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The Contraband Slot Machine


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all I can do is just.. sigh. time to start stocking up on those ops passes from GTN, because between their handling of the machine and their handling of the rest of the game issues and bugs making it into the game that they have had before and fixed before so they knew what to watch out for ( like quick travel points resetting on logout) , I'm starting to lose interest in everything but doing ops with my guilds couple of times a week. (and to be honest, if not for my groups, I would probably jut have moved on more definitively, only to come back few times a year to check out new content, like I do with WoW)


In the same boat, but with PvP my thing. I wonder how much I would have to pay, exactly, to keep my main 3 or 4 toons as is via unlocks, and then just go F2P?

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i just wish they grew some...coconuts^^ and just tell us they either intend for it to be this way or not. I mean if BW didn't have a HUGE history of nerfs gone to far they wouldn't have this problem, and silence would be a viable option. Right now I think most of us just want to know if the nerf was intended to be that huge. Quotes from the cantina that vaguely mention anything won't cut it and isn't going to make this go away.
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all I can do is just.. sigh. time to start stocking up on those ops passes from GTN, because between their handling of the machine and their handling of the rest of the game issues and bugs making it into the game that they have had before and fixed before so they knew what to watch out for ( like quick travel points resetting on logout) , I'm starting to lose interest in everything but doing ops with my guilds couple of times a week. (and to be honest, if not for my groups, I would probably jut have moved on more definitively, only to come back few times a year to check out new content, like I do with WoW)


I think this sums up my sentiment about this issue as well (although I don't run OPs but I am an altoholic ;) )


It's the fact that the Contraband Slot Machine made it into the game in the first place and was declared to be working as intended. That sort of thing shakes your faith in the sort of decision process happening behind the scenes. Especially when it gets added to previous issues on the back of the 3.0 launch, most notable the removal of training costs and the way that was communicated.


I hope if nothing else this makes the devs far more aware of the necessity of a rigorous shake down of any new item/system added to the game.


By itself the slot machine is a fun item, but I find it very hard to believe at no time did anyone ask 'How can this be exploited?', 'What effect will it have on crew skills if we put purple jawa tokens on it?', 'How long do you think players will sit clicking the same object?'

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In the same boat, but with PvP my thing. I wonder how much I would have to pay, exactly, to keep my main 3 or 4 toons as is via unlocks, and then just go F2P?


not sure of the market values now, since I bought all the unlocks on GTN, last time bioware made choices that made me go... why am I paying subscription to this game again?


but back then? I think I spent something like 5 mil of in game credits on account wide unlocks? might be pricier now. one thing to note for you though? regular pvp you can circumvent the weekly unlocks for by grouping with subscriber and having them queue you as a group. however, if you do ranked? have to have subscription for that.

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not sure of the market values now, since I bought all the unlocks on GTN, last time bioware made choices that made me go... why am I paying subscription to this game again?


but back then? I think I spent something like 5 mil of in game credits on account wide unlocks? might be pricier now. one thing to note for you though? regular pvp you can circumvent the weekly unlocks for by grouping with subscriber and having them queue you as a group. however, if you do ranked? have to have subscription for that.


Thanks! Interesting... I am flush with credits, so I think I will keep an eye on GTN for unlocks. Bummer about ranked WZs, but oh well.

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Are there unlocks to be able to send more companions on missions or craft more than 1 item at a time?


I just see a wee bit of irony in a situation that was arguably about having less materials to craft etc. after the nerf to unsubscribing which would make things even worse in this regard.


I know that some people feel ripped off after spending real money and I feel for those people that may have bought the slot machine the day it was nerfed or so and didn't manage to run it to make say a couple of stacks of purples ( and the certs that came with it ).


Anyone who did manage to get those sorts of quatntities ( or more usually ) and are trying to imply they were "ripped" off are blowing smoke up everyone's as***.

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They did add one more companion to crafting, which helped a tiny bit.


They should have added more items to the que as well (up to 8 IMO), but most of all they needed to improve the return rates, crit amount and missions times.


All three have been very poor since this crafting system was implemented.

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They did add one more companion to crafting, which helped a tiny bit.


They should have added more items to the que as well (up to 8 IMO), but most of all they needed to improve the return rates, crit amount and missions times.


All three have been very poor since this crafting system was implemented.


I agree it would make difference.

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They did add one more companion to crafting, which helped a tiny bit.


They should have added more items to the que as well (up to 8 IMO), but most of all they needed to improve the return rates, crit amount and missions times.


All three have been very poor since this crafting system was implemented.


It's amazing how many people were upset by the drop rate of purple Jawa junk, instead of realizing how poor the "purple return" is on crew missions.

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I didn't have a horse in the previous slot race but I did get one in a Cartel Pack so...it does not seem to be worth the return in credits. I have obtained a ton of rep, got my chip back a few times and lost a few times. The Slot Machine has given me a handful of scraps to turn in, but at the moment this really does not seem like anything more than a credit burning facility. Since I already burn credits for repairs and crew skills...the slots will be a once a week thing at that, if not less.


