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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

UI killing FPS: This should be priority #1 to fix


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I don't understand why this is still an issue. Between their ridiculous BitRaider and this UI problem it seems all their technical decisions and priorities are set by some seriously pointy-haired bosses. And once the results of their stupidity are put into the game it ends up being hideously expensive to fix. I live in hope that these twerps will get the boot and some decent technical decisions get made.


The UI is fundamental to the game, I don't even understand how they could get as far as they did without even being the slightest bit concerned about performance. And how we are looking at patch 4.0 and it is getting worse not better. I have never run into this UI problem before, not in any other game. SWTOR has been slowly moving out of the inexperienced systemic design flaw and into seriously incompetent territory.

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Asus G751JY Laptop

i7 4860HQ 2.4Ghz

32GB @1600Mhz Ram

Nvidia GTX 980m (4GB)


Win 10


Not a damn problem, running at 59 fps with Vsync on @Ultra settings :s


not a problem? press ctrl+shift+f ingame, left down corner check fps, go in warzone start battle and check again if its same. if you are blind and cant tell difference between 60 and 15 fps please dont post your crap, BW is stupid enough to believe 1 person that says its good and only done questing on starting areas. have you done 16 man ops? are you telling me you run it on 59 or even 49 or even 29 fps? there is no machine that can do it. my friend has i7 6700k ddr4 system tested game there, about 1-2 fps better than mine

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not a problem? press ctrl+shift+f ingame, left down corner check fps, go in warzone start battle and check again if its same. if you are blind and cant tell difference between 60 and 15 fps please dont post your crap, BW is stupid enough to believe 1 person that says its good and only done questing on starting areas. have you done 16 man ops? are you telling me you run it on 59 or even 49 or even 29 fps? there is no machine that can do it. my friend has i7 6700k ddr4 system tested game there, about 1-2 fps better than mine


That IS tested both on fleet and in WZ's Please don't try and tell me i can't see the difference... I am not defending anything nor anyone, all i am quoting is my in game results... I didn't come here for a dose of your salt.. Also, "Only done starting areas"? It says FOUNDER along side my name for a reason, yes i have been in 16 man Ops and yes i have run WZs... Like i said, I didn't come here for your salty attitude, I am just stating that my system, for what ever reason, maybe due to the lack of bit raider (I don't know, I run my client without Bit raider) my game seems to run well all things considered :)

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16gb ram

4ghz 8-core amd fx-2 cpu

780 gtx ti nvidia gpu


i get 120 fps

barely drops below 100 in combat areas

4man fp stays around 100 in combat

8man can get 60fps more than playable

16man can get 30fps so its playable

in pvp... drops like a brick in water with an anchor tethered to it... (around 15-30)

changing rendering or graphic quality does absolutely nothing.

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Asus G751JY Laptop

i7 4860HQ 2.4Ghz

32GB @1600Mhz Ram

Nvidia GTX 980m (4GB)


Win 10


Not a damn problem, running at 59 fps with Vsync on @Ultra settings :s


That's the part that makes it run faster for me...


I have

i4770 @3,4GHz

16 gig of ram

Radeon R7 250 2gigs


this is not a beast but can run a lot of things. I cap My fps at 60FPS and i run 16 man ops and go on fleet with almost no drop in FPS.


I had issues before but i moved the game to a SSD and it improved my gamign by a lot. And i run on ultra multi-tasking watching videos etc...


Try getting a SSD they're cheap now.

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The UI is built using ScaleForm. Tera suffers from the same FPS problems and a lot of players I knew just turned off their UI in things like PvP because it lagged so bad.


It's basically a flash app overlaid in the game. I am not sure why it sucks so much in some games and not others. Borderlands 2, Far Cry 4, and a bunch of other games use it and don't have issues with it.

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Indeed - would Teal'c say.


The UI in this game is really worst but i dont think they will change anything. On reddit you can fine some new Screenshots where u can see the new Party Finder and lot other stuff, looks like now the same **** only with smarter looking graphics.

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I just wanted to chime in here and mention that we're *always* looking at the performance of the game, including the UI. It's never something we push to the side.


One thing to keep in mind though when you turn off the UI with control+U you're not just turning off the UI, you're turning off any logic that has to deal with displaying it, so there will always be some frame gain by doing that.


We have some ideas we're looking into for UI performance improvements now; nothing definite yet. It is something we're always keeping in mind and looking at ways to improve it.

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I just wanted to chime in here and mention that we're *always* looking at the performance of the game, including the UI. It's never something we push to the side.


One thing to keep in mind though when you turn off the UI with control+U you're not just turning off the UI, you're turning off any logic that has to deal with displaying it, so there will always be some frame gain by doing that.


We have some ideas we're looking into for UI performance improvements now; nothing definite yet. It is something we're always keeping in mind and looking at ways to improve it.


I think most people would include logic for the UI as part of the UI. Everyone knows the UI will always take up some processing time and expect to get a higher frame rate with it off. But when you can double it by turning it off in combat it's a bit much.

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I just wanted to chime in here and mention that we're *always* looking at the performance of the game, including the UI. It's never something we push to the side.


One thing to keep in mind though when you turn off the UI with control+U you're not just turning off the UI, you're turning off any logic that has to deal with displaying it, so there will always be some frame gain by doing that.


We have some ideas we're looking into for UI performance improvements now; nothing definite yet. It is something we're always keeping in mind and looking at ways to improve it.


