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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Win-Trading and Griefing in Season 4


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1) Remove the timer before starting the match and force the groups to use the Ready Check system. Each team has 30 seconds to answer, after that 30 seconds the match will end with a tie and with no rating lost. I'm tired of losing matches because people queue and then goes AFK.


This is a pretty big problem, because of the way Ranked queues work. In a normal PvP queue, when a match is created, the queue popup will appear and you'll have roughly a minute to join the match. If you don't click anything when the time expires, you miss the queue, and it invites someone else. However, in ranked, when you get a popup and don't click anything, it still throws you into the match when the timer expires, even though you're clearly afk. This is a pretty serious problem for rational people who don't want to stare at the center of their screen for 30 minutes waiting for a magical gold-trimmed popup to appear.


The dev team has gone on and on and on about how serious they are about Ranked and ooooh Ranked and "we care so much" and yet what have we actually seen to show us that they care? Pretty much nothing...


The purpose of Ranked PvP is to allow good players to prove their skill in PvP. Rating change is not the purpose of Ranked. Actual fair, 4v4 matches are the purpose of Ranked PvP. From a dev perspective, yes, there needs to be a solution for every use case and possible loophole, but it is the job of dev team to refine the system in such a way that those scenarios become less and less frequent. Adding a ready check is a perfect solution. It eliminates rating loss via afk (or having the misfortune of being grouped with one who is afk), and only starts the match if all players are active.


Important: The only additional thing you'd need to do, however, is to hide the details of team B until team A has all clicked Ready, and vice versa. This needs to be implemented together with the previously mentioned system, otherwise people will refuse to check Ready if they think they're playing against a composition (or player) they think they will lose against.

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2) I assume you're talking about disconnection issues. Anyways I'm talking about a 10 mins lock, it's not that much but it can stop trolls which are not likely to wait for 10 minutes. If a disconnection happens then there's really little to do but I agree on having it related to the rating. A >1600 is not a troll so he doesn't deserve punishment :)


Right, that's true, but it's a lot more complicated than that. From a player's perspective, we all know what "should" happen, and what is obviously a flawed system. Unfortunately from a Dev perspective this is an incredibly difficult problem to solve. It just goes back and forth and back and forth.


It's true that a >1600 player isn't simply a 'troll', but if the player received no punishment for disconnecting, then it would become a tool in an effective Ranked player's arsenal (ie: if your ranked rating is high enough, you can purposefully disconnect from losing matches to preserve your rating.


Another possible solution is that when a disconnection occurs, the match ends prematurely and no ratings are changed. This is a great solution... on paper. Unfortunately players will abuse this too, disconnecting in expectation of a losing match, or in the middle of one.


Another possible solution would be, if someone disconnects, the match ends, and: if the score is 1-0 or 0-1, the team with the round win, wins. If the score is tied (1-1 or 0-0) then the team with the most damage, healing and protection wins. The second scenario would be very difficult to balance as it would make teams running tank-class DPS (jugg dps, pt dps, sin dps) very powerful for boosting numbers. However, this scenario suffers from the exact same problem as the previous ones, it can be abused. Obviously if a team wins a round, this is an easy match win technique. However, even in tied matches, a team with an operative/scoundrel (aoe stealth) and/or a bunch of burst DPS could initiate combat with a lot of starting damage, then end the match early and call it a day.


However, the devs also can't directly combat this, because there is no way to definitively prove someone's DC was intentional or not.




As sucky as it is, ultimately the best solution is to always punish a DCer, regardless of intent. This not only soundly discourages any attempt to better one's rating by DCing from a match intentionally, but it also encourages players to ensure their internet is stable before playing Ranked, thus ensuring more matches will be DC-free.


There is no perfect solution to this problem. The best solution is simply the one which cannot be exploited.

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Important: The only additional thing you'd need to do, however, is to hide the details of team B until team A has all clicked Ready, and vice versa. This needs to be implemented together with the previously mentioned system, otherwise people will refuse to check Ready if they think they're playing against a composition (or player) they think they will lose against.


Well, I guess there's no perfect system but it can be improved.

1) You're correct, an idea would be to hide the other players and just show them once the Ready Check is done so that you don't know who your mates and enemies are and you can complete the Ready Check instead of using it to avoid a sure loss situation





However, the devs also can't directly combat this, because there is no way to definitively prove someone's DC was intentional or not.


