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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

12 x XP for class-missions


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Feed the :rak_04:


Your stuff is nothing but Opinions at most, and we DO NOT lvl too fast the way things are right now, an Yes a Lot of ppl, if not Most ppl spent Millions of creds to gear each alt to keep up with 12X, not an Opinion, but Fact. What drugs are you on.


What the hell is this about getting a lvl 60 helping a person out to get to 50 or 55? First off there were No lvl 60s during the the 12X special. Secondly at least 90% of ppl didn't have a lvl 55 friend to help grind a friend to lvl 55.

I want to meet the 90%

i didnt say there were lvl 60s then. but sorry for my assumption that readers knew this already.


3rd this stupid 9hrs lvl 1 -55 is just bs, made up, even if they made a video of it. How many ppl could really do that??

there are plenty of videos on it. i sourced 1. its actually 10-50. but add 30 mins for 1-10 and 3 hours for 50-60. when i leveled a toon from 1-55 it took just over 9 hours doing only story missions without a 55 helper and guild 10% boost. any body can do it.


Only a few at most , and when i say few, i mean at most 10 ppl per server.

I want to meet the 10


Ppl really don't have a right to complain about 12X, as the Devs would obviously make it an ON or OFF swtitch, and it seems very Obvious now that ppl would have to go through the cartel Market to buy any 12X or any other XP buffs that we already have.

can you provide a source on the obcvoius on/off switch or cartel market purchase?


Those ppl that don't want, or need 12X like I do need to shut up, as 12X would not have anything to do with the Complainers, as Obviously they would not get the 12X buff, or any other kind of XP buffs. I put my REAL FACTS about my Severe Arthritis, CTS and other things make regular gains in Xp impossible. A Lot more ppl have Health issues like i do to and can't lvl the regular way either, if any1 says they have the same health Problems i do and say thay can lvl the regular way, They would not only Liars, but also wouldn't have those health problems either.

perhaps computer games are not for you due to your severe arthritis. so hostile by ordering the supporters of no x12 XP to shut up. like its personal


12X xp has NOTHING to do with players that are complaining against it, as they it Would be Each Persons decision to get 12X or not. Therefore the Complaints against 12X are really Meaningless.

we have shown many ways how it affects end game content and how it has a lot to do with us.


I Grinded the Old fashioned way, and Now i can't do that junk anymore. So ppl can't say i didn't ever do any real Grinding because it would be a Lie and False.


Again 12X, if ever implemented would be the Persons decision, it would Not Forced on every1.



God ur Full of bs, First it brought back a LOT of ppl that Unsubbed as well a New ppl Subbed for 12X. Secondly Most ppl Learned how to play their Classes. End game Content Cannot be blamed on 12X xp'ers as End Game Content was already lacking with a Lot of ppl who didn't know how to play there Classes who grinded the old ways.

Source? My experience was vastly different. pugs couldnt even complete the first boss in most situations. even if they got through that the final bosses took a while to get through. operations took longer to backfill others when they left, due to the time it took to complete. those of us that stuck around ended up having to carry the group through.


12X didn't have much to do with how well a person could do in end game Content unless the Said person had never played a version of that Class before, or got lucky in grinding to lvl 55 without knowing how to play. Seriously though, those were Few ppl, and Most of those same ppl were Regular Subs that didn't know how to play even before 12X.

take a handout to fast track to max level, you wont understand your class very well. im not talking about those of us with multiple toons that reroll on a different faction. how does this affect new players that just want to hit max level. they wont spend the time to learn their abilities


I learned, as did most others learn How to play there individual Classes just as good or better than others because Fact is that Most 12X'ers has already played the Mirrored Classes. The ppl I hooked up with in groups during 12X were Regular Subs and could even teach other ppl a thing or 2 about how to play their Classes.

Source to backup your statement?


Idiocy. at it's greatest.

Yes, Health problems Do Restrict and Prevent ppl from any kind of Lvl'ing. Don't Pretend like you know something you don't know anything about. For stuff like that 12X is a very good thing to have.


