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Changes Coming to Community Streams


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I would like Bioware to stop screwing around and fix the game.


Really, enough is enough. It is beyond hilarious that THIS is what Bioware would believe folks would be concerned with. I know you are just the messenger Eric, but really?


Streaming? You really think this is an important issue that deserves attention and feedback?


It called PR spin with getting people think of some thing else other then what's been happening. Problem with that is we all know this is a PR stunt.

Edited by Neoforcer
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I'd like to see you team up with guilds in the evening and run a 16 man op and maybe run some HM FP's with us as well.

I know your first instinct will be to team up with the bigger guilds or the folks getting world firsts etc, but I think it may give you a better feel for the abilities of your community if you run with some of the medium sized and smaller guilds once in a while too.

I realize that doing a full op means it could be a late stream or a long one as well so perhaps just the first couple bosses say, get Under Lurker down or Tourque.

**Explore the guilds ship/stronghold as a community showcase kind of thing. Perhaps have part of a stream where you visit a random, publicly listed stronghold.

** Invite players to visit your strongholds on your home servers, assuming you all have toons on the live servers that you play in your free time.

** Turning the stream over to a community member or a guild for a short time? When you involve the community like that it gives them a sense of ownership, like part of the game actually belongs to them, then folks are more likely to "help take care of the place a bit," so to speak.

** Participating in the PTS. Perhaps if we were able to group up with members of the dev team and community team on the PTS and provide a bit of instant feedback, as long as it is done in an organized and respectful manner, this could benefit the future of the game. This kind of interpersonal interaction has numerous rewards on both the development and community sides.


Just my 2 cents.



Yes I'm quoting myself, sue me. My post is on page 2 and will likely get ignored.


I wanted to add to my edited version of this.

I think that the more you involve the actual player base the more likely we are to be helpful and not just critical. Maintaining a persistent PTS could provide an environment where we can all come together, some place that community members can interact easily with the Dev's and the community team. Treat the PTS as a live server, but put all your updates, patches etc, there first, even if it is only for a few hours, so as to get live, real time feed back.

I hate this subject, but I'm gonna open this can of worms anyway...

The Slot machine issues, both of them, could have been avoided if more folks had been on the PTS to test it. On top of that if folks could have played the nerfed version for a few hours or a day that could have allowed you to prepare a better, more detailed statement to the community.

Edited by RiVaN_
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no one cares about streams, we care about this broken game being unsupported and still broken with bugs and ability lag after being released 8 weeks ago


OMG Quick----------------->>>> LOOK!!! OVER THERE!!! -------->>>>



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no one cares about streams, we care about this broken game being unsupported and still broken with bugs and ability lag after being released 8 weeks ago


Though I wouldn't say I don't care about the streams entirely, I kinda feel they are a waste of time for the most part, except when one of the developers is present for example.


I remember this one where one of the Lead Environment designers or whatever did the Korriban and Tython flashpoints, and he shared some of the insight that went into working on that content.


That's the kind of stuff I like to hear and see, but hardly ever get.


If I wanna see someone failing miserably at PvP, I only need to queue with my Sentinel and get owned by Hatred Assassins and what not. Same with PvE scenarios.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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There are some good things here but I have a few points to make:

Playing Classes we are truly familiar with - We spend a lot of time playing classes on the stream for fun. All that does is show us playing something at a fairly mediocre skill level and doesn't make for good viewership. Not saying we're pros, but we can do better.

This is definitely a positive. It can be a little frustrating watching the stream if it takes you guys like a quarter or half of the stream working out what ability is what etc and then when you've done that the level of play is fairly poor because you might not be familiar with how to play the class. Even if it's a class that you know, when you play on rep side for example and it's the mirror to your normal class, not knowing the ability icons takes up valuable streaming time. So it's great that you are going to concentrate on classes that you guys can play but I think it's important to have keybinds and UI etc set up before hand so that this doesn't eat into streaming time.

A heavier concentration on PvE - I love Warzones, they are my favorite content in fact. However, when we play, it ends up causing a global taunt effect. Someone tuning in is just watching us run out of the spawn area and die repeatedly. Not really a good representation of our content.

