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UI killing FPS: This should be priority #1 to fix


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In my defense, the patch notes weren't up when I replied.


That's a rather weak defense for being a jerk to someone who actually bothered to come talk to us. People like you are why we don't get many yellow posts anymore.


Most users of these forums aren't interested in dialog, they just want a whipping boy.

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Lol, dev comes into the thread and the armchair game devs start giving him pointers, and we wonder why they post so rarely :rolleyes:


We might not ALL know everything about coding, gamedev, or anything like that. But i'm pretty sure there's more than just a handful of people who code, make little indie games, etcetera that are on these forums. We all just want the game to perform better, and updating the game to be capable to run on DirectX 11 and creating a TRUE 64 Bit client, would be a very large step towards improving framerate and loading times. Now, this 3.3.2 patch could be everyone's saving grace, or the entire game could get WORSE framerate, we do not know, as none of us are timelords here.

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We might not ALL know everything about coding, gamedev, or anything like that. But i'm pretty sure there's more than just a handful of people who code, make little indie games, etcetera that are on these forums....snip


because making a small indi game or programming in college makes people any sort of expert on massive online game development. I do code for a living, and know nothing about game development and such, but i DO know what it takes to write, maintain, and test projects that are developed over years not months. I think most people on these forums, just pretend they know what they are talking about. and any of them that probably do...usually blasted as white knights/apologists for actually understanding large scale software development rather than taking up pitchforks and joining the "just replace it/fix it already".

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I just wanted to chime in here and mention that we're *always* looking at the performance of the game, including the UI. It's never something we push to the side.


One thing to keep in mind though when you turn off the UI with control+U you're not just turning off the UI, you're turning off any logic that has to deal with displaying it, so there will always be some frame gain by doing that.


We have some ideas we're looking into for UI performance improvements now; nothing definite yet. It is something we're always keeping in mind and looking at ways to improve it.


Thanks for the post.


Haterz gonna hate, you know the drill here on ze forumz. :(

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I just wanted to chime in here and mention that we're *always* looking at the performance of the game, including the UI. It's never something we push to the side.


One thing to keep in mind though when you turn off the UI with control+U you're not just turning off the UI, you're turning off any logic that has to deal with displaying it, so there will always be some frame gain by doing that.


We have some ideas we're looking into for UI performance improvements now; nothing definite yet. It is something we're always keeping in mind and looking at ways to improve it.


I call BS nothing has been don in the reguard that even remotely helps. performance hit of like 5 fps give take from UI is one thing but when the boost to performance is double that of when it off, the development team did it wrong.


I still think the ui is done by the 2nd .exe which does not help one bit, yes i read patch notes i doubt it will did much of anything to help the UI terrible performance or the rest of the game.

Edited by Kyuuu
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It's all about the engine. 1 bad move and cause so much issues. BW/EA should be admit the mistake and redo the whole damn instead of getting the game to become f2p and milk customers money. I wont say much but you can take a good read on Square Enix on their FFXIV Saga. Edited by Kary
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It's all about the engine. 1 bad move and cause so much issues. BW/EA should be admit the mistake and redo the whole damn instead of getting the game to become f2p and milk customers money. I wont say much but you can take a good read on Square Enix on their FFXIV Saga.


FFXIV never changed their engine, they still use the same one. The biggest difference between SE and EA is that SE doesnt have to answer to anyone, EA does, its stock holders. EA would have to justify rebuilding the game again, SE didnt, except to themselves.

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Cory, You are obviously not looking for performance stuff. If you were, the development team would be working on porting the game to the latest version of The Hero Engine, which supports DirectX 10, which would DRASTICALLY improve framerates, along with adding a 64 Bit client, which would again DRASTICALLY improve framerates. We are paying for a game that is not bug ridden, runs smoothly, has a good story, and plays smoothly. We are really only getting 1 out of those 4 things, a good story. The game does (for the most part) play smoothly, but there's still tons of issues with balance. The game is still bug ridden, and does NOT run smoothly in Operations and Warzones.


That is not how it works, that is not how any of it works...

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I just wanted to chime in here and mention that we're *always* looking at the performance of the game, including the UI. It's never something we push to the side


Lies... I get less and less fps with every expansion, especially inside warzones/arenas.

GG at your "*always* looking".



Maybe you should stop looking and start doing...?



Edited by Glower
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That's a rather weak defense for being a jerk to someone who actually bothered to come talk to us. People like you are why we don't get many yellow posts anymore.


Most users of these forums aren't interested in dialog, they just want a whipping boy.