Secondly I haven't done Ops or any real Fps since 3.0

so your previous statements on how x12 XP can affect end of game content is meaningless due too lack of experience in the matter?


Thirdly 3 to 4hrs of grinding would take me a bloody Year to do 1 character to 50 or 60 for that matter, as it almost did for 2 of my Characters, and that's just Bs.

yeah it is BS since it doesnt take that long. L2P and youll soon find out how little time it actuallyl takes.


Where the Hell do U get any of this False information on me about how long I play, or about any Storylines. There are only a few Full storylines, and i mean maybe 3 I haven't done, but am familiar with them. Again 12X would help get those other storylines done.


Now Dont Ever Ever spread Mis-Information about My playing, when you Know Nothing about me, and also Know Nothing about how my health Impacts me playing this game you Sadistic Liar.

Um, didnt you comment on your playtime and what youve done and have not done since 3.0 was released? how is that mis-information?


More of the same B S from the anti-12s. Let's break it down:

1) Despite what we all say, these anti-12 constantly tell us we're lying or too stupid to know what we really want. Classic strawman fallacy. "You say it's a story issue but I am omniscient and I know you really want an easy run to 60 so let me attack that."

You're making assumptions, I didn't red anywhere that one of us called you a liar or stupid. but can find a few posts when the supporters of x12 XP have...

2) Oh you don't want to grind side quests because you've done them so many times? No problem:

a) grind KDY multiple times every day because that's not the EXACT SAME ISSUE as grinding side quest multiple time.

b) grind FPs because you should ignore our complaints that it takes forever for a queue to pop. Do this multiple times per day.

c) grind WZs because if you don't want to do PvP then you're not really serious are you? Do this multiple times a day.

problem solved, i think this one gets it.

3) Do this combination of xp boost and wait for 2x weekend and join a 10% guild and buy all of the legacy xp boosts. Oh and that is not at all something we complain about when it comes to increasing XP because it is different from a single 12xclass up through Corellia boost.

where is that thread at? i want to read where players complain about this...


just a few posts on how x12XP boost will change the game long term.



- It increases social separation in the game. This creates an even more drastically tiered leveling experience.

- It overly rewards the 'haves'. Why do you get to skip content you think is onerous (the process of leveling up you want to go by at 12x the rate and at a significantly reduced time to achieve the 'end'... its not about 'skipping the planetary quests it's about skipping doing the time investment you have to make.. doesn't matter how you make it, be it PVP, KDY Runs, Etc, you want to be allowed to skip ALL of the time investment for leveling) while everyone else who doesn't meet your qualification still has to do this activity you dislike? What because you've done it before you shouldn't have to do it again?

- It further depopulates already depopulated lower level content, making the MMO experience even weaker for new players who, lacking life/people to interact with, etc are less likely to be 'attached' to the game and stay on as subscribers/preferred players and this means a shrinking player base that likely accelerates its depopulation to the eventual end of the game where it may stagnate for years with minimal investment from EA while they take the money of the diehards but do little else.

- It creates a very easily exploitable method to make and play FOTM classes, damaging the end game experience for _everyone_. At least now there is a somewhat tedious investment to rush a FOTM class to the end game. Adding 12X exp removes that/significantly reduces that.




Leveling is already significantly easier in SWTOR than other MMO's. Its even easier now than when it was released. Doing KDY only one time a day for conquest points, and WZ's daily to either meet the daily/weekly for conquest points or a few extras to make sure my valour level equals my experience level and I was level 50 before hitting Hoth. If you do nothing but KDY you can make the levels fly by. Add to this all the ways added since launch to increase your rate of experience gain. EXP Boosts, 10% from a Guild, legacy Leveling boosts that you can buy for specific categories of play, etc. If I actually used these I would have been 50 well in advance of Hoth.


Its already fast but you seem to think you are entitled to it to be faster, ignoring the damage all these other things have already done to the game experience for a 'new' player. Nope, damn all that, lets just make it even worse because I am too lazy, too self important and too overwhelmed with my sense of entitlement to even recognize that receiving a bonus DOES affect other players who are not receiving the same bonus and whose ability to earn the bonus is diminished in many ways because the pool of available players necessary to go through the content has been reduced...




x12 XP pushes SWTOR even further from being an MMO. the game becomes more of a twitchy FPS in a theme park. we all jump on a ride and sit next too each other doing the same content over and over again. the outcome never changes no matter what our actions and decisions may be.


