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EA praises SWTOR - shuts down four other F2P PC games


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lol where are all these enthusiastic new players going exactly? Sure as hell isn't my server.


Yeah well most of us up in endgame never see the new players anyway, and when we do we avoid them because they are bad and lose warzones.

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lol where are all these enthusiastic new players going exactly?


No, the Prophecy of the Five is the dead server. You can't do crap there anymore (unless you don't care about raids & solo everything, in that case they need to move all the "solo" players there! lol Make that the solo server.).

Sad I have so many toons that, unless they do another server merge, will just stay there because I and the husband can't afford server transfers for them all. lol

Most people are transferring or just leveling toons on the Harbinger. Their starting planets have 2 instances with one instance at least having 100+ on it. 2 fleets on pub side at that.

Ops runs, 16m GF at that are getting pugged different times throughout the day/night.

It's what Pot5 used to be.

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No, the Prophecy of the Five is the dead server. You can't do crap there anymore (unless you don't care about raids & solo everything, in that case they need to move all the "solo" players there! lol Make that the solo server.).

Sad I have so many toons that, unless they do another server merge, will just stay there because I and the husband can't afford server transfers for them all. lol

Most people are transferring or just leveling toons on the Harbinger. Their starting planets have 2 instances with one instance at least having 100+ on it. 2 fleets on pub side at that.

Ops runs, 16m GF at that are getting pugged different times throughout the day/night.

It's what Pot5 used to be.


I agree, I have 8 lvl 60 on PoT5, It takes 20 minutes for a tactical to pop, no one does old OPs and 60 FPs take forever on tank or healer without talking about DPs.


I have characters in 3 other servers to do GSF since it can take hours for queue to pop in PoT5, they need to merge servers or implement cross server queueing because PoT5 is mostly dead...

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All the PvP servers had a 'light' population all day yesterday, including ToFN. Almost 2 years ago, we were all preparing for server transfers the new mergers and 8v8 ranked - then Bioware removed it.


Notice just how mute the Devs are again? It echoes Summer 2012 when the game was left to rot before they announced F2P in October. This game can't wait until October for something drastic to change the decline. If Bioware are just hanging out until December for Episode 7, no one likes to pay or play on dead servers.....FYI

Edited by GrimRita
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I am confused. There is an official EA statement that the game is doing well and will continue to do so.


Then someone posted this YouTube video from that unknown guy who claims that this game is dying and that it is time to leave.


And to top that, Rita the Grim repeatedly delivers the claim that "hundreds" of players are leaving, the game is rotting and that soon it will be all over.


I really don't know what to believe now.

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I am confused. There is an official EA statement that the game is doing well and will continue to do so.


Then someone posted this YouTube video from that unknown guy who claims that this game is dying and that it is time to leave.


And to top that, Rita the Grim repeatedly delivers the claim that "hundreds" of players are leaving, the game is rotting and that soon it will be all over.


I really don't know what to believe now.


EA will never tell you the numbers now because its way below what it used to be, even 12 months ago. If EA said 'SWTOR is in a brilliant place right now. We have over 1.4 million people PLAYING the game as of January'.


They won't, because they don't. Other can say what they want but the proof is from what I am seeing in game. Check the server populations too, thats a good indicator. Hopefully, with 2xXP servers SHOULD be busier.


And the only way for you to decide, is to see for yourself. There's been many posts these past couple weeks from many players all saying the same thing.


Just look around this website. The lack of updates, the lack of actual engagement from Bioware, its all on a decline.

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I am confused. There is an official EA statement that the game is doing well and will continue to do so.


Then someone posted this YouTube video from that unknown guy who claims that this game is dying and that it is time to leave.


And to top that, Rita the Grim repeatedly delivers the claim that "hundreds" of players are leaving, the game is rotting and that soon it will be all over.


I really don't know what to believe now.


since the first patch to the first mmo people who disliked something have been crying doom. some games actually failed, some didn't. only ask yourself if you are having fun or not. if you do, keep playing the game, if you don't do something else.


i watched that video you mentioned, that is one unhappy player ... he should definately quit the game if it makes him produce such an unpleasant video. lol. 20minutes of moping and whining. what a waste of time and energy.