I wasn't at all a "jerk", and I doubt I have anything to do with WHY they don't post more....maybe it's people like YOU who blindly accept anything they're told? Or maybe they just don't. Maybe there's a company policy neither of us is privy to. Maybe there's a rational reason...not a pretend one.

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Am I the only gamer who doesn't care about FPS? I play on max graphics and as long as my pc does what its supposed to even in a massive player/pvp crowd then I don't care. I could have sh*t FPS for all I care, aslong as I can still play in my settings then meh


I still stand by my earlier posted quote, zero lag or bother, never check FPS, as long as I can play in real time I don't care :)

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Cory, You are obviously not looking for performance stuff. If you were, the development team would be working on porting the game to the latest version of The Hero Engine, which supports DirectX 10, which would DRASTICALLY improve framerates, along with adding a 64 Bit client, which would again DRASTICALLY improve framerates. We are paying for a game that is not bug ridden, runs smoothly, has a good story, and plays smoothly. We are really only getting 1 out of those 4 things, a good story. The game does (for the most part) play smoothly, but there's still tons of issues with balance. The game is still bug ridden, and does NOT run smoothly in Operations and Warzones.


Lol I just love it when "experts" like this try and tell Devs how to do their job and how they can improve performance. Gold.


Anyway thanks for the post Corey it is always most appreciated when we get any sort of feedback and response for developers ( for most of us anyway, not much you can do about that vocal minority sometimes ).

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We might not ALL know everything about coding, gamedev, or anything like that. But i'm pretty sure there's more than just a handful of people who code, make little indie games, etcetera that are on these forums. We all just want the game to perform better, and updating the game to be capable to run on DirectX 11 and creating a TRUE 64 Bit client, would be a very large step towards improving framerate and loading times. Now, this 3.3.2 patch could be everyone's saving grace, or the entire game could get WORSE framerate, we do not know, as none of us are timelords here.


Sweet as you don't even need to know any of that stuff. All you need to do is make the donation of millions of dollars for them to develop that ( above and beyond new content like storylines and operations since people would like that stuff too ).


I love how in your other post you want it on Directx 10 and now it's Directx 11 ... will DirectX 12 be next?


In all seriousness though if you have no clue what you're talking about and what's involved in the changes you are talking about all you do is look somewhat foolish and possibly scare away the devs from posting and possibly even entering into discussions with us in the future.

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I wasn't at all a "jerk", and I doubt I have anything to do with WHY they don't post more....maybe it's people like YOU who blindly accept anything they're told? Or maybe they just don't. Maybe there's a company policy neither of us is privy to. Maybe there's a rational reason...not a pretend one.


You really were though, your post implied they really weren't "doing" anything and should start doing so.


It basically wasn't required at all in fact your entire attitude lately is far from constructive and almost always negative ( from the topics I observe anyway ).


One wonders why you even bother playing the game any more if it's all such doom and gloom or do you just like to portray yourself this way on the forums for some reason?

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I play this game since beta, the performance dropped by a lot since launch. I used to play warzones with 50fps using a Core2Duo + HD5850...

But the game has waaay more things now for sure, but playing warzones with 15~25fps is NOT fun.

Using i5 2500k + GTX970 + SSD.


I really hope this fps fix works and improve the gameplay.

For me 4.0 will be the last chance.

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I just wanted to chime in here and mention that we're *always* looking at the performance of the game, including the UI. It's never something we push to the side.


One thing to keep in mind though when you turn off the UI with control+U you're not just turning off the UI, you're turning off any logic that has to deal with displaying it, so there will always be some frame gain by doing that.


We have some ideas we're looking into for UI performance improvements now; nothing definite yet. It is something we're always keeping in mind and looking at ways to improve it.


Hi Cory,


There is a massive issue with performance in another area and we cannot get Bio to acknowledge it or fix it... This is much more urgent than a UI performance issue... We have threads dedicated to this issue and a major thread going at the moment... I have posted in many dev replies and lots of us have tried contacting people at Bio direct...




We have been trying to get your attention to a major problem - we need the Packet Loss and Lag issues fixed at 3 of your Backbone Internet connections.. People can't play... We've supplied data to back up the issues and where the problems are originating... I've personally pm'd Tait... We've had no response from anyone and this has been going on for 4-5 weeks now...


Please read this thread in the general section on what is happening



There are also multiple threads in the Customer Service section at the moment with this problem


This is game breaking for us... We can't play or play properly at least... Most of my guild has left the game because we are a pvp guild and pvp isn't playable with 95% packet loss...


This is urgent... !!!!!