I totally understand this but it would be nice if you don't completely forget about PvP. PvPers are still a part of your community and it's important to show different types of game play. A couple of ideas: Bring in Alex Modney or some other PvP familiar dev to do a few wzs every once in a while (maybe once every 4-6 streams). Or just change the name of your characters to something other than "Musco" so that people who aren't watching the stream can't identify you so easily. This way you could play a wz every now and then and not be focused so much. Only the people on the stream would know your name. Basically, I understand why you're doing this but please show a bit of PvP every now and then so that you include people interested in PvP in your streams.

Scheduling - We are gonna take a look at both the day and times that we are streaming. There are likely better time frames, lengths, days, etc for our streams to occur.

This sounds good. Please don't forget Europe! Whilst I understand that you will be streaming during US office hours please try to make the times convenient for EU watchers as well (if possible). Staying up to crazy hours isn't ideal and watching the replay means you miss out on all the Twitch chat which imo is a big part of watching a stream. This ties into the servers point you make. If you could play on an EU server occasionally that would be really nice. The delay should be manageable if your PCs/internet are good enough (and I imagine they are at BW). I'm not saying do this all the time or anything silly, just every now and then.

A real Q&A - Right now we passively answer questions as we play. It creates a mixed stream where we are kinda playing and kinda doing a Q&A. We want to separate these. Let's spend some time concentrating on playing with you guys and then lets stop playing altogether and just answer questions for a bit.

This is the most important bit. I like this idea. It's often more frustrating getting a non-answer than not asking in the first place. And it's equally frustrating when people are clearly asking a question, and lots of people show interest in the question, and it's completely ignored.


If you are going to do a Q&A it needs to be done properly. If there is something in chat that multiple people are asking that you can't answer, please say so. Just straight up say: "We can see you guys are interested in this but I don't have an answer/I'm not allowed to say/I would need to ask about that." or whatever the reason for being not being able to answer is. Ignoring something is what makes the community feel bitter. Communicate with us :)


Also I think it would be really great if you make some dev posts about questions you answer. Every week make a Q&A post with the most important questions that were answered. People like to here from you to make it feel like BW is actually listening. Every little helps. Keep people in the loop. The more communication the better.


One final suggestion that I mentioned earlier. Would it be possible to add Twitch chat to your overlay so that when people watch the replay they can get a better picture of how the stream went? I understand that this could be abused, but with the right settings (filtering profanity, deleting links, banning certain words etc) hopefully this is possible.

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no one cares about streams, we care about this broken game being unsupported and still broken with bugs and ability lag after being released 8 weeks ago


But they want to believe were only excited they need string cheese and sandwhiches :p


-starts redesigning Mulders poster to have a piece of string cheese instead of a UFO on it-


They are doing a fantastic smoke blowing job judging by some of these replies though...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Also I think it would be really great if you make some dev posts about questions you answer. Every week make a Q&A post with the most important questions that were answered. People like to here from you to make it feel like BW is actually listening. Every little helps. Keep people in the loop. The more communication the better.


Yes please! Post the meeting minutes! Capture the Q&A for folks that didn't get a chance to attend so they can read what was discussed online during the weekend.

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Great to hear you guys are looking to improve your streams! Liking the look of what you guys plan to do.


From an APAC player perspective: the time you currently schedule your streams is good for most of us. As long as you keep them in the mid to late afternoon Austin time then that should still be good for us (this will change when you guys go into daylight savings and we go off etc. time zone differences are annoying lol).


We'd love to see you guys come hang out the Harbinger occasionally for sure. :)


I think it's great that you guys are looking to separate content type ie. keeping playing the game separate from answering questions. You guys will often miss questions asked by the community while you're simultaneously PvPing or whatever currently.


One thing I think would be really great is if you guys did a monthly Twitch Community Cantina where you hold a Q&A, feature different Dev's, have giveaway's and all the other stuff you do at your Cantina's. This would great for those of us outside the US who will likely never get the opportunity to 'physically' go to one of your Community Cantina's.


And finally I love that you guys want to involve guilds and other streamers in your streams. This is a great way to improve your interaction and acknowledge your player community. There are some great SWTOR Streamers out there and it would be great to give them some additional exposure and support!