As sucky as it is, ultimately the best solution is to always punish a DCer, regardless of intent. This not only soundly discourages any attempt to better one's rating by DCing from a match intentionally, but it also encourages players to ensure their internet is stable before playing Ranked, thus ensuring more matches will be DC-free.


^ This.

It may not be the perfect solution but it's surely better than what we have now.

DC may happen to everyone, but it should be something that happens like just once in a month so the punishment won't hurt the player. If you DC more than that well...Check your connection before going into ranked and ruin people's matches!

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So, after another 3 vs 4 WZ I decided to post my 2 cents, hoping that we can have something better for S5 (since S4 is already gone).


1) Remove the timer before starting the match and force the groups to use the Ready Check system. Each team has 30 seconds to answer, after that 30 seconds the match will end with a tie and with no rating lost. I'm tired of losing matches because people queue and then goes AFK.


2) Lock people out of queue if they quit during a match. We have this system for flashpoints, why not using it for Ranked too?


3) Review the rating system. ELO is fine for board games or 1 vs 1 games, not for a teams. My rating can't be based on how three random people play because this will make it just a matter of luck in getting a good team. Make it based on damage/protection/healing and medals. Rating should measure how I play, but now this isn't true.


That's all, 3 simple things that can make Ranked PvP better (imo).


EDIT: forgot number 4.


4) Gear check before being able to queue. 2018 expertise should be a must. I played with people in green gear during this season.


1) not going to stop trolls from queueing. They'll just click 'ready' and still troll.. What it would do is help the ranked players avoid pve'ers and just not click ready if they are saddled with one. It would also help, as someone later pointed out, those that queue for a ranked pop and it can take forever and a day to get a pop, get queued and auto-sucked in.


In each of those instances that it would work for, there are other fixes that are good options. The 2018xp min for ranked would stop those that don't pvp from checking it out. Even a simple warning screen that you have to click if you don't have said min expertise and even possibly a min valor check as well to at least show you've had extensive warzone experience and that toon.


2) I would agree with this for ranked, even if you have a dc issue. This is ranked, it should be taken seriously, and typically, when someone dc's, they are usually chronic dc'ers. Sure, **** happens, R/L happens, but this is ranked, deal with it if it happens, a half hour lock out isn't a big issue.


3) I agree that ELO just needs to go. Basing your ranking on the participation and skill of 3 random strangers and the success or failure of your 1st 10 games is laughable. For ELO to truly work efficiently there needs to be a much larger population to be able to get proper match-ups. To do this, there really needs to be x-faction AND x-server. And since neither of those are going to happen, we need to scrap ELO for yolo.


However, I disagree that medals/damage/healing, etc... are the way to revamp it. It really leaves the focus target in the beginning **** out of luck. Still leaves that merc as the punching bag that they already are, even moreso. IMO, participation should be how it's determined. Lots of points for winning, and very littlee, if anything for losing. Just not negative. Lessen the rewards for yolo ranked, and give group ranked the big cool rewards. Like Ops, regs would be SM, Yolo is the HM, and group is NiM.


4) agree, as said.

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  • Griefer – Those players that seem to have that one singular purpose, to ruin the spirit of Ranked PvP. They refuse to participate, or they leave the match altogether. Those players will be receiving anything from a warning to suspension time based on the severity of their actions.


So, just out of curiosity here Eric, define "refuse to participate".


What about the players who simply get globaled by the multitude of Sins / Shadows that have proliferated PvP due to the horrendous balance? Frequently being globaled isn't fun, but to also potentially be accused of being a griefer simply for being in a match and unable to do anything?


I really hope your analytics cover scenarios like this.

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The medals and damage/heal/protection was just an idea which I didn't elaborate properly but it may be summarized like this: if your team lose but you still played "good enough" (based on the previous parameters) then you should not lose something like 20 rating (it just happened that I lost 20 rating despite having 3 kills and the highest DPS between the two teams).


This should mitigate somehow the loss caused by bad luck and bad teams (even if I'd like that my rating depends just on me and not anyone else).


Just a quick reply to your first point: the ready check idea wasn't meant to be a solution for trolls but rather a way to avoid people being afk and leaving the match 3 vs 4. If you click ready and then you just throw the match, than you should lose 50 rating while leaving other player's rating untouched.


I mean, of course my ideas are just my ideas and surely there's a way to improve them, but I felt we needed some kind of starting point to see if BW really cares of their customers and tries to help us having a better experience with their game :)

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


Quick update: Yesterday, players who fell in the camp of "win-trading" were notified with warnings, etc. as we already alluded to. Today, we have begun to sent out warnings and actions against those players who fall under the griefing category. Based on the severity of their griefing, actions taken against those players range from a warning all the way up to a week of suspension time.


