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PSA: Changes to Stronghold Titles Coming in 3.1.2 Tomorrow


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It went unaddressed for whole eight months.


You may say they changed their minds midway, that people were gearing up too fast, etc etc, but not intended? Eight months later?


Give me a break. :rolleyes:


Conduction bug. Getting fixed tommorrow. Been in the game since 3.0. Directly affects combat making lightning sorcs practically uninterruptable. Took x amount of months to get fixed. They are slow.


If it was intended they would just have legacy wide commendations. They wouldn't design it so only a fraction of the population could figure it out. Everything else you buy in the game with wz coms are BoP or can't be traded back to the vendor.

Edited by madtycoon
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I'm for legacy wide commendations, but I'm also for a bolster system that protects new players more and doesn't hurt them if they don't know how it works like it is now.


I think the difference is in PvP people are directly competing with other players, so it affects/turns off the new players more. Switching over PvE coms to an alt allows the alt to leapfrog progression which doesn't really hurt the new players entering PvE.


Bolster, as it is, is absolute garbage!!! New players who wear their best gear in to PvP, are PENALIZED for doing so...it's absolutely moronic that it works like that.


Bolster should be a flat stat if not in either of the two newest PvP gear sets. Default value would be Brutalizer stats on anything not current.

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Bolster, as it is, is absolute garbage!!! New players who wear their best gear in to PvP, are PENALIZED for doing so...it's absolutely moronic that it works like that.


Bolster should be a flat stat if not in either of the two newest PvP gear sets. Default value would be Brutalizer stats on anything not current.


Couldn't agree more.

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Bolster, as it is, is absolute garbage!!! New players who wear their best gear in to PvP, are PENALIZED for doing so...it's absolutely moronic that it works like that.


Bolster should be a flat stat if not in either of the two newest PvP gear sets. Default value would be Brutalizer stats on anything not current.


Would be nice if they had a popup for the high end pve gear when you load in a warzone, like they do with the old expertise sets with subpar expertise. That would fix the majority of the confusion imo. /shrug

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I won't be playing low/mid level pvp anymore: to me this change makes it way less appealing and less fun :(


P.S. Just imagine if we had to trade our ressurected shells (alongside the unassembled tokens from HM Ops) to be able to get our revanite gear :eek:

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Conduction bug. Getting fixed tommorrow. Been in the game since 3.0. Directly affects combat making lightning sorcs practically uninterruptable. Took x amount of months to get fixed. They are slow.


If it was intended they would just have legacy wide commendations. They wouldn't design it so only a fraction of the population could figure it out. Everything else you buy in the game with wz coms are BoP or can't be traded back to the vendor.


All the lower gear the pvp vendors sell, can be returned on a timer. Keeping them in inventory 2 hours, buying a new one, and reselling the old one, is just stupid and also stressfull.

If you had a toon that is level 59 and will not be 60 until after update, because of a thing in the game lasted 8 months, feels like being late at a party.

Good thing I am not the one that will have a hangover.

Edited by rollieFM
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Everything else you buy in the game with wz coms are BoP or can't be traded back to the vendor.


Actually, no.


As stated earlier, this was made possible with the introduction of Legacy Storage, but contrary to popular belief, you could do this EXACT same thing with decorations and PvP mods.


However, Bioware chose to address those, while leaving Stronghold titles the way they were. Until now.


In other words, this seems to suggest they took issue with people moving SMALL quantities of WZ commendations, but had ZERO issues with people moving 1000 WZ commendations in a single gulp.


Come to think of it, why would they? After all, wouldn't moving 1000 WZ force people to PvP a bit more, compared to being able to move 200 WZ commendations or so? Or 400?


In the end, what brought the need for this change is that Bioware has nothing in the pipeline for PvP, and they need to slow to a crawl people's abilities to gear up their characters -- nothing more.


Until they arrived to that conclusion, everything was working as intended and individuals saying otherwise, considering this was a FEATURE for EIGHT WHOLE MONTHS, are only deluding themselves.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Come to think of it, why would they? After all, wouldn't moving 1000 WZ force people to PvP a bit more, compared to being able to move 200 WZ commendations or so? Or 400?


In the end, what brought the need for this change is that Bioware has nothing in the pipeline for PvP, and they need to slow to a crawl people's abilities to gear up their characters -- nothing more.


I see what you're saying, but I'm guessing it was an oversight, because if it was intended why didn't they just add a legacy commendation token to the warzone commendation vendor that transferred 1000 coms? Why hide this little loophole on a vendor most people probably don't even know about? They can't be that lazy.


I think it just takes them a long time to fix things and when they fix things they mess up and don't completely fix them. I understand how much frustration stuff like this causes, but if it's not intended, it's not intended and needs to be fixed.

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This will not make me quit and it will not make me unsubscribe - yet.


It will however be a great incentive to not spend additional money on the Cartel Market, and considering that I, a random PVPer has spend somewhere around $1200 on this game since founder, you might want to take us serious. No let me rephrase that: you SHOULD have taken us serious from the beginning and now it's too late :(. And here I was planing to buy additional coins when the inevitable summer sale comes around. Oh well.


You guys have managed to wreck a Star Wars MMO - kudos!


I can not wait for a decent PVP-game to come around.

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I see what you're saying, but I'm guessing it was an oversight, because if it was intended why didn't they just add a legacy commendation token to the warzone commendation vendor that transferred 1000 coms? Why hide this little loophole on a vendor most people probably don't even know about? They can't be that lazy.


