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Action For The Ravager's Exploit


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It's called getting the hardmode lockout and transferring servers scrub


I'm sorry your a bad with 2/10 sm achievements


Well, the hardmode lockout and sell originated from them






Psh 2/10 I'm not even done Eternity Vault yet in my 198s. It's so hard! That puzzle kills me. Then you gotta fight these guys and nobody can help! Ugh. This game is so hard.

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Yeah, there was none dummy.


That is totally irrelevant and does not justify any exploit of whatever kind. An exploit is an exploit is an exploit. That is all that matters.


All just a bad experience is all. People got crazy and ugly about the entire thing and made it not fun anymore.


You had a bad experience cheating? I am sorry that your fun was spoiled by people not cheating and not liking others cheating. Must have been a hard time for you. I understand that you now are looking to find a game which supports your cheating stance better than Swtor.


Sorry both raid groups that I am subbing for while regular members are out of town. I won't be raiding for the next 7 days, and you'll have to find another replacement. If you want to blame someone, talk to the original poster, lol.


Well no, they of course have to blame you and only you. Because it was you who exploited this game and infringed the ToS. I would very much appreciate if you'd learn that all actions you take in life have consequences. You are an active being. The game did not play you. You played the game. In a forbidden way. It is actually not rocket science, so what is so difficult to understand about it? (Your lol doesn't make it better.)


On a sidenote: So far, I am missing a couple of names posting in this thread. Not sure in what timezone they live, but it is maybe an indicator that they currently cannot post here. ;)


That said, I am glad that actions are taken and that's that. There is no need to stomp upon those already lying on the ground. I wished no punishments would have been necessary, but after all I did not like the passive attitude amongst some of the exploiters. The exploit did not happen to the exploiters. The exploiters exploited actively and therefore a punishment is correct.


Most of all I am glad about the communication though. It makes a difference.

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The Butthurt is strong with this one.


Schematics gained would have unbalanced the economy. Couple that with tons of free mats to make those things? And yea, it effects a whole lotta things. Like pumping an item or items into the economy and a large rate that was never intended.


So what?


What is so all-fired precious about keeping certain things rare, other than the Feels of Specialness that some people get from them?

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Punishment not severe enough.


I think that those who got less than a week suspension should get 90% of their credits removed so they can remember a lesson. Unless the remove of credit Eric means is that ALL of the credits are being removed from offending accounts. That would be marvelous! Imagine how many of them were those "sickly rich" you hate!


What lesson?


How many people who play a game, could have 90% of their credits removed, and would keep playing?


I suspect a majority would simply quit.

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I think it has more to do with spamming the exploit to get loaded out in BiS Mods and Enhancements...


And that hurts other people in their raid group by not letting them wipe as often?


I don't understand how having a faster car than someone who lives on a different continent is somehow making their car go slower? Please explain.

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Punishment not severe enough.


I think that those who got less than a week suspension should get 90% of their credits removed so they can remember a lesson. Unless the remove of credit Eric means is that ALL of the credits are being removed from offending accounts. That would be marvelous! Imagine how many of them were those "sickly rich" you hate!


I already got 5 million of my credits removed when they broke the slot machine.

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That kind of thinking is what is wrong with the games; if anyone can exploit at will it removes the want to legitimately get gear and mats that are actually hard to get. Please refrain from giving your opinion as it is useless.


Nice post till the last sentence Fus.

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And that hurts other people in their raid group by not letting them wipe as often?


I don't understand how having a faster car than someone who lives on a different continent is somehow making their car go slower? Please explain.


Why does something have to hurt people to be considered an unintended and unacceptable impact?


There is a designed rate to gearing in the game. It is gated by lock outs and an intended progression.


The exploit violated that. It violated the ToS. It did cause a misalignment in the rate of gearing, and as far as design intent is concerned that is a negative to the game.

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Yes all their fault. They control other peoples actions and people have zero personal responsibility. Between exploits, and GTN "Scams" it seems everything in my life is because of someone else. I do something great, someone else must have helped. do something stupid, someone else's fault for letting me do it. Do something wrong, someone else's fault for allowing it to happen. I can not be held responsible for my own actions.


BW knew about this exploit when it was on the PTS yet they released as is knowing full well that it is inevitable that some people are going to take advantage of it. Now, the people who "exploited" should have known better and action should be taken against them for violating the TOS. But that does not excuse BW for releasing 3.0 in the state that it was (there are a slew of bugs -- Underlurker, Revan fight, ability lag, training costs, Rishi datacrons, the list goes on and on) and right before the Christmas holidays when nothing could be done about it.


BW knew the there was an exploit. BW knew that some people will take advantage of it. BW did nothing about it until now. It just seems very shoddy to release an expansion knowing that there are people who will inevitably take advantage of the exploit. The responsible thing to do would have been to not release the expansion until known game breaking exploits are fixed. The whole Ravager's Exploit mess is just a sorry mess that could have been stopped by BW at the outset.

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And that hurts other people in their raid group by not letting them wipe as often?


I don't understand how having a faster car than someone who lives on a different continent is somehow making their car go slower? Please explain.


