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Digital deluxe a !@#$ing ripoff, and yes I'm mad


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Only thing I'm disappointed in is that the speed of the mount doesn't scale with your level of speeder piloting skill. Seems like that would've been a fairly easy thing to implement, especially considering that other games with 'exclusive' mounts do this.


Other than that, I'm fine with it.

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The DDE and CE were not designed to be "pay to play" cash shops. The items weren't designed to give you an advantage (getting a speeder without paying like everyone else).


The $20 was for the fact that the items you got will not be available to others. It's a collector's bonus. Years from now, people who weren't here for launch might go, "Hey, that's an awesome speeder... where did you get it?"


Of course, that's only if BW makes the smart decision of making the DDE/CE speeder scale to whatever speeder training level you have.

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I mainly did it for the speeder, as mounts are always expensive as hell in these games. So I see these speeders are only 4k credit.....okay whatever, at least I don't have to worry about buying one.


Finally get 25 and go to use it......need piloting 1 trained. Okay, no biggy, how much can that be?


40k credits?!?!?!?


*** Bioware? I feel so ripped off right now and pretty pissed off as well. I can crap 4k credits, but 40k? So basically you sold me a bunch of worthless crap for $20.


Don't buy the digital deluxe edition, ripoff.


This wreaks of EA.


9/10. Model troll post, and I love the knowing wink to the audience with the mis-spelling of "reeks" ;)


1 point deducted for too many question marks and exclamation marks after "40k credits", over-egging the pudding there a bit - but otherwise superb.

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Only thing I'm disappointed in is that the speed of the mount doesn't scale with your level of speeder piloting skill. Seems like that would've been a fairly easy thing to implement, especially considering that other games with 'exclusive' mounts do this.


Other than that, I'm fine with it.


I would be happy if we coukd upgrade the speeder - even if it costs some in-game creds to do it.


My other minor quibble is wth the training droid - would love if it could circle ANY target and not just humanoids - I could use it to target mobs in group quests then - the desription on the site did not indicate it would be so limited.

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So what you are saying is... this game throws you a curveball because every other mmo does it the other way around and you thought this would be no different? Other games would have been 4k credits for the piloting skill and 40k for the speeder and that has you mad?
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So what you are saying is... this game throws you a curveball because every other mmo does it the other way around and you thought this would be no different? Other games would have been 4k credits for the piloting skill and 40k for the speeder and that has you mad?


The other way around? That 'other game' charges an arm and a leg for epic flying.

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You know whats amazing in this thread? The amount of people that either cant read or just don't understand what the OP is saying. Jesus Christ people, dur dur i had 2363578568658576456 credits by lvl 3 dur dur lrn2getcredits. Completely over your heads.
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Really ? You're worried about 40k credits ? I have a couple million credits and i have no idea what to blow it on!

I don't have the Digital Deluxe so i cant buy the "decent looking" 1.5 Million credit mount. I'm not wasting one million credits on a VIP bracelet that only counts for ONE stinking character. The one from Voss looks like a hobo vehicle made out of a carton box or several of them. Nobody wants to do BT normal for social point farming and hard modes don't reward it. What else is there ? Drops that are free.


Add a 3 million credit two seated mount people actually have access to, thank you.

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You know whats amazing in this thread? The amount of people that either cant read or just don't understand what the OP is saying. Jesus Christ people, dur dur i had 2363578568658576456 credits by lvl 3 dur dur lrn2getcredits. Completely over your heads.


I agree. The IQ of this community hurts my brain everytime I try to understand fanboy logic.

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Yes, it is a rip off, at least in my opinion and I am sure in many others. But that is only an opinion, and doesn't mean that EA/Bioware were wrong in what they did with the DE. There is a market out there of people who want to spend money on extra fluff, including unique ascetics. That is what this pack was created for. They didn't advertise it as something that would save you lots of credits, or any for that matter. You knew what you were getting, which was fluff.
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  • 1 month later...
I think it was a rip-off because I got it for the same reason - save money on mount. Plus VIP lounge that is not as nice as the general lounge. Advertising (I wasn't aware of) or neat social things (I don't use) notwithstanding. Of course I'm not returning the game because of it, and it doesn't bother me that much, but it does affect my opinion of Bioware that they don't mind ripping me off to make a little more money.
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40k creds by 25 is easy to get. Sorry you blew your credits


dude he has a point from the EA prgram to the 150 dollar collectors edtion , 300 dollar razer keyboard. ive never seen such an exploitation of a customer base in any video game ever.

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whine whine whine; it all our community does. I fully researched the CE before I purchased it came up with a worse case scenario and decided to purchase anyway...that is called making an informed decision....adults do it all of the time.
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not sure if the OP is being sarcastic... but in case they aren't:


does nobody remember when speeder training was more than 200k?


honestly that made the speeder worth it to me because after 200+k credits i didn't have the 8k to spend on a level 1 speeder.

Edited by Kneemo
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dude he has a point from the EA prgram to the 150 dollar collectors edtion , 300 dollar razer keyboard. ive never seen such an exploitation of a customer base in any video game ever.


EA is not forcing anyone to buy the collectors and there also not forcing anyone to buy the Razer keyboard.


So how can be it be exploiting the customers ?

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People want everything for free (from a work point of view) with no effort in this game. They're actually lowering the cost to train the low-level speeder (I can't say I mind that since if you try to craft going up to 25, you will be far from 48.5k and the speeder is such an essential component it should be easy to get some form of it) and raising that of the end-game showoff speeders, which makes sense to me.


The digital deluxe gives you access to a unique type of speeder. It never said you would be handed it for free, nor that you'd get your skills for free. That may have been the conclusion drawn but I for one think it's great as-is.


You get access to an exclusive item. You just don't get it for free. Others can't get it at all, and the STAP is probably the nicest looking speeder at lvl 25 - with the possible exception of the social speeder but let's face it, I don't think it's humanly possible to achieve Social V by lvl 25.

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Preorder/collectors editions never give anything useful. It's always just little knickknacks to show off to people that you spend more on the game than them or started playing sooner. In the rare event something is useful (such as the preorder crystal) it's only useful at low levels. Another example is the preorder sword in Pirates of the Burning Sea. What were you expecting?
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I have no sympathy for anyone who buys deluxe, collectors or any other "Special" version of any pre order game. Common sense should tell you they are a total rip off packaging stuff that it utterly worthless and then putting on a huge price tag. Learn from your mistakes and never buy one again.
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