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Changes Coming to Community Streams


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They have a fairly large list to choose from.


Just in case you are not aware, Bioware, folks around here seemed miffed about a few things....and I am fairly positive one of those things is NOT streaming.


I mean, take your pick....





CSM nerf

Condition of website

Bugs galore

Raid issues

Lack of PVP content

Lack of GSF content


Just a partial list.


I mean, really....just browse the forums. Quite a few topics to choose from.


Now, let me take a look.....


(looks around the forum)


Nope, no streaming.


(checks in subforums)


No streaming in here...



Yea. Not one of the pertinent issues at the moment.


Usually you are pretty smart, but on this you are really dumb.


1. Streams are run by the Community Team, and really is the only thing they have 100% control over.

2. People who attend the streams have been complaining about the streams, during the streams.

3. Since, unlike the things you list, which the Community Team has ZERO control over, they can control and change how they stream, he took action on that thing.


I get it, at you job at burger hut, you can do pretty much everything, flip burgers, cook fries, run the cash register, take orders, but in white collar America that's not how things work, people have certain skills and are hired for certain jobs, and very often, those skills don't translate well into other essential jobs that also need to be done at the company.


I don't disagree that those other things you list are things that need to be addressed, but that doesn't mean the Community Team should stop doing its job.


And LOL at all the people calling this PR fluff, like no freaking way, that is one of the teams core jobs is to make fluff like this. It's like being mad at KFC for selling fried chicken.

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Clearly you haven't seen his post history, or seen his posts around. He is usually a very level headed, optimistic person who I've never seen really dig into BW. We disagree on a few issues but I generally read his posts as he is someone with an open mind and something constructive to say. The fact that he is fed up is disheartening, along with other long time members of the community who are always level headed. Andrayah and her unsub come to mind. I wish she would have made her own post, though I generally dislike threads of that type, as her goodbye post was an accurate cross section of the issues we face. I'm not going to portend doom and gloom, it's just something that made me take notice.


I would like to believe that this is a good thing, this new streaming idea, and I don't wear a tinfoil hat but it seems to be coming at an odd time, when there are real concerns in the community, and no I am not talking about slot machine drop rates or folks taking advantage of a operations glitch. This is the issue they have chosen to bring to us though, so I hope they hear the ideas posted in this thread and make the new streams awesome, connect with other servers and play with different people. Though I did love the idea of having them put their money where their mouth is and have them run a 16 man group finder ToS, with no voip, just like regular folks would have to do it, and let us know what they think of underlurker, or having the last boss of ravagers not go to her escape pod. Anyway, here is hoping that the new streams are awesome and will make people happy.


Guess I'm not considered in the field of long time members. I must not fit the mold :p Oh well. I can see I pressed some buttons. Didn't mean to. Just going by what I know from the past.

Edited by Sarfux
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I get it, at you job at burger hut, you can do pretty much everything, flip burgers, cook fries, run the cash register, take orders, but in white collar America that's not how things work, people have certain skills and are hired for certain jobs, and very often, those skills don't translate well into other essential jobs that also need to be done at the company.


Burger Hut, eh?


Ask around. Not Burger Hut.


This was phenomenally foolish for him to post this in this forum at this time considering the fervor around here. You can certainly disagree if you wish (though this thread likely stands in evidence against a few of your contentions) but take care when assuming who does what in this forum.


You might be surprised to know that more than one of the well known forum members around here are in fact either devs in other games or are involved in the industry.


Game devs are humans after all, have lives outside work.....AND HAVE OPINIONS.


Imagine that.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I've been watching the forums for months now, and only posting occasionally. But I just don't understand the reasoning, or the timing for this "streaming update." It seems like straw on the camel's back.


Regardless of what side you as a player come down on any of the issues that have plagued the forums over the last 8-10 weeks, can we all agree that most, if not all of it, could have been avoided or tempered by one simple thing: Communication.


I don't pretend to know that the community team does day in and day out during their work day. That's been speculated, some humorously, by others. But I'm pretty sure that someone in that group has to scan the forums. I know there are ramifications and precedents that can be a hinderance to true communication between the player base and BW, but I think good would come out of any communication at this point that is relative to the issues that are important to the community.


I would like them to post a Dev Thread every business day. Even something as simple as "We know. We're looking into it. We'll get back to you." Something as simple as that at least shows the community that they are being heard. I worked in the prison system for 7 years, and this 'acknowledgement' of someone's point of view was the single most important thing to the inmates. (And no I'm not saying the SWTOR gamers are prison inmates) The biggest complaint was that they were not heard. Most of them knew that what they wanted or were asking for, they weren't going to get. But the employees that inmates trusted, and interacted with the most, were the ones that took 5 minutes to listen, and acknowledge that "yes, I hear what you're saying".


