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How beat the underlurker with two melee's?

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When you have a lot of melee for Underbugger, the fight really turns into a numbers game. The mechanics are still easy but the amount of Healing required goes up, and DPS becomes more important as adds must die ASAP.


I don't want to get involved in the whole L2P vs Elitism argument, but Underbugger is the sort of fight where all players must be putting out good numbers. The fight becomes way easier when this is done, and nigh impossible when it isn't. It's why some people are like 'lol l2p' and some are like 'this is a tough fight'.


As far as tactics go, consider having someone call out which rock to hide behind to ensure everyone can be healed up together and so that the Underbugger won't have too far to walk before setting up the Cross.

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to our shame: We're talking about SM...:-(


Ok, we have one sniper in our group and he uses entrench...


The problem is that the maro on the adds dies very quick. Not the first wave but at the second or third.

The question is now: How big is the damage at the group if they stand together at the adds?


Or should we get both melee's to one add and the rDD's to the others?

The mDD's could make damage to the boss after they killed the first add.


If the second tank spott the add of the mDD would he get the damage of the direct hits from the add?


I think the Problem of our group is not the DPS.

It is the maro who dies and then the cross wouldn't work and so on...


all group together behind the same rock during rage storm (hiding>killing third add), for aoe heals. have the tank forget the boss and go with the group downing adds, have the mdps staying at range, like 3-4m not on the add, have the mara l2p his dcds and your healers l2p bubbling/hotting him

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Make all your melee Powertechs. All problems solved. They take no damage from crosses or knockbacks, have burst DPS on adds.


Otherwise try the taunting the add the melee are on thing. I have been tempted to try bringing all melee to force them to stack though lol.

Edited by DarthZaul
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As someone above noted stand at max melee range not 0.0m. Theres a dulfy guide on positioning from Jerba that explains why this works and they won't take extra damage from maul and melee attack.


Same for revanite walker on yavin. I take basically no damage as melee by standing near 4m, yet watch other melee die 10 times in that fight.


It's tough to put out max dps while having such precise positioning requirements, but thats the life of a melee.

Edited by bdatt
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The Sentinel attacking the add should take the utility point that shortens the cooldown of Pacify ("=Besänftigen", as I assume you're German?). Like that it will almost always be ready for adds.


Plus take Defensive Roll for reduced AoE damage.


If Pacify/Besänftigen is not ready / has run out, use Rebuke (Zurechtweisen).


If neither of the two is available, use Saber Ward (Schwertschutz).


If you're still in trouble, use Guarded by the Force (Bewacht von der Macht).


<- As a Sentinel you have a lot of options to survive adds, even if you don't get a lot of healing. You need to know you defensive Cooldowns and actually use them a lot.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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The Sentinel attacking the add should take the utility point that shortens the cooldown of Pacify ("=Besänftigen", as I assume you're German?). Like that it will almost always be ready for adds.


Plus take Defensive Roll for reduced AoE damage.


If Pacify/Besänftigen is not ready / has run out, use Rebuke (Zurechtweisen).


If neither of the two is available, use Saber Ward (Schwertschutz).


If you're still in trouble, use Guarded by the Force (Bewacht von der Macht).


<- As a Sentinel you have a lot of options to survive adds, even if you don't get a lot of healing. You need to know you defensive Cooldowns and actually use them a lot.

This was helpful! Great. :)


Ranged stay away from ads to avoid unnecessary damage. Healers concentrating on melee/tank dpsing the ads. You can, if you want, kill one of the ads first and prioritize the last two evenly if you want. However, the biggest game changer in this fight if there are damage issues is that your healers train a bit on picking their targets and general healing "rotation" for that fight (I know, healers should not really have a rotation.. but meh, you get what I mean). Also, people should be very aware of their defensive cool downs and use those quite freely. This fight can be absolutely horrible or just walk in the park. I have (with a co-healer) alone healed over 5.5k EHP in it and then I think with guild run combined heals from two healers has been about 5.5K EHP. It's just matter of positioning, using defensive cooldowns and doing enough dps.

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The Sentinel attacking the add should take the utility point that shortens the cooldown of Pacify ("=Besänftigen", as I assume you're German?). Like that it will almost always be ready for adds.


Plus take Defensive Roll for reduced AoE damage.


If Pacify/Besänftigen is not ready / has run out, use Rebuke (Zurechtweisen).


If neither of the two is available, use Saber Ward (Schwertschutz).


If you're still in trouble, use Guarded by the Force (Bewacht von der Macht).


<- As a Sentinel you have a lot of options to survive adds, even if you don't get a lot of healing. You need to know you defensive Cooldowns and actually use them a lot.


Very informative. While a no brained for many, I would add if you aren't already using it, that taking Cloak of Annihilation is very good and using Cloak of Pain (Don't know what it is in German sorry!) on the adds is awesome as reduces dmg and adds to your DPS. Also Force camo when gooing between adds is also a good idea as well as it reduces dmg as well and it's speed and duration can be increased by utility.

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thanks for your suggestions!


