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While single player games are good there is also an the issue I said before. Most friends I know that love star wars will not touch this game. The reason being is that they have no intention to play something that is in a totally different timeline then the movies. They want to play in what is cannon and will do so when another star wars mmorpg comes out that is cannon.


SWG had it right in that regard. Also lets not forget that there will be star wars people going to see their very first star wars movie with episode 7 coming out. These people are the new generation of star wars fans. They may look online for a mmorpg star wars game after seeing 7 and will in fact find this one. The time line its self may turn them off because it is not familiar to them. I am not saying everyone is like that but it is a potential issue that can happen.


With this new generation of star wars fans coming out, the fan base joining an mmorpg will become more relevant then in the past. .


This is a lot of conjecture that is difficult to prove. Bioware thought the current generation of Star Wars fans would be enough to make this game an epic success that could rival even World of Warcraft. The games shortcomings may have contributed to it not meeting that lofty goal, but I think a good portion of the reason it was never more than a fly on Blizzard's back was because Bioware did not understand the market as well as they thought they did.


If another Star Wars MMO is in the cards, I would expect a lot more effort to go into a more comprehensive understanding of the market.


To be fair, that's just the sperglord hivemind putting down SWTOR because they don't play. Take for example





Rose Online


And so on and so forth.


I think there is a bit more to it than that. This game drew in a lot of the hardcore MMO players regardless of their feelings about the Star Wars IP. There were a lot of them that came here because this game offered the server based community they craved after playing other MMOs where cross-server systems created communities that could no longer be managed well by players themselves. The lack of a random group finder was another feature that many hardcore MMO players craved and flocked here to enjoy. However, the game failed on many of the other systems that these players desired and they soon left the game. During the first 3-5 months after launch many of these hardcore MMO players left the game because they had no loyalty to the Star Wars franchise and found the game to be severely lacking in the features and systems that they desired. Today the hardcore MMO players are a very quiet minority, which is what I feel largely contributes to the game's reputation for being casual friendly.

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It seems like a lot of players want this game to fail. Judging by the many threads/posts on these forums, players don't really like this game very much.


I don't see it and I am sure you can not provide exact numbers.

As said before those that are happy play and seldom come to these or any forums.

I am here becasue I am at work and have nothing to do....lol


Eric said at the ATL cantina that a Very Small percent is on the forums and most that post are NOT subscribers.

So, I guess you need to go rethink you post OP.


Nice try tho :rak_02:

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anyone else find the lack of response from our community ambassador disturbing...perhaps took the (perceived?) dev route and is being silent, or simply doesn't care. Either way the silence is deafening and won't be a very good ambassador if never says anything.


Agreed. I suggest we begin impeachment proceedings immediately.

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Well, along with the poor engine and seeing as how the developers try to make every little thing a way to grab as much cash out of the community as possible (dyes, bad looking in-game armor with only cartel stuff looking cool, many features requiring cash or an obscene amount of credits), I feel a lot of us would rather have a game that's helmed by developers who are allowed to care about making the game to be GOOD. There's so much potential being suppressed so that those greedy SOBs at EA can line their pockets.


I feel Bioware could do fantastic but being ruled by EA, it's hopeless. Many people probably want this game to fail so a new and better Star Wars MMO not controlled and limited by EA can take its place.


Let's just compare some things between SWTOR and it's predecessor, SWG, just to make the point clear.


I know many things are optionally available on the GTN, but they all had to come from someone shelling out real money in the first place.


Armor color-

SWG- Craft or buy an armor paint kit with credits, then it allows you to choose any primary and secondary color per piece of armor. They have 9 uses each and are fairly cheap.

SWTOR- Buy cartel packs with real cash and gamble what random set of predetermined color-combinations you might get. Many combinations are unavailable because the developers are trying to decide what combination of two colors they want to charge you cash for next.


Speeder color-

SWG- Craft or buy a vehicle customization kit with credits, that allows you to customize the color of your mount.

SWTOR- Gamble on a cartel pack that may have a speeder with the color you like (if that model exists or if they're still waiting to sell it to us) and hope for the best.


Character customization changes-

SWG- find an entertainer in a cantina who allows you to choose any look you want on your character, using sliders. Free unless you decide to tip them with credits. I don't think you could change species, but many species were available at the start.

SWTOR- choose from presets that charge you cartel coins exclusively. You can't even use credits.


Armor Appearance-

SWG- everything in the game was available through gameplay, aside from the subscriber rewards and some event exclusive items (very few.)

SWTOR- most in-game items are ugly, and the growing cartel market has a huge amount of cooler items that someone has to pay real money for to make them exist.

Edited by Blowwtorch
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Well, along with the poor engine and seeing as how the developers try to make every little thing a way to grab as much cash out of the community as possible (dyes, bad looking in-game armor with only cartel stuff looking cool, many features requiring cash or an obscene amount of credits), I feel a lot of us would rather have a game that's helmed by developers who are allowed to care about making the game to be GOOD. There's so much potential being suppressed so that those greedy SOBs at EA can line their pockets.


I feel Bioware could do fantastic but being ruled by EA, it's hopeless. Many people probably want this game to fail so a new and better Star Wars MMO not controlled and limited by EA can take its place.


the news, apparently you don't read it...


EA owns EXCLUSIVE rights to ALL SW games (that means nobody else can make them for those in Rio Linda)...

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the news, apparently you don't read it...


EA owns EXCLUSIVE rights to ALL SW games (that means nobody else can make them for those in Rio Linda)...


