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Bioware is afraid to speak to players


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Are people seriously that naive to think that they would think they would cancel a Cantina event because of a changed odds on a slot machine? lol.


That is freaking hilarious. I will admit that their canceling seems odd and it could very well be just a convenient excuse (though there has been **** loads of snow, even where I live that is nowhere near close to how that place that got hammered with near record breaking snowfall), but to think that people actually think they would cancel a budgeted event to be canceled because of this is so laughable.


Someone asks a question about it, they either give a comment or say they won't be commenting on it any further, they move on. Seems pretty simple.


And **** there have always been bugs. If they canceled a cantina for every time they were afraid of being question about bugs, every single cantina would have been canceled.

Edited by Nickious
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Canceling a cantina due to the weather may not have anything to do with them. Some people were traveling from out of town and giving a two week notice could give a chance for that person to get his or her money back. The weather has been very difficult this year.


It rarely snows or even ices where I live but the last two weeks we have had snow and ice. They could be playing it safe due to the weather this year. We have had to cancel schools due to the weather.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Cantina canceld due to stupid reason (Weather 2 weeks b4 cantina)

Streams being canceld for making improvements


The real reason is they are afraid we will talk about slot machine and bugs.


Uh huh. Perhaps it's because they feel speaking with players is pointless. In any case, the slots are old news. Get over it already.

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Someone asks a question about it, they either give a comment or say they won't be commenting on it any further, they move on. Seems pretty simple.


Problem is, they don't want people asking questions, regardless of what it is about. Just look at the communication they have thusly provided in regards to the streams and cantina events. It is quite clear they want, and are more comfortable with, canned displays that are easily provided via presentations at the larger conferences and through things like trailers and rehearsed videos.


So not only has the pleas for more open communication by the playerbase been ignored, but BW is showing clear propensity that they intend to do just the opposite.

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Keep in mind, the devs are from Austin, Texas. They don't know how to handle snow.


As someone in the Canadian Prairies, I have actually found the weather woes of eastern Canada and US terribly amusing. Watching all them folk shovel themselves out... it's like the parents next door finally putting their foot down with their spoiled brat and forcing them to do their chores. Mother nature is unforgiving.

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Keep in mind, the devs are from Austin, Texas. They don't know how to handle snow.


As someone in the Canadian Prairies, I have actually found the weather woes of eastern Canada and US terribly amusing. Watching all them folk shovel themselves out... it's like the parents next door finally putting their foot down with their spoiled brat and forcing them to do their chores. Mother nature is unforgiving.

I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, where they closed schools every time my mother dropped an ice cube in our kitchen.


Seeing as how I don't want to discuss slot machines, I can understand EA/BW's reluctance.

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I wouldn't want to talk to you either.


Indeed, Id be affraid too.

With all the irrelevant rantings, conspiracy threads and unsupported complaining displayed on this forum, the idea of having to talk to a bunch of unappreciative, self-proclaimed critics who feel they are entitled to everything they possibly want just because they pay for the game, would not make me work hard to make it a reality either.


That may sound a bit harsh but I am actually in favor of presenting SWTOR with feedback through a forum. Most of the threads are not helpful in any way though. Anonymity seems to really take away common sense and decency.

Edited by Gokkus
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Here's the dev's communication channel: http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php


I've always been surprised that the cantina events had a Q&A session. Way back when the game launched there used to be a fairly regular Q&A release which slowly got bogged down with the same questions and at pre-release events the questions chosen from the fans were always the ones that had been asked before.


It's a problem keen fans encounter, once you've heard the answer you want new information, not to hear the same question answered for those that may not be following every fansite, reddit page or rss feed.


Even with the cantina events the information was relayed back through third party sites such as Dulfy.net (who does an excellent job) and was word of mouth from someone who was at the event but failed to record it or didn't quite hear the important part of the answer. And there was the long phase of stock answers of 'We're not prepared to talk about that yet', 'That's not something the technology can handle' etc...

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Keep in mind, the devs are from Austin, Texas. They don't know how to handle snow.


As someone in the Canadian Prairies, I have actually found the weather woes of eastern Canada and US terribly amusing. Watching all them folk shovel themselves out... it's like the parents next door finally putting their foot down with their spoiled brat and forcing them to do their chores. Mother nature is unforgiving.


