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Everything posted by SolarWind

  1. Not sure if it was posted before but I was wondering if it would be possible to: 1 - choose which items someone would get from the lockbox ( or to know beforehand which heroic mission drops what) 2 - make the armour items legacy bound Cheers
  2. The thread's title speaks for itself. It's become annoying to have to head to the fleet every time i wish to deliver pvp quests if i'm not in the mood to queue for another match. Very small QoL improvement that would benefit players a lot. (cant think of a downside either). Thank you.
  3. This whole low slash bug thing is clearly the BoP Stronghold titles payback
  4. To me right now it's very important to hear from the devs how we are intended to gear our toons pvpwise. The game itself encourages alting, Bioware encourages alting. I'm assuming everyone agrees that gearing all our toons (even if it's just 2!) to full top pvp gear is... well... too grindy and it takes too long. PvPers really deserve a better solution. Bioware was too eager to take this from the player base (didnt even wait for 3.2 to go live) and will probalby (if ever!) take too long to offer an alternative to allow us to gear. I wish I didnt but cant help feeling very disappointed with what was done and how we were treated (to the point that I dont even look to my 'warzone queue' icon). Regarding the OP... I like to believe that yesterday there was nothing more that could be said (although there were already 2 threads on the PTS forums and another one on the PvP forums regarding this change so yes I think we were entitled to more). Today, after 21 pages, things have changed and i think it's past time we hear a better explanation from whoever was responsible for this decision.
  5. Well.. Two threads on the PTS forums asking Bioware to reconsider this change and their move was to make it happen 3 weeks sooner. I'm also honestly speechless with the absolute lack of feedback from Bioware after a 20-pages thread regarding this. I'm done with pvping on my lowbies (the only way I was leveling them) which pretty much means I'll only play it with my main from now on (and soon get bored with it). Bad move from Bioware that seems to be trying really hard to kill the fun we have playing the game however we want. I also support the great (and SOooooo logical) idea of a legacy/account-wide wallet someone already mentioned. P.S. And now that we're at it... why not have us return our ressurected shells alongside the unassembled tokens when we're acquiring our revanite gear? I bet that would just make everyone play PvE a lot more too
  6. ^ This ^ No more low level pvp for me. No more endgame pvp with my alts. From now on I'll only pvp with my main and until I grow bored (won't take long ...)
  7. I won't be playing low/mid level pvp anymore: to me this change makes it way less appealing and less fun P.S. Just imagine if we had to trade our ressurected shells (alongside the unassembled tokens from HM Ops) to be able to get our revanite gear
  8. Hey Vernar! I remember you and I'm glad you're back to the game. I hope you're enjoying it and your new guild.
  9. <The Narn Regime> is an imp faction guild. You can read our recruitment post here.
  10. At <The Narn Regime> we start our guild events around 10:00 pm GMT. Poke any members online and we'll be glad to provide you more info. Good luck!
  11. Hi everyone! After a year long hiatus me and my friends are back to SW:TOR and ready to get our old guild up and running. What sets us apart from most guilds is that our scheduled events start later than usual – around 10:00 pm GMT. The main reason behind this is that all of us have real life commitments (a.k.a. work, family, other hobbies) that makes it impossible for us to start playing the game ‘earlier’ in the evening. That said we are looking for like-minded people that know how good it feels to have 2 hours just for yourself at the end of the day away from all the real life drama and that definitely don’t want to find any sort of drama (AT ALL!) when they log the game. If you are tired of long wait queues, pugging 16 sm Ops (through GF or sitting around in fleet) and want to jump right into action when you log your toon or if you’re just looking for a relaxed environment around mature (not old!) people then feel free to poke any us for a chat (otherwise I can be found healing about on Sombra/Kvotheer/ Kvothun). Hoping to hear from you midnight owls soon
  12. I've played since launch but took a break for the past 6 months. (Un)fortunately couldnt stay away for long and now that I'm back I'm looking for other players that, like me, can't log and start playing Ops before 9:30pm BST. I'm getting tired of pugs and all the drama and would be great to find a bunch of people to play regularly with. If you think alike and feel the same please PM here and we could get in touch. Cheers!
  13. Hi everyone, The Narn Regime won't be recruiting more members for the next few weeks to allow us to welcome our newest guildies properly. Stay sharp because our goal is to re-open our guild to the Red Eclipse server players sometime in the near future. Cheers, Kvotheer
  14. Hi everyone, The Narn Regime won't be recruiting more members for the next few weeks to allow us to welcome our newest guildies properly. Stay sharp because our goal is to re-open our guild to the Red Eclipse server players sometime in the near future. Cheers, Kvotheer
  15. A bump to let everyone know that we're recruiting again: All levels, all roles, either just social or more PvE oriented players: we welcome everyone. Our scheduled events start at 9:30 pm GMT since we are a guild created by and for people that, due to real life commitments, can only log in later in the evening. If you have any questions look for us in-game or check our website. See you all soon!
  16. Hi everyone, just a quick update to all late night players. You have no more excuses to be pugging alone at night. Our current raiding schedule provides 5 raiding nights every week with 2 dedicated to HM and we are ready to face the new Ops, starting the next week! So, if starting a raid around 22:30 CEST / 21:30 BST / 20:30 GMT works fine for you, visit our website and apply. Simple as that http://thenarnregime.enjin.com/home
  17. Hi all, ever since a few months ago when I and some others set out to look for people to play with later in the evening the guild has grown (a lot) into a social, mature PvE oriented environment. Spanning from all over across Europe, most of our members are + 30 years old that just want to have a bit of fun at the end of the day away from any kinds of drama. We've been consistently playing raids 5 times a week and our current progression focus is TfB HM. What sets us apart from other guilds is that due to real life commitments (work schedule, family,...) our raids start at 8:30 p.m. GMT +1 / 9:30 p.m. BST / 10:30 p.m. CEST. We are looking for more players (any class, any role) to expand our numbers to regularly either play 16 men Ops or 2 x 8 men Ops. If you're interested then feel free to check us at The Narn Regime and submit an application. Cheers!
  18. Heyi mate! Check The Narn Regime guild. Seems perfect for you. P.S. Pensa em tornares-te um healer
  19. Hello all! A little bump to our recruitment thread to let you all know that we've been running Ops and other end-game content events in a daily basis. It is suprising the number of people out there that can only log in and start playing the game around 20:30 GMT/21:30 BST/22:30 CEST. Our goal is to offer a mature and social guild that likes to experience all that the game has to offer but later on in the evening. Our numbers have been steadily growing but we're still welcoming everyone like-minded that feels/thinks that would fit in in our ranks. If this suits you feel welcome to take a look at our guild web page or whisper anyone from The Narn Regime in the game. Cheers
  20. Dont worry about your low to mid level characters... Some of us are still leveling theirs and those that already have hit lvl 55 like to take some time out now and then and level their alts. Look for us in-game or here so we can have a chat See you soon
  21. Hi all!!! Posting this to let you all know that The Narn Regime has already started playing (successfully) end-game content! Most of us are already lvl 55 but some are still leveling their characters which means we are still pugging now and then. We're comitted to offer a social, mature and fun environment with most of the activities taking place after 8:30 pm GMT (9:30pm BST/10:30pm CEST) (a.k.a. after kids bed time). If you have the same issues we have (RL makes it hard to log earlier) you can find in our guild people that start playing late in the evening and log full of energy to do Ops and other activities. You can find more information here or whisper any of the following officers in-game: Kvotheer (a.k.a. Sombra, Mhaedre, Thenn) Shinjitai (ak.a. Zornig, Sinnlich, Szacha) Khmer (a.k.a. Barbacoa)
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