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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ok, so the outfit designer will kill the aug kits and components market stone dead.

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Its hard to say for certain, but prices may increase on these items since crafters will have to rely on selling a finite number of items to each player character that reaches level cap. Its also possible that supply will out-stripe demand enough to drive prices down, but this will depend upon the ability of crafters to collaborate so as not to pit them against each other in a price war. Collusion among the majority of crafters is difficult if there are a lot of crafters, but if their numbers get low enough it becomes more likely.


Once a player has the new outfit designer though, there is little reason for them to ever buy more than one set of augmentation kits. The augments will be purchased less often as well, but tanks will still need to adjust defense, shield, and absorb augments from time to time, but there will come a point where as long as they remember to remove an augment from their gear when they need to change one, each character stops needing to buy them altogether.


As a player with a lot of alts and few crafting skills, I don't hate this entirely. However, I do see a trend in this that worries me. This new system definitely promotes using real money to buy CC to get more Cartel Market items. It also has a chance to increase the GTN value of these CM items a bit as well. Removing the prohibitive credits cost to changing your appearance will promote the idea of getting more items to add to your outfit designer to increase your display options. This translates into more money spent on CC. While many players will look to spend credits on the GTN for the CM items they want, someone much first buy the packs with CC in order to get the items on the GTN. This clearly shifts the player economy closer towards one that is backed by RMT instead of player crafted items, and this concerns me.


Its one step closer to pay-to-win in my opinion.


Do you realize that it's cheaper to pull the mods and install over your old mods if you don't plan on saving your old ones for REing or use on companions. However, if you have to re-rip old mods because you want to save them, it become more cost-effective to just augment slot a new piece of gear and swap the gear out.


To upgrade from 186 to 192 would cost 72k if you double ripped the mods (roughly 37k to rip the 192, and 35k to rip the 186 mods). The cost to augment a new piece is 42k, plus 12k to rip the augment, plus whatever it costs for you to acquire aug kits. Each additional tier of upgrade adds in 4k to the cost to rip (from 192 to 198 is 76k, from 198 to 204 will be 80k unless they change the cost to rip mods).


General rule, as soon as the cost of augment kits plus 54k is equal to or less than double the ripping costs, people will augment a new piece instead of ripping mods and placing in an old piece. It might even be less than that since you can resell a full piece for alot more than an empty shell, which will offset the cost of a new augment kit.


PS. Also forgot to add... You are forgetting about all the low level solid pieces that can be crafted or gathered from drops now and used for outfits. That doesn't take CC. Also P2W means getting a stat advantage with real life money, I can't see how the outfit designer is P2W unless you are trying to win a fashion show.

Edited by Draqsko
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With artifice and cybertech (and to a lesser extent armstech) you're talking turkey because those skills make all the mods. And since people will still need them, I believe they will continue to be lucrative.


Synthweave makes enhancements. Not much help otherwise there though.

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no it wont LOL most people run minium 2 Sets...


your a DUMB **** if you are riping gear every time you switch from PVE/PVP


the cost to auging 2 full sits with 186s isnt very much for one grab a Biochem farm Yain 3-4 hours! Tada 200 MK10 kits! Ding 10mil easy



infact this will encourge others to have 2-3 sets...every toon of mine has atleast 2 sets some run 3. or 4

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I only hear the sounds of those who destroyed that Gambling Machine because they feared that they wouldn''t be able to get any profits in the game anymore ...


For me, all credibility of crafters have gone down the drain after their successful vote of money vs. cartel gambling machine. I don't trust crafters anymore.


And I never crafted for profits, either. Only for myself and for friends.

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Do you realize that it's cheaper to pull the mods and install over your old mods if you don't plan on saving your old ones for REing or use on companions. However, if you have to re-rip old mods because you want to save them, it become more cost-effective to just augment slot a new piece of gear and swap the gear out.


To upgrade from 186 to 192 would cost 72k if you double ripped the mods (roughly 37k to rip the 192, and 35k to rip the 186 mods). The cost to augment a new piece is 42k, plus 12k to rip the augment, plus whatever it costs for you to acquire aug kits. Each additional tier of upgrade adds in 4k to the cost to rip (from 192 to 198 is 76k, from 198 to 204 will be 80k unless they change the cost to rip mods).


General rule, as soon as the cost of augment kits plus 54k is equal to or less than double the ripping costs, people will augment a new piece instead of ripping mods and placing in an old piece. It might even be less than that since you can resell a full piece for alot more than an empty shell, which will offset the cost of a new augment kit.


PS. Also forgot to add... You are forgetting about all the low level solid pieces that can be crafted or gathered from drops now and used for outfits. That doesn't take CC. Also P2W means getting a stat advantage with real life money, I can't see how the outfit designer is P2W unless you are trying to win a fashion show.


I'm well aware of all of that. I think you missed my point. I'm not concerned about the cost in credits to aug or replace a piece of gear.


We currently have an economy that allows a player to make a lot of credits in 1 of 2 methods. Spend CC and sell hyercrates, packs, and CM items on the GTN; or craft high end items and sell them on the GTN. There are other methods, but these two are the most significant. And at this time, I would say crafting has a the bigger potential to allow a player to earn many credits.


This outfit designer cuts the crafters out significantly. They will still be needed, but much less. They will find it much more difficult to sell the same number of products that they sell now once this is released. This makes spending CC much more lucrative in the long run for players who are trying to amass a wealth of credits.