Thanks everyone, I will keep you apprised with updates as we have them.



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So, just out of curiosity here Eric, define "refuse to participate".


What about the players who simply get globaled by the multitude of Sins / Shadows that have proliferated PvP due to the horrendous balance? Frequently being globaled isn't fun, but to also potentially be accused of being a griefer simply for being in a match and unable to do anything?


I really hope your analytics cover scenarios like this.


Guess we will find out something shortly based on Eric's recent post, but most people's complaints about griefers revolved around those known, repeated to leave a match right before the start timer ends making the team short and those who simply leave the cloning area and do nothing else or cloak out and do nothing. That's more of what I understand for "refuse to participate".

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So when I see JMD still getting in PVP matches and saying "fuk yew trols" and quits then we know one of the following is true.


1. JMD is a Bioware or EA employee.

2. JMD has diplomatic immunity.

3. JMD didn't get any warning or suspension cause they aren't really doing anything of the sort or their data is flawed.

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So when I see JMD still getting in PVP matches and saying "fuk yew trols" and quits then we know one of the following is true.


1. JMD is a Bioware or EA employee.

2. JMD has diplomatic immunity.

3. JMD didn't get any warning or suspension cause they aren't really doing anything of the sort or their data is flawed.


Careful. I got a warning for "calling out" regarding this particular individual.

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Hey folks,


Quick update: Yesterday, players who fell in the camp of "win-trading" were notified with warnings, etc. as we already alluded to. Today, we have begun to sent out warnings and actions against those players who fall under the griefing category. Based on the severity of their griefing, actions taken against those players range from a warning all the way up to a week of suspension time.


Thanks everyone, I will keep you apprised with updates as we have them.




That's great news, but it still doesn't change the fact that almost every ranked player in this game wants a new rating system. One that will obviously handicap the very existence of trolls. You guys are trying to run a business over there, we understand that when dealing with Internet Warriors, the battlefield gets a bit rough.


Instead of trying to treat the symptoms of douchebaggery, create a new system that can't allow douchebags to flourish.

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I start a thread in our server forums to revitalize the ranked scene and get a bunch of teams q'ing on my server as a result. My thanks? a warning for "win trading".


After being a subscriber since launch and spending hundreds of dollars on cartel coins over the years, I got permabanned for being a gold-farmer or some such (the accusatory email is rather vague when telling you that you've been permabanned). Needless to say I disputed, they realized their stupid error and reinstated my account. You'd think that when checking for gold farmers you'd cross people off the list who clearly put more money into the game than they could possibly earn by gold farming. You'd be wrong.


So, your story, while incredibly infuriating, is not surprising IMO.


I recommend you contact BW support and dispute the warning. I think their enforcement department operates on a shoe string and a standard play in their playbook is to cast a wide net for disciplinary action using automated tools (e.g. gold farming) and then reverse themselves (and possibly do real investigation) when a disciplinee complains.

Edited by funkiestj
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After being a subscriber since launch and spending hundreds of dollars on cartel coins over the years, I got permabanned for being a gold-farmer or some such (the accusatory email is rather vague when telling you that you've been permabanned). Needless to say I disputed, they realized their stupid error and reinstated my account. You'd think that when checking for gold farmers you'd cross people off the list who clearly put more money into the game than they could possibly earn by gold farming. You'd be wrong.


So, your story, while incredibly infuriating, is not surprising IMO.


I recommend you contact BW support and dispute the warning. I think their enforcement department operates on a shoe string and a standard play in their playbook is to cast a wide net for disciplinary action using automated tools (e.g. gold farming) and then reverse themselves (and possibly do real investigation) when a disciplinee complains.


I got a response from "Ian" in my inbox saying they reviewed my history and determined I still violated via win trading. I'll take what Eric said with a modest dose of optimism, but it's clear people enforcing his rules aren't on the same page.

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I got a response from "Ian" in my inbox saying they reviewed my history and determined I still violated via win trading. I'll take what Eric said with a modest dose of optimism, but it's clear people enforcing his rules aren't on the same page.


Yeah my team Head & Shoulders all got a warning for wintrading by bioware, we are one of the only teams and probably best team in Europe that queues in 2 different servers(TOFN and T3M4) almost every night to play team ranked even tho we barely get any team to face nowadays and this how they repay us saying we win traded?

