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So it's been 3 years(??) now....


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Still amazes me how they picked such a crappy game engine for a game that they spent so much money into making.


Look up Julio Torres and you will under stand. He killed SWG and he went to swtor and said hey i know these guys that know a guy working on a beta engine check it out. Now we have him to thank.

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I'm sure it's doable. Listen to the community.


Um the community is very divided on this and speaking for myself I do NOT want speech bubbles in any shape or form. I don't want to see annoying cartoon bubbles cluttering up my screen and I think it would be a huge waste to implement them.

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I'm sure it's doable. Listen to the community.


They tried it took the game client down to 7 FPS when put in. The hero engine cant handle the load client side. Your pc can but the server and client cant. So no chat bubbles it will be a cold day in hell before that ever happens.


P.S i not joking there is no way currently to make this work and have a play able game so stop asking. You no all those complaints on ability delay every time they add a new feature's times that by 100 by adding chat bubbles. Now you under stand

Edited by Neoforcer
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They tried it took the game client down to 7 FPS when put in. The hero engine cant handle the load client side. Your pc can but the server and client cant. So no chat bubbles it will be a cold day in hell before that ever happens.


P.S i not joking there is no way currently to make this work and have a play able game so stop asking.


As a Rper i enjoyed chat bubbles in other gsmes, but yeah dear god the fleet would crash and burn the servers so hard hamsters in other countries would spontaneously combust...


SWTORs engine just cant do this, smashing your head against a brick wall here.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Still amazes me how they picked such a crappy game engine for a game that they spent so much money into making.


they didn't actually pick a crappy engine. They picked a engine that suited what they wanted. - quality cinematics and visuals. SWTOR was never designed for large scale anything, it was designed for story content and looks.

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Um the community is very divided on this and speaking for myself I do NOT want speech bubbles in any shape or form. I don't want to see annoying cartoon bubbles cluttering up my screen and I think it would be a huge waste to implement them.


It's reasonable to assume that there would be a toggle in preferences IMO.

Maybe they could get it to work if they restricted it to members of a group/Opsgroup as a compromise.

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As a Rper i enjoyed chat bubbles in other gsmes, but yeah dear god the fleet would crash and burn the servers so hard hamsters in other countries would spontaneously combust...


SWTORs engine just cant do this, smashing your head against a brick wall here.


Tell me about it you be on a planet saying well i hit my heal 10 min ago and i still have not got the heal to fire off oh there it is wait i dead nice. That what chat bubbles would do and the people that ask for it don't get it we barely have enough to run the game client side now as is. The server load is to great as is with out chat bubbles.

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It's reasonable to assume that there would be a toggle in preferences IMO.

Maybe they could get it to work if they restricted it to members of a group/Opsgroup as a compromise.


That the problem even with a toggle the server client can't handle it. So my game lags because the client can't handle 10 people doing this on fleet. Just because RP Joe over here wants chat bubbles. NO thanks you guys don't seem to get it if 10 people on fleet had chat bubbles we all be at 5 FPS because the hero engine can't handle it period.

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I got an Idea go a head and enable it for the RP server after that happens we can see the complaints in the CS forums that they can't RP any more because there at 2 FPS no mater were there at in game. Then we can all laugh and say told you so. Now you have to wait a week till we disable it on next server reset.
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You're obviously not an RPer.


I'm a very hardcore roleplayer and I actually prefer it with them off. All you have to do is create a new tab with just "say, emote" in it and you are good to go. I know the whole thing is to quickly see who's talking so you don't have to look at the name and go back and see and be bothered with all that. But I personally don't mind doing it at all. I would rather them work on other issues first than chat bubbles. But I would not be against them going in the game at all.


Just telling you that I hardcore roleplay and don't need a chat bubble for myself to get fully immersed in the moment. That's not true. However, I can understand completely why somebody would want chat bubbles very, very badly and why they are not in the game yet this big.


Sometimes things are just higher priority than other things. Perhaps they haven't figured out a way of implementing them that won't create havoc. I don't feel it's too much of an issue though to the point where they should work on that above a lot of other things.

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never going to happen. The borked Hero engine is just so phenomenally awful that the game would drop to 0.0001fps with speech bubbles implemented (excuse the hyperbole)


As always, people going on about how the "engine can't handle it" when they have no idea what they're talking about. The chat bubbles causing performance issues says nothing of whether or not the engine could handle it, only that the way it was implemented caused performance issues.


Unless you're privy to information the rest of us aren't?

Edited by MillionsKNives
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