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My final thoughts on the game


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Ignoring people giving you crap about you "bear" (it does not do you any favors though) I listened up to where you said you "did your part." You don't "do your part." You purchase a product. Speak with your wallet; not your videos.


That doesn't make much sense.

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Ahhh. I rarely watch videos, or streaming etc. But, I have watched 2 of Ferreus' videos and honestly they were fine. I watched the one showing "clicking done right", and then his video posted in this thread.


My personal opinion on the "community", is there are a vocal group particularly that are on the forums. When you bring any kind of provocative material involving PVP to the forums you will get a lot of backlash.


I noticed that this guy never said "clicking is better". He does show that a player can click, and still be competitive. despite the common accepted opinion on it is otherwise.


What is comical is that he proves it is fine to click and that you can click and be competitive by even having VIDEO PROOF of it, VIDEO PROOF.... And, people still bring the insults against how he plays, and even how he looks!


My thoughts to Ferreus are this: The number of trolls that react insultive and disrespectful on the forums are a minority of the gaming community. Granted, it seems to be a lot because you are in the forums and the majority of what you get is negativity and attacks here.


When you create provocative posts or videos, basically you will not get a lot of positive feedback from the forums. Many people that are vocal on the forums (and this is probably 1% of the swtor gamers community tbh) are only going to write negative things, and just like the real world, many people here are like wolves, they see someone different and they band together to attack.


I guess it makes them feel part of something, a group, a majority and this gives them a sense of strength when in actuality they are weak. By banding together and saying "clicking fails you can't be competitive if you click!" and leveling insults of how you look physically all give the weak a common ground to stand on, and it's sad but, that's how people are. That's reality.


I think that players like Ferreus are good for the game, he took a lot of his own time to create videos which only advertised the game more... He proved that a player can click and be competitive, his videos prove that too, on a commando which is not viewed as an easy FOTM class.


This was good for the game... Many new players do NOT come into a new game understanding how to keybind, and the way people are nowadays they might read all of this total BS about clicking not being competitive and never try the game because of this stuff.


People who attack this guy because of how he plays, and even how he looks (my goodness, I mean how old are you people to attack the guy on how he looks?!), this is BAD for the community, BAD for the game, and BAD for people in general!


Anyway, I rambled a bit, but it just really saddens me by how people act on the forums sometimes. It doesn't surprise me though.


That's my final thought, to Ferreus. If you quit the game because of the game itself, that makes sense to me. I took 3 weeks off from the game, because I found it was adding more stress than it was adding fun.


I came back, and found a different perspective regarding the game and the break away helped me because I can play again and have fun.


I changed classes, and I also found I just had to accept the flaws of the game and avoid those issues in the game and focus on the parts I still found fun. I also hope that tweaks and fixes get implemented eventually regarding the problems I see particularly in PVP.


That being said, do not quit because of the "community". Especially the small microcosm called the forums. In the game, if you meet up with other PVPers you should find many like yourself, who honestly do not care if you click, as long as you perform decently. They also don't give a crap about how you look. Just choose the avenues of communication more wisely is my advice. Stay off the forums too, unless you can accept that 90% of the interaction will be negative. If you understand that, it won't get you down so much.


BTW, I click too and I never had ANYONE know that I didn't keybind. In fact, when someone I group with says anything about clicking I just chuckle to myself. I have told guys I know who are cool that I click and they don't believe it. They honestly think it's impossible that I don't keybind. :p

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Ignoring people giving you crap about you "bear" (it does not do you any favors though) I listened up to where you said you "did your part." You don't "do your part." You purchase a product. Speak with your wallet; not your videos.


