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Least and most favorite planet?


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So...what planet do you enjoy traveling and questing on? Which planet do you loathe?


For me, enjoy....well, I'd have to say Corellia. Mainly because it's the (future) birthplace of my favorite SW character.


Least....well, that's a tie between Balborerra (Pub side, it's horribly LONG) and Voss.

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Favorite world is a three-way toss up between Voss, Rishi and Makeb (I'd throw Oricon in the mix as well but I'm sticking to full leveling worlds)


Least favorite is probably Quesh in terms of design (I don't mind that it is smaller / quicker than a lot of the other worlds, but it has always felt unfinished) and Corellia from a technical point of view (my camera likes to glitch out frequently when I'm there).

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Least favorite: Alderaan. Snotty nobles, and travel times between quest areas so long you feel like you need hyperdrive to get there.


Most favorite: Taris. I like the post-apocalyptic vibe and the overgrown ruins. And every time I start Taris I think "ooh I get to kill Thana Vesh again."

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Snore Mantell - Least

Got these babies from Snore Mantell, do you like? :p


My least favorite is a tie between Hutta and Quesh. Because they look like a septic leak.


Favorite: Orcion. Because Dreadmasters. Because Space Mordor

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Tatooine is the trigger point for me switching from planets to KDY to level, so probably Tatooine/Alderaan as least favourite. Hoth too, that place gives me headaches unless I turn down the brightness.


Favourite would probably be Belsavis. I know it gets a lot of hate, but I find the story on there to be more interesting than the rest.


Overall though, I'm bored of the planets. I'd be delighted if we could go back to pre-order levelling for people with a load of 55/60s so that I can level new characters and only worry about class story, not the same planetary quest for the 13th time.

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For me this is kind of a toss-up.


1. Makeb - I love the way the travel system is handled - it NEVER feels agonizing to travel between the areas, and the areas are large enough to be interesting, but small enough not to be horribly tedious to trudge around. I like that there's a ton of areas too...it just feels like a nicely fleshed out map in both the sum as well as the parts.


2. Corellia - If you have a solid graphics card and decent rig, that planet really looks cool. It's pretty damn big for one thing...and while travelling around it can be a pain with all the little tunnel/through-way things, it's got so much going on that I can get lost exploring there. I love the look of the shipyards especially...running around under massive Corellian cruisers is just awesome.


Honorable mentions to Rishi & Yavin. If they had treated Rishi and Yavin like they did Makeb, rather than giving us two *pretty* planets, that both feel..."off". Rishi feels like one half is totally fleshed out, and the other half feels a bit tacked on. Yavin is just plain linear and blah for how it looks. It could have been so much cooler if it had a more Makeb kinda layout.


I also like Taris...not so much for the questline (although I will 2nd enjoying the many deaths of Thana Vesh) but because of the atmosphere. I love the creaks and groan of old busted durasteel. I kind of wish it were a later game planet with better quests though.




1. Hoth - I don't want to dislike Hoth. I think if it didn't give me migraines I'd actually like Hoth. But yea...getting headaches if you don't turn the brightness down a bunch is just sort of obnoxious.


2. Belsavis/Voss - I don't like these two planets, or that they're back to back. there are *parts* of each planet that are cool looking for sure. But there are parts of EVERY planet that look cool, so that's not really saying much. My reasons for disliking both planets is more due to their placement in the game....by that point of leveling, especially if you have a whole mess of toons (16 for me), you're just starting to feel like "let's get on with it already!". (That's also probably why I enjoy planets like Makeb and Corellia consequently - they feel like places that you worked to get to, and they feel like a bit of a reward after the preceding drudgery. ) I'm just not much of a fan of the questlines in Belsavis. The agent's story was ok, but the other ones I barely even remember, that's how engaging they were for me, lol. For Voss...it's the Voss themselves I don't like. It's just such a boring planet with boring aliens that just look like Wavy Gravy painted them when he was on a particularly mellow trip. :D

Edited by Bachannal
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Least favorite: Coruscant - this should have been a gorgeous planet to quest in, and you're even treated to a spectacular sight as you emerge from the taxi area and see the Senate building. ...then you spend 99% of your time questing indoors. The heck?


Most favorite: Tython - Pretty planet, and the starters are all a lot tighter since everyone knows to treat you like a padawan.

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Fav- a tie between Nar Shadaa, Alderaan, & Belsavis. Nar Shadaa is where I'd live irl if I could....the entire planet is "hood" lol. The other two both have the planetary quest lines I enjoy most. Where I may or may not finish the planetary story on other worlds, I always finish those two.


Least fav- Hoth...to much empty space, and I still haven't gotten a tauntaun :mad:, and Makeb because of the weak *** one story for each side, fade in/out travel, and the fact that quest givers stopped speaking basic. They either became aliens who only speak gibberish, or De-evolved into quest boxes. That's why I stop playing 99% of my characters after finishing Chapt 3.

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Least Favorite = Hutta (but the mind knumbing simplisity of Yavin and Rishii run a close 2nd to Hutta)

Most Favorite = Dromman Kass


Most disappointing (not to be confused with least favorite) = Taris


I imagined Taris to me a full planet along the lines of the Perkata Mesa on Makeb. Instead we got a flat planet for most part. We see all the wreckage but cant explore any of it. And they even talk about the underground sewers still being active (in Republic storyline anyways they do) and yet we can explore them either. Taris should have been so much more then it was.