We all sent our complaint and this same guy "Ian" copy pasted same message he sent to you Caprica to all of us in my team.


Thank you for contacting us regarding the warning that you have received about your account. The sanction on your account pertains to the following violation:


Violation: Win Trading


You may violate the Terms of Service if, as determined by EA in its sole discretion, you:


Engage in disruptive behavior in chat areas, game areas, forums, or any other area or aspect of EA Services. Disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to conduct which interferes with the normal flow of gameplay or dialogue within an EA Service.


Having completed a thorough investigation into your account and the complaint that you have made, we must advise that your account was sanctioned correctly, in full compliance with our policies and procedures. Following our review into the actions taken on your account we wish to confirm that we shall not be removing this warning from your account.


Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. As a valued customer, your feedback is very important to us.


Yours sincerely,



Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Terms of Service


BW automated messages at its best. I bet they didn't even read the complaints :D

Edited by SKYPATCH
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So when I see JMD still getting in PVP matches and saying "fuk yew trols" and quits then we know one of the following is true.


1. JMD is a Bioware or EA employee.

2. JMD has diplomatic immunity.

3. JMD didn't get any warning or suspension cause they aren't really doing anything of the sort or their data is flawed.


This. Bioware hasn't really done anything as of right now, not sure if I wanna keep putting my money into a company's wallet who's punishing the actual community and doing nothing to the rule breakers.

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So when I see JMD still getting in PVP matches and saying "fuk yew trols" and quits then we know one of the following is true.


1. JMD is a Bioware or EA employee.

2. JMD has diplomatic immunity.

3. JMD didn't get any warning or suspension cause they aren't really doing anything of the sort or their data is flawed.


I always suspected 1 cause I really can't see an other reason ... that just makes no sense ...


But as Eric said, it's pointless to report because they won't take action based on player's report. Maybe those datas are just very slow computing (or hard drive gone corrupt ...). And ... all those reports for nothing :(


Anyway Ranked PvP is already dead on this server. And it can't get any better since they just told them "Hey you still have a few days to keep screwing up r-pvp ! Hurry before it's too late !"

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Yeah my team Head & Shoulders all got a warning for wintrading by bioware, we are one of the only teams and probably best team in Europe that queues in 2 different servers(TOFN and T3M4) almost every night to play team ranked even tho we barely get any team to face nowadays and this how they repay us saying we win traded?

We all sent our complaint and this same guy "Ian" copy pasted same message he sent to you Caprica to all of us in my team.




BW automated messages at its best. I bet they didn't even read the complaints :D


Rofl thank you for sharing that. That's the exact message I got.

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So when I see JMD still getting in PVP matches and saying "fuk yew trols" and quits then we know one of the following is true.


1. JMD is a Bioware or EA employee.

2. JMD has diplomatic immunity.

3. JMD didn't get any warning or suspension cause they aren't really doing anything of the sort or their data is flawed.



Edited by mmerry
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Simple awareness can prevent you from being "flagged" for PvP on a PvE server. Little things like the character running around with name in YELLOW, don't shoot or you will be flagged. Manage AoEs if you see someone around with name in yellow. Switch instances or just don't use AoEs and you will be fine. I played on a PvE server for a couple months before 3.0 and never had an issue with being flagged for PvP if I didn't want to PvP.


In PvE operations, flashpoints, etc, you can vote kick someone for whatever reason, but in PvP warzones the offender just needs to do something, anything to prevent a vote kick. That something could be as simple as putting a bubble or shield on. Helps no one, you still aren't doing anything really and you are affecting at least 3 other players. You can't stop them from queing or control whether you get grouped with them except by not queing yourself which significantly affects your enjoyment of the game.


There are already multiple ways to toggle out of PvP in the open world with the first and best one being open your eyes and pay attention. Don't AoE everything, don't AoE around the yellow colored names, switch instances, time out for 5 minutes to reset flag, and simple awareness are all ways to control the PvP flag in open world.


Well not that easy unless they revamp the game. Here are a few 'fun times' we (my guild) got to deal with on the last event.


Example #1 - PvP Griefer opts to die. He then sees a non-pvper run by and asks for help for a rez. The non-pvper does it and gets flagged for helping a pvper. There is no way to determine if they are flagged when dead (no color in name). Toss in there his 'buddies' are in stealth and boom you flag and get a shower scene from Oz.


Example #2 - PvP Griefer stands near some mobs in stealth. non-pvper does not see the pvper (they are in stealth) and boom - splash damage and flagged. Again welcome ot the ever fun shower scenes from Oz.