Well the dude bought the game at launch. He has been subbed pretty much the whole time. I think he did his part. I am not sure if you are stupid or just a troll but he more then did his part. I have been subbed as well since before day 1 (early access) and what have they done for me as a pvper nothing except add huttball maps make juggernauts more op then they are. Nerf classes so hard into the ground when it was not necessary. They destroy world pvp and they use cartel packs. You know how irretating it is to be subbed and all you want is one thing from the packs and got to buy basically a hypercrate to get it. That is just flat out irritating. They ****ed up the ingame economy (its inflated as hell at least on my server). They spit in rpers faces by making so many emotes from the packs only. I feel restricted even as a subscriber. I give them 14.00 a month and they give me *********** what 500 back you can only buy 2 packs if and if they are on sale. (please read this with a calm voice i am not yelling in this). These are just facts. Then when some guy makes videos and says it you start speaking out of your asses as a community. I have never seen subs treated like such ****. Yeah we are more free the f2p people but even their restrictions are super ****ed up. (locked emotes really). So yeah i am going to support the game atm because its star wars and want it to be good but everyday they push me off the ledge. Those devs have no idea what they are doing (i work as a game designer) but i am still here hoping it well get better but if my guild disbands and friends stop playing i am probably gone to. Like i have wanted a jetpack guess what they did they put in a pack so i got to buy a **** ton of them just to get 1 item. they should start putting old items into the cartel market guess what would happen then inflation will go down. let me throw some economics at you. To stop inflation you need to equalize supply and demand that is what economy strives for, in order to do that you need to increase the supply of x items by making them available on market. I dont care if you sell each piece indivisually for the sets of armor yeah it would cost quite a bit of coins if you add the whole set. (each piece should cost 250 coins). And pleas bring world pvp back man i miss fights that happen naturally in the world and allow us to go to war against other guilds please.

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I will be sad to not see your SWTOR vids no more mate, but you have earned my respect and you are a really top guy. I will continue to support you and your channel and will keep watching your future vids.


Take care man

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The Drama...heh


Sorry to see you go dude. Best of luck wherever you roll.


In RL though it helps to have a thicker skin. Just relax and have a good time, similar to your first video (or at least the first one I saw). I remember that first video and you were just having a good time not sweating things. That's the way to be.



Edited by DarthOvertone
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Maybe im just thick skinned but I couldn't imagine leaving a game with the community as even a remote factor. I'm pretty sure this has to be hands down the whiniest generation ever. As a fat person did you expect to put up videos and not have some idiot call you fat? I mean seriously gaming forums is where dignity and kindness go to die. You also in fact do have an unusual choice in facial hair and are wearing sunglasses indoors. Just own it man...who cares what people say. If you want to leave good luck but when its all said and done it just a video game dude. You act like bioware cheated on your sister.
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If you want to leave good luck but when its all said and done it just a video game dude. You act like bioware cheated on your sister.




Disgruntled players need to take a little break from the game...actually it's a requirement in most cases for all serious players to do so.


Recharge and get back in the ring.

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Maybe im just thick skinned but I couldn't imagine leaving a game with the community as even a remote factor. I'm pretty sure this has to be hands down the whiniest generation ever. As a fat person did you expect to put up videos and not have some idiot call you fat? I mean seriously gaming forums is where dignity and kindness go to die. You also in fact do have an unusual choice in facial hair and are wearing sunglasses indoors. Just own it man...who cares what people say. If you want to leave good luck but when its all said and done it just a video game dude. You act like bioware cheated on your sister.


These are some of the worst forums I have seen. There were were people on here heckling Nimoy after his death (before the threads were moderated). And I've seen every community rep get flamed. We're not all dirtbags (or i would have left myself) but I can certainly see why we don't get yollow posts in here much.

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These are some of the worst forums I have seen. There were were people on here heckling Nimoy after his death (before the threads were moderated). And I've seen every community rep get flamed. We're not all dirtbags (or i would have left myself) but I can certainly see why we don't get yollow posts in here much.

Oh bull. Stop making excuses for them not caring about their game. It's not disgruntled players, it's THEM! These forums directly reflect their level of involvement in them.