Edited by Kalfear
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Not my favorite, but it's the comment by my favorite companion, upon arriving to the planet, that made me love it for some reason: ;)

Beauty and wealth. A prime target for the Hutts.


Perfect. Succinct.


They got wrong plenty of stuff, but the visuals for Makeb, plus that soundtrack, are utterly memorable.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Favorite Balmorra


crazy yes but i love the enemy types the whole starship troopers feel to it


Dislike Alderaan


simple the taxi system on this planet is complete garbage it seems to be the slowest out of any planet to go anywhere and if you look at the paths they take you would think the person who designed it was huffing paint or something


datacrons it's a pain in the *** they stick one all the way up north making the longest one to travel for republic i would think

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Favorite: I know I'll get a lot of flak for this, but Corellia. It really feels big and sprawling, like a planet.


Least favorite: Quesh. I've been in bigger bowling alleys. The whole place just feels perfunctory and unfinished.


On the whole, I think SWTOR zone design is pretty good, considering the scope, but I feel like making fewer planets with more zones starting out would have served them better. Look at the first Star Wars movie: It takes place on two planets and space station: Tatooine, Yavin, and the Death Star. That's it! Empire? Hoth, Bespin and Dagobah. Jedi? Tatooine, Endor's moon and the Death Star again.


The point is, fewer planets with more content on them would have served just as well as lots of systems with less content, and conveyed much more of a sense of a sprawling scope, in my opinion. Also, FWIW, I hope in future expansions they add new areas to canonical worlds.

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I've only played through Ilum so far, but here's mine:


Favorites: Ilum is probably one of my highest, Alderaan was alright.


Least Favorites: Balmorra, Tatooine and Hoth are HORRIFIC to travel through, Taris and Voss in some areas as well. However traveling aside I never liked Voss, just seemed forced, hardly big enough to be its own planet.

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I think I have most fun on Alderaan. I like that it's huge, plenty places to go check the view and not stumble on another 15 players stealing objectives from each other. And Thrantas. And all those Houses. And mountains, and I could go on...

I also love Imp Balmorra -the music, the war theme I love it.


My favorite starting planet is Tython -beautiful -yet with hellish environment just round the corner. And I'll never forget when my first Jedi saw the Temple for the first time.


Least favorite -Makeb. It is beautiful I admit that, but my characters (past and future ones) will never set foot there again. Gosh it was a pain. And big disappointment when it came out.


I pretty much love almost all the old planets. Not fond of newer additions though.

Edited by jstankaroslo
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I just hate Voss.


I hate the way they look. I hate the story. I hate the way they talk.


Otherwise, all the planets remain 'OK,' I've done them too many times now to still have a favourite. But I at least like them all for something. Some more than others. Tat remains pretty good. Aldy is alright.

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Whether I hate or like a planet depends on how interesting it is, how big it is (too big and it's annoying, too small and it's cramped), how annoying the enemies are (rakghoooooooooooouls), and how quickly I can get through it. That said, my top three of each are:


Least Favorite:


1) Makeb. For me Levels 50--55 are in this weird time-space continuum where I just want to get through them as fast as possible so I can go to Oricon, Rishi, and Yavin, but can't because, well, I'm high level. So I already resent this planet for making me spend a lot of time on it. Then I see its layout, which is a jumbled and confusing mess that requires a lot of backtracking, usually straight through ungodly amounts of hordes or wandering golds/silvers. The wandering gold/silvers are particularly annoying because they ALWAYS seem to know when I'm wounded, and ALWAYS choose that time to attack me. Imp!Makeb actually has an interesting storyline, but that's countered by the sleep-inducing boringness of Pub!Makeb. Combine all that and my eternal hatred for this planet is born.


2) Taris. One word: Rakghouls. Rakghouls everywhere. I can't walk five meters without being jumped by rakghouls. And Taris seems to get all the boring storylines--the only ones I remember enjoying were the Warrior and Inquisitor, and the latter is solely because of Ashara. Visually I like it--very post-apocalyptic--but after a while it gets kind of depressing.


3) Alderaan. Whhhhhhhhy is this planet so biiiiiiig? It takes FOREVER to get anywhere here, minus fast-travel, and the infamous amount of lag doesn't help. I remember once counting how long it would take a taxi to get from the start of the planet to the end--the answer was four real-life minutes. WAY too long.



Most Favorite:


1) Rishi. Maybe it's because this place is relatively new and hasn't worn out its welcome yet, but I really like Rishi. It's visually beautiful, fairly straightforward--no backtracking--and hits that balance between "too large" and "too small". And I actually enjoyed SoR's storyline, unlike RotH, so I'm able to ignore the slooooooow levelling rate.


2) Tython. Ye simple starter planet. I ADORE the visuals here--I think I stopped breathing the first time I came up that hill and saw the Jedi Temple. Prologue storylines are sadly dull, but making my own lightsaber is epic. Having to run through it only twice, as opposed to eight times, is definitely another plus in my book.


3) Balmorra. I think this is less a matter of liking this planet, and finding it the least offensive out of the remaining ones. All of its' storylines are fairly strong, it's not too hard to navigate once you get used to the lifts, and it doesn't throw hordes of enemies at me nor take ages to load. I do think it looks appropriately war-torn, though, and I like the music.

Edited by Abvora
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