically to crash the client if it tries to render them.


I think you miss my point. I'm hoping Bioware learned something from last time and will jump on it quickly to say if it's an exploit or not.


Logically it is as you are bypassing something in game put there to prevent you going further, they've just done a poor job of it and left back doors for people to get around it ( left over from PTS it seems, why even bother having testing if you won't fix anything from it ).


I don't care either way as long as they give us an answer one way or another. :)

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Another BS move from Biofail. I am sure this was known from the PTS as the Rav exploit was last time. They will just give award plaques to their golden child guild at the next cantina for passing it along and 3 day ban the rest of the population...oh wait, they are losing too many accts as it is.They better fix this crap immediatly and remove loot. I am bout done with this game...ridiculous. Edited by Darkwords
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So let me get this straight.


there's a "locked" area that you're not supposed to get into without having "unlocked" it.


people found a way to bypass this "lock" to get to the area and whatever is in there..without having to "unlock" it like it is intended...


...and you NEED BioWare to actually come out and say whether it is or is not an exploit?


I guess for some 1+1=potato......


lowest common denominator indeed

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(Note I have note done it) It's not like they are bypassing the lockout and having unlimited lockouts thus far less worse than Ravagers. They still have to kill the boss as well. Come Monday everyone will have the chance to get a 204 Mainhand. It will be all good. Edited by FerkWork
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If its in a blocked off area that people are not supposed to be able to get to because a designed mechanic is preventing you from accessing it, and you find a way around that mechanic, its an exploit plain and simple. It is also patently unfair to the rest of us that are waiting for the legitimate release for people to get access to that content through an exploit.


However, near as far as I can tell they still havent even acknowledged or fixed the Underlurker Exploit, so why should we expect them to take action on this one?

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It is their policy not to publicly acknowledge exploits until they are patched out, so as to minimize widespread knowledge of any exploitation until whatever it is can be fixed. So I wouldn't expect a reply on this until patch notes on a fix, if they bother to.
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I've actually thought the game needs more customization in regards to attacks and decorations.


It would be nice to have trophies of enemy players in my SH:)


I always though Operations Trohies should be a life sized model of the boss rather than a picture.

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This is really just another reason why delaying half the content was a stupid idea. Now, people that don't want to risk any severe punishments, or people that just don't know how to use the exploit, will miss out on gear while anyone not giving two ***** about what Bioware will do because they believe they won't get punished (rightly so) will be a week ahead of the rest of the population.


I won't compare this to the Ravagers exploit. It's not even the same kind of exploit. Comparing this most recent one to Ravagers would be like comparing apples to oranges. I will say that being denied access to content that other people are getting, while I'm paying the same price that they are, is pretty ******.


It's due to Bioware not blocking the place off to such an extent that it would be inaccessible to everyone, even though people were hopping the boundaries on the PTS-- though still denying access to the area through legitimate means. This is an unofficial, unannounced Early Access week, and a select few players that are breaking the rules are getting it for free.

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Well done to those people who have navigated the terrain to get to the ops boss. Bioware pulled a stupid PR stunt with this patch. People having to go to massive terrain-hopping lengths to actually play some of the content of the patch on release when it should have been released in a properly-formed state with all content available from when the servers went live shows just how stupid this is.


It's one thing to have a mechanic in the game that's a time-gate, such as WoW's grinds on the legendary ring quest, or indeed this game's own reputation weekly limits. It's entirely different to do something like this when the game is in its current state. There are many people for whom there is little to no goodwill left for Bioware. I'm one of those people and I assumed it was one of two things: either a really, really stupid bug or an incredibly dense design decision. The only, minor, saving-grace is that the time horizon for the removal of the incredibly dense design decision is less than a week.


Fire whoever in Bioware decided that this PR stunt was a good idea.

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I'm all for bringing down the swift hammer of justice on these guys. If the content is restricted by any means and you use a bug to break a hole through that restriction, you're exploiting. The problem here is there are already quite a few guilds with thee requisite achievements. Would offering a banhammer or similar reaction to this be a good idea, or would it be more beneficial to do something to the bosses until the 4th? This is a Hero Engine game.. devs should be able to make on-the-fly changes to something like this.
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Well, it's as old as "bank safe" protocols.

Someone invents something to prevent access to, others try to break it. So it goes.


While I am absolutely AGAINST accessing restricted areas and doing what is NOT supposed to be done (per design) I wonder whether any perma-bans (unless the red-handed is notorious for it) are to be implemented.

I do not defend those who use exploits, but perma bans mean: "charge the money and forbid the access". Difficult to defend in RL.


Said someone who will NOT be able to access the game till 10 May because... I will be watching ancient Emperors city for some week or so.

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BW has no right to ban anyone for their own incopetence.. Suspensions on ravagers were a complete abuse of power whereas the exploitation itself.. Well yea thats it an abuse of intelect. Some people are ****** smart and keep trying ... Others QQ and point fingers and tell others what to do . Ban this ban that
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