MMOs are about exploring areas, grouping for difficult missions, large number of players interacting with each other and the virtual world. completing missions, killing NPC's, PvP and PvE content add to a characters experience and thus a higher level can be obtained.




since beta we have had complaints about end game content. PvE Operations are on farm soon after release. PvP is on farm once a new season drops to live. most are frustrated at the lack of content for end game play. that hunger never goes away. so getting to max level quicker really doesn't solve an issue, it creates a larger problem for game developers.





1 - Creates an even wider leveling tier between classes of players. F2P/Preferred/SUB already created a tiering of the player base and this would increase that gulf but it would mean even Subs have a potential tiered leveling process. There is no justification for this and would be damaging socially to the game. It creates an 'unequal' society in game where those who have get rewarded more than those who do not have yet. You may think 'social' drawbacks are minor but I assure you, they are not. They damage the 'feel' of the game, create resentments amongst the playerbase and do damage to long term player engagement (read profit for the game runners is reduced)




2 - Creates the ability for players to very quickly and easily exploit FOTM classes/Builds doing damage to the game play experience of everyone (PVP, PVE, Etc) If you can choose some 'optional' setting that gives you a huge speed boost to getting your character up to max levels, you can easily exploit broken things in game. This makes the play experience for everyone poor at those max levels AND creates undue pressure on the devs in having to fix things entirely too fast and I assure you, fixes made in haste generally introduce other issues.




3 - It further damages the community. If this idea is as popular as it seems to be, then many many people will take advantage of it. By taking advantage of it already damaged/barren lower level content becomes even more damaged/barren because people are skipping it. When they are skipping it _EVERY_ player who does not have the 12x bonus and is bound to complete this content to advance has a much rougher game experience because they do not have the social network available to assist them in enjoying the game through its progression. This harms the engagement of new players. When you disengage NEW players your community stagnates and recedes. This spells for a slow death spiral for the game. something I would rather not happen.




4 - Back on another theme, rewarding the rich with more riches. It is _ALREADY_ a huge advantage to have a legacy and existing characters of higher levels. With my 22 characters I have in game the vast majority are all over level 55. Whenever I start a new character they are outfitted with the very best gear available. With legacy gear I can pass it around without worries so the characters are doing content designed for players with green/blue drops and I am doing it with Purple tuned equipment and can blow right through it. I am able to solo heroic 4's levels above my current level as I + my well geared companion with a huge Presence bonus are more than enough to take on anything not game system limited. With my Level 50 legacy that I have had for years.. I can purchase unlocks for experience and make everything go so much faster as well. I generally don't because its already super fast. So your suggestion, especially as tied to a 'legacy unlock' essentially says we're going to reward the rich with more riches. This is a very poor model for any social construct. heaping rewards on those who are already advantaged damages all those who are not.




5 - While the 'Slippery Slope' argument is generally a logical fallacy, what you gain by 12x EXP for doing just what you want opens up the floodgates of requests from other people to get 12X Xp for doing just what they want. In the end it comes down to, well damn how come when I log in I am not automatically level 50???? This is stupid! I quit unless you automatically give me everything I want!



Even without 12x EXP people can level quickly. If its just about the story, form a 'story mode' group of like minded people on your server and pair a lower level character with a higher level character. Since you only care about the 'story' it wont matter if you have a 60 along who obliterates all the opponents for you so you can watch cut screens and click a few choices.


What you want is a fastlane, because you feel entitled to get the end results of a NEW character without putting In the effort and you justify this because you say you have put the effort in on a different character.


now for the backers of x12 XP...


You've understood me wrong. I do have the time. I just do not want to spent the time, because i can spend it, with things i have NOT yet done and are thus far more interesting.