Except they aren't as prepared as you are, Mr./Ms./Mrs. Likely From Alberta Based On Description. Last year, the US SE got an inch of snow, and they canceled school for days because the snow didn't melt and their buses didn't have the proper winter weather equipment. They get hurricanes in the US SE, not snow.


Then again, I love hearing about places getting "torrential rain" that don't often get it and people freaking out on the roads. But I live out in the US NW region. We get rain all the time in winter.


But where I'm from, a sudden tornado would scare us because we're prepared for mudslides, lahars, earthquakes and floods. And the snow if near the Cascades.

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Problem is, they don't want people asking questions, regardless of what it is about. Just look at the communication they have thusly provided in regards to the streams and cantina events. It is quite clear they want, and are more comfortable with, canned displays that are easily provided via presentations at the larger conferences and through things like trailers and rehearsed videos.


So not only has the pleas for more open communication by the playerbase been ignored, but BW is showing clear propensity that they intend to do just the opposite.


who cares


as long as they don't just down the game i am a happy camper

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Cantina canceld due to stupid reason (Weather 2 weeks b4 cantina)

Streams being canceld for making improvements


The real reason is they are afraid we will talk about slot machine and bugs.


Not that you're right, but could you really blame them if they didn't want to talk to the players?


But no, you're being paranoid and reading way too much into stuff.

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The only thing that needs to be done is for the community team to add to their signatures:


"All information is subject to change"


And then maybe all the fools who can't remember it can't complain with it right in their faces. No, some people will probably still complain or put blinders on so they only see the specific words they desire.

Edited by g_land
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Cantina canceld due to stupid reason (Weather 2 weeks b4 cantina)

Streams being canceld for making improvements


The real reason is they are afraid we will talk about slot machine and bugs.


A) Cantina is a pointless waste of money event in the first place. Have you seen the video and images of the people at them? Really embarrassing to gamers. Not saying that to insult. People need to have some pride in themselves and not look like gutter trash to stop giving the rest of us who actually care that we don't look like a street bum. Stop giving the rest of gamers a bad name/look. Get a diet and exercise, get off the floor, and grow up a little. ;) Being a gamer/Nerd doesnt mean you should be lazy and filthy.


B) Streams get cancelled for MANY reasons, including because of lack of content to do on them or announce.


Both of those could be done away with and resources/money used to fix bugs in the game. Simple. Logic. I don't care if they have a fund for promo/cantina events stuff. Use that money to hire a few more bug fixers. Win.

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A) Cantina is a pointless waste of money event in the first place. Have you seen the video and images of the people at them? Really embarrassing to gamers. Not saying that to insult. People need to have some pride in themselves and not look like gutter trash to stop giving the rest of us who actually care that we don't look like a street bum. Stop giving the rest of gamers a bad name/look. Get a diet and exercise, get off the floor, and grow up a little. ;) Being a gamer/Nerd doesnt mean you should be lazy and filthy.
I take offense with this. How someone looks is their own choice. Not to mention, most people looked pretty normal at the cantina I was at (admittedly, I was only on one and it was in Germany, so maybe it is just Americans that look like bums on these events?)


Both of those could be done away with and resources/money used to fix bugs in the game. Simple. Logic. I don't care if they have a fund for promo/cantina events stuff. Use that money to hire a few more bug fixers. Win.

Money allocation in companies does not work this way. They are given budget for promotional stuff, that that money stays there. If it does not get used, they get less money next time, because they obviously do not need so much.

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I take offense with this. How someone looks is their own choice. Not to mention, most people looked pretty normal at the cantina I was at (admittedly, I was only on one and it was in Germany, so maybe it is just Americans that look like bums on these events?)


Though I agree with this to an extent, the footage from the latest Cantina event rubbed me the wrong way.


There they were, the people working on the game, and all I could see was this bunch of fat as**es in the audience falling asleep, if not sleeping. On the floor.


I was told there wasn't enough chairs for everyone, but I mean... seriously? :p

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Though I agree with this to an extent, the footage from the latest Cantina event rubbed me the wrong way.
Well, I watched it, and I can see what issues somebody may have had with that.

People siting on the floor is somewhat understandable, but laying on the floor was really way too much. I think I was on my feet for most of the Cologne Cantina, and that was after a whole day of walking around GamesCom (or camping in a line).

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