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Yes/No : Would you still play this game if it wasn't branded Star Wars?


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Why wouldn't you? Hit the only reason why you play a game is for the lore and not the actual game play, then you have a problem. Even if this wasn't "starwars" but was a space aged MMO with people who can do some sort of magic through what ever means and had 2 factions fighting then yeah I'd still play it. I love Star Wars but if they changed everything so it wasn't starwars Id still play it

Why do you say that? 90% of the games I play, I play purely for the story or 'lore'; if a game also has good gameplay that's just a cherry on top. If you prefer gameplay to story that's fine, we have different tastes, but I don't think you 'have a problem' for holding that preference.


I'm in the 'yes I'd play if it wasn't SW' camp too, but that is because I assume it would still be doing its 'story as the fourth pillar' thing and have strong BW narratives / worldbuilding in place.

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The fact that it is a Star Wars game is the primary (if not sole) reason I play this game.


I tried Everquest when it came out for about half a year or so, but it wasn't my type of gam (although I do like fantasy rpgs). Also tried Ultima Online when that came out - it dn't get me, too. Also tried Anarchy Online for a few weeks on a freinds account, but didn't like that, too. WoW I didn't even try out - I took a short look at it on a friends pc, and that's all.


So far, most MMORPGs, from my point view, just lacked in several parts. Either the setting was lame, or there was no real story, or the mechanics sucked, or multiple of it all. Interaction with other players... well, in most cases, even on the designated "RP" servers everything you got was stuff like "tank looking for group" and similar things. So, the "advantage" of interaction with other players was in most cases reduced to group finding, trading and PvP - the last one being something I dislike at a degree that I cannot explain due to lack of fitting words.


I did enjoy co-op games like Diablo I + II, played them quite a lot, alone or in groups in LAN and/or Battlenet. But only as coop, and most of the time with people I knwo personaly.


When I saw SWTOR on a freinds PC, I asked him if I may try it, made a toon and played a part of the jedi-knight starter planet. I liked the look, I liked the story...


So far, SWTOR is the first MMORPG that has something appealing to me: it has a story, it has an interesting Setting (the SW Universe), and the gameplay is.. well, good enough to get along with it. It has drawbacks, but the stories, the setting, the fully voiced conversation make up some lacking deepth in the gaming system. Of course, it has the same drawbacks (from my point of view) as most other MMORPG: PvP (wich is, luckily, purely optional), a lot of other players you don't get along with (luckily, they can be ignored) and some other problems, but it's OK.


If the Star Wars Element wouldn't be there, I doubt I would have stayed. I doubt I even would have tried it. The STorylines and full voiced dialogues might have been something drawing me in, too, but it being SW was the reason I actually game MMORPG another try.

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This shows a basic misunderstanding of how science and technology works. We look at the periods of our recorded history, especially the last 100-200 years and say "look at how fast it goes." The problem is the difference between ages is stark. Look at the Iron age in Europe. That started in around 1200 BC. There was only incremental change really over the course of over 2000 years.

I didn't say anything about just the last 100-200 years. I was making a specific comparison between delta-tech over 3500 years here on Earth (a huge amount, from copper weapons and the like to space probes landing on comets) versus delta-tech over the same period in the SW universe (not much that's apparent).


What happens is this. Until you make that new scientific discovery you simply improve marginally on what came before (if at all) and a collapse can actually make you lose knowledge at take steps back (hello dark ages.)

OK, but go back to what I said: "That's one hell of a Dark Age (or several hells of Dark Ages, I'm not sure) to arrest technological development." I acknowledge that dark ages can and usually do experience a loss of technology compared to the time before. And you need to strike out that word "scientific". The discovery merely needs to be a discovery, like discovering/inventing a way to make something called "movable type", and the electrifying effect that had on the distribution of information. (Note: Gutenberg did not invent printing presses. He invented *movable*type* as an alternative to everything being printed from engraved plates.)

Also you miss the lore in the Star Wars Universe. 25000 years ago they did not have hyperdrives. They did not have light sabers. The first light sabers required bulky body worn power packs. When they came up with hyperdrives near suicidal explorers went hunting for hyperspace routes. Hell many of the "hyperdrives" were not even discovered by the races... they figured out how to work around Rakata technology.

OK, cool, but that doesn't really tie in with me talking about a 3500-year span... ;)


In the end though I think the main issue is not that as a society they have hit a technological wall and so make incremental improvements....(Dreadnoughts requiring a crew of 16000 being replaced by ships twice the size that can be operated by a crew over half that size. Faster hyperdrives etc.


What surprises me about the timeline isn't the tech bit. Its that the Republic lasted as long as they have. See the first line if my Sig. That is they way of everything in history.

Well, yes, I wondered about that part, as well. (Although I'm sure I saw somewhere that the Republic has fallen and risen several times along the way.)


And blaming it on an insurmountable technological wall is a bit of a cop-out, really, a sort of deus ex machina imposing an arbitrary rule that prevents them from progressing further.

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Why do you say that? 90% of the games I play, I play purely for the story or 'lore'; if a game also has good gameplay that's just a cherry on top. If you prefer gameplay to story that's fine, we have different tastes, but I don't think you 'have a problem' for holding that preference.


I'm in the 'yes I'd play if it wasn't SW' camp too, but that is because I assume it would still be doing its 'story as the fourth pillar' thing and have strong BW narratives / worldbuilding in place.