Again, I don't believe it was intended on their part, but rather something they failed to anticipate beforehand. Regardless, it seems it was something they had no issue with, provided people still spent plenty of time PvP'ing.


It worked.


I think it just takes them a long time to fix things and when they fix things they mess up and don't completely fix them. I understand how much frustration stuff like this causes, but if it's not intended, it's not intended and needs to be fixed.


In this case...

It was as simple as this...


<old value>bind on equip<old value>


<new value>bind on pickup<new value>


Or something to that effect.


I can even PM you the link for a screenshot, so you can check it for yourself.


Again, it wasn't a bug, but rather something they simply failed to anticipate beforehand; not the first time and not the last either.


Regardless, the message is clear: they have to slow as much as possible people's ability to gear up their characters, nothing more. Grimmer days for PvP I guess, if that's even remotely possible.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Looks like maintaining the gear grind is their number one priority.


Ok, so my question to BW would be are the real problems with PvP in this game going to get attention?


Is the confusing bolster system working as intended? Is the lack of new PvP content intended? Is the ranked scene working as intended? Why is the PvP base shrinking? Because people are getting tier 1 PvP gear to quick? I don't think that's the problem.

Edited by Meroveus
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Seems somewhat fair in that PVPrs will suffer the same credit sink as pvers, ripping out mods multiple times and legacy transferin gear.


If you're maxing out comms before level 60 though some change in the comm cap is justified since 1000 basic comms buys a lot of pve gear, but max pvp reg comms doesn't buy much at all.

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Am I the only one who finds the worst part of this the fact that they changed the """fix""" for an earlier patch and told us the day before?

So much for storing comms until 3.2. :rolleyes:


Pointed out several times throughout the thread already.


The icing on top of the cake is that PvE'ers will get the same treatment, but ONLY when 3.2 is deployed. For some reason, PvP'ers get to experience pain far earlier. Yay! :rolleyes:

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Seems somewhat fair in that PVPrs will suffer the same credit sink as pvers, ripping out mods multiple times and legacy transferin gear.


If you're maxing out comms before level 60 though some change in the comm cap is justified since 1000 basic comms buys a lot of pve gear, but max pvp reg comms doesn't buy much at all.


The credit sink isn't the problem here, I'm pretty sure most PVP'ers wouldn't care if they had to spend some credits. It's the fact that you need the old armour shell to get to the next tier unlike PVE.

Edited by micnevv
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The credit sink isn't the problem here, I'm pretty sure most PVP'ers wouldn't care if they had to spend some credits. It's the fact that you need the old armour shell to get to the next tier unlike PVE.


Except for ear, implant, and relic I still don't see the problem. This is the same with pve.

Edited by bdatt
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So when is BioWare announcing the action they are taking against accounts for using this exploit, or are you going to continue going soft on PvP exploiters?


Oh dear, you can't be serious.

Did they release something to tell us that this was an "exploit"?

No, not even a blog post or a short note to say something like "hey guys, we messed up so please don't use titles to move commendations because we don't like and we may punish you".


So, considered that this thing has been allowed since the release of Strongholds, and that this is an alt oriented game, how can you think that people deserve punishment for using a feature that nobody told them to not use?

Especially because there's still BOE gear that can be used to move PvE commendations, so how people could think that this was an "exploit"? Are you saying that this is an "exploit" just because you hate PvP? Did you ever transfer token PvE gear to an alt using legacy gear? Because it's the same damn thing, and this is no "exploit".


And please stop comparing this to Ravager's exploit, in this case we still had to play warzones to get comms, nothing was free.

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Except for ear, implant, and relic I still don't see the problem.


There are two distinct armor set tiers for PVP right now, namely the Exhumed and Dark Reaver ones. You can't obtain the latter without having on that same character the shells from the former.


If you have equipped on that character Legacy shells, while having the actual Exhumed shells on another character, you can't get the Dark Reaver set. Instead, you can only acquire the Dark Reaver set if you grind the Exhumed one ALL OVER AGAIN, with the character using the equipped Legacy shells.


This isn't rocket science, I take it.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Considering the state of game and no cross server, making commendations cross-legacy should be the best choice:

  • Better experience with gearing alts for PvP
  • Leveling characters can use basic commendations from max level character dailies
  • Can gear up dps while queuing as a tank for FPs.


But no, better everybody suffers while grinding alts :(

Edited by Arunas
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Ummm. No it's not. In PvE, you don't have to exchange anything for a higher tier. In PvP, you do.


It's a dumb requirement sure, but there's nothing preventing you from getting the ranked piece on the same alt you got the exhumed piece. It's just easier to transfer reg comms before exchanging to ranked and requires less bookkeeping to remember where stuff is.

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I love how the dude calling this an exploit has a link to support legacy-wide datacrons in his sig.


To the topic at hand: They need either to allow people to buy the gear before level 60, or implement a shell requirement to the PVE gear upgrades. Anything less and this is straight up pooping in the PVP community's mouth.

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It's a dumb requirement sure, but there's nothing preventing you from getting the ranked piece on the same alt you got the exhumed piece. It's just easier to transfer reg comms before exchanging to ranked and requires less bookkeeping to remember where stuff is.


Sure you could do this, but you're not playing on the alt. The point of transferring a tier 1 set to your alt via labels is so that you don't get demolished when you hit 60 and not waste to comms.


At the end of the day it was an unintended quality of life update just like Legacy gear was. And it was an update that was sorely needed for PVP gearing alts since Bioware can't be bothered to come up with a half decent bolster system.

Edited by micnevv
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