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Remember to "report post" on Havokhead's multiple year-old necros.


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His posts are just /bump.


Here's the code of conduct:



Specifically, he is violating:

Do not bump posts to the top without adding constructive content to the thread.



And also forum necromancy is frowned up in general, PLUS he's essentially erased the GSF community's current discussion.


But, it is Easter, so the forum reps are undoubtedly hiding eggs for kids. Report posts so that they can clean this place up.

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This is rediculous Havokhead if you're reading this stop necroing everything.


I definitely have reported him like you mentioned Verain and encourage others to so aswell. It was pretty horrid to wake up to having no idea what was relevant to an actual discussion from today.

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Reported and in agreement. I'm not sure why he did such a thing, but it was very annoying and unnecessary. If anyone needed/wanted to find those thread topics they could just use the advanced search features. If he thought those posts were "necessary" reading material, he could have made a new post with a list of those topics and provide the URLs to those threads. Edited by SWCNT
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A lot of the stuff is covered or linked in the stickied guide, so many of them are more /pointless_redundant_bump than /mandatory_reading_for_newbs_bump.


Some of them are probably a bit out of date by now due to meta changes over the last year.


Questions about if things are up-to-date or making corrections to things that have changed have some merit. Asking for clarification where the old threads are confusing or poorly written is also fine. Try doing those things instead of merely raising old threads from the dead.

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Honestly if he really wants to show old posts like that do it in one thread with links to everyone of them, explaining what the links detail. He could even add more as he finds them to that one thread. All that bumping just ruins the forums for everyone sadly.
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Anyway, I apologize for the mass spam. I thought I was helping in my own stupid way by bringing all those good threads from like 6 months ago back into the mainstream. These forums are dead, there's nothing new on here, people talk more about Battlefront and what they had for lunch more than actual gsf now. And well to be truthful, there's a TON of new players out there without a clue. All I see on TEH now is horribly lop-sided matches with very frustrated new players and so I took it upon myself to grab some really good debates/information and put it front and center.


I was half-asleep and got carried away so I apologize. I was just trying to give gsf a shot in the arm. I saw the same rookie arguments over and over and over so I wanted some of that great material back up at the top and obviously it back-fired. The material itself I figured was still relevant since, truthfully, GSF hasn't changed much. It's the same builds and the same tactics and plays-styles since like what? patch 2.6, only the players have changed. As for the argument of all the person has to do is search for the topic. Well, if you don't even know what to search for how would you find it?Just because "you" know how to play doesn't mean everyone else does. I mean I went 16-7-0 this morning in a Dustmaker without literally moving or popping a defensive ability in TDM, I just sat there sipping coffee pulling the trigger.


I'm off these forums now anyway til something new comes along that bares worthy discussion. Good luck to you all.

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As for the argument of all the person has to do is search for the topic. Well, if you don't even know what to search for how would you find it?Just because "you" know how to play doesn't mean everyone else does.


You don't need to be a GSF ace to figure out a search engine and find topics. Type "bomber strategy" for example, or "scouts" into the box and you'll find the Scout 1 advice thread. It's like saying you can't use google unless you're an expert at what you're searching.

Regardless, I think your heart was in the right place, you just should have made a new post and linked the threads in it as suggested.

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I was just trying to give gsf a shot in the arm.




I'm off these forums now anyway til something new comes along


I understand the impulse to revitalize the GSF community. But you're sending me mixed messages. You're more than welcome to discuss things here. You don't need to give up just because you're still learning forum etiquette...

Edited by Ymris
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The posts are from a year ago. The game has changed dramatically since then. Almost nothing in any of the threads has any merit these days. Many are from before the barrel roll nerf, and all are from before any type 3 ships.


The forums have plenty going on. Though you have to sift through year old crap now to get to it...

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I think what's needed is another sticky guide like Stasie's that deals with very common situations that people will fly into during matches. I know Drako, Verain and others have their own guides on specific aspects of the game, but since they aren't stickied I think it does make it harder for rookies to find them. A general thread started by someone with succinct notes on flying tactics and tips would be a great read after Stasie's.


