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Constantly, me.


Mind you, I have like 25+ characters, but I've long since stopped reporting them, as I know all too well that they'll do absolutely nothing about it.


I'm less angry at the spammer or the company than I am at the noodle heads that must buy the stuff. Because someone has to be doing it or the spammers wouldn't bother.


Anyone buying pretend money from spammers for a computer game is beyond lame and should probably be sterilized for the good of the gene pool.

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PoT5 has had the same spammers on gen fleet ALL DAY. I think Bioware is unable to keep up with issues on servers. I have reported for spam and ignored them on each of my 8 characters on imperial side and they still are there. I know I cannot be the only one reporting these spammers, so it's sad to seem them still there as it shows that over 12 hours no GM has bothered to do anything.
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There is a book by Neal Stephenson called "reamde" that details the lives of these gold sellers. It shows how just a few bites can lead to serious profit and "profit" to us is not what it means to the Chinese. Highly recommended if you can tear your self away from the computer screen for a few hours. Neal really knows his stuff and is computer literate. It may give you some insight into this sub-culture.
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PoT5 has had the same spammers on gen fleet ALL DAY. I think Bioware is unable to keep up with issues on servers. I have reported for spam and ignored them on each of my 8 characters on imperial side and they still are there. I know I cannot be the only one reporting these spammers, so it's sad to seem them still there as it shows that over 12 hours no GM has bothered to do anything.


That's not how it works. RMT spammers have dozens, even hundreds of throwaway accounts, often bought with stolen credit cards. Instead of playing whac-a-mole as each new account is activated, it's more efficient to track their active accounts and find other accounts bought with the same card or accounts that send and receive game currency and take out a big chunk of the spammer's business at once.


This isn't McD's, you don't get service in 90 seconds or less.

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Again, no. It doesn't work like that.


You're right. If they banned them right away, the account information is just gone. there's no way they could record that after ban and then find other similar accounts. they must have to keep them open. This is totally like a drug cartel where if you kill a middle man you won't get the information to get the big bad guy. :rolleyes:

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You're right. If they banned them right away, the account information is just gone. there's no way they could record that after ban and then find other similar accounts. they must have to keep them open. This is totally like a drug cartel where if you kill a middle man you won't get the information to get the big bad guy. :rolleyes:


More like sending a cockroach back to the nest with poisoned bait instead of stomping on them one by one. That's how it works and whining about it isn't going to make it happen any faster.

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Yes, I too get those mail messages consistently. I do not even take the 1 credit, I report the message as spam and move on.


I agree with wilsonstone that I find the money buyers more the problem than the spammers; if the demand went away then the supply would stop.


That being said, in my experience spammers being present has one good aspect...the spammers would not be here at all if the game was not doing well.


As to stopping them, there is no way to stop them.

  • Ban an account, and that spammer will create a new account.
  • Tracking IPs, not worth the time for two reasons: the spammers are probably hiding behind proxies (bouncing themselves all around the world to remain anonymous), and even if they could be traced back to their original IP, they can change that IP nearly at will.
  • Bring legal action against the sites is not feasible because they probably all originate outside the US.


Personally, I treat spammers as white noise - ever present but ignored. And I wish more of us would take that attitude rather than railing against the publisher

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I've noticed something. With 22 characters on Shadowlands I was surprised that only certain characters got the email spam while others did not.


I have some Logan's Run lowbie PvP toons of both factions, some of who got the mail and some who didn't. Same for my level 55-60 toons.


The common denominator among the toons that got mail were that they listed something for sale on the GTN. I often use different toons for different sales types in order to better track demand and some toons don't list anything at all.


Just an observation, curious if anyone else is seeing this or if it's just me.

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I switched from reporting those in game mails from spam to harassment.


I would hope that by doing so, a slightly more serious flag is thrown on the account in question. I don't expect that it would fix the problem but it might make accounts that send mails less profitable for gold sellers.

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It's pretty obvious to me, that whomever it is that works at BioWare that is responsible for banning the gold spammers and botters....they do not work over the weekend. The botters and gold spammers know this just as much as the legit players, and so every Saturday and Sunday we see the same ones all day long. Then "magically" Monday they go away.


Maybe, just maybe, BioWare could employ some low paid, part time, eager intern to ban the botters on the weekends?

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