Cory, You are obviously not looking for performance stuff. If you were, the development team would be working on porting the game to the latest version of The Hero Engine, which supports DirectX 10, which would DRASTICALLY improve framerates, along with adding a 64 Bit client, which would again DRASTICALLY improve framerates. We are paying for a game that is not bug ridden, runs smoothly, has a good story, and plays smoothly. We are really only getting 1 out of those 4 things, a good story. The game does (for the most part) play smoothly, but there's still tons of issues with balance. The game is still bug ridden, and does NOT run smoothly in Operations and Warzones.

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I just wanted to chime in here and mention that we're *always* looking at the performance of the game, including the UI. It's never something we push to the side.


One thing to keep in mind though when you turn off the UI with control+U you're not just turning off the UI, you're turning off any logic that has to deal with displaying it, so there will always be some frame gain by doing that.


We have some ideas we're looking into for UI performance improvements now; nothing definite yet. It is something we're always keeping in mind and looking at ways to improve it.


******** its been 9 months and performance hasn't changed 1 bit

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I wonder whats going to happen with this game or actually game core engine in 2016 and beyond. We have now publically DirectX12 available and game industry will start optimizing and making shift to that because it has great advantanges. This game however lacks any good support over DirectX9. Also limited by custom made old hero engine.


I'm very very sad but looking past years of this game performance and eyecandy changes together i think last comment is actually right. I dont have high hopes because it needs a lot money and big dev team to bring game engine to new level. I highly doubt this is going to happen. Only solution i see many asking even in general forums s to buy new computer with very high end stuff inside it just to keep up with this game. Same time those new pc's can handle any new games so much better. Time will tell but i dont see much improvements lately just new CM items and more story cut scenes/some effects for mounts.

Edited by Divona
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Maybe you should stop looking and start doing...?


Nope. They're going to drive this cash cow into the ground until she breaks. The investors control the game, not the developers. The only way to stick-it-to-the-man is to unsub. The funny thing is, they know most of us aren't going to do that.

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the development team would be working on porting the game to the latest version of The Hero Engine, which supports DirectX 10, which would DRASTICALLY improve framerates, along with adding a 64 Bit client, which would again DRASTICALLY improve framerates.
As good as the new Hero Engine version sounds, when Devs say "custom" (hero engine) it usually means completely reworked and pretty much unportable.


I doubt they can port anything to the newer Hero engine version, so might as well use a whole new engine which basically means rewriting the game.


Not gona happen. Just like Dx12.


Pretty much the only MMO I ever heard of actually doing something like this is CCP´s EVE, but it took them several years of "iterating" to go from

. Edited by Master_ivar
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As good as the new Hero Engine version sounds, when Devs say "custom" it usually means completely reworked and pretty much unportable.


I doubt they can port anything to the newer Hero engine version, so might as well use a whole new engine which basically means rewriting the game.


Not gona happen. Just like Dx12.


Pretty much the only MMO I ever heard of actually doing something like this are CCP, but it took them several years of "iterating" to go from



Did EVE get "iterated" from one engine to an entirely new one? or did it just get moved from one version of an engine to a newer, and better one?


I'm pretty sure It would not be too hard, seeing as how what they probably modified The Hero Engine Version X (calling it that, because I do not know what version of it Bioware is using, all I know is it's some Alpha copy) to do, Hero Engine Quartz is probably capable of, and possibly MORE, so they wasted dev time on modifying the engine, when they could have not modified it, put the game out in a state where they could update the game AND the engine at the same pace, and the game would be much better. The Repopulation is doing this (with The Hero Engine) and it works nearly flawlessly.

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Maybe you should stop looking and start doing...?


Seeing that Cory didn't post here for almost 3 years and suddenly shows up the day before a bunch of engine-level changes are released with 3.3.2, they actually may have started doing. (As in getting paid to do so fulltime)


Let's not scare away the devs, ok? I'd rather discuss issues directly with the people who can fix them, than relying on the CM team to pass on our requests. We want communicative devs in the forum? Then let's not pretend we know their job better than them, and keep a civil tone.

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Seeing that Cory didn't post here for almost 3 years and suddenly shows up the day before a bunch of engine-level changes are released with 3.3.2, they actually may have started doing. (As in getting paid to do so fulltime)


Let's not scare away the devs, ok? I'd rather discuss issues directly with the people who can fix them, than relying on the CM team to pass on our requests. We want communicative devs in the forum? Then let's not pretend we know their job better than them, and keep a civil tone.

In my defense, the patch notes weren't up when I replied.

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Did EVE get "iterated" from one engine to an entirely new one? or did it just get moved from one version of an engine to a newer, and better one?
Several iterations in fact. Moving from (I think) Dx8 to 9 then 10 and finally 11. Exactly what engines were/are used is their secret.


modified The Hero Engine Version X (calling it that, because I do not know what version of it Bioware is using, all I know is it's some Alpha copy) to do, Hero Engine Quartz is probably capable of, and possibly MORE, so they wasted dev time on modifying the engine, .
Devs aren´t payed that well for "wasting time".

As this game has obviously been in "cash cow mode" for quite some time, it´s safe to speculate there simply aren´t more devs available to do anything but optimize the code you have.


Again, "modified" aka "this is my ****** now, there´s no other like it" aka unportable.

Sorry to pop your "New Hero balloon". :D:p

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