Issues such as:

- How to manage power

- How to beat bomber's on sat's

- How to hunt a gunship

- How to beat scout's

- Drakolich's DO guide


Can all be gathered into one thread and pinned to the top of the forums. Other ace's can contribute with their own advice however all information will be updated onto the main thread for easy of access. It'll be a big job tbh so maybe there should be 2-3 authors each responsible for a particular section?

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I think what's needed is another sticky guide like Stasie's that deals with very common situations that people will fly into during matches. I know Drako, Verain and others have their own guides on specific aspects of the game, but since they aren't stickied I think it does make it harder for rookies to find them. A general thread started by someone with succinct notes on flying tactics and tips would be a great read after Stasie's.


Issues such as:

- How to manage power

- How to beat bomber's on sat's

- How to hunt a gunship

- How to beat scout's

- Drakolich's DO guide


Can all be gathered into one thread and pinned to the top of the forums. Other ace's can contribute with their own advice however all information will be updated onto the main thread for easy of access. It'll be a big job tbh so maybe there should be 2-3 authors each responsible for a particular section?


Or just put them into Stasie's guide as link to other threads?

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Or just put them into Stasie's guide as link to other threads?


Okay, I will admit that I didn't read all of Stasie's guide and see that most of the guide's already have links, my mistake.


However I still think that there should be a stickied thread in regards to commonly occurring combat situations since that seems to irritate the most out of rookie pilots

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However I still think that there should be a stickied thread in regards to commonly occurring combat situations since that seems to irritate the most out of rookie pilots


Could it be that guides on that matter just don't exist here simply because there are no Rookies posting here ?


All I can see is that the same people are writing here.

People of whom I guess that they are playing GSF for so long know that they suffer the curse of knowledge syndrome - and that's why there aren't any guides on common irritating situations which Rookies need - because in this forum there just aren't any Rookies. No Newbies = no need for guides.

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Could it be that guides on that matter just don't exist here simply because there are no Rookies posting here ?


All I can see is that the same people are writing here.

People of whom I guess that they are playing GSF for so long know that they suffer the curse of knowledge syndrome - and that's why there aren't any guides on common irritating situations which Rookies need - because in this forum there just aren't any Rookies. No Newbies = no need for guides.


You should try the Stasiepedia. There are explanations on why to use what components. The explanation of why a component is good is basically an explanation of a combat situation in which the component is useful.


Also, if you want to know something about a specific situation, feel free to ask. I'm sure there are people here, who will help you.

Edited by Danalon
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As far as I recall, AlrikFassbauer quit GSF some time ago (last November or so) yet he doesn't miss a single opportunity to rant in some way about why he thinks GSF s***s or why they didn't do something more spacesim-like...


And just because you see no Rookie-Posts here doesn't mean there are no rookies READING this forum.

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As far as I recall, AlrikFassbauer quit GSF some time ago (last November or so) yet he doesn't miss a single opportunity to rant in some way about why he thinks GSF s***s or why they didn't do something more spacesim-like...


And just because you see no Rookie-Posts here doesn't mean there are no rookies READING this forum.


As much as I don't promote negativity towards any section of games so long as the criticism is well deserved, you have to admit he has a point. This subforum is full of a wealth of knowledge about GSF, no denying that. I love mixing in some GSF as I level but when I'm stumped on what to go for next and what not, asking doesn't always bear fruit. So then I look it up and... *wall of text explaining this and that theory scares off Rookie#55859*


I think a few quick guides should be stickied for sure. I'm certain when someone sits down to relax and play a minigame in a GAME they aren't looking forward to reading a ton of text before they get the basics down to not fly into a wall while dodging fire with a higher dodge chance. :D


The learning curve is steep and the amount of experience needed to be competitive are massive turn offs and are not for the faint of heart (le casuals). The guides are even scarier. (Though wonderfully well put but my point still stands!)

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I for my part learned the most about general flying as a rookie by watching Drakolich's recorded tutorial streams from last Oktober.

A wealth of information for everyone who doesn't like reading long texts (or supplementing the written guides).


About general information being hard to come by through conventional official means (either ingame or on official forums), I absolutely concur - but the Stasiepedia and connected threads do their job pretty well in my opinion.

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