Edited by mighty_joe
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The reminder will probably have no effect whatsoever on BioWare Austin truth be told.


The ONLY thing that probably had an effect was the cancellation of Shadow Realms, which, ultimately, was a wake up call of what awaits the developer, provided TOR starts to lapse, further down the road.


As always, one picture is worth a thousand words.


Well they are a business so if it stops being profitable they will shut it down sure. However at least as of their January earnings call the CFO, not some marketing dude, was saying how SWTOR contributed to a 47% increase in "extra content and freemium" revenue.


Add that to the fact they clearly have plans, based on the CFO's statement, on capitalizing on the new movie launch, things look good through the medium term, but over the long term only the maker knows.

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Well they are a business so if it stops being profitable they will shut it down sure. However at least as of their January earnings call the CFO, not some marketing dude, was saying how SWTOR contributed to a 47% increase in "extra content and freemium" revenue.


Add that to the fact they clearly have plans, based on the CFO's statement, on capitalizing on the new movie launch, things look good through the medium term, but over the long term only the maker knows.


This^^ so long as the game continues to turn a decent profit they won't shutter it. However they need to keep improving the game in order to keep the money flowing in.

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And the only way for you to decide, is to see for yourself. There's been many posts these past couple weeks from many players all saying the same thing.

Yeah, but there have been many posts saying the same thing for several years - people have been predicting the end of this game and decrying its current state since its launch. Why exactly should the ones doing it today be given any more weight than the ones who were doing it 18 months ago?


Just look around this website. The lack of updates, the lack of actual engagement from Bioware, its all on a decline.

Again, it's been that way for years - the website just isn't used as a frequent outlet for communications, which is business as usual around here, how is that any sort of barometer for whether the game is currently 'on a decline'? It's like saying "I haven't seen a TV commercial for League of Legends in ages! Riot must have given up on that game!"


You might think that BW should use their website more, that's a valid opinion to hold, but the fact that they're doing things the same way they've always been doing things (or, really, not doing things the same way they've always been not doing things, I suppose) is hardly an indicator of a decline.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Yeah, but there have been many posts saying the same thing for several years - people have been predicting the end of this game and decrying its current state since its launch. Why exactly should the ones doing it today be given any more weight than the ones who were doing it 18 months ago?



Again, it's been that way for years - the website just isn't used as a frequent outlet for communications, which is business as usual around here, how is that any sort of barometer for whether the game is currently 'on a decline'? It's like saying "I haven't seen a TV commercial for League of Legends in ages! Riot must have given up on that game!"


You might think that BW should use their website more, that's a valid opinion to hold, but the fact that they're doing things the same way they've always been doing things (or, really, not doing things the same way they've always been not doing things, I suppose) is hardly an indicator of a decline.


The lack of the use of the web site is becoming more and more common with games also using social media for communication. The only reason I have a twitter account is to get the feeds from the MMOs I play(ed).

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I agree that EA's presentation of their position on games is not reliable. For ex, just two weeks before Shadow Realm was axed there was a noted community rep who we might all know of posting on their forums that the game wouldn't be canceled.


I'm starting to lose hope for this game under this company.


Exactly. One needs to take anything said by a big game publisher with a grain of salt. Heck, look at Wizardry Online and Vanguard. Both games put out road maps and other positive future changes and were looking to continue going as full steam as they ever were, then were given the axe a couple of weeks later by SOE.

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. The top EA suits see the numbers but they have no idea about the state of the game.


To them; the numbers are the state of the game. Nothing more, and nothing less. It's neither a good or bad statement... its the reality.


Take the terms used to describe the games that will be closing... "less popular" easily translated into made less money (or operated at a loss). I'm sure that there are players in each of those games that are devoted fans of it, and will miss them. Heck, look at SWG (put down the shovels, I was not a fan). To this day we see people missing the game... but in the end... no money = no game.

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Yeah, but there have been many posts saying the same thing for several years - people have been predicting the end of this game and decrying its current state since its launch. Why exactly should the ones doing it today be given any more weight than the ones who were doing it 18 months ago?



Log on and see for yourself. 150 people on Republic Fleet on TRE @530pm BST. No 2nd instance, just the one.


Sure, you will probably argue its strongholds taking people away - there were 40 people in them, as I checked there too.