Thanks for proving one of our points


Edit: I appologize for being snarly, and I realize some people can only spend limited time per week to play. But the bigger picture is if they offer story line 12x exp, it would probably cause a lot of people to lose interest quite quickly and probably have people asking for new content faster than what they can produce,

by their own admission it would hurt the game in the long run...


We should not be able to level up from 1-50 in has little as 9 hours. That's during a X2 weekend with guild and XP buffs only. not a x12 XP boost


Players burn through levels so fast they don't stop and experience the game for what it is. They get to end game and complain mommy doesn't have any milk left in her ***.

Your source is meaningless and proves nothing whatsoever, with my health problems it took me almost a month to grind my Sentinel, the other took about a week.

Yet that video explains how it is done during a x2 XP Weekend. 2 players leveled up 3 toons...please explain to me how the game requires x12 XP? Your argument is invalid.


too sound like you know what you're talking about, I highly recommend reading the entire thread and posts completely. both sides of the argument have made statements that are overlooked. its kinda pointless to argue when you are unable to backup your claims.


many of you seem very upset by my comments and how I point out facts with backed up sources, yet those that want, oh I'm terribly sorry, those that need x12 XP have been unable to provide any concrete evidence to backup your statements.

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Lot of ********


How will any of that apply if you lock out end game content for storyline players as I suggested? Give me level 60 with gear with credits but lock me out of everything but storyline quests, and I would be happy. I could then play all storylines with different genders and different options selected without pointless grind in between.


Also that video is *********** useless: Requires 2x weekend and someone to do it with you.

Edited by Oiccrene
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I don't think anyone is worried about 55-60 leveling. It's the 1-55 that is a pain after the first 5-6 times. Having 6-7 60s on each side, I know the motivation to finish a 60 on each AC is very hard to come by at this point.


Exactly. I have 15 out of 16 AC leveled. But I'm holding off on the final AC (a Female Trooper) because my motivation to level another toon is pretty damn near zero at this point. Even with all the XP boosts we have these days (consumable, guild, legacy mission unlocks, rested, sub) it takes a good 40-something hours of game time. I'm falling asleep just thinking about it.


Hopefully we'll see something. They can add a new unlock, or just improve the current ones. :)

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How will any of that apply if you lock out end game content for storyline players as I suggested? Give me level 60 with gear with credits but lock me out of everything but storyline quests, and I would be happy. I could then play all storylines with different genders and different options selected without pointless grind in between.


Also that video is *********** useless: Requires 2x weekend and someone to do it with you.

which is already in game. you'll just have to wait for a x2 weekend to take advantage.

the video isn't *********** useless LoL


Legacy Gear, transfer items over to lower levels on the cheap. it doesn't take millions of credits to level up a character as other have claimed...


Exactly. I have 15 out of 16 AC leveled. But I'm holding off on the final AC (a Female Trooper) because my motivation to level another toon is pretty damn near zero at this point. Even with all the XP boosts we have these days (consumable, guild, legacy mission unlocks, rested, sub) it takes a good 40-something hours of game time. I'm falling asleep just thinking about it.


Hopefully we'll see something. They can add a new unlock, or just improve the current ones. :)

it takes about half that time to level up a character. even faster with help from a max level buddy.


its an MMORPG, not a single player game. everyone should have a few friends and if youre already max level then its easy to find someone to help you out. I have already offered to assist players to max level so they can do the story missions on their own time, whenever they feel like it. name a time and place on Shadowlands...

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which is already in game. you'll just have to wait for a x2 weekend to take advantage.

the video isn't *********** useless LoL


Legacy Gear, transfer items over to lower levels on the cheap. it doesn't take millions of credits to level up a character as other have claimed...



it takes about half that time to level up a character. even faster with help from a max level buddy.


its an MMORPG, not a single player game. everyone should have a few friends and if youre already max level then its easy to find someone to help you out. I have already offered to assist players to max level so they can do the story missions on their own time, whenever they feel like it. name a time and place on Shadowlands...


Which happens rarely. And requires someone to do it with you. What if I have no one that would sacrifice 9-18 hours? Also, have you even listened to that video? They exactly say that instant level 50 or only class story would be great. They are advocating for something like this.

