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regarding punishment for exploit


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thats a great way for the dev team to become unemployed. losing that many subs in 1 block would seriously hurt the bottom line.


There are not that many people that exploited it (I know exploiters are trying to make it look like 70%+ of population did it because they are scared), in fact I dont believe it is more than 3-4% of population and half of them dont sub. So yeah. Strip of all gear, all credits (server-wide) and at least 2 weeks ban.

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What they do is none of your business, last I checked.
Well you were the one who claimed they were with their families...so...


Regardless, it's fun seeing some potential suspects squirming and what not. I feel no sympathy.
Every single cosmetic, armoring, enhancement, mod or augment that I have on every one of my characters is legit. We blow through both Ops in 2-hours Tuesday nights. That doesn't mean I release Bioware of their responsibility to fix their game in a timely manner.
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Btw, for those complaining nothing can be done to those who partook in the exploit because they'd be going after half their playerbase, less than 10% of all players even touch operations. And out of that percentage, an even smaller number would be the type to go out of their way to do something like this. So you're talking about maybe 1%. The raiding community is tight knit and tends to only think of themselves when it comes to things like this, but there's a lot more to this game than operations.
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Mass Effect 4 already has a release date, afaik... I mean, that they think that is going to sell is the pinnacle of narcissism or total cluelessness...


I wont be buying it. The game was mediocre at best except for two parts. The Krogan and Geth. The rest seemed to me they used the good enough approach. It was putting me to sleep.

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Well you were the one who claimed they were with their families...so...


From experience, most people spend Christmas time with their families. I sure do.


Regardless, it may or may have not been the case. Not my place to find out for sure -- neither it is yours.


Every single cosmetic, armoring, enhancement, mod or augment that I have on every one of my characters is legit. We blow through both Ops in 2-hours Tuesday nights. That doesn't mean I release Bioware of their responsibility to fix their game in a timely manner.


I believe no one is last I checked.


However, as stated over and over again, people who took advantage of it were surely aware of what it was. Regardless, they went for it, knowing what it could cost them in the short-run.


As such, I have no sympathy. Accountability exists for a reason.

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When will they ban all free to play or strip all free to play PVP gear? Because they are allowed to get more coms in a day then was intended by having someone else que for them. As a sub I take more offense to this.

This has been going on forever. As has win trading.

1 Thoroughly test your games.

2 When bug like this that is oh so bad as some say, remove the op immediately, fix and apologize.

3 Don't act surprised when people take advantage of a flaw of your own design.

4 Everybody sit back and see what they do and express your opinion with your wallet! You don't like, don't pay. If you do like then subscribe ya bums!

Maybe we would get better service with more actual subscribers and less trolls.

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If you seriously believe it's worth banning a large number of players over, please explain to me why the **** it hasn't been hotfixed?! REMOVE/REPLACE THE LOOT. Let people who do it normally contact CS and file a ticket for their loot. It should have been addresses 3+ weeks ago...not ignored. If they don't care about fixing it, that's on THEM! Not the player.




EDIT: Have not used the exploit, don't care to. Just think those of the forumites that are foaming at the mouth for bans are beyond ludicrous.

Edited by VulgarMercurius
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The message to the rest of us is "anything goes"


Seriously, who cares if they are special snowflakes, or subs. You may loose a few subs but how much more will you lose if you lose your credibility?


They cheated, they knew it, and now they are all scrambling for a reduced sentence.






and good riddance.


The problem with that is it a lot of people not just a few from what i have read that means ghost town servers good riddance. When you cant find any one to group with to do that raid since there all banned. I will laugh at you while i pvp.

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Do not post on the forums with any reference to, or explanation of an exploit. These posts are against the forum rules and will be removed. We also highly recommend you don’t post on other forums or social media channels explaining any aspect of the exploit.

Seeing as it was explicitly forbidden, creating more threads is clearly what should happen.