The animations are pretty cute though, but not 750 credits worth of cute.

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I find it hilarious that Subscribers are getting their accounts suspended for the whole Ravagers deal, yet BIOWARE not only refuses to right THEIR wrong with the Slot Machines, but they won't even comment on it. I remember getting the silent treatment...when I was 15!!!!


Practice what you preach BioWare! First you tell us that there is nothing wrong with the slot machines, then; AFTER everyone spends actual money on cartel packs to get them, you ruin them. Why is it ok for you to exploit your customers? Why have you not even commented on any of the hundreds of posts? What are you doing to correct the way YOU exploited us?


I wonder how many subscribers they are going to lose. So sad.

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I so hope that isn't true....


Might have to go back to EVE if they see it that way.....at least I know that ganking and scamming is legal on EVE.


I wish I could go back to before they released this machine. If so, I would have had them release it in it's current state.


Had it been released in its current state, IMO, the uproar would not exist. The problem was with releasing it as a mat printing machine, just like conquests and packs, and then nerfing it out of existence.


I think folks would have actually appreciated that the machine did SOMETHING other than just sitting there.

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They should have added more items to the que as well (up to 8 IMO), but most of all they needed to improve the return rates, crit amount and missions times.


All three have been very poor since this crafting system was implemented.


See I disagree with this until it's backed up with some sort of logical point of view. Just saying it's poor and more needs adding doesn't make it so.


IMO it's fine as is because it keeps the economy running as it is and I'm quite happy with the economy in it's current state ( it finds an ice middle ground imo ).

Again as I've said before elsewhere I'm an account with only 2 toons and log in twice a day lately for my marketing/crew skills purposes as it's the part of the game I enjoy most right now and evne subscribe solely for it ( so not wanting the economy to stay as is because I run 10+ toons and login 10 times a day to queue up crew skills ). I also levelled up my first toon under this economy with no guild help and still managed to easily turn a big profit so based on that alone it's fine as it is.


I'm open to discussion on why it's apparently so bad ( beyond QoL improvements, we all like QoL improvements as long as they don't have long term side effects like the slot machine ) but not just blanket statements especially about an area of the game that is my prime reason for playing that may be made by those who have little to no interest in it ( judging solely by participation in the crew skills part of the forums ).


It's amazing how many people were upset by the drop rate of purple Jawa junk, instead of realizing how poor the "purple return" is on crew missions.


Buy mission discoveries then, guaranteed purple drop and usually at a profitable rate over buying on the GTN ( especially with crits ).


Yeah, you are probably right. However, I just sent emails to the CEO of BIOWARE & Electronic Arts. I doubt it will do any good, but at least I'm doing my part.


Lol good for you then. You should make a general topic showing everyone this letter. It may be interesting.


Had it been released in its current state, IMO, the uproar would not exist. The problem was with releasing it as a mat printing machine, just like conquests and packs, and then nerfing it out of existence.


The problem imo was really Eric's post that whilst justifies the nerf to Jawa Junk ( you don't have to agree with how much it got nerfed but can't argue they never said it may not be coming ) it didn't justify the nerf to everything else ( even if I do agree they all needed nerfing but not quite this hard )


Anyway ... already got a ton of topics on those specifics. I only posted here to critique the lack of communication on other issues whilst posting this and hiding away from the streams. In saying that I am very pleased with the communication today on Ravagers, thanks Eric.

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Thank you for your insightful feedback, as always. Hopefully I will continue to give you many reasons to share these little jewels of wisdom in the future.


I'm sure you will, although I would appreciate you trying to make different mistakes each time. Repetition is boring.

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They did add one more companion to crafting, which helped a tiny bit.


They should have added more items to the que as well (up to 8 IMO), but most of all they needed to improve the return rates, crit amount and missions times.


All three have been very poor since this crafting system was implemented.


its helpful for actual crafting somewhat. but its not helpful to actual return of the mats, since you still only have 2 missions that have a chance returning a purple. and in case of slicing, you may run 4 of them (after much stronghold hopping naturally - 2 for chance at mats and two for chance at wealthy missions)


its a nice gesture but it doesn't really fix the lack of purple mats compared to blue and green


as for buying missions of GTN? I did the math and on my server the only time they are actualy profitable is when you crit. if you don't crit, at best, you break even. which is why I run slicing lockbox missions myself. but the amount of time it takes to get anywhere, is just absurd IMO


I wish I could go back to before they released this machine. If so, I would have had them release it in it's current state.


Had it been released in its current state, IMO, the uproar would not exist. The problem was with releasing it as a mat printing machine, just like conquests and packs, and then nerfing it out of existence.


I think folks would have actually appreciated that the machine did SOMETHING other than just sitting there.


if they released it in its current state from the start? several things would happen.

1. fewer people would buy packs in hopes of getting it.

2. it wouldn't sell for more then a mil and I'm being generous.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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