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Furthermore, if you are a sub:


-> You only need to do KDY daily in order to give yourself a huge boost. 35 comms, 240k xp...


Is not exactly EQ1 material where you needed to do sth 100 times before it yielded any benefit.


I am all for 12er or for story replay, but what the everloving hell happened to putting in SOME effort? No, it really is as small as that font. Nobody forces you to play under a month or to play sequentially. Finish a planet, "grind" KDY(1-2 KDY/day) for some 1-3 days, be at the ceil level of a planet, play just story, rinse and repeat.


Why not put in the effort, people?

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lets go back in time...


and I'm skipping over the FPHM and new Operations are too hard threads...too many to count. these threads were created during and soon after the x12 XP boost. wonder why they had so much trouble???


The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

Go to the posts in that thread when x12 XP was active and enjoy the comments. :p


x12 XP was in place to bring old players back and create new players for the expansion. that's all.

bioware may see it fitting to reintroduce it before 4.0 comes out next winter.


do I even need to bring up the reason tactical flashpoints were implemented?


when you look at the big picture, you'll understand why x12 XP as a perk or legacy item would be bad for the community.

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lets go back in time...


and I'm skipping over the FPHM and new Operations are too hard threads...too many to count. these threads were created during and soon after the x12 XP boost. wonder why they had so much trouble???


The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

Go to the posts in that thread when x12 XP was active and enjoy the comments. :p


x12 XP was in place to bring old players back and create new players for the expansion. that's all.

bioware may see it fitting to reintroduce it before 4.0 comes out next winter.


do I even need to bring up the reason tactical flashpoints were implemented?


when you look at the big picture, you'll understand why x12 XP as a perk or legacy item would be bad for the community.


Like I said. Don't do x12. Just give me full level 60 characters on demand but lock me out of multiplayer content. How will that change how the game stands now for everyone else?

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LoL, that's not a compromise.


what about the players that want the 60 and end game content? they certainly wouldn't be happy.

a new player that takes advantage of that but doesn't understand it limits end game would be pissed. LoL

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LoL, that's not a compromise.


what about the players that want the 60 and end game content? they certainly wouldn't be happy.

a new player that takes advantage of that but doesn't understand it limits end game would be pissed. LoL


It would say so when you are about to buy it. If you buy it but didn't read that it locks out of engame content, then it is your fault. Plus you can always make and level up character for end game content, if you wish so. But for people like me who just want the story and actually a way to replay the story, this would be a blessing. And people like you would be unaffected.

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It seems people ignored my previous post lulz


While I don't care either way, I don't know why people think that the story line is sufficient , or lower level FPs (KDY ACADEMY XD) to learn endgame as it's been nerfed hard and never was a challenge. You could go to 50 without choosing an AC. Right now the biggest problem that ordinary pugs are facing is parsing high enough to beat the Underlurker (that's a measly 2.7dps with 5 DPS). This is on folks who have been on toons since the beginning. As for the reasons I play, the story was nice, but once saw eh as I'm interested really only in Progression raiding and endgame PvP. Not really here to make friends as much as people good enough I want to run with them.


As for the QQ about Ops to hard, it's been here since the beginning. When people stop complaining is when they become so overgeared they can steam roll SM and ignore mechanics. Then they complain there's no new content.


If the people want 12xp to see all the stories that's fine with me or boast to 60 cause they spacebar all the story like a boss. They can read the guides at end level and practice dummy parses and I can guarantee they will be better than the normal levelers who don't practice or read guides. The thing about being social made me lol. If you want social go outside :p

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While I sympathize with your health problems, I will also say that they do NOT prevent you from leveling new characters and experiencing new story lines.


First, as has been stated before, you are under NO time constraints to level that new character or experience that new story. If playing for an extended time causes you too much discomfort, then you can always play for shorter time periods with longer breaks in between to take some time away from the game. You WILL be able to experience those new stories and level those new characters in time.


Second, if you are capable of playing for longer stretches of time if you are doing OP's, FP's, etc on your max level characters, then I ask what the difference is between playing for 3 or 4 hours doing OP's on a level 60 and playing for 3 or 4 hours leveling a new character to experience that story line? Why are you capable of playing for 3 or 4 hours doing OP's on a level 60 with your health problems, but not able to play for 3 or 4 hours to experience that new story line?



