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12x XP Returns!


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All complainers do realize that toggle off button is to simply do all planetary quests first. It doesn't even take you out of the immersion aspect. So what if you're level 17 finishing a class quest on DK.


More like 22, halfway trough DK when you stop getting XP, then facerolling Balmorra/Taris and so on until you finish the class story with level 54. Some of us like a challenge and face that level 49 boss at level 49/50.


Why should we change our playing style, just so that some of you can skip most of the game? When those of us who actually like leveling new chars aren't worth the effort it takes to make the 12x XP optional, then certainly BW isn't interested in our money either.

Edited by Mubrak
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Yay! I am very happy to see 12x XP returning. ^^


I do find it a bit odd that it is simply being given to all subscribers, though. I was hoping for something that was gated through Legacy, and was perhaps per character, but that was not time limited. I may be biased though, I am moving sometime in May/June and don't want to miss it! >.<


Well, at least the travel improvements and increased story mission coms will make it a smoother process for both newbies and longtime players. Still seems like an odd choice though. I suppose I shall reserve further judgement for after we see the details of how it is implemented. :)

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Yay! I am very happy to see 12x XP returning. ^^


I do find it a bit odd that it is simply being given to all subscribers, though. I was hoping for something that was gated through Legacy, and was perhaps per character, but that was not time limited. I may be biased though, I am moving sometime in May/June and don't want to miss it! >.<


Well, at least the travel improvements and increased story mission coms will make it a smoother process for both newbies and longtime players. Still seems like an odd choice though. I suppose I shall reserve further judgement for after we see the details of how it is implemented. :)

/agreed - overall I think this is a good thing, it's responsive to player feedback and it is providing a 'Subscriber Appreciation' benefit, both of which are good for this game to be doing.


That being said, I can't help but think it would have been better if there was some Legacy Level gate, even if it was just set to be so low that it's just at the Legacy Level you would naturally hit by getting one (maybe two?) characters to level 50. As others have mentioned, I just wonder if this might end up doing a disservice to brand new players. If nothing else, I could see many not realizing they can opt out and so they outlevel a planet and think they need to move on without ever seeing most of the quests it has to offer.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I'm happy to see this. Especially since it looks like it will be optional. Level fast, level slow. Do what you like.


Now, I just wish they had the Dynamic Level Adjustment that Guild Wars 2 has, so that content stays somewhat relevant, even when you're overleveled. :D


But good times a-coming!

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As a new player this is actually quite disappointing. I have no desire to blow through content at such an accelerated rate. In a group I already find I'm leveling too fast at 2x.



What does it matter if you're levelling "too fast"? The point being, if the issue is you think you should be skipping the content that is there, don't. It's just you'll have easier missions for a little while until you hit the next planet. You don't gain massive experience increases for running the content that you are over-levelled for, so there really is no reason to skip the planet arcs, what is it, 48 exp or something while over-levelled on 12x experience?


Don't think that's going to hurt you somehow. :rolleyes:

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I'm happy to see this. Especially since it looks like it will be optional. Level fast, level slow. Do what you like.


Now, I just wish they had the Dynamic Level Adjustment that Guild Wars 2 has, so that content stays somewhat relevant, even when you're overleveled. :D


But good times a-coming!


that brings to mind the phases within the macrobinocular missions that scale to group size. they could do the phases like that so if you're 10 levels above a planet but enter a phase, then that phase will scale to your level and be more appropriate for those that might not like the 12xp.

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More like 22, halfway trough DK when you stop getting XP, then facerolling Balmorra/Taris and so on until you finish the class story with level 54. Some of us like a challenge and face that level 49 boss at level 49/50.


Why should we change our playing style, just so that some of you can skip most of the game? When those of us who actually like leveling new chars aren't worth the effort it takes to make the 12x XP optional, then certainly BW isn't interested in our money either.


If you want a challenge go play an Op. The main story content isn't challenging unless it's BROKEN like the Belsavis Jedi Knight boss fight.

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Why should we change our playing style, just so that some of you can skip most of the game? When those of us who actually like leveling new chars aren't worth the effort it takes to make the 12x XP optional, then certainly BW isn't interested in our money either.


This! Oh so many times this!

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If you want a challenge go play an Op. The main story content isn't challenging unless it's BROKEN like the Belsavis Jedi Knight boss fight.


A challenge? They can give Bloodhunt HM a go :)

Edited by FerkWork
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There were plans for that, and they even got to add such consumable to the game's files. Ultimately, not to mention unfortunately, they ended up removing it.