Actually they don't. Mobile, browser and ONLINE games, Disney hold the licence. Naturally, EA has the licence for SWTOR but i am not sure when that expires but it was probably a 10 year one, so 2016/7 is when it would be due

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Actually they don't. Mobile, browser and ONLINE games, Disney hold the licence. Naturally, EA has the licence for SWTOR but i am not sure when that expires but it was probably a 10 year one, so 2016/7 is when it would be due


"The agreement covers titles aimed at core gamers on "all interactive platforms"; Disney retains the rights to make casual and social games in the Star Wars universe on mobile devices, tablets and the web. "




so take that how you will but I would assume MMO does not fall into the "casual/social web based game"

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"The agreement covers titles aimed at core gamers on "all interactive platforms"; Disney retains the rights to make casual and social games in the Star Wars universe on mobile devices, tablets and the web. "




so take that how you will but I would assume MMO does not fall into the "casual/social web based game"


Funny, how IGN use the term 'online' games. I guess its about language but I think all EA care about is console.



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Funny, how IGN use the term 'online' games. I guess its about language but I think all EA care about is console.




The only difference in the two quotes is one refers to web based and the other to online and they both refer to EA having sole license for core gaming markets. I have a feeling bother are referring to browser based games and not MMO's as being in the Disney area.

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It seems like a lot of players want this game to fail. Judging by the many threads/posts on these forums, players don't really like this game very much. Nothing wrong with that. I'm just curious as to why you don't like it. Would be interesting if you could list your reasons so the community could get a better knowledge of the many opinions amongst us.

Remember to stay on topic and refrain from trolling. ;)

Good luck!



people who enjoy a MMO are in it playing it. people who don't are on the fourms complaining

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Read your reply to yourself and imagine it being read in the manner of Peter Jones as the voice of The Book in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and it is quite entertaining.


I was about to skip that (TLDR), but your comment made me go back. I can see the British humour seeping out of that post.

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It seems like a lot of players want this game to fail. Judging by the many threads/posts on these forums, players don't really like this game very much. Nothing wrong with that. I'm just curious as to why you don't like it. Would be interesting if you could list your reasons so the community could get a better knowledge of the many opinions amongst us.

Remember to stay on topic and refrain from trolling. ;)

Good luck!


I haven't read up the other posts so just answering to the topic for now...


I run operations in my relatively small guild. The problem is, there are not many options, especially for newcomers. All levels of lvl 50 operations are faceroll, you complete them in godmode, hence not enjoyable. SM 55s are faceroll, HM 55s are alright but way too hard for the newbies, and NIM 55s are quite enjoyable atm (for junkies), so that's a plus. Ravagers is fine unless you attempt it on 16M for a lagfest (even guys with super PCs have problems), and if Corra doesn't bug out. Yes, it is still bugged. HM Ravs, well, atm it seems hard but probably we'll just have to practice and practice. SM TOS is overpowered on Lurker, you shouldn't have to be a top-notch healer or DPS to beat a storymode boss, yet if you have 1 noob (not talking about the cross particularly, but rotation), you can wipe for hours, not to mention that the first set of circles, rocks and cross do not appear to many players including myself. Ah, and sorc healers are in a huge disadvantage in that fight, i've yet to see a group with 2 sorc healers that beat Lurker. It's just annoying.


You might see that if you have newbies in the guild, most of the time you have to do something that is either boring for you, or way too difficult to them. I think old ops should be tuned up a bit, and Lurker should be nerfed on SM to balance the endgame content.


One other issue, well, not a real issue but additional source of annoyance is the PVP whining, almost every week we are facing nerfs in PVE because some idiots in PVP can't win enough times. FFS, when players will learn to not drag down others, but maybe, if they really think their class sucks in PVP, ask for a buff, a new ability that could solve the problem or something? You PVPers are not just digging your own graves, but ours as well.


As for general class balance, melee are pretty much ****ed in new Ops, unless you're a truly amazing player, in that case, congratulations. Even on Dummy parse, melee classes are way behind (and no, not asking for a ranged nerf ffs), and then look at all the plain simple mechanics in new ops that **** up the melee classes.

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Honestly at this point I want it to fail so that a studio outside of EA's control can have a shot at building a real SW MMO. This won't happen because of the license that EA has and even with the major issues they can continue to milk this title for all ten years of it, but it would be nice. This games engine is crap, the devs live on some other planet where they think they're doing what the playerbase wants, and there is no addition to the most powerful feature this game had, the stories.


I think most of the vitriol here for one, is rather tame, and two, has be elicited by the devs themselves in part because they either don't care or are too aloof to realize what's going on. That said, even if a magical dev team sent by the Emperor himself showed up, this game's engine and UI would continue to relegate it to being short of what should be possible. There's no hope for making it anywhere near as enjoyable as a SWs title should be.

Edited by Prototypemind
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In every game I can think of, the forums represent a very small % of the overall playerbase.

Welcome to 2015.


I think people grossly underestimate the number of players who do visit the forums (not to post, but to browse). With SWG, 65% of the playerbase was active on the forums (source - she says it in the 1st 30 seconds)...I doubt we're any less than that.

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Well, going from market research, in 2013 SWTOR was the 4th highest revenue MMO. It was only beat by WOW, Liniage, and TERA. The newer pools that should be coming out in the next few months I would suspect that they would overcome TERA since they had no expansions or any big pushes to get new players, but SWTOR had the Revan expansion. No other "big" MMOs have come out that really had a good release. The only one I can think of on the top of my head was Archeage, and that was a flaming flop within 3-4 months of release.
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