Idiocy. at it's greatest.

Yes, Health problems Do Restrict and Prevent ppl from any kind of Lvl'ing. Don't Pretend like you know something you don't know anything about. For stuff like that 12X is a very good thing to have.


Secondly I haven't done Ops or any real Fps since 3.0


Thirdly 3 to 4hrs of grinding would take me a bloody Year to do 1 character to 50 or 60 for that matter, as it almost did for 2 of my Characters, and that's just Bs.


Where the Hell do U get any of this False information on me about how long I play, or about any Storylines. There are only a few Full storylines, and i mean maybe 3 I haven't done, but am familiar with them. Again 12X would help get those other storylines done.


Now Dont Ever Ever spread Mis-Information about My playing, when you Know Nothing about me, and also Know Nothing about how my health Impacts me playing this game you Sadistic Liar.


Try actually reading my post next time instead of simply making false ASSumptions, or do your "health problems" prevent you from reading?


Tell me exactly where I claimed to know how you play? Please point that out for me.


I pointed out that even if you have "health problems", that you can still experience all the remaining stories WITHOUT 12 XP. It may take some time (possibly even months, or as you claim, a year), but you are NOT required to reach max level or finish the story in a week or two. If a player's "instant gratification, entitled, must have it now and for as little effort or cost as possible" attitude cannot handle taking a few weeks or months to finish a story, that is THE PLAYER'S problem and NOT BW's.

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Might as well borrow another thing from WoW and go with the insta level to lvl 55 for $$. Between 12x xp and that I rather have the 12x XP, but I rather see 12x xp be reserved for a pre order bonus for expansions. It would still be coming out at a regular pace(Hopefully) but it wouldnt be around too much
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Try actually reading my post next time instead of simply making false ASSumptions, or do your "health problems" prevent you from reading?


Tell me exactly where I claimed to know how you play? Please point that out for me.


I pointed out that even if you have "health problems", that you can still experience all the remaining stories WITHOUT 12 XP. It may take some time (possibly even months, or as you claim, a year), but you are NOT required to reach max level or finish the story in a week or two. If a player's "instant gratification, entitled, must have it now and for as little effort or cost as possible" attitude cannot handle taking a few weeks or months to finish a story, that is THE PLAYER'S problem and NOT BW's.

Sure, but I can then just watch whole story on youtube. BW loses money and it is their problem now. So they should fix it.

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Sure, but I can then just watch whole story on youtube. BW loses money and it is their problem now. So they should fix it.


I see nothing that BW needs to fix.


Sure, you could watch the stories on you tube, but then you miss out on experiencing them yourself and you do not get to make the conversation choices.


Alternatively, you could take a little longer and actually PLAY the game, experience all those story quests and get to make your own conversation choices.


I know which I prefer.


I'll admit that may be because I have no aversion to the effort required to obtain something which I want. I am NOT a member of the "entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort or cost as possible" crowd.

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I see nothing that BW needs to fix.


Sure, you could watch the stories on you tube, but then you miss out on experiencing them yourself and you do not get to make the conversation choices.


Alternatively, you could take a little longer and actually PLAY the game, experience all those story quests and get to make your own conversation choices.


I know which I prefer.


I'll admit that may be because I have no aversion to the effort required to obtain something which I want. I am NOT a member of the "entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort or cost as possible" crowd.


I don't either. But game is, frankly, boring. Every sidequest is fine, storywise, but boring, gameplay wise. You are gated by aggro ranges that you cannot miss most of the time, so you have to fight almost everyone. And you have to redo them over and over for 3 more storylines. And infinitely more if you want to replay.

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I don't either. But game is, frankly, boring. Every sidequest is fine, storywise, but boring, gameplay wise. You are gated by aggro ranges that you cannot miss most of the time, so you have to fight almost everyone. And you have to redo them over and over for 3 more storylines. And infinitely more if you want to replay.


