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Stop with the slot machine complaints!


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Do you seriously have the time to sit here and complain all day about the stupid slot machines? They were broken when introduced, they fixed them, and you complain about it still. They were a menace to the market, and what BW did was correct. They are NOT going to change it, it is set in stone, that is how it is, get over it, move on to complain about something else. The fact that you people are still complaining about it shows you don't even wanna play this game, you wanna sit back, have BW give you everything with both hands, and have you do nothing but level another Alt. This game already has already been dumbed down so much that C3PO can battle operation bosses.


TL;DR: Please find something else to complain about, but for the love of god, leave the word SLOT MACHINE out of it.

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This is the way to do it. Do you want to see "slot" pages on the front page? The easy solution is to spam "Anti-Slot thread" threads.


Everyone knows you fight fire with fire. As an example, last time I set a bag of popcorn on fire I set the rest of my house on fire to combat the flame. It worked out in the end because the flame I intentionally set destroyed anything the popcorn fire would have destroyed. There was then nothing left for the popcorn fire to burn and as a result it soon went out.


TLDR; Spam these threads until there's no space left on these forums for the slots people or until the Fireman (Forum Mods) decide to put it all out.

Edited by NeroTethras
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Do you seriously have the time to sit here and complain all day about the stupid slot machines? They were working fine when released according to Erics post, then they completely shattered them, and you complain about it still. Greedy crafters such as myself are a menace to the market, and what BW did was a completely ignorant. They are NOT going to change it, because they already got their money for the cartel packs, that is how it is, get over it, move on to complain about something else. The fact that you people are still complaining about it shows you don't even wanna play this game, you wanna sit back, pay your monthly sub, pay millions of credits on cartel items in the agreement that the stuff you buy actually works and spend and untold amount of real life currency as well and have BW break everything enjoyable about the game, and have you do nothing but level another Alt? This game already has already been dumbed down so much that C3PO can battle operation bosses.


TL;DR: Please find something else to complain about, but for the love of god, just be shills for EA ware, PLEASE.


Fixed it for you.

Edited by beasthunt
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Do you seriously have the time to sit here and complain all day about the stupid slot machines? They were broken when introduced, they fixed them, and you complain about it still. They were a menace to the market, and what BW did was correct. They are NOT going to change it, it is set in stone, that is how it is, get over it, move on to complain about something else. The fact that you people are still complaining about it shows you don't even wanna play this game, you wanna sit back, have BW give you everything with both hands, and have you do nothing but level another Alt. This game already has already been dumbed down so much that C3PO can battle operation bosses.


TL;DR: Please find something else to complain about, but for the love of god, leave the word SLOT MACHINE out of it.


Actually they said they were working as intended. Sooooooo......according to BioWare, you're wrong. Just stayin'.

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As much as I agree with you, your post is kind of ironic, if not hypocritical.
No kidding, gotta love the hypocrisy.


But I don't agree. If you don't like reading them, ignore them or start your own thought provoking thread...the OP has no right to insist players quit doing anything.

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So you say people are wasting their time but then your write a whole big paragraph ranting about it?


No they are not fixed they are more broken then ever before. No I am not talking about the mats either.


Now you can only get rep reward from those slot machines, and maybe in a extreme rare case a certificate, and thats it. I have not seen anything else come from those slot machines, other then chips. In plain terms they are broken even more.

Edited by CrazyOldMystic
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Do you seriously have the time to sit here and complain all day about the stupid slot machines? They were broken when introduced, they fixed them, and you complain about it still. They were a menace to the market, and what BW did was correct. They are NOT going to change it, it is set in stone, that is how it is, get over it, move on to complain about something else. The fact that you people are still complaining about it shows you don't even wanna play this game, you wanna sit back, have BW give you everything with both hands, and have you do nothing but level another Alt. This game already has already been dumbed down so much that C3PO can battle operation bosses.


TL;DR: Please find something else to complain about, but for the love of god, leave the word SLOT MACHINE out of it.


look at your own post, another worthless slot machine thread that needs to be purged.

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So you say people are wasting their time but then your write a whole big paragraph ranting about it?


No they are not fixed they are more broken then ever before. No I am not talking about the mats either.


Now you can only get rep reward from those slot machines, and maybe in a extreme rare case a certificate, and thats it. I have not seen anything else come from those slot machines, other then chips. In plain terms they are broken even more.


A whole big paragraph? You know how long that took me to type? Less than you to read it

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Read again, it isn't about the device that shall not be mentioned, its about the community.


Speaking of community.

Your post reminds me of the way the community split back in July 2011

Where the community split, and a bunch of the people in the Green Zone told those in the Red Zone that they shouldn't be allowed to complain about being in the Red Zone. How it was totally fair to split the community into Green and Red, and how the Reds should just shut up and be grateful for what they got.

It was ******** then, and it is ******** now.

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A whole big paragraph? You know how long that took me to type? Less than you to read it


Here's a question then: do you seriously care how other people spend their time? If you don't wanna talk or read about the slot machines... don't. Seriously. Nobody's forcing you to read the slot machine topics and you making this topic does nothing but further the issue even worse (and that's without breaking down your horrible assumptions). Go make a topic about something other than the slot machines and lead by example because despite what you may think you don't dictate what can or cannot be said on these forums. People are allowed to state their opinion on a forum meant for discussion. If you don't like... don't read it. It's the magic of choice and you have every right to not read or create these topics. Just discuss what you want to discuss and let others do the same. That's what a forum is for.

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Here's a question then: do you seriously care how other people spend their time? If you don't wanna talk or read about the slot machines... don't. Seriously. Nobody's forcing you to read the slot machine topics and you making this topic does nothing but further the issue even worse (and that's without breaking down your horrible assumptions). Go make a topic about something other than the slot machines and lead by example because despite what you may think you don't dictate what can or cannot be said on these forums. People are allowed to state their opinion on a forum meant for discussion. If you don't like... don't read it. It's the magic of choice and you have every right to not read or create these topics. Just discuss what you want to discuss and let others do the same. That's what a forum is for.




Logic sometimes eludes people. You have to remember that. Many will miss what you are saying.

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Different people have different opinions about what matters to them. Just because you aren't bothered by the nerf, doesn't mean others aren't. The forums are a great way for the players to voice their opinions on the game and BW's management of the game. We shouldn't be attempting to squelch peoples opinions on those matters, even if we disagree with those opinions. BW needs that feedback to make better decisions.
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Again, I have to say it...


if your amount of enjoyment in the game or on the forums is predicated on whether or not other folks are enjoying themselves in the game or on the forums than you will likely be miserable from this day forth.


Short version.....folks complain about stuff. True story.

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