Example #3 - You are using AoE to attack solo. No pvper in the area noticed - if they were you do not AoE. Then they run up and circle you. If on auto-target (good chance you are if you PvE) it will pick the pvper as the target and boom - flagged and another shower scene from Oz.


Example #4 - The blantant harasser PvPer. They will just harass and follow and circle you disturbing the game since if you do go into combat they try to get you to auto-target and get flagged. Welcome to another shower scene from Oz.


Again if I need to shift instances (I left 5 alone because of the high level of PvP flags) because of player behavior, then wouldn't that constitute griefing by some PvPers? I ran into this regardless of the server pop too - had 1 PvPer harass my group and there was 6 people listed in the instance.


To respond to a prior non-quoted response to my post:


Why did I pick this topic to reply too? Simply because PvE'ers get this crap day in and day out by PvPers during events by "less than stellar" PvPers. And it is numerous and Bioware does squat about it other than the canned "Thank you and we'll look into it" cut n paste response.


In comparison, a single yahoo opts to 'grief' the ranked pvp system and "OMG!" its "all hands on deck by Bioware!" with more posts by Eric Musco on this than he does for any other topic combined (Dev Tracker is your friend). Pretty sure Eric is a great guy, but does lead me to question what the heck is Bioware's priorities.


Finally this leads me to ask another question of if pvp was so dang popular, please explain why all the PvE servers are listed as FULL or HEAVY and all PvP servers are STANDARD or LIGHT on multiple occasions when I log in? Also why is the queue to PvP so long as well if it is so popular? I mean it must be because we have the summer of PvP last year complete with an ad campaign of people PvPing in some neighborhood.


I know there are some decent good PvPers - in fact willing to bet 80%+ are this way in that they leave people alone that are not pvping or are there to help people pvp when they choose do so. Its the 20% that are giving the rest a bad name. In fact willing to bet its the same 20% that if a non-PvPer queues up for a weekly, they are the ones that gripe, yell, and scream because the pve'er doesn't have the full deck of PvP gear and is 'throwing their game' (personal thought is if they were skilled it wouldn't matter and they are feeling the need to compensate for having hairy feet). Frankly I want to win as much as anyone else if I queue up (wins are 2x) if in PvE gear as well.



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Well not that easy unless they revamp the game. Here are a few 'fun times' we (my guild) got to deal with on the last event.


Example #1 - PvP Griefer opts to die. He then sees a non-pvper run by and asks for help for a rez. The non-pvper does it and gets flagged for helping a pvper. There is no way to determine if they are flagged when dead (no color in name). Toss in there his 'buddies' are in stealth and boom you flag and get a shower scene from Oz.


Example #2 - PvP Griefer stands near some mobs in stealth. non-pvper does not see the pvper (they are in stealth) and boom - splash damage and flagged. Again welcome ot the ever fun shower scenes from Oz.


Example #3 - You are using AoE to attack solo. No pvper in the area noticed - if they were you do not AoE. Then they run up and circle you. If on auto-target (good chance you are if you PvE) it will pick the pvper as the target and boom - flagged and another shower scene from Oz.


Example #4 - The blantant harasser PvPer. They will just harass and follow and circle you disturbing the game since if you do go into combat they try to get you to auto-target and get flagged. Welcome to another shower scene from Oz.


Again if I need to shift instances (I left 5 alone because of the high level of PvP flags) because of player behavior, then wouldn't that constitute griefing by some PvPers? I ran into this regardless of the server pop too - had 1 PvPer harass my group and there was 6 people listed in the instance.


To respond to a prior non-quoted response to my post:


Why did I pick this topic to reply too? Simply because PvE'ers get this crap day in and day out by PvPers during events by "less than stellar" PvPers. And it is numerous and Bioware does squat about it other than the canned "Thank you and we'll look into it" cut n paste response.


In comparison, a single yahoo opts to 'grief' the ranked pvp system and "OMG!" its "all hands on deck by Bioware!" with more posts by Eric Musco on this than he does for any other topic combined (Dev Tracker is your friend). Pretty sure Eric is a great guy, but does lead me to question what the heck is Bioware's priorities.


Finally this leads me to ask another question of if pvp was so dang popular, please explain why all the PvE servers are listed as FULL or HEAVY and all PvP servers are STANDARD or LIGHT on multiple occasions when I log in? Also why is the queue to PvP so long as well if it is so popular? I mean it must be because we have the summer of PvP last year complete with an ad campaign of people PvPing in some neighborhood.