So, are you trying to justify other players' aversion to the minimal effort required to see the stories or your own aversion to that effort, despite your claims?


BTW, 12XP boost will not reduce the aggro range of the mobs. In addition, as has already been pointed countless times, you can ALREADY avoid doing those side planet quests by supplementing your story quests with XP gained by other means. There are many ways to earn XP other than the side planet quests.



12XP is NOT needed is your TRUE motivation is simply to avoid the side planet quests.


I think we all understand that the many of those demanding this are actually demanding a "light speed, easy mode" means of leveling despite their claims to only want to avoid the side planet quests.

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So, are you trying to justify other players' aversion to the minimal effort required to see the stories or your own aversion to that effort, despite your claims?


BTW, 12XP boost will not reduce the aggro range of the mobs. In addition, as has already been pointed countless times, you can ALREADY avoid doing those side planet quests by supplementing your story quests with XP gained by other means. There are many ways to earn XP other than the side planet quests.



12XP is NOT needed is your TRUE motivation is simply to avoid the side planet quests.


I think we all understand that the many of those demanding this are actually demanding a "light speed, easy mode" means of leveling despite their claims to only want to avoid the side planet quests.


No and it has nothing to do with that. I want to mostly avoid planetside quests. But also other forms of grind. Grind being repetitive action done for the sake of getting something else that you do enjoy, while you do not enjoy doing that action. Sure, I can supplement my XP gain by other means, but every single way is a grind. That is the problem. I want to play storyline quests multiple times, because there is something new (new gender, new choices) but not same things over and over again. I subbed back when 12x exp gain was on, and even with it, it was hard to finish Storyline quests alone (had to beg for help in general chat) - I didn't even finish some storylines (like gunslinger) because of ******** aggro and two silvers that you couldn't even grind down, since when you died you respawned outside the instance (it is that rancor cave). That is why I think if they gave you level 60 + gear and then lock you out of all end game content, it would be awesome. Basically make the game single playerish.

Edited by Oiccrene
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No and it has nothing to do with that. I want to mostly avoid planetside quests. But also other forms of grind. Grind being repetitive action done for the sake of getting something else that you do enjoy, while you do not enjoy doing that action. Sure, I can supplement my XP gain by other means, but every single way is a grind. That is the problem. I want to play storyline quests multiple times, because there is something new (new gender, new choices) but not same things over and over again. I subbed back when 12x exp gain was on, and even with it, it was hard to finish Storyline quests alone (had to beg for help in general chat). That is why I think if they gave you level 60 + gear and then lock you out of all end game content, it would be awesome. Basically make the game single playerish.


That sure sounds like you have an aversion to the effort of earning XP to level that new character, to me.


As has been said before in other threads, everyone has SOMETHING about this game they do not like to do.


Some do not like leveling, some do like the "gear grind", etc.


Are you willing to give the raider full sets of BIS gear once he does it once, so that he doesn't have to do it again if he doesn't want to do it all over on his other characters? After all, if he does the OP on his sorcerer, the OP is not going to change if he does it on his mercenary. It's the same OP for all classes, just like the side planet quests are the same for all classes.


The same goes for PVP. Once a player obtains a set of the BIS PVP gear on one character, why should he have to the "grind" all over again on his alts?



Why should YOU get a pass to do only the part(s) of the game you enjoy when others do not get the benefit of a similar pass?

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That sure sounds like you have an aversion to the effort of earning XP to level that new character, to me.


As has been said before in other threads, everyone has SOMETHING about this game they do not like to do.


Some do not like leveling, some do like the "gear grind", etc.


Are you willing to give the raider full sets of BIS gear once he does it once, so that he doesn't have to do it again if he doesn't want to do it all over on his other characters? After all, if he does the OP on his sorcerer, the OP is not going to change if he does it on his mercenary. It's the same OP for all classes, just like the side planet quests are the same for all classes.


The same goes for PVP. Once a player obtains a set of the BIS PVP gear on one character, why should he have to the "grind" all over again on his alts?



Why should YOU get a pass to do only the part(s) of the game you enjoy when others do not get the benefit of a similar pass?

