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I did the exploit...


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I did it to. Hope I don't get banned. If I lose the gear i wont be too upset over it. The ban though would be bad. I just wish they would go ahead and do it if that is their plan. They seem to be dragging it out to torment me and my friends. Sick of all the witch hunters on here calling for my head.
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This society has been giving second, third, and fourthsies since launch. Group didn't walk off a cliff. Group walked in and took a **** ton of candy from the secretary's desk.


Glad to see someone who didn't understand the irl metaphor. Although I like the somewhat crude example :)

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I did it a total of 5 times. 3 on one server, 2 on another.


My main reason for this is because I wanted to optimize my characters, and I was told if I didn't do the exploit I would be kicked from my raiding team entirely. That's my only reason for doing it.


I was also told to give a guild crafter one of those purple mats, so I gave him one and he gave me a barrel in return. I haven't done anything with the other mats as they are sitting in my inventory.


I know some guild members who have done it 10+ times, I know the people who told me about it. In fact the first time I did it, I didn't even know. Some guildie invited me to a group I was just told to set the ops group to 16m story and I told the I've already done Ravagers on 8 man, but he obviously went in and looted. I guess I must have unknowingly assisted with someone to do it.


I obviously regret doing it, but I was wondering what the circumstances have to be in order to be punished. What sort of punishment will there be? Will I be permabanned from the game? How many times is bannable? If you've got schematics from the items and made millions of credits, is that more of an offense?



You're a pretty big pansy aren't you? :tran_cool:

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Seen a lot of bluster coming from so called "loyal" players.

Lets not forget-


1. The exploit was there on the PTS together with a whole lot more, too many too list here .

2.. Bioware knew about all the bugs and exploits and still went ahead with the release.

3. So far, no software company has ever been punished in British courts for releasing sub standard software products under the Sale of Goods Act 1979, which clearly states -Goods & services must be as described, satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. If goods or services are faulty, you can claim from the retailer/supplier.

I wonder if the above is worth testing?


A game is meant to be fun and not taken seriously like real life. Using the ban hammer would be taken seriously by those that use a six monthly subscription. £70 is a lot of money to lose. As all the players that used the exploit were level 60 players and all subscribers. Bioware need to be very careful who they piss off.

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Seen a lot of bluster coming from so called "loyal" players.

Lets not forget-


1. The exploit was there on the PTS together with a whole lot more, too many too list here .

2.. Bioware knew about all the bugs and exploits and still went ahead with the release.

3. So far, no software company has ever been punished in British courts for releasing sub standard software products under the Sale of Goods Act 1979, which clearly states -Goods & services must be as described, satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. If goods or services are faulty, you can claim from the retailer/supplier.

I wonder if the above is worth testing?


A game is meant to be fun and not taken seriously like real life. Using the ban hammer would be taken seriously by those that use a six monthly subscription. £70 is a lot of money to lose. As all the players that used the exploit were level 60 players and all subscribers. Bioware need to be very careful who they piss off.


And yet those with a six month subscription who used the exploit... gambled that nothing would be done. The rolled the dice... and lost...


If I were in BW shoes... these veiled threats would do nothing but harden my resolve, and drive me to make absolutely sure that what ever threshold I was going to set was lowered enough to make sure I captured anyone who made these types of threats.


I don't think people making threats are going to get any leniency (if that is their intent)

Edited by Drockter
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Seen a lot of bluster coming from so called "loyal" players.

Lets not forget-


1. The exploit was there on the PTS together with a whole lot more, too many too list here .


PTS or not, you know it's against the rules, but you still did it. NEXT!


2.. Bioware knew about all the bugs and exploits and still went ahead with the release.


I agree. But that doesn't change the fact people broke the rules and now are scrambling to make up excuses not to get in trouble. Next.


3. So far, no software company has ever been punished in British courts for releasing sub standard software products under the Sale of Goods Act 1979, which clearly states -Goods & services must be as described, satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. If goods or services are faulty, you can claim from the retailer/supplier.

I wonder if the above is worth testing?

I have no answer for this. But bugs or not, majority of people could still play the game. I got 7 people through the Revan fight when it was bugged to hell.


A game is meant to be fun and not taken seriously like real life. Using the ban hammer would be taken seriously by those that use a six monthly subscription. £70 is a lot of money to lose. As all the players that used the exploit were level 60 players and all subscribers. Bioware need to be very careful who they piss off.


We have no idea what the punishment will be. They'll either ban them temporarily, permanently or take all their crap away. We won't know til they actually give out the punishments.



Whether they broke the game and knew about it or didn't, one doesn't have carpe blanch to do what they wish.

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The OP is a giving a perfect example of why hardcore gamers and raiders are the worst additions to any game community. They are so addicted to the gear treadmill that they will utilize any and all unfair advantages just to keep up. Pathetic. Hope you are given a stiff penalty, OP.
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I totally agree there should be a punishment. But in turn one for releasing shoddy software time after time.

I make no excuses for using the exploit. It was fun and exciting. And WOW free gear WHoopee. Gear that wasn't even as good as what i had.


I honestly don't give two hoots what Bioware do. They are in a no win situation. Lose lots of subs or let it go and suffer the disdain of those that didn't know about the exploit or had no friends to run with and do it.

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To all those asking for punishment to be delivered...

Why not just close this f... bugtown once and for all ?

No exploites to use, no bugs find, no cheaters(ITS GOOD FOR YOU!!), no regrets.

Why do you feel like you are the one to tell what to do or what to not ?

Guy got the guts to make it public. What was the last time you admit you screw up in public ? I guess there was no such time, since you think you are too white and fluffy to make your pants dirty.(and you are wrong by thinking that)

Shut the f up already. You want the show - we get it, get some patience and wait.

I'm sick of people asking for punishments for others, you are like spoiled kids not getting their candy as soon as they demand.

BW already answered for your whining, stop asking about it in every gosh darn thread.

Edited by Cleavy
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Seen a lot of bluster coming from so called "loyal" players.

Lets not forget-


1. The exploit was there on the PTS together with a whole lot more, too many too list here .

2.. Bioware knew about all the bugs and exploits and still went ahead with the release.

3. So far, no software company has ever been punished in British courts for releasing sub standard software products under the Sale of Goods Act 1979, which clearly states -Goods & services must be as described, satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. If goods or services are faulty, you can claim from the retailer/supplier.

I wonder if the above is worth testing?


A game is meant to be fun and not taken seriously like real life. Using the ban hammer would be taken seriously by those that use a six monthly subscription. £70 is a lot of money to lose. As all the players that used the exploit were level 60 players and all subscribers. Bioware need to be very careful who they piss off.


So the exploit was on PTS? Point being? It was known, and anyone who knew about it and abused it on live knew that the ToS were being broken by abusing it. Knowing about something and abusing something doesn't make it right, it wasn't a game breaking bug and something that could be patched along the way.


No real reason not to go ahead with the release of SoR based on that one particular bug, it was covered under the ToS if players decided to abuse it.


As for the posturing over the Sale of Goods Act, now, seriously? :rolleyes:

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