People may not be paying money to buy stat advantages, but they will be paying money to make credits more effectively. And those credits can be used to buy stat advantages.


Its not a broken system, but its a highly profitable for BioWare by encouraging more people to spend more money on CC so they can be credit rich in the game more easily. Crafters are getting the shaft for something players want that is being implemented in a way to try and encourage more players to purchase more CC if they want to make credits more efficiently.

Edited by Orizuru
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From 3.2 you'll only need 1 set of augmented gear - sell your kits and augs while you can people.


Yet again, crafting gets the shaft :(


as for me this means it will only make augs and kits more expensive.

because there will be lesser demand the greeders will have to rise up the prices.

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From 3.2 you'll only need 1 set of augmented gear - sell your kits and augs while you can people.


Yet again, crafting gets the shaft :(


The sky is not falling. *Most* players do not run multiple sets of gear just to change their appearance. A lot of people still run multiple sets of gear for different purposes.


Even though I make maximum use of legacy armor,

  • I still need 3 full sets of gear for my Bounty Hunters.
  • I still need 3 full sets of gear for my Inquisitors
  • I still need 2 sets of gear for my Agents
  • I still need 2 sets of gear for my Warriors.


Then again, I make all of my own.


I no longer pvp, but if I did that would double my requirement.

Edited by ekwalizer
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I don't see the demand for augments dropping much... Kits will feel an impact since you no longer have to buy augment kits for the "outfits".


From what I see (and personally think they missed the boat here), you will still need several sets of "gear" (stat modifying gear that is). You will still need to swap out the gear in order to change stats (role swap, pve <-> pvp).


I would have liked to see purchaseable "stat modifying gear tabs", so I dont burn inventory space/time when switching role game styles (PvE/PvP).


Don't get me wrong, its an ok addition... but just that... ok. Should have gone a little further imho.

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I'll spend the same amount on AUG's and KIT's as I did before. I've multiple sets for multiple characters. Glad I'm a crafter so I just make my own to save money anyways.


I only use legacy gear so I can pass around my gear to same class of character. Always been UGLY versions of that gear. NOW I can just buy more of the GREE gear and setup any style I want. :) YEA!!!


As for the "Doom & Gloom" of crafting market.. NO... in fact I think it's going to boost some of the OLDER patterns to be in demand a tad more (Green, etc). I know my War Hero and Battlemaster orange gear has been selling pretty good lately and those schematics you can't obtain anymore.

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I never augmented gear on alts as it was a very expensive habit and should I want to put a new look on them that was expensive enough.


The introduction of the Outfit Designer and the ability to augment one set but use the appearance of another means I will be far more likely, not less, to go out and purchase augment slots and mods.

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Augment market wont drop that much. What will drop is people earning money off cartel market gear. Friends will be able to pass unbound gear around to design a costume. It doesn't bind it when you add it to your costume therefore, there is no need to buy cartel gear off market any longer for the cool looks.
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I don't think so. I rarely augmented more than one outfit per character, anyways. Also, I augment legacy gear ever so often. I think other people are similar.


Exactly, Smart players with multiple toons that share stats have been doing this for a long time. The people who are leveling fresh toons and don't have their stuff in legacy gear already will still be buying that stuff up for the first month or so. After that you will see your market take a hit, but not a very big one.


Crystals took a hit when cartel crystals came out, but they bounced back. Biochem is still lucrative though some will lead you to believe that it isn't (you are still expending the same amount of mats for the same monetary return).

Yeah you will take a hit at first, but the market will recover after a time.


Augment market wont drop that much. What will drop is people earning money off cartel market gear. Friends will be able to pass unbound gear around to design a costume. It doesn't bind it when you add it to your costume therefore, there is no need to buy cartel gear off market any longer for the cool looks.


It does bind when you add it to a costume, I've been playing around with it on PTS and every piece binds to me after I apply the outfit.

Edited by RiVaN_
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Augment market wont drop that much. What will drop is people earning money off cartel market gear. Friends will be able to pass unbound gear around to design a costume. It doesn't bind it when you add it to your costume therefore, there is no need to buy cartel gear off market any longer for the cool looks.


I suspect this is currently a bug as the live stream demonstration said items 'would' bind when used for appearance.

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It's hardly a credit sink, as the credits just go in others pocket...


yes most of the credits go to the crafter (which is why it isn't a credit sink) although we have the GTN tax and that does take money out of the game like a credit sink. Maybe his point was less sales = less money taken by the GTN tax?

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I only hear the sounds of those who destroyed that Gambling Machine because they feared that they wouldn''t be able to get any profits in the game anymore ...


For me, all credibility of crafters have gone down the drain after their successful vote of money vs. cartel gambling machine. I don't trust crafters anymore.


I don't think it was crafting-crafters who did that. I think was the gathering-farmers who did that and hid behind the name 'crafters' because the real crafters were the ones buying the overprices mats.


Anyway, nothing more I can think of to add to the actual topic, so... *goes to eat lunch and shoot more Revanites for the weeklies and stuff*

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I suspect this is currently a bug as the live stream demonstration said items 'would' bind when used for appearance.


Maybe some rare bug for some people, but it in all my cases when trying it out on PTS it has bounded both CM and every other gear type to me.

Edited by FerkWork
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ooo costumes shaping up to be somethin cool, if its anything like the guild wars 2 system this should be great. lookin forward to not spending a ridiculous amount of cash to reaug and rekit my stuff. i get tired of certain looks so i wanna change it up heh
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