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On the topic of Guild/Streamer involvement:


The Guild that I am an Officer of has a 8-person team currently progressing through the Hard Modes of the new operations. We also have 3 people that can stream. Perhaps we can set up a multiple POV Operation run on the SM or HM of the new operations.


Twitch username: Ch4ppelle

Edited by buckman
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Though I wouldn't say I don't care about the streams entirely, I kinda feel they are a waste of time for the most part, except when one of the developers is present for example.


I remember this one where one of the Lead Environment designers or whatever did the Korriban and Tython flashpoints, and he shared some of the insight that went into working on that content.


That's the kind of stuff I like to hear and see, but hardly ever get.


If I wanna see someone failing miserably at PvP, I only need to queue with my Sentinel and get owned by Hatred Assassins and what not. Same with PvE scenarios.


This is my opinion for most of what you wrote as well.


Funny, I think the one you mention and I guess the last one where Eric disappeared for a while to fetch himself some more string cheese, are the only 2 I've actually taken time to watch. (Maybe some other vids they had at beta/release but I think those were youtubed iirc).


I was extremely disappointed in the last podcast. I want to see more of what you stated - input from the DEVS. I don't need to waste my time watching a PR guy fail in PVP(sorry Eric, but...). Do things that the majority of your subscribers do - PVE. Also I'd like to see more of the Devs; I want to know what's on the DEV's mind as to why they do XYZ to get to ABC. Sometimes that's really all we really 'do' need to hear, and can't always be relayed by Eric. (Interaction being the key here). Go wash up some of those devs, get 'em a shave and bring them with you for the next podcast Eric.


Also, instead of just shooting down Q's or suggestions made during the podcast with 1-liners that amount to - forget it. How about tabling ideas received, see how many times it gets suggested by various individuals, then meet and discuss; hey look a fair # of folks are interested in MNOP - can this at least make it to the craaaazzzzy board?' 1 that comes to mind that I personally asked about were - adjusting the H4's mechanics at the end of the seeker droid and binoc quests so they can be solo'd - currently mechanics require at least 2 for one, and 4 for the other iirc - doing that would help them fall in line with recent SOLO flashpoint and GSI Bot assistance models in the game.. Latecomers are missing fun content here, because the usual reply of 'I suggest you ask for ppl on fleet' - it's a call unanswered for quite a while unless the sun, moon and stars all properly align..


Less PR fluff - more actual conversation/interaction with the community.


From a Novembro that's still playing - please don't disappear again after seeing a decent post like this from you guys today, Bio/Eric.

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no one cares about streams, we care about this broken game being unsupported and still broken with bugs and ability lag after being released 8 weeks ago


I haven't experienced any ability lag recently but the ops bugs 8 weeks into 3.0 are inexcusable.

Bugs are inevitable but they should not take this long to fix.

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You want feedback, here is my personal opinion:


Your streams are the absolute last thing I am interested in and I think you should use your resources for something useful.


I felt so embarrassed watching you play warzones last time. I don't understand how you can be so bad at this game and even show it to the public. I could only stand it for two warzones, then I had to turn it off. But that's another topic.


I'd rather like to see you communicate with the community properly here. And update your website, too.


On a sidenote: I admire your bravery, Eric. Coming up with such a post at such a time is pretty brave. You must know that most people here are waiting for a note about the well known topics. No one has shown any sign of interest in your stream on this board lately. However, you make it the top priority and post about it. Your post sends a clear message. And it is not that you will do some changes to your streams.



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(Disclaimer: this is to the entire team; only one person can ask a question at once, but this does not mean all forthcoming 'you's and 'your's are directed solely at Eric as he is far from the only streaming team member.)


1. If you are going to start doing PvE, don't play it safe. It's the nature of the community team to avoid anything that might make them answer to something. If you want to actually commit to a change, start there. Here's a wish list:

--We want to see you go up against Underlurker with a regular general-chat-created group and NOT ignore the many bugs when they happen.

--We want to see you go into Bulo and/or Torque with 4 ≤192-geared melee damage characters in 8-man and then actually comment about how much more difficult the fights are that way.

--We want you to play though the Forged Alliances prelude after having started Rishi and then NOT brush off the fact that the quest is still there.

