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Why am i playing half the game i paid for?


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EA I supported this game when it was first released and all i get is a "Founder" title and a "Preferred" status, which has none of the features i originally paid for . I even have to pay money to ask for help?

I paid for a promise by pre ordering and everybody else gets it for free! I have no problem paying a sub fee for an XP rate and other gains, I'm cool with micro transactions, but access to Warzones, Flashpoints and space missions. Don't even get me started on the 3 races BS. This is not what i originally paid for this is half the game i paid for. I was considering re subscribing, but HELL NO, if this is the state of our relationship after my supporting the game on its release.

I was the first person on my servers with my names and I have to rename my Characters? That's my identity! What is a title without an identity?



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In before the usual lame " Can I have your stuff " etc etc


Cancel your sub. Best advice.


If you could understand that barely coherent rant you would realise he doesn't have a sub to cancel.


Op you are not getting half the game you paid for, you are getting the game you have not paid for. Try actually paying for it and there are no restrictions.

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Actually i paid for the game in a full playable condition...

Nope, you didn't. Read the EULA. To get the "full" game, you have to subscribe and pay the monthly fee. The fact taht you paid for a box containing a CD with the game data a few years ago means nothing, and didn't mean anything back in those days, as is clearly stated on the back of that box. "Buying the game" (meaning: pying for the CD) does not mean "buying the game" meaning: being able to play it anytime, everywhere, at full scale).


Subscribe, and you get the "full game". Stay unsubscribed, and live with the restrictions.

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TL;DR on the OP = The free option isn't as good as I hoped.


You get what you pay for OP. If preferred status isn't for you there are 3 options:

- Subscribe and get all access.

- Buy account unlocks for the things that ruin your playstyle which should allow you to pay less than sub unless you do all gametypes.

- Quit playing.


You talk about being a founder, at launch sub was the only option. Did you really think you could stop paying that sub and still get the same quality? If so, that's on you not them, use some common sense.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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EA I supported this game when it was first released and all i get is a "Founder" title and a "Preferred" status, which has none of the features i originally paid for . I even have to pay money to ask for help?

I paid for a promise by pre ordering and everybody else gets it for free! I have no problem paying a sub fee for an XP rate and other gains, I'm cool with micro transactions, but access to Warzones, Flashpoints and space missions. Don't even get me started on the 3 races BS. This is not what i originally paid for this is half the game i paid for. I was considering re subscribing, but HELL NO, if this is the state of our relationship after my supporting the game on its release.

I was the first person on my servers with my names and I have to rename my Characters? That's my identity! What is a title without an identity?




I don't understand this post. When you bought the game at launch you had to subscribe to get all the features. The only thing paying for the box did was give you 30 days of game time. After that, it was $15 a month to just play the game. There was no F2P option at all so if you weren't subbing you couldn't play at all. Perhaps you should read the benefits gained in the subscription tiers and you will see nothing has changed since you left for what you get.


I'm not usually an apologist for Bioware, but judging from your post I'm going to assume you haven't played the game in almost 3 years. Mostly MMO's go through name wipes because they assume you aren't coming back, and it gives paying subscribers more options for their characters. Companies usually only do it for accounts that are inactive for 2+ years. Some games even do whole character purges (FFXI anyone?).


This isn't some single player game that doesn't get updated. There's actually a ton of difference in the content available at launch and the content available now.


Please do tell, what benefits you got unsubscribed when the game launched that you aren't getting now. I think that is what everyone wants to read.

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Can't post without a sub iirc.


He says he was considering re-subbing which insinuates that he isn't subscribed. I keep reading that you have to be subbed to use these forums, but as buggy as everything else is, I'm sure a few get through the cracks. Maybe he had a referral and his 7 days ended. Who knows. I wouldn't put much into stock forum post = sub, even though that's what the website says. This website says a lot of things that are false.

Edited by Papazmurf
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Why do people who come back to the game after a long absence think being a "founder" means anything? Unless you have been subscribed from around launch time and have kept it going I could really care less... and even then... who really cares.


the people who came to the game later and subbed have probably contributed far more than this entitled fool.


Tough on losing your names, a lot of people lost them in server transfers when people like you left the game and forced a reduction in the number of servers... you contributed to your own rage, hold some for yourself :)

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He says he was considering re-subbing which insinuates that he isn't subscribed. I keep reading that you have to be subbed to use these forums, but as buggy as everything else is, I'm sure a few get through the cracks. Maybe he had a referral and his 7 days ended. Who knows. I wouldn't put much into stock forum post = sub, even though that's what the website says. This website says a lot of things that are false.