Win, lose or draw, I think the community team, which is the ONLY interface we player have with BW, could help themselves in the trust and goodwill department by simply taking the time to say "Yes, we hear you." PR spin, misdirection, silence ... these are the paths to the dark side.

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A real Q&A - Right now we passively answer questions as we play. It creates a mixed stream where we are kinda playing and kinda doing a Q&A. We want to separate these. Let's spend some time concentrating on playing with you guys and then lets stop playing altogether and just answer questions for a bit.


Get transcripts of the questions asked and answered and post them to this forum after the stream. Don't rely on Dulfy to do your communications work for you like always.

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I am pretty sure most people who watch the streams also frequent the forums. Perhaps he should create a poll with about 10-20 topics, people can than vote what they are most interested in and the top 4 topics get streams during the next month.


Heck could even have a thread prior to the poll asking for topics.

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My suggestion would be to contact Guilds or friendly streamers and see if you can get a spot in an Operation with them. That would probably need to be edited for time, but would be cool to see. Flashpoints with people would be cool too. Also fix the Slot Machine... they are a waste of space now.
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Hey folks!


Let's talk a little bit about our weekly live streams. First, scheduling. We are not going to be streaming this Friday, 1/30 so you might be wondering when are we streaming next? More on that in a second.


We as a team have been taking a hard look at our weekly streams and we have all agreed on one thing, we could do a lot better. Although we have a great time doing them, we don't feel like the format is as good as it should be for all of you tuning in. We have a seen a lot of feedback over the past weeks about how and what we stream and there have been a lot of great points made.


Here are some of the things we plan on doing differently, when we start back up again:

  • Playing Classes we are truly familiar with - We spend a lot of time playing classes on the stream for fun. All that does is show us playing something at a fairly mediocre skill level and doesn't make for good viewership. Not saying we're pros, but we can do better.
  • A heavier concentration on PvE - I love Warzones, they are my favorite content in fact. However, when we play, it ends up causing a global taunt effect. Someone tuning in is just watching us run out of the spawn area and die repeatedly. Not really a good representation of our content.
  • Guild/Streamer support - We are working out the details, but we definitely want to figure out methods to include these folks specifically more on our streams.
  • Server/Faction variance - We do this a little bit already, but we can look at being more flexible in bouncing around to different servers and factions. Give everyone an equal chance to join in on the fun!
  • Scheduling - We are gonna take a look at both the day and times that we are streaming. There are likely better time frames, lengths, days, etc for our streams to occur.
  • A real Q&A - Right now we passively answer questions as we play. It creates a mixed stream where we are kinda playing and kinda doing a Q&A. We want to separate these. Let's spend some time concentrating on playing with you guys and then lets stop playing altogether and just answer questions for a bit.

Here we look to all of you as well. What would you like to see us do differently with our streams? Any and all feedback welcome.




You people make Ubisoft look competent. It's really all about how many more paychecks you guys can cash before the servers turn off, isn't it?

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  • A heavier concentration on PvE - I love Warzones, they are my favorite content in fact. However, when we play, it ends up causing a global taunt effect. Someone tuning in is just watching us run out of the spawn area and die repeatedly. Not really a good representation of our content.

Here we look to all of you as well. What would you like to see us do differently with our streams? Any and all feedback welcome.




It was at this point that I realized we were being punked. I don't know whether it was the inability to accurately decipher the scoreboard as to who was doing the most heals, or the brilliant idea to do lvl 20pvp because of the lowbie gear sets(see this dev post as to why that was a bad idea )


Either you guys are having a grand laugh, or you really have no idea of the mechanics that you have built into your own game.


April is still a little over a month away, you might want to save this stuff for then.

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I want to see them pug 16 man ops with groupfinder, not with guilds that can carry them.


So you want to see them sit there and wait for a pop that is never coming for the entire two hours?


Well at least they will have plenty of time to answer questions. Maybe they could play the slot machines while they wait.:D

Edited by Khiriath
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Well, I think it is pretty obvious, if this thread is any indicator, that this probably wasn't the best time for Eric to make this post. Quite a few things he could have discussed with the community and sought feedback that the community views as important, this was likely not one of them.
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So you want to see them sit there and wait for a pop that is never coming for the entire two hours?


Well at least they will have plenty of time to answer questions. Maybe they could play the slot machines while they wait.:D


I want the stream to reflect the reality of the players, if players know that they will queue up at a certain time I am sure that they get instant pop. The thing is that I want the players to be random not expert guilds that can carry them through the op.