FYI most of my pvp guild (30-40 players) has now quit the game and don't plan to return... I am close to doing the same... Most of us are or were subscribers who also spent tones of money at the cartel...


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FFXIV never changed their engine, they still use the same one. The biggest difference between SE and EA is that SE doesnt have to answer to anyone, EA does, its stock holders. EA would have to justify rebuilding the game again, SE didnt, except to themselves.



Are you very sure FFXIV 2.0 aka FFXIV:ARR not using a new engine than the predecessor?






SE will also need to answer to their stock-holders.. I'm not sure whether are you fully understand the whole scenario or not..


Let's face the fact that EA/BW did a bad move and decide not to "U-Turn" back. When this game launch, less than a week, i already knew F2P will be hitting this game. Back if the directors acknowledge the fault and implement a new engine, this game will be more successful than it is right now, with better subs rates.

Edited by Kary
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Hi Cory,



There is a massive issue with performance in another area and we cannot get Bio to acknowledge it or fix it... This is much more urgent than a UI performance issue... We have threads dedicated to this issue and a major thread going at the moment... I have posted in many dev replies and lots of us have tried contacting people at Bio direct...




We have been trying to get your attention to a major problem - we need the Packet Loss and Lag issues fixed at 3 of your Backbone Internet connections.. People can't play... We've supplied data to back up the issues and where the problems are originating... I've personally pm'd Tait... We've had no response from anyone and this has been going on for 4-5 weeks now...


Please read this thread in the general section on what is happening



There are also multiple threads in the Customer Service section at the moment with this problem


This is game breaking for us... We can't play or play properly at least... Most of my guild has left the game because we are a pvp guild and pvp isn't playable with 95% packet loss...


This is urgent... !!!!!


FYI most of my pvp guild (30-40 players) has now quit the game and don't plan to return... I am close to doing the same... Most of us are or were subscribers who also spent tones of money at the cartel...




Cory is not a network guy. So I doubt he could do anything about this, except bring it up at staff meeting


However, I am sure that they are aware of ti issue (but yes, a yellow post officially acknowledging this would be nice)

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I just wanted to chime in here and mention that we're *always* looking at the performance of the game, including the UI. It's never something we push to the side.


One thing to keep in mind though when you turn off the UI with control+U you're not just turning off the UI, you're turning off any logic that has to deal with displaying it, so there will always be some frame gain by doing that.


We have some ideas we're looking into for UI performance improvements now; nothing definite yet. It is something we're always keeping in mind and looking at ways to improve it.


Hey! I got a great idea!


Rework the whole UI, less Graphics more typical "Windows" looking Windows and write it to XML, add lesser Addon Support for example let the Community the choice, to extra customize the Interface - and we are happy!


I bet, the interface will use massive lesser memory and will run very smoothly without loading everytime every Interface Window Graphics.

Edited by Aaryn
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Are you very sure FFXIV 2.0 aka FFXIV:ARR not using a new engine than the predecessor?






SE will also need to answer to their stock-holders.. I'm not sure whether are you fully understand the whole scenario or not..


Let's face the fact that EA/BW did a bad move and decide not to "U-Turn" back. When this game launch, less than a week, i already knew F2P will be hitting this game. Back if the directors acknowledge the fault and implement a new engine, this game will be more successful than it is right now, with better subs rates.


He has said that SE doesnt answer to there stockholders cause they dont have any. They are not a public traded company. They may have to answer to there board but not us lonely peasants.


As far as EA/BW doing bad with the engine, yes i agree, they fudged up, but saying they should have done what SE did is wrong, it was unheard of when this game came out to redo it all over again. SE i believe was the first, they gambled and it paid off, if it didnt they would have been finished.


Also if you havent noticed BW isnt one to say they are wrong or redo a mistake or even say they made a mistake. They stick by what they say and do. Just look at ME3. BW believes they are right and its their game, we dont like it we can stop playing, other ppl will just join up, it freaking Star Wars. Good or bad we and others will play it.

Edited by Legend
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Performance impacting UI is trouble. Shaders, shadows, AA etc... is ok but if even the UI causes major performance issues, game needs serious work. I don't want to sound like jerk but, performance issues getting more and more everyday. Forums, critics, feedbacks... Everyone points the "performance issues" for years. Some says engine is not enough, some say its not complate enine but a heavily modified version etc... In the end, we have only one solid conculusion. " Performance "thing" needs to be revised. " If you can't do this for years, either your workers are useless or devs don't care about it. As a solid and loyal subscriber, i expect serious fixes like this ones rather than re-dyed Nico Okarr duster.
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