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From experience, most people spend Christmas time with their families. I sure do.


Regardless, it may or may have not been the case. Not my place to find out for sure -- neither it is yours.

Agreed. Again, you brought it up.


I believe no one is last I checked.


However, as stated over and over again, people who took advantage of it were surely aware of what it was. Regardless, they went for it, knowing what it could cost them in the short-run.


As such, I have no sympathy. Accountability exists for a reason.

Yeah, and had Bioware acted 3 weeks ago, I would feel the same way...but with the silence for 3-weeks, this spread like wildfire. Bioware made error after error in this, but taking those mistakes out on their customers would just be another.

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Ah! The 3-week Christmas vacation they have? I find it funny that my school aged children only get 2-weeks off, but whatever. Do you spend 3-weeks with relatives?.


They have a three week dev cycle. If they take a 2 week vacation, that leaves them only a week to meet a release deadline...which is pointless in practice, because QA and build schedules would leave them with zero development time.


Remember: Software isn't magic. Fixing bugs takes time.

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Agreed. Again, you brought it up.


I brought it up, because you resented the fact it took them this long to comment on the subject, in addition to a hotfix.


As if people all around knowing -- FULLY WELL -- it was an exploit should have no weight whatsoever, and it falls to Bioware solely to own up to it.


Yeah, and had Bioware acted 3 weeks ago, I would feel the same way...but with the silence for 3-weeks, this spread like wildfire. Bioware made error after error in this, but taking those mistakes out on their customers would just be another.


Again, it is called "accountability". Simple as that.

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I think they could perma ban all offenders and be just fine, but that's just my opinion. And it's not related to my suggestion.


I just think there should be some positive reinforcement for non offenders alongside whatever punishment they deem appropriate.


Congrats to you, you didn't rob a bank or murder anyone today. Here's a gold star and a cookie.



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Tux, you are right, they should have acted in some way three weeks ago...there has likely been some form of damage to the economy and certainly some bad feelings in the playerbase as a result of letting this run wild for a while.


But....(your forcing me to do this you know).....I would think even you would agree that no sanctions at all would set a bad precedent. I have to agree with the general sentiment that something needs to be done.


Perhaps they can consider the fact that they did not act in a timely fashion when handing out the sanctions...perhaps ban the worst offenders permanently, others receive temporary suspensions, all of the offending material and credits removed.


If this was something that happened a year ago I would agree that no action should be taken, But it happened less than a month ago....the blood is still fresh.


I think a strong message has to be sent that this type of behavior will not be tolerated. Players should have known better....heck, I worry I am doing something wrong when I farm a flashpoint for mats or alignment points....and I am almost positive there is nothing wrong with that.


I suspect most knew they were doing something wrong....allowing someone to do something wrong does not absolve that person from paying for their actions. We are all supposed to be adults here, generally speaking. We are responsible for our own actions IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Mass Effect 4 already has a release date, afaik... I mean, that they think that is going to sell is the pinnacle of narcissism or total cluelessness...


Im not sure why so many people have it out for the mass effects. I thought they were all very cool, me3 was on of my favorites despite shepard getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the end of the story.

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They have a three week dev cycle. If they take a 2 week vacation, that leaves them only a week to meet a release deadline...which is pointless in practice, because QA and build schedules would leave them with zero development time.


Remember: Software isn't magic. Fixing bugs takes time.

Hotfix, today! Remove or replace the loot. BAM! Issue fixed for now. What would that take to change the loot table, maybe an hour or two?! If that?

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I would not stand against rewards given to others. But i do not feel I deserve some kind of reward. I was not even aware of this exploit, and if I was I would NOT participate as a general rule.


(whoops...forgot the NOT, pretty important)


I do not need to be rewarded for demonstrating self respect.


But that is ME...again, I would not be against rewards given out for this, and would certainly appreciate anything I received. But I do not feel I personally deserve one.

Edited by LordArtemis
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