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But according to you, they should have just ignored it. No sadly management of a MMO does not work that way so in the end I believe that you condone cheating where's i do not.

Oh please lol - they've ignored plenty in the past, how do you explain that with your above statement? Bioware has a history of "just ignoring" them...multiple times.

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Except it's not "illogical." It's the only efficient choice (of bad choices). In short, you have to decide to overpunish or underpunish because it's not realistic to perfectly tease out the issue and calibrate an appropriate, case-specific punishment for each and every case. Until someone articulates a more efficient means that still stomps out ALL the bad actors, I think "overpunishment" makes sense in this case.

Oh bull. Bioware flat out ignored it. If it was such a big "exploit", they could have acted within minutes and issued a temporary fix. You seem to think it was a big deal, I tend to think it was less than a big deal to them, but it spread far too wide for them to just "fix it" and not mention something...they got caught being negligent and were forced to issue punishment for things they didn't even concern themselves with.

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Oh bull. Bioware flat out ignored it. If it was such a big "exploit", they could have acted within minutes and issued a temporary fix. You seem to think it was a big deal, I tend to think it was less than a big deal to them, but it spread far too wide for them to just "fix it" and not mention something...they got caught being negligent and were forced to issue punishment for things they didn't even concern themselves with.


These are interesting points, but have nothing to do with the issue here.

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About cheaters and games mechanic:


1) When we come in new Patch 3.0 we close new OPS fast, but haven't loot from bosses - it's normal to bioware

2) From 3.0 to 3.1 in OPS to 16 players all time drop 1 complect of items - it's normal to bioware

3) In new OPS and FP all bosses have bugged mechanic - it's normal to bioware

4) Bioware know about exploit in Ravagers from test servers, but not fix it - it's normal to bioware


But when you dc with error 9000 (thanks bioware again) on last boss of ravagers and logged again you immidiately come in cheats team, because you use exploit, but you only log in and collect your comm from boss - it's innormal to Bioware


So problem in player or Bioware?

Edited by nirlem
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You advocate getting away with it because it's all big, bad BWEA's fault. Gotcha.


TOR must be your first and only MMO.

Where have I said that exactly? I haven't. GOTCHA! :rolleyes:


I do, however, believe that a punishment must fit the 'crime'. Players partaking in the exploit had very little impact on the game and their 'crime' was worthy of no more than a warning, which most got...and obviously Bioware agrees with me or they'd have taken the servers down that Wednesday when Eric posted about it rather than waiting a full week, and the punishments would have been more severe than they were.

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Can someone give me the TL;DR please?


Guy goes on about how "leet" he is.


Then talks about getting things taken away from him as per exploiting ravagers. Admits to it.


Then complains that ONE of those things taken away was a crafting recipe he supposedly got in a "legit" manner.


basically OP (and many sad defenders in this thread) think the cheating was ok to do at the time. But then got (in a manner of words) "cheated" themselves by having BioWare take away a crafting recipe that was obtained without cheating (or so he says.) And now wants to whine about getting "cheated" by BioWare.


See the irony and stupidity in this? I hope so...

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Where have I said that exactly? I haven't. GOTCHA! :rolleyes:


I do, however, believe that a punishment must fit the 'crime'. Players partaking in the exploit had very little impact on the game and their 'crime' was worthy of no more than a warning, which most got...and obviously Bioware agrees with me or they'd have taken the servers down that Wednesday when Eric posted about it rather than waiting a full week, and the punishments would have been more severe than they were.

Again, the implication "If you can get away with it, it's all good. Because I, TUXs, have decided this exploit is not really that big a deal." As others have stated, cheating is cheating, especially when it comes to something as trivial as a computer game. If a player can't even control himself in a game, if he "runs amok" simply because he thinks he can get away with it and then can cry "Hey, it's not that big a deal!" after getting caught, he doesn't really deserve to play that game.


Everyone who got caught is sorry, sorry they got caught.


I say again, this must be your first and only MMO.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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