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HM Battle of Rishi and Blood Hunt too easy?

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The first boss of Blood Hunt is simply overtuned for Flashpoint content. I never understood the logic behind creating small group content more difficult than large group content. Also, the recommended gear level should be stated as 192.


I would love to see the devs, during the community streams for example, down this boss with the 178 recommended gear. That would be nice.

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Did the Battle of Rishi HM for the first time 2nd boss took a couple of tries but got past it, the final boss was fine once the mechanics were figured out took 4 tries being mdps. The Blood Hunt first boss is a different story so much AOE and the 3 adds having 72K each doing aoe damage and enraging just makes it more like a bonus boss, heard the 2nd boss is worse ( have not got past the first boss) This type of flasj point is fine IF you put it in a separate category for guild groups in voice chat, but for a GF HM flash point it is far over tuned and needs significant adjustments. I would pay real credits to see a random GF typical skill group do this with the stated 178 gear. Have not tried the Rishi bonus boss, but have cleared the other 60 HM Flash points and each Bonus Boss.


As it is now Blood Hunt first boss is way out of line in difficulty for HM 60 GF.

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I would love to see the devs, during the community streams for example, down this boss with the 178 recommended gear. That would be nice.


Same here. I would like to see 4 devs on a Friday stream beat these two HM flashpoints. That won't happen of course because I'm sure their managers don't want 4 devs wasting working hours on a stream when there's stuff to do.


The first boss in Blood Hunt is a dps check, the second is a healing check.

Edited by Projawa
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The new flashpoints are challenging to the point of frustration. The Rishi bonus boss is going to take real teamwork and probably a skype call. highly unlikely on a regular pug. The Blood hunt FP, no idea what that is like. Have yet to get past the first boss... Spent most of today trying to best him, and no avail, have spent hundreds of thousands in repairs.


I know that there are many here who will think "what are you talking about you fool? They are easy!" And yeah, I can completely get that. If I was wearing rags, I would say so. But Im not badly geared, Im very well geared for a casual player. Head to toe in elite gear.


Maybe, the community as a whole just needs more time to wrangle with these new FPs to find the winning formula. But it doesn't bode well when the online guides have "Expect to team wipe" written in it.

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HM BH/BoR is still easier than HM LI was in 1.2, but only slightly:D


I've been waiting for some decent flashpoints and now we have them. I'm going to run them 10 times each:) before the inevitable nerf in 3.2 or 3.3:(


To be fair I'd like them tuned up about 50% and put into separate NiM category. Way too easy in HM if you're geared. But impossible for some people I guess. I only done all bosses once and haven't done bonus in Rishi yet, but we 2-manned last boss in Rishi one with tank and healer as both DPS killed themselves so it's not overtuned for sure.

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To be fair I'd like them tuned up about 50% and put into separate NiM category. Way too easy in HM if you're geared. But impossible for some people I guess. I only done all bosses once and haven't done bonus in Rishi yet, but we 2-manned last boss in Rishi one with tank and healer as both DPS killed themselves so it's not overtuned for sure.


Yeah... go 2 man the bonus and then come crawling back saying it's too easy.

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I don't see ANY reason to do those FP.

They hard. They frustrating.

Aaaand sucks when it cames to rewards.



Stop listen to the raiders.

They don't give a s*** about average players.

They want "challenge" for their overtuned butts.

Well, let them play NiM content. But leave FP aside from this s*** :mad:

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My group wasn't able to get past Jos and Valk Beroya in HM Blood Hunt. What is the key to this fight?


I finished Blood Hunt HM last night for the first time as a tank. The Jos and Valk encounter is a serious awareness check for a tank and the group as a whole. Up until both Jos and Valk join the fight the encounter is fairly easy-the adds are more difficult than either of the bosses alone. Jos's Aerial Strike hurts A LOT if you lose focus and are caught by any of it-the initial blast off, the fire DoT, or the landing.


My group recommended that I tank Jos near Valk. Valk's Sweeping Blasters hits everything in front of her and she doesn't move beyond doing her leap, so the tank needs to keep her faced away from the group. Jos, being mostly melee, will follow the tank around. Since our characters can parry and dodge attacks from behind (and Jos has no backstab type of ability) your tank need not worry about turning his/her back to lead Jos back toward Valk after Aerial Strike/being knocked around.


Jos also has an aggro drop-I could be wrong, but the mechanic seems tied to his wife's taunts-when you hear her talking smack to Jos, your tank needs to be ready to taunt. When they're both in the fight doing so can be difficult if RNG is against you (stuns/knockbacks).


A few of our wipes happened due to RNG-either from something like the above happening, or worse, Jos stunned me while Valk was launching her rockets. That much is just unfair. The only thing the tank can do is hope the healer can keep him/her alive during spike damage.


Positioning makes or breaks the last phase of the fight. During all the chaos of knocks, aggro drops, and AOEs, the group needs to move as a unit so heals don't fall behind.

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It's not necessarily that these FP's are too hard. My problem with them is that they are not worth it. If they are going to make bosses so hard that most people ( and let's face it, we all know what I mean when I say most people ) simply cannot cope with the mechanics or have a hope of ever beating it, then they should put rewards that reflect that you have to be an elite player to beat it. instead it is dropping absolute junk, at best you can hope for a 192 drop, wow, big whoop, I can get that from far easier FP's or simply commendation farming on 55 HM's. IMO there are two options for these FP's one is to dumb it down to its loot rolls, the other to increase its loot rolls to match its difficulty. I'd be interested to see what other people think.
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Given the difficulty I'd like to see them bumped up a fraction and given their own tier.


Aside from the BoR bonus boss I didn't find any of it challenging.


Obviously I won't be pugging the bonus anytime soon, but it's hardly as tough as HM LI was in 1.2.

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These two new flashpoints are for me a bit easy, even if some bosses new a particular strat, this is a pretty good work from Bioware, to have made some "hard" bosses. I think that bonus bosses or some other couldn't be done with pick-up groups, excepted if the pick-up are actually great.


So lets see some Videos of this to easy Blood Hunt first boss with 2 melee DPS and a Melee Tank. Its not bad with all ranged though.

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Still can't get past second boss. Tried dpsing and healing it. And the issue is the enormous amount of damage the tank gets on the second phase.

I myself seen it on an assassin tank (he was 56k and stacked on absorb augments, didn't look at his relics). So at one point both Jos and Valk start melting the tank. I put a bubble on him, pre casted a puddle, then dark infusion for 9k, followed by dark heal for 6k, followed by resurgence 2k + innervate around 12k and tank still died so it's more than 50 k damage in 6 seconds - that is impossible to heal through. Tank said he was stunned and there was nothing he could do. One time we survived first spike but still got killed on the second one.

Haven't tried tanking it myself yet maybe the problem was just bad tanking.

What is the strategy here? Please, no condescending answers like I did it with my eyes closed with only main hand equipped.

Edited by power-alex
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