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Well, I think it is pretty obvious, if this thread is any indicator, that this probably wasn't the best time for Eric to make this post. Quite a few things he could have discussed with the community and sought feedback that the community views as important, this was likely not one of them.


More flasbacks to the BH class mission with the Jedi...


Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I would like Bioware to stop screwing around and fix the game.


Really, enough is enough. It is beyond hilarious that THIS is what Bioware would believe folks would be concerned with. I know you are just the messenger Eric, but really?


Streaming? You really think this is an important issue that deserves attention and feedback?


I was thinking about the same. I don`t want a bunch of DEV that cleary dont play the game, playing the game. It would be better to spend this time fixing bugs, balance and put new things in the game, and about new things i don`t mean old cartel stuff with new paiting. New and good FP not that old remade and easy FP.

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You wont be seeing them stream on The Harbinger server for fear it might crash while mid stream seeing how the server seems to crash at least once a week


people can cry about all the bugs and the slot machines but it doesn't matter when the server is down which is usually at prime time on The Harbinger :(

Edited by sabrezzz
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Someone tuning in is just watching us run out of the spawn area and die repeatedly. Not really a good representation of our content.


Maybe because pvp doesn't work right? Bolster, exploiters, pre-mades, lvl 55';s in full PVP gear against lvl 32 people in normal gear, server lag/frame rate since 3.0, etc.


And ya, doing PVP on a live stream is just stupid anyway.


I want to see them pug 16 man ops with groupfinder, not with guilds that can carry them.


^THIS!!! They broke lvl 60 ops GF, because there is NOTHING to do in it anymore. If you think I am going to pug Ravagers or Temple (even more so because of Underlurker) you are completely out of your mind. I'd pay real money to see someone at Bioware try, and prove they broke it in so doing.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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I'd like to see you team up with guilds in the evening and run a 16 man op and maybe run some HM FP's with us as well.

I know your first instinct will be to team up with the bigger guilds or the folks getting world firsts etc, but I think it may give you a better feel for the abilities of your community if you run with some of the medium sized and smaller guilds once in a while too.

I realize that doing a full op means it could be a late stream or a long one as well so perhaps just the first couple bosses say, get Under Lurker down or Tourque.


This is a fantastic idea.

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I want the stream to reflect the reality of the players, if players know that they will queue up at a certain time I am sure that they get instant pop. The thing is that I want the players to be random not expert guilds that can carry them through the op.


The reality of the players is that they either join a premade of some sort and then join group finder as a fully made group, or they sit and wait for a GF pop which never comes. Its worse than Ranked PvP waits. There I can usually get one or two a month if I wait 4-8hrs during prime time hours(evenings or weekends). However for groupfinder ops, I have never gotten a pop, and I don't know anyone on my server that has. Not as a tank, not as a healer, and forget it as DPS.


The group finder is simply a way for a premade to get an additional 12ultimate coms.

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What would you like to see us do differently with our streams? Any and all feedback welcome.




I think that RVan_'s idea was solid. Play with people from regular guilds.


I also, however, agree with LordArtimis (maybe not his tone, but the intent of the post). Honestly Eric... I don't want to see you play the game as much as I want to see you more active in these forums. I am not saying you need to come down on every issue.


Lets take the slots for example; other than your initial post... you haven't said a word... I am not rehashing the argument (nor looking to start this thread down that path. People on both sides would like you to come out and say... something. Anything. We get our news from cellphone video of a Q&A... rather than you coming forward with a post.


Same can be said about the Ravengers Exploit (again, I am not looking to rehash the issue/argument here). Again, we have some mumbled words in a twitch/live stream... but no official post. Each and EVERY Q&A should be reposted by Bioware... not having players do your work by transcribing it for you.


I'd like you to be more active here. If you want to twitch stream your game time... fantastic. But, that is not addressing the community concerns (regardless of which side of the argument you land on... )


I understand the forums can be toxic... I've added to the toxicity at times... but in the end... they become more toxic basically because it appears that issues are ignored...

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Best SWTOR live stream? When Towelliee was paid and/or provided incentive to play SWTOR for their live stream.


Interesting fact from Towelliee's stream, he has over 100k cartel coins. He could make up to 80million credits off selling individual boxes from the hypercrates with that amount of cartel coins.

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Each and EVERY Q&A should be reposted by Bioware... not having players do your work by transcribing it for you.


I'd like you to be more active here. If you want to twitch stream your game time... fantastic. But, that is not addressing the community concerns (regardless of which side of the argument you land on... )


I understand the forums can be toxic... I've added to the toxicity at times... but in the end... they become more toxic basically because it appears that issues are ignored...


Well said. :)

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