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Well the dude bought the game at launch. He has been subbed pretty much the whole time. I think he did his part. I am not sure if you are stupid or just a troll but he more then did his part. I have been subbed as well since before day 1 (early access) and what have they done for me as a pvper nothing except add huttball maps make juggernauts more op then they are. Nerf classes so hard into the ground when it was not necessary. They destroy world pvp and they use cartel packs. You know how irretating it is to be subbed and all you want is one thing from the packs and got to buy basically a hypercrate to get it. That is just flat out irritating. They ****ed up the ingame economy (its inflated as hell at least on my server). They spit in rpers faces by making so many emotes from the packs only. I feel restricted even as a subscriber. I give them 14.00 a month and they give me *********** what 500 back you can only buy 2 packs if and if they are on sale. (please read this with a calm voice i am not yelling in this). These are just facts. Then when some guy makes videos and says it you start speaking out of your asses as a community. I have never seen subs treated like such ****. Yeah we are more free the f2p people but even their restrictions are super ****ed up. (locked emotes really). So yeah i am going to support the game atm because its star wars and want it to be good but everyday they push me off the ledge. Those devs have no idea what they are doing (i work as a game designer) but i am still here hoping it well get better but if my guild disbands and friends stop playing i am probably gone to. Like i have wanted a jetpack guess what they did they put in a pack so i got to buy a **** ton of them just to get 1 item. they should start putting old items into the cartel market guess what would happen then inflation will go down. let me throw some economics at you. To stop inflation you need to equalize supply and demand that is what economy strives for, in order to do that you need to increase the supply of x items by making them available on market. I dont care if you sell each piece indivisually for the sets of armor yeah it would cost quite a bit of coins if you add the whole set. (each piece should cost 250 coins). And pleas bring world pvp back man i miss fights that happen naturally in the world and allow us to go to war against other guilds please.


/sigh You don't "do your part." you guys are not getting it. You buy a product and in this case a service. its not up to you to do your part. Its up to Bioware to do theirs and provide you this service.


What I am getting at that people seem to not get; is people tend to feel like they are obligated to just hand over money in order to make the game better. FYI, they are not taking your money and making the game better according to EVERY "I quit post." Otherwise, maybe you wouldn't be quitting. Throwing money at them supports them staying the course more than it does changing to attract more customers.


The mentality is more obvious when a game initially goes free to play or buy to play. People who had paid for the time they already received, feel entitled to more, more, more. It makes no sense to me as you paid a subscription, got your game time and I would sure as hell hope, had enough fun to be worth your money.


All I am saying is change the mentality of "I'm going to support this game in hopes that it gets better" to "if I like this product, I will pay for it. If not; I will not until I see something I would be willing to pay for. Then when I pay for it I will take the product I bought at face value."


So when the OP says he spent enough in the cartel shop to pay for 14 Free to play players; its complete BS> He paid for whatever he got in the cartel shop and if he did it with the intention of supporting free to play players rather than the digital property he actually got; even if its just to "support the game;" then he is a sucker.

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Dude, you can't let these jerks mess with you.


Let me tell you a short and simple story...


Back when the game went live I almost immediately started messing with the skill trees. I ran a hybrid mara "dotsmash". I came to the forums to tell people about it and get opinions and had about 3 pages of "know-it-alls" telling me I was going to do horrible damage and that you get nothing out of the tree until you get your top tier ability... ect ect.


Guess what?...

BW nerfed dotsmash after I and several others had ran it that way and dominated the scoreboard with damage.


As far as I know, I was the first to run that spec... and letting others know about it only resulted in people calling me a scrub.


As a rule of thumb, if something goes against the norm then people are afraid of it. It is human nature to stick with what someone thinks works.


The childish demeanor you experience from the a**hats is relative to the person they are inside and not representative of the community as a whole.


Don't leave, the community needs people like you.

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If everyone who was unhappy with pvp or some part of the game left, BW would not take the hint and rethink features and reallocate resources to fix or expand that part. They would take the remaining people working on that part and move them to something that was making money to try to get it to produce more money. I'm not saying "don't go", just don't expect your leaving will inspire anything good to happen here. Edited by Savej
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If everyone who was unhappy with pvp or some part of the game left, BW would not take the hint and rethink features and reallocate resources to fix or expand that part. They would take the remaining people working on that part and move them to something that was making money to try to get it to produce more money. I'm not saying "don't go", just don't expect your leaving will inspire anything good to happen here.

You're half right...I tend to think they'd take the remaining people and have them work on something NEW and EXCITING, like GSF or GSH instead...I think they're more interested in customers they've never had over ones who play, or ones who have left.

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