--We want you to load up a stronghold from Carrick Station's cantina, log out, immediately log back into the same character, Exit Area - Return to Republic Fleet, and then pause, look into the camera, and explain why standing in front of the Tython shuttle (in an area you can't quick travel, priority transport, or stronghold travel from) makes sense and why something so simple can't be addressed.


Don't play it safe. I'm challenging you - do the stuff we're complaining about, not leveling something from 1-10 and calling it your PvE commitment for the month.


2. Your Imperial bias in all aspects - streams to developer production time and testing - is just ridiculous. It has been brought up and joked away enough. I would very much like for you to not only make a full move to Republic characters for the near future (and on the classes with reported imbalances from their Imperial counterparts) but also to get the developers to also put the same time into the republic classes. There are some pretty drastic examples out there, not all of which are allowed to be discussed openly here, and it'd be nice for them to be acknowledged in a public forum.


3. Play a Knight and go after skilled Sorcerers for an entire 12-15min Voidstar and then try to claim to all the viewers that you had a fun and balanced experience.


4. I love the fact that you're finally going to stop playing and start actually interacting with the community more than the (maybe) 3 people you were queuing with. However, there are still ways in which this could be time wasted. Here's my wish list for this section:

--Pen and paper. I don't care if this is the 462nd time you've heard of something - people must still want it fixed. Write it down. Record these things from week to week and see what you notice, like common mentions and age-old bugs still not addressed. Don't only write what you speak about - write it all; you've recorded and reviewed these streams, you say? Not doing this from the very outset is a missed opportunity. If that means 4+ employees at the round table with us, all the better.

--That said, you have full permission to say 'Dev Tracker' and not a syllable more in response to any question asking a repeat of an answer you guys JUST GAVE in the last week. I actually want you to. It seems those are the only things you guys actually answer any more and it's because it's safe - you can avoid having to think about an answer and committing to following up if you just play the same loop. This isn't 'being mean' or ignoring a subsection of the community - if they can stream from a website, they can stop being lazy and load up the Dev tracker.

--Commit to answering no less than 15-20 questions that you need to research per hour of Q&A in a thread (just one, don't need you wasting 1-2 hours finding just the right existing thread in the forums every week) within 7 days. Not fixed in a month? Ask again and answer again in that same stuck/locked thread. We don't want to simply hear you restate - if you want us to feel like we matter, and your post appears to say that you do, then we need to feel like legitimate bugs, QOL issues, PvP balance, and PvE class favoritism concerns we bring up to you in the stream WILL turn into something. If we don't feel that, why are we doing this? I really don't care to hear any streaming employees say 'We're aware™' for the 14th time - I want an ETA and, if possible (and by that I don't mean if they feel like it or if it's not a damning answer to some degree), a reason for why it is the way it is or why it wasn't immediately addressed when reported. That's actual substance. That's more than the developer saying 'We're aware™' and just telling you to pass it on because they don't have to face us - hold them responsible, Eric and Co. You have a responsibility to us just as much as them (/Snave) so don't be in their pocket - get some good answers. Make them take blame if applicable. You have no idea how much I'd love to hear 'We really, really regretted that one making it to live and the plain answer is lack of time.'


I honestly hope that a post I made during last week's stream that Tait responded to with a lengthy statement of his own was part of the impetus for this change. You have no idea how much I need to feel like this game is going in a different and better direction right now. You've got a chance to win me back with this. Yes, I'm one person, but I'm not alone in wanting to feel like you guys might start caring. This post just made my week. Please don't let it be another failed promise.

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I felt so embarrassed watching you play warzones last time. I don't understand how you can be so bad at this game and even show it to the public. I could only stand it for two warzones, then I had to turn it off.


I had the exact same reaction... It was embarrassingly terrible...

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  • A heavier concentration on PvE - I love Warzones, they are my favorite content in fact. However, when we play, it ends up causing a global taunt effect. Someone tuning in is just watching us run out of the spawn area and die repeatedly. Not really a good representation of our content.
  • Server/Faction variance - We do this a little bit already, but we can look at being more flexible in bouncing around to different servers and factions. Give everyone an equal chance to join in on the fun!


Here we look to all of you as well. What would you like to see us do differently with our streams? Any and all feedback welcome.


I want to see you co-tank one of the new ops with me on Imp Side Ebon Hawk :p

Edited by FrozenGoalie
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