Evidence is all around, you just need to be bothered to find it.

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Yeah, but there have been many posts saying the same thing for several years - people have been predicting the end of this game and decrying its current state since its launch. Why exactly should the ones doing it today be given any more weight than the ones who were doing it 18 months ago?



Again, it's been that way for years - the website just isn't used as a frequent outlet for communications, which is business as usual around here, how is that any sort of barometer for whether the game is currently 'on a decline'? It's like saying "I haven't seen a TV commercial for League of Legends in ages! Riot must have given up on that game!"


You might think that BW should use their website more, that's a valid opinion to hold, but the fact that they're doing things the same way they've always been doing things (or, really, not doing things the same way they've always been not doing things, I suppose) is hardly an indicator of a decline.


Most games I play today, the majority of the information comes from Fan Sites rather than the official site. Dulfy for example. The fact is very few people (as a percentage of overall player population) spend much time in the forums or on the site... New players learn mainly through assistance from other players... Plus how many actually RTFM anymore?


Nah, we dive in... and learn on the go.... once they have decided to take it to the next level... they wander in here.

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The fact is very few people (as a percentage of overall player population) spend much time in the forums or on the site...


Fact? Where did you get that "fact"? That sounds like ancient info to me, not at all representative of current times.


I know one "fact" - before SWG shut down, 65% of their players were active on the forums...that was 3+ years ago.

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Log on and see for yourself. 150 people on Republic Fleet on TRE @530pm BST. No 2nd instance, just the one.


Sure, you will probably argue its strongholds taking people away - there were 40 people in them, as I checked there too.


Evidence is all around, you just need to be bothered to find it.


Anecdotal evidence... perhaps... ultimately, only EA/BW see the true numbers.

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Fact? Where did you get that "fact"? That sounds like ancient info to me, not at all representative of current times.


I know one "fact" - before SWG shut down, 65% of their players were active on the forums...that was 3+ years ago.


Fair point, I have no conclusive evidence to either side of the argument. Anecdotal evidence I suppose.


I'll rephrase; of the people I interact with in-game; very few of them frequent the official game forums. As we generally have guild discussions over upcoming changes... It is obvious that the majority (of at least the small sample size I have to pull from) do not frequent the forum, or game site.


Now, if you have any evidence to the contrary... now would be a good time.


As far are SWG forums... at the end... sure, I could see that... by that point (IMO) all that were left were the die hard fans that were fighting for their game to survive. But I'd be interested in seeing the percentage overtime.

Edited by Drockter
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I agree that EA's presentation of their position on games is not reliable. For ex, just two weeks before Shadow Realm was axed there was a noted community rep who we might all know of posting on their forums that the game wouldn't be canceled.


I'm starting to lose hope for this game under this company.


First the people at BW Austin were completely surprised by EA's move. Bad timing happens all the time. That said


Second if you use official game forums and fan sites to get insight or information on future business decisions you are doing it wrong. What you do is stop reading their marketing (which is really all an official forum is) and fan sites and read their quarterly earnings calls and rags that cover the business side. If ya did you would know things were not looking good for shadow realms. First EA has never been big on the whole openness thing that is the fad atm. They operate behind a rather big wall of silence.


The game had been in development for a bit before we got a hint of it but the EA that initially funded that development, is not the EA of today. While all companies change with the times EA went through a BIG change in appointing Wilson as CEO in 2013. Since then they have shortened PR cycles, had no problem delaying new big projects and completely shut down several f2p projects in order to double down on their support of existing AAA titles. Whether right or wrong, under Wilson, EA simply seems to have little interest in what they see as experiments, which includes f2p, social and MOBA type games for the PC...Shadow Realms was in many ways an experiment of its own type.


Add to this the fact that the people who had an opportunity to play the game said "meh" to how it actually played and it was pretty much a done deal. I know a couple of people who had the opportunity to "fiddle" with the game at invite events. They said it felt like BW had spent a lot of time working on the core concept of the game but not a lot of time on making it playable. BW, given enough time, possibly could have made it work but EA under Wilson is not a company that is going to fund what amounts to an experiment when they could spend the same money investing their existing core AAA title. If the reception at these events had not been tepid maybe it would have been different /shrug.

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