I try to summarize :


1. Have a tank to taunt the add of the mara or a rDD with more threat so that the add focus not the mara as target

2. Use Utility "Subjugation" and "Defensive Roll"

3. Use defensive cooldowns:

3.1 Obfuscate --> I didn't know that this works in OP's...

3.2 Cloak of Pain

3.3 Undying Rage

3.4 Saber Ward

4. Stand at max Melee Range (~4m)

5. Use Force Camouflage for transition to next add


One Question: i have select the Utility "Unbound" the speed up Predation.

Can i benefit from Predation in this fight?


Or should i select "Undying" that reduce the cd of Undying Rage to 90 seconds?

Another possibilty is to select "Cloak of Annihilation" in addition to "Subjugation" the decrement the cd of Cloak of Pain.


Questions over questions...


PS. i have a DPS of ~3,3K on the dummy. I think that is not reallly high for a full 192 mara with the new 4 set bonus.

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All your DPS, ranged and melee, should stay as a group and knock out one add at a time.
This really is the simplest method and one your melee-heavy group should practice before you move on to other, more complicated strats.


One thing I've seen people do with this is instead of killing the same adds in order each wave, go back and forth wave to wave so repositioning time is minimized. So go entrance-to-exit, gang-killing one by one and hiding/setting up cross near a rock by the back add. Then for the second round go exit-to-entrance, hiding near a rock on that side. Then entrance-to-exit and for the fourth round you drag the boss into a corner.


Also, take an op healer. The amount of effective healing one can get on a raid that stays close is crazy.

Edited by flem
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3.3k is pretty low, in full 192 you should be more in the range of 4k+ iirc.

Try looking up the guides on dulfy and practice a bit. :)


Or ask ardarell here for advice, since he is one of the best sentinel players in the whole game.

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3.3k is pretty low, in full 192 you should be more in the range of 4k+ iirc.

Try looking up the guides on dulfy and practice a bit. :)


Or ask ardarell here for advice, since he is one of the best sentinel players in the whole game.


I think he is a watchman sentinel. I'm a carnage marauder...

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why fannyarse around the fact that your group is bad? im 110% fine with people that wont get it done right away since nobody really does that.


though, seeing how you and the fellowship of the white knight wards off any critical comments i dont really think posting your dilemma will help you in the first place.

there are bad players and there are the utter *******s that cant even open a bottle yet they think they've been sent by the mlg swaglord himself-- if stuff doesn't go well it must be the game it cant be the me, you feel me?

Edited by blackkcid
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Oh no.

I never said that i'm a good player or our group is a good one!

I also never said that our fail is the fault of the game!


We finished the ravagers in SM and Sparky in HM.

So i think we are not crappy....only the underlurker is at the moment a problem.

It can be the group setup or/and the capability of the players.


So, the only one thing i wanted is some advice if we use the wrong tactic and what we can do better.


That's all and nothing more.

So go to school and learn something like modesty and restraint....

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Personally I think people should not group on the ads. Only melee DPSes and tank should there with the boss. Rest should be far away from the ads, far enough not to be hit by them. Then healers can pretty much concentrate on melees. That's just how I prefer to heal it, but both methods work if healers are on the ball.
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+ Have 1 mdps on the boss, everyone except the mdps on adds ALL STAY under the boss (2 heals, 3 rdps, 1 mdps, 1 tank) for aoe heal.

+ Everyone except the mdps on adds should stay away from adds.

+ Make sure the mdps on adds stay at max melee range for adds( 3-4 meters)

+ Everyone stay under the same rock for aoe heal, the best rock to choose is the one nearest the last add, or have someone call out for rock. Start to move toward that direction when boss casts Collapse, don't wait till too late.

+ Bubble/ slow release medpack/ kolto probe and heal the mdps on adds to full on the cross phase.

+ If you have a vanguard/ powertech tank they can use riot gas / oil slick on the adds or when boss casts rage storm; Vanguard / PT tank also can aoe taunt on cross phase for the sonic rebounce buff, almost no one will take damage on cross phase if you have that.

+ Have you slinger/sniper stay at the butt of the boss on cross phase. They can dodge/Evasion when the boss almost finish the cast and take no damage for the 1st cross. 2nd cross they can use shield probe + hunker down (entrench) and take very little damage. 3rd cross: dodge/evasion, rinse and repeat.

+ After the 3rd cross (IIRC) everyone ignore adds, group together far away from adds and focus on boss.

+ Win!


I hope this help.

Edited by Hikaru_Kuma
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Dealing with adds is one of the more challenging features of this fight, and there are a couple viable strategies in SM.


One strategy is to kill adds one at a time. Ranged stay at range with healers while tanks and melee run from add to add. When adds are dead, everyone huddles behind the same rock. Note that this strategy is not viable in HM because the adds slow you too much to run from place to place quickly.


The second strategy is to kill adds simultaneously. Two ranged and two melee are actually a very good group composition in this case. Have the two ranged kill Add A, one tank and one melee kill Add B, and one tank and one melee kill Add C. The most important task to make this strategy work is to make sure that the tanks have aggro on their respective adds, or else the adds will tear the melee apart. The good news is that you don't have to worry about boss positioning during this phase because he does not cleave. When adds are dead, huddle behind the same rock.


Good luck with Underlurker!

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