Because unlike other MMORPGs where all focus is on end game, this story actually has good and valid story. The grind is here only because $$$ that EA wants. Even WoW offers max level characters. The problem is, no one wants to replay WoW for any reason than to get new max level character for end game. Here, replaying is actually valid due to story line quests.

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Because unlike other MMORPGs where all focus is on end game, this story actually has good and valid story. The grind is here only because $$$ that EA wants. Even WoW offers max level characters. The problem is, no one wants to replay WoW for any reason than to get new max level character for end game. Here, replaying is actually valid due to story line quests.


No. WoW does NOT offer max level characters. You might want to actually do some research before you start making such claims.



If you want to replay the game for a new story, then replay the game for the story. No one is stopping you from doing so. In fact, many have pointed out several methods showing exactly how you can do so currently while avoiding those pesky side planet quests WITHOUT the "light speed, easy mode" leveling of 12XP.


Tell me again how 12XP, or a character boost, is necessary when you can experience the stories now WITHOUT efver having to do one of those pesky sid eplanet quests, UNLESS your TRUE motivation is an aversion to the minimal effort required to earn the XP needed to level that character.

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I'd like to address the anti-12ers when it comes to their argument about committing time to the game. I have 8 lvl 60's in game. All of them got there by grinding: side quest x 8, PvP to get the weeklies, KDY at max rep, flashpoints (hardly ever pop anymore but I try). So how is it that wanting a reward of not having to grind anymore = not wanting to put time into the game? I've done my time.
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No. WoW does NOT offer max level characters. You might want to actually do some research before you start making such claims.



If you want to replay the game for a new story, then replay the game for the story. No one is stopping you from doing so. In fact, many have pointed out several methods showing exactly how you can do so currently while avoiding those pesky side planet quests WITHOUT the "light speed, easy mode" leveling of 12XP.


Tell me again how 12XP, or a character boost, is necessary when you can experience the stories now WITHOUT efver having to do one of those pesky sid eplanet quests, UNLESS your TRUE motivation is an aversion to the minimal effort required to earn the XP needed to level that character.


Yes, sorry, you are correct. Level 90 only. I will take level 55 or level 50 boosts here too, then. Makes no difference.


Why do you hammer on the point of planetside quests. They are just but a part of a grind that is making this game unreplayable, unless you sink extreme amount of time into it. You don't understand that I want to enjoy the story of the game. I want to be able to go back and redo part of it. I want to be able to switch gender and have another go. I want to be able to go dark/light. If you just take 2 changes, that is 16 playthroughs. That is 16x same gosh darn planet quests. Or 16x(howevermanytimes) same *********** operations/flashpoints.


Also, *********** 90% of the time grinding for 10% of the content is not a *********** "minimal effort".

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I'd like to address the anti-12ers when it comes to their argument about committing time to the game. I have 8 lvl 60's in game. All of them got there by grinding: side quest x 8, PvP to get the weeklies, KDY at max rep, flashpoints (hardly ever pop anymore but I try). So how is it that wanting a reward of not having to grind anymore = not wanting to put time into the game? I've done my time.

What commitment though? Why should they even care how many hours do I commit to the game or not? If they say the usual ******** "BUT MUH PVP ENDGAME OMG" then make the account, where such boost was used (probably needs to be better boost though, maybe like x14) unable to do engame and voila, no problems.

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I'd like to address the anti-12ers when it comes to their argument about committing time to the game. I have 8 lvl 60's in game. All of them got there by grinding: side quest x 8, PvP to get the weeklies, KDY at max rep, flashpoints (hardly ever pop anymore but I try). So how is it that wanting a reward of not having to grind anymore = not wanting to put time into the game? I've done my time.


Show me where BW stated that once you've done something once, twice or any number of times, that you will be able to avoid it forever after that.


Show me where time spent in the PAST entitles you to being able to get the same rewards in the present that you got in the past without having to put forth the effort in the present.


What about the raider that doesn't like the gear grind? He's already gotten BIS gear on 3 characters, let's just give him BIS gear on all the rest of his characters. After all, he's already done his time, right?

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