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Just blew $$18 million creds...


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Except on the GTN, which is why this scam happens. All they need to do is drop the fractions.


What I meant was that it is not used in any functional sense. It shows up only in the unit price as a representation of the sale price / unit price. But that number isn't actually used in the game, it's only shown to the player to help them price what they're buying. So removing it isn't actually changing how anything works.


Pretty much this. People getting caught up with the word scam (me included). In the other thread about the UI, one of the guys that got tricked (is tricked OK or are we going to into definitive limbo with that as well?) said he pmd the guy about his mistake, and the seller told him he was doing it on purpose to make credits because he knew people were getting confused into thinking they had a deal. It's sleazy behavior.


Well, trick is in the definition of a scam, so... ;)

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What I meant was that it is not used in any functional sense. It shows up only in the unit price as a representation of the sale price / unit price. But that number isn't actually used in the game, it's only shown to the player to help them price what they're buying. So removing it isn't actually changing how anything works.

I know, I was agreeing with you...I should have been more clear. I'm 100% in favor of removing it completely. We're on the same page with this one. :)


I've never been scammed, but I see the issue and it's becoming more and more prevalent. Just like... I play on a PvP server, but I understand why PvEers don't wanna be ganked by a faux PvPer who needs to resort to Cartel tricks to get someone to click on their body.


Is it an issue? Yes. Does it help or hurt the game? Both hurt it. For 15min of work, the issue can be cleared up and the community made a better place. Decent players vs. immoral players...even though I haven't been ganked while PvEing and I haven't been scammed on the GTN, it's easy for me to pick the side of the good players in both of these.

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Because someone sells 99 of something at a unit price of $1000 {the lowest unit price}. But I only wanted one and they made me buy it for $99,000 and therefore they scammed me. How can I be expected to see the 99? You know in the font they use it looked like .99 which I naturally round up to 1 item.


Fair enough; then the default sort should be set by the player so you can see the GTN the way you want to see it.

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They did check a price, or are you suggesting that they opened the GTN and clicked the first thing they found and then came here to complain about it?
if thats the case, then what's the problem?

They checked the price, thought it was lower than it really was and bought it. It turned out it was higher and they got upset, rightfully so. Is it their fault for not checking close enough, yes. But to say that because they made a mistake they're not entitled to be upset that's ridiculous. Of course they care they paid too much.
i'll say it again


you can't simultaneously not care enough to check the price then care about overpaying. pick one. take accountability for your actions, geez.

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Gee...that 100 dollar bill looks AWFULLY like a dollar....could we start making them orange, you know like monopoly...cause I cant be held to such a high standard as to take a moment to look at the 2 extra zeros on the bill the way it is now.....my brain hurts :eek:


no i shall take advatage of your ineptitude by "scaming" you by priceing my coffees at 100$ well my competition sells theres for 100 cents mwha ha ha ha ha bow before my evil geniusness soon my diabolical evulz shall conquer the world!!!:jawa_evil:

Edited by Jrr_hypernova
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Gee...that 100 dollar bill looks AWFULLY like a dollar....could we start making them orange, you know like monopoly...cause I cant be held to such a high standard as to take a moment to look at the 2 extra zeros on the bill the way it is now.....my brain hurts :eek:


My hubby and I were just discussing the other day, that Americans have boring money, and could easily make a mistake like you say.


Canadian money is where it's at. Gold coins = $1 Gold/Silver coins =2, Fivers are blue, 10's are purple and twenties are green, fifties are red and hundreds are brown.


Monopoly money for the win! :D

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My hubby and I were just discussing the other day, that Americans have boring money, and could easily make a mistake like you say.


Actually that's true for American coins if you are not a native English speaker. Look at your coins and notice there are no digits. And while you might know "one cent" and "five cents" you may not know what "one dime" or "quarter dollar" or "half dollar" means.

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My hubby and I were just discussing the other day, that Americans have boring money, and could easily make a mistake like you say.


Canadian money is where it's at. Gold coins = $1 Gold/Silver coins =2, Fivers are blue, 10's are purple and twenties are green, fifties are red and hundreds are brown.


Monopoly money for the win! :D


our money looks retarded even since they switched to plastic bills whoever harper got to design them need to be fired and replace by someone who knows what tacky is.

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My hubby and I were just discussing the other day, that Americans have boring money, and could easily make a mistake like you say.