What I'm saying is that it doesn't need to be Star Wars, you can dub it from Star Wars to another very similar sci-fi fantasy universe and it would be the same, obviously something like force powers would need a new justification but you can keep almost everything the same. I guess what I should have said is that if you play a game for only a specific lore then it's just weird to me

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The next new planet very well might be the end of SW:TOR for me if its another 8 hour (or less) and done planet with no challenge (like Rishii /Yavin was)


I agree that 8 hours of new content is weak for an expansion. But, every planet, with the exception of Quesh, is on average 4 hours. I can't really think of any two (in order) planet combinations where you don't gain at least 5 levels.


The alternative would have been for them to reduce XP payouts for quests on Rishi/Yavin while either adding more quests to those planets or other small planets.


I think they got it completely backwards with the quest-to-planet ration for Rishi and Yavin. I mean Rishi is a foot-note whereas Yavin IV is steeped in Star Wars lore. Rishi gets like 30 quests and Yavin gets 9.

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I don't know if I would say that. I would say pre-CU/NGE SWG would fail HARD in today's market. That kind of game is a thing of the past.


The Repopulation is in development and looks pretty good. I've played it a few times. Very similar to SWG. Sandboxes are a niche game to be sure, but let's face it the MMO community is growing weary of WoW clones.

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Sadly they are only half right. If those CU/NGE changes had been in game from launch the game would have been more popular. These changes were implemented because the patient was already sick due to SOE and LucasArts' unrealistic belief that simply slapping Star Wars on it would make it a WoW buster. Rather than accept it would be a " modest" they did what they should have done from the beginning.


I played from day-2 until they turned off the lights. I've been saying the above for years. If SWG launched in the format that it finished with it would have been more popular. It was a very fun game for about the last 2 years. Sure, there were times that I missed my pre-CU and CU builds but overall starting in early 2008 the NGE wasn't as horrible as it was in November 2005.


When the NGE hit, all I did was play JTL for a couple years. But once I decided to relearn the ground game I really enjoyed it.

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I played from day-2 until they turned off the lights. I've been saying the above for years. If SWG launched in the format that it finished with it would have been more popular. It was a very fun game for about the last 2 years. Sure, there were times that I missed my pre-CU and CU builds but overall starting in early 2008 the NGE wasn't as horrible as it was in November 2005.


When the NGE hit, all I did was play JTL for a couple years. But once I decided to relearn the ground game I really enjoyed it.

Agreed the End game Was by Far a Much better game. Pre-CU was terrible. The Fencer TKA Pistoleers Gods hated the change.

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To clarify my original statement: It's not the Star Wars brand that keeps me playing this game. It's the Star Wars brand that got me to give the game a chance to begin with. Without that, I likely never would have even given the game a chance.
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Honestly, probably not. Before I played this game, I was never really into MMOs at all. The Star Wars brand, specifically the Old Republic were the major drawing points for me.


It's the Star Wars brand that got me to give the game a chance to begin with. Without that, I likely never would have even given the game a chance.



^ Pretty much this right here for me.

Edited by dacentabaal
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I gotta be honest on this 1: Nope.


I have played a lot of MMO's and Final Fantasy 11 was my favorite. The story lines there were amazing and the game was not a WoW clone like many others. The graphics were decent and the community very strong. This game suffers from lack of content and how easy it is to gain things. There are no real challenges for that 1 item that is super rare.


I'll give you an example of what I mean. In FFXI (Final Fantasy 11), you could build a relic weapon. It took me 7 years to finish my Aegis (shield). Looking at it now, yes it was a huge grind, but it never felt like it because building it was a team effort and everyone working on a relic benefited from teaming up. You had to do something called Dynamis, which at the time, had a time limit to enter and be in it. Was there a reason to have the Aegis, hell yeah! It was an amazing shield that had unique stats and having it set you apart from other Paladins.. a real sense of pride!


In SWTOR there really isn't that aspect of the game. If a really cool looking piece of armor is available in the GTN, like Tulak Hord's head piece, then you can just buy it or get it from cartel crates. Its nice, but not rewarding... not to mention that once you have enough ultimate comms, you can have it mod'd and then meh! you're pretty much done.


I often find myself logging in to simply wonder around until I decide to do something. Dailies get old fast and que'ing is only cool but so many times. If you are sub, you can 500'd your carfts in no time.. no challenge there.. bottom line is, I feel as this is one of those MMO's that were meant to be an offline rpg and someone said "hey.. let's make it into an MMO!" I feel as if that is why they went F2P..

Edited by Venjegol
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Not on your nelly. The SW IP is the only thing that just barely manages to act as a counterweight to all the bad stuff, from the horrible engine to the devs' pathetic balancing attempts, which I honestly believe are some twisted social experiment.
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I don't think so.


I mean, if everythink looked like Star Wars, but had a different name, like, for example ... "Shadows Of The Empire", then I'd probably ystill play it ...


But if it didn't look like Strar Wars AND didn't have that brand name - no.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I'm playing it despite it being branded SW. So yes, I would. :)


What the...! What do you have against Star Wars?! How can you possibly NOT be a Star Wars fan??? Bitter Trekkie upset over JJ's remake? I just don't get it...ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN!??? <-- legit question, cuz nobody doesn't like Star Wars...

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