They could just be using a 30 day game card and not calling it a sub since they don't have a recurring billing subscription.


I don't doubt its possibly some kind of bug or exception to the rules though. Just thought I'd offer another possibility.

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EA I supported this game when it was first released and all i get is a "Founder" title and a "Preferred" status, which has none of the features i originally paid for . I even have to pay money to ask for help?

I paid for a promise by pre ordering and everybody else gets it for free! I have no problem paying a sub fee for an XP rate and other gains, I'm cool with micro transactions, but access to Warzones, Flashpoints and space missions. Don't even get me started on the 3 races BS. This is not what i originally paid for this is half the game i paid for. I was considering re subscribing, but HELL NO, if this is the state of our relationship after my supporting the game on its release.

I was the first person on my servers with my names and I have to rename my Characters? That's my identity! What is a title without an identity?




Actually you bought a game with a subscription, if you wish to play the game with the subscription, then hate to break it to you.... but you need a subscription.


But if you don't want to subscribe you can play free, but will have to buy extras that the rest of us pay a subscription for.


For the record, had you engaged your brain before the keyboard you may of realised this.......

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Actually i paid for the game in a full playable condition, so, it is NOT the game i paid for.

You obviously didn't pay for the "GAME."


you sure did, which gave you 1 month free subscription. The rest you have to pay for.


Back then, it was not free to play, so if you didnt subscribe then you didnt get anything.


So rethink you're logic before you post some garbage like this again.

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EA I supported this game when it was first released and all i get is a "Founder" title and a "Preferred" status, which has none of the features i originally paid for . I even have to pay money to ask for help?

I paid for a promise by pre ordering and everybody else gets it for free! I have no problem paying a sub fee for an XP rate and other gains, I'm cool with micro transactions, but access to Warzones, Flashpoints and space missions. Don't even get me started on the 3 races BS. This is not what i originally paid for this is half the game i paid for. I was considering re subscribing, but HELL NO, if this is the state of our relationship after my supporting the game on its release.

I was the first person on my servers with my names and I have to rename my Characters? That's my identity! What is a title without an identity?




Well, the game you ORIGINALLY PAID FOR was a subscription-only game.

So why are you now suddenly outraged that you have to pay a subscription to get full access?

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Can't post without a sub iirc.


Refer a friend clicky gives you seven days sub for former players if i remember, maybe he did that.


Anyhow, back on topic. Ah memory, such a tricky thing, letting you forget those inconvenient little details like buying a game box gets you a months access if its a sub game, nevermind if you let said sub lapse you lose the benefits of said sub...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Actually you bought a game with a subscription, if you wish to play the game with the subscription, then hate to break it to you.... but you need a subscription.


But if you don't want to subscribe you can play free, but will have to buy extras that the rest of us pay a subscription for.


For the record, had you engaged your brain before the keyboard you may of realised this.......



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EA I supported this game when it was first released and all i get is a "Founder" title and a "Preferred" status, which has none of the features i originally paid for . I even have to pay money to ask for help?

I paid for a promise by pre ordering and everybody else gets it for free! I have no problem paying a sub fee for an XP rate and other gains, I'm cool with micro transactions, but access to Warzones, Flashpoints and space missions. Don't even get me started on the 3 races BS. This is not what i originally paid for this is half the game i paid for. I was considering re subscribing, but HELL NO, if this is the state of our relationship after my supporting the game on its release.

I was the first person on my servers with my names and I have to rename my Characters? That's my identity! What is a title without an identity?



That attitude is ridiculous. You have been gone for so long that you're lucky you have anything to come back to. Why should your name, which judging by your forum name, wasn't very unique, have been kept from others who ARE playing the game and continued to pay their sub while you ran off and played whatever? It was a name...not an identity. Stop being so dramatic. You are the identity, not your name.

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Actually i paid for the game in a full playable condition, so, it is NOT the game i paid for.

You obviously didn't pay for the "GAME."


You paid for a package of software, which is dependent on the "terms and conditions" set forth by it's issuer/creator. they provide everything they promise via the terms and conditions. and you have a "right" to nothing....its a product, not a nation.

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If you could understand that barely coherent rant you would realise he doesn't have a sub to cancel.


Op you are not getting half the game you paid for, you are getting the game you have not paid for. Try actually paying for it and there are no restrictions.


*Thumbs up*

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  • The game was originally subscription only, meaning you could only play with an active, paid subscription.
  • The price of the box you bought included the price of a 30-day subscription.
  • Originally, without a subscription you couldn't play at all.
  • What you get now without subscription is not 50% of what you paid for but actually 100% more than you pay for.

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