A player who gets the loot through the exploit will have an unfair advantage over non-exploiters for getting into groups. If a raidleader is to pick between 2 players for the last spot in raid, a player with 186/192 gear (who didn't exploit) and a player with 192/198 gear (who did exploit), guess which player will get the spot.


A character who used the exploit would not be able to do that operation until the locks reset, which means fewer people could/would do the Ravagers raid properly = harder for non-exploiters to get a group of 8-16 players to do the last boss properly.

After the exploit was fixed, people who are fully geared up on 192 stuff on main (+alts?) probably won't join (as many) SM operations as they would if they didn't have gear from exploit = fewer players who raid = more difficult to get groups for raiding.


Characters who do the exploit have easy access to 192 gear, so other players who craft 186/192 gear to sell will have fewer potential customers.

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So what?


What is so all-fired precious about keeping certain things rare, other than the Feels of Specialness that some people get from them?


Did you not complain about the slots make jawa junk not rare and thereby making grade 11 artifact mats plentiful was something terrible?

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Did you not complain about the slots make jawa junk not rare and thereby making grade 11 artifact mats plentiful was something terrible?


Opposite. He claimed it was a good thing. People weren't making obscene profits and that's a good thing... or something to that effect.

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Opposite. He claimed it was a good thing. People weren't making obscene profits and that's a good thing... or something to that effect.


Ahhh I stand corrected. It was not an accusation mind you, a question, since I could not remember and did not want to accuse.

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So the people who play the game as intended should quit, while the others who take advantage of exploits should be given a pass.


Truly ingenious to say the least. :rolleyes:


No, the people who are obsessed with how others got their gear and can't rest at night unless little Bobby gets spanked for sneaking an extra cookie out of an infinite jar would have been less of a loss than the kids who just snuck an extra cookie.


That's literally all this "exploit" was -- sneaking an extra cookie out of an infinite jar. No matter how many cookies were snuck out, there are still an infinite number of cookies in there.


The only people who were "hurt" by this are the people who profit off the artificially controlled rate at which cookies can be pulled out of the infinite, unending, unceasing jar of cookies.


The game is privately owned by Bioware, and they can do as they wish, but the "punishment" here is disproportional by orders of magnitude... not that I expect a lot of people to grasp the concept of the response being proportional to the actual damage caused by the crime, in a country where people who smoke a little weed on the weekends are regarded as worthy of more severe punishment that people who crash an entire REAL economy and cause financial ruin for millions...

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<Sarcasm>I'm outraged. This is obviously not severe enough. For that matter nothing anyone has posted here goes anywhere close to enough to punish the vile miscreants.

Deletion of gear, credits and schematics gotten through this reprehensible act? 'tis like the kiss of a blushing virgin. It will discourage none and rather may even encourage people to exploit in the future.

Temporary bans? Bah! A mere slap on the wrist.

Permabans? A nothing gesture that will do nothing to discourage future offenders.


These minor punishments will, perhaps, suffice for the lesser offenders. These lesser offenders, include those that knew about the exploit and those that were exploiting and did not immediately and summarily /ignore the offenders and report the bug. I propose that a good start would be a permaban for every person that did not /ignore any person that they knew or even suspected was using this exploit.


No we must venture into new creative realms.

We need to be having serious discussions about confiscation of personal property. Let the exploiters have their houses and bank accounts seized! That will start the ball rolling. For those that are minors then, of course, their parents must pay the price. After all, they should have been monitoring their children's activities.


Of course that is not enough. True punishment must be meted out to the more egregious offenders. After all, what is it to a vile exploiter to merely be penniless and homeless? No for those that dared to take advantage of the exploit multiple times, nothing short of incarceration is sufficient. I propose that these reprehensible scourges doers be subject to 1 year of prison for each instance of the exploit, and of course at hard labor! Ran 12 characters through? That's 12 years for you! That will discourage those that dare to exploit within a game!


Now we come at last, to those who truly crossed the line and dared to sell the lockouts to people. For them I fear that nothing short of capital punishment will suffice. After all these people, nay these vermin since they have demonstrated that they are, in fact, subhuman. These wretched scum have violated the very foundation of our society and Rousseau's famous Social Contract. (now embodied in the SWTOR ToS). The very pillars of our society are in jeopardy if we don't act, and act immediately!


Mind you for players in the US and other countries it may require changes to that countries respective constitutions and laws. But this, we must do! Our very way of life is threatened here! </sarcasm>


Now that we're done with this mess we return you to your reguarly scheduled whining about PVP Ranked Win Trading, Lag, and, of course, Slot Machines.

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Did you not complain about the slots make jawa junk not rare and thereby making grade 11 artifact mats plentiful was something terrible?


Actually, the opposite -- I was fully in favor of an increased supply of grade 11 artifact mats on the market, making them more affordable for people who want to actually use crafting for gearing their own characters, companions, and alts.

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Actually, the opposite -- I was fully in favor of an increased supply of grade 11 artifact mats on the market, making them more affordable for people who want to actually use crafting for gearing their own characters, companions, and alts.


It would appear we are in agreement there. :)

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