Darth I think if BioWare does that they will basically kill the game 10-30 WZ's nothing but 29's twinked out. Level cap pvp will die (due to the imbalances at present why play a class that under performs at level cap when it can be a king at 29) and 29's will flood the servers

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Good Lord! There is NOTHING, repeat NOTHING preventing you from doing every single side quest on every single planet, every single datacron search, every single exploration, flashpoint, ops group, ad infinitum, if that's what you want to do. And if you STILL like doing them after half a dozen times invading King Ulgo's water chamber, then by God you can do it AGAIN with yet another character and even another faction because Old Man Ulgo is there for both of them. And he always gives you the same XP unless you've boosted it yourself, and no, a double XP week or weekend is not around long enough to even worry about it.


The ONLY thing subjected to 12XP is the Class Story, and if that's ALL YOU DO, then you will wind up under-leveled because it is not enough to carry you through.


And if you are going to quit over this, then GOOD RIDDANCE! We have enough elitists in this game anyway, so go play Scarlet Blade or something. No one cares. Take your whining and just leave.

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this is uncalled for unasked for and at this point i'm done.


Have you been living under a rock? There has been asked for in dozens of topics and one has been going on for months.


I thought you were done about months agos. Color me doubtful.

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And the paradox lives and thrives... :rolleyes:


People complain that expansions or updates are too short, light on story, etc etc, but when confronted with the kind of stuff they presumably would want, namely a longer or more engaging kind of story, they're only too happy to altogether bypass it.


In other words, they want story, but they also wanna be eligible to skip it at every turn, notwithstanding the cost for that story to be produced, in addition to whatever expectation Bioware may -- or may NOT -- have, in regards to people investing enough time, sinking their teeth into it.


Nothing short of amazing really.


I sincerely hope the opting out is truly there, because otherwise, I'm out.


Those of us that want 12xp do not wish to skip our class stories, but rather experience them without the side quest and KDY grind.

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You claim that level doesn't matter, that 12XP annoys me, and that one easily outlevels content, amongst other things.


I claimed earlier that level does matter, seeing that getting overleveled is counterproductive in regards to my goals, that 12XP doesn't annoy me, but rather the current XP gains annoy those who long for 12XP, and that from my experience, I was ALWAYS able to finish content without outleveling it.


How that spells that you "agree with my ideals" is frankly beyond me.




I do not require your encouragement, nor did I get mad. I disagreed, which is a different concept altogether.




One can avoid it, if he wishes to do so, which I have over and over again.




Nop. You tried to impose your play style and view of the game, which is substantially different.




Will say it again: I do not need your encouragement, nor do I need your erroneous advice.


I'm so confused here. Because your entire argument centers on doing content.


how does level factor into content outside of allowing you to do more with less difficulty?


You are literally trolling right now looking for a controversy to uncover.

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What's broken about the jedi knight fight? I never noticed anything.


I don't know if it's been fixed since last time I played it, but your allied NPCs sometimes won't aggro correctly so you end up fighting a Platinum plus several trash mobs and 2-4 Silvers.


I've witnessed a couple Knights (Guardians, even) get their face melted instantly by it.

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Those of us that want 12xp do not wish to skip our class stories, but rather experience them without the side quest and KDY grind.


I can say this is definitely the case for me. When I played through each side first I played every side quest practically compulsively because I wanted to see the story (as well as get the xp/rewards). Only ones I didn't do were heroics because I'm not much of a group person, but I did try my hand at them when I could. Grouped up a few times, had my friend help me with some, etc. I just know for a fact I didn't do all of them. But beyond that I did every side quest I saw.


Now that I've done that, I love the idea of having the option to skip them so I can experience class quests that I haven't done yet. Maybe not all of them, but the ones I didn't like or found tedious sure. It lets me experience the story I haven't experienced already without having to do all the repeated stuff in between if I don't want to.


I understand where other people are coming from though so I really do hope it's an opt-in kinda thing. That way if you want it, it's there. If you don't want it, you don't have to use it. Gives everybody the option instead of making one side or the other unhappy.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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I don't know if it's been fixed since last time I played it, but your allied NPCs sometimes won't aggro correctly so you end up fighting a Platinum plus several trash mobs and 2-4 Silvers.


I've witnessed a couple Knights (Guardians, even) get their face melted instantly by it.


The solution being to ignore the fight altogether and go disarm the bombs. Then return to help mop up whats left. I was given that advice (Well, someone else was) not long before the fight, and had no problems.

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