I know there are some decent good PvPers - in fact willing to bet 80%+ are this way in that they leave people alone that are not pvping or are there to help people pvp when they choose do so. Its the 20% that are giving the rest a bad name. In fact willing to bet its the same 20% that if a non-PvPer queues up for a weekly, they are the ones that gripe, yell, and scream because the pve'er doesn't have the full deck of PvP gear and is 'throwing their game' (personal thought is if they were skilled it wouldn't matter and they are feeling the need to compensate for having hairy feet). Frankly I want to win as much as anyone else if I queue up (wins are 2x) if in PvE gear as well.




I'm a bit confused, what does any of that have to do with ranked?

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Well not that easy unless they revamp the game. Here are a few 'fun times' we (my guild) got to deal with on the last event.


Example #1 - PvP Griefer opts to die. He then sees a non-pvper run by and asks for help for a rez. The non-pvper does it and gets flagged for helping a pvper. There is no way to determine if they are flagged when dead (no color in name). Toss in there his 'buddies' are in stealth and boom you flag and get a shower scene from Oz.


Example #2 - PvP Griefer stands near some mobs in stealth. non-pvper does not see the pvper (they are in stealth) and boom - splash damage and flagged. Again welcome ot the ever fun shower scenes from Oz.


Example #3 - You are using AoE to attack solo. No pvper in the area noticed - if they were you do not AoE. Then they run up and circle you. If on auto-target (good chance you are if you PvE) it will pick the pvper as the target and boom - flagged and another shower scene from Oz.


Example #4 - The blantant harasser PvPer. They will just harass and follow and circle you disturbing the game since if you do go into combat they try to get you to auto-target and get flagged. Welcome to another shower scene from Oz.


Again if I need to shift instances (I left 5 alone because of the high level of PvP flags) because of player behavior, then wouldn't that constitute griefing by some PvPers? I ran into this regardless of the server pop too - had 1 PvPer harass my group and there was 6 people listed in the instance.


To respond to a prior non-quoted response to my post:


Why did I pick this topic to reply too? Simply because PvE'ers get this crap day in and day out by PvPers during events by "less than stellar" PvPers. And it is numerous and Bioware does squat about it other than the canned "Thank you and we'll look into it" cut n paste response.


In comparison, a single yahoo opts to 'grief' the ranked pvp system and "OMG!" its "all hands on deck by Bioware!" with more posts by Eric Musco on this than he does for any other topic combined (Dev Tracker is your friend). Pretty sure Eric is a great guy, but does lead me to question what the heck is Bioware's priorities.


Finally this leads me to ask another question of if pvp was so dang popular, please explain why all the PvE servers are listed as FULL or HEAVY and all PvP servers are STANDARD or LIGHT on multiple occasions when I log in? Also why is the queue to PvP so long as well if it is so popular? I mean it must be because we have the summer of PvP last year complete with an ad campaign of people PvPing in some neighborhood.


I know there are some decent good PvPers - in fact willing to bet 80%+ are this way in that they leave people alone that are not pvping or are there to help people pvp when they choose do so. Its the 20% that are giving the rest a bad name. In fact willing to bet its the same 20% that if a non-PvPer queues up for a weekly, they are the ones that gripe, yell, and scream because the pve'er doesn't have the full deck of PvP gear and is 'throwing their game' (personal thought is if they were skilled it wouldn't matter and they are feeling the need to compensate for having hairy feet). Frankly I want to win as much as anyone else if I queue up (wins are 2x) if in PvE gear as well.




The last event meaning the Gree event? Guess what, you went into an open world pvp area and chose to be open to pvp. Other than the rez'ing a player flag simply don't AoE if you are that bothered by being flagged or switch instances allowing you to pick up where you left off exactly except without the "griefer" (I don't disagree that some people are jerks about it). Otherwise it is all about awareness.


Server pop is why there is a difference in loads. Specifically, a number of PvP'ers moved to PvE servers due to server population. Some people went where there were more people and chance for shorter queue times. Simple population of a type of server does not constitute popularity of a portion of the game.

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I got a response from "Ian" in my inbox saying they reviewed my history and determined I still violated via win trading. I'll take what Eric said with a modest dose of optimism, but it's clear people enforcing his rules aren't on the same page.


Just ridiculous. I know there is video of a number of your team ranked matches on twitch that shows they weren't win trades. The majority of people on Pot5 knows this is BS and that your wins are legit.

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