Canadian money is where it's at. Gold coins = $1 Gold/Silver coins =2, Fivers are blue, 10's are purple and twenties are green, fifties are red and hundreds are brown.


Monopoly money for the win! :D


American money is made out of the finest Bald Eagles and fused with #freedom through the power of the force. Checkmate.


Side Note: I thought the thread was going to be about how he blew 18 million on Twilik dancers and death stocks. Now I'm disappoint

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our money looks retarded even since they switched to plastic bills whoever harper got to design them need to be fired and replace by someone who knows what tacky is.


Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the plasticized notes either, but aside from that the overall artwork and colouring on them, are among the nicest looking in the world, in my opinion. Not to mention those bills get a bit dodgy in the dryer, if you forgot to empty out your pockets lol.



American money is made out of the finest Bald Eagles and fused with #freedom through the power of the force. Checkmate.


Side Note: I thought the thread was going to be about how he blew 18 million on Twilik dancers and death stocks. Now I'm disappoint


I was totally reading your post in my finest 'Roger Ramjet' voice. :D

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I think there are two issues here:

Could BW make the GTN easier to use by eliminating the decimals? Yes.

Does "I didn't read closely enough" or "I didn't use the tools GTN provides such as sorting by unit or total price" = scam? No!

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I think there are two issues here:

Could BW make the GTN easier to use by eliminating the decimals? Yes.

Does "I didn't read closely enough" or "I didn't use the tools GTN provides such as sorting by unit or total price" = scam? No!


There are two issues, but you have listed them incorrectly.


Could BW make the GTN easier to use by eliminating the decimals? Yes.

Does someone intentionally listing items at outrageously high prices to take advantage of an awkward and confusing decimal display = scam? YES!


Someone FALLING for the scam is indeed their fault, and the OP owned up. But make no mistake, it IS a scam. It's done with the sole intent to trick people into coughing up MILLIONS of credits that they would never pay in a million years under normal conditions. Yes, it is cheating them out of their money. Doesn't matter that they might have avoided it by reading closer. (And no, hasn't happened to me, but has to people I know.)


And additionally - yes, Bioware SHOULD make a small fix so such scams are impossible to pull off. It's not a huge undertaking and there is literally no reason anyone would disagree with this unless they are a scammer or know and support those who are. Pretty simple.


This scam hurts the game - that's been demonstrated clearly here as those caught be the scam lose the desire to keep playing, and that kind of attrition is not something this game needs.

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Oh I do hope this is the new Contraband Slot Machine thread.


This subject is an older **** storm than the slot machine. (And far far FAR more absurd.)


People (mostly the same few people) spammed up the forums pretty fiercely with redundant topics (many of them ending up dozens of pages long) a while back to draw attention to it.


Here's the thread that most of the mass of topics on the subject got merged into (link goes directly to Musco's response to the subject):


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Had a similar issue last week myself. In a moment of stupidity I bought a single cartel pack for 4.8 million when the going rate at that time was 230k. I thought I was buying a hypercrate.. The listing like many of the ones mentioned before was intended to deceive. The item description is similar, the icon when you search is similar and the seller after checking can be found doing the same thing across multiple other items. Pricing single items to take advantage of confusion over decimal points or in my case single packs priced as if they are the cheapest crate of 24.


On the flip side last week I listed a regeneration toy at 142k. I was the only seller. In the space of 3 hours another 2 pages popped up all cheaper than me. But mine sold that day while others did not. Someone's error.


I take the responsibility for my errors on my shoulders though. I am not short of game credits and can take the odd knock for being stupid. Others are not so lucky and should really be getting more protection than they are from the game.


So what I would welcome then is the ability to add players from the GTN to your ignore list and have those listings not appear when you search. If you look for these stupid listings. I think you would be surprised how few are actually behind these scams. Just like in real life when I block emails from senders who try to extort money in the latest get rich scheme, I want to be able to block sellers who are listing with the intention of tricking others. No idea how complex that is but I would welcome it all the same.


Just my opinion. In the mean time I will try and be more careful.

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what really annoys me in this are the abusive names the scam sellers use. At least on Progenitor there are several sellers with names like "youareastupidmoron" or "suck******" etc but in foreign (my) language.

This is like looking at criminals laughing you in the face.

Like drug sellers at the school gates. Very irritating.

And a simple fix by removing the decimals would make their life much harder.

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