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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability delay and the wearing thin of patience


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It was not an insult.

It may got lost in translation, but there is a proverb that says something like "when you make something idiot proof, along comes even greater idiot". It means that no matter how much testing you do, someone will still find a way to break it.


Anyhow, the point was, that hotfixes for patches are pretty normal thing in software development


I know it wasnt insult, just didnt quite understand sentence.


Hopefully they will find out what is wrong with game and fix it.

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games a tad laggy at times, but it's very much playable


I would agree with this. Though at times it can get difficult to play, overall I think it is playable. The lag problem is irritating sure, even can cause serious issues....but I don't think the game is unplayable.


Certainly not as enjoyable. That can be said.

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games a tad laggy at times, but it's very much playable


It is playable, but we pay a monthly subscription that should not be a common everyday occurrence. I've played on private servers for other MMOs that performs a lot better and it was free too.

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It's playable as long as we can login right?



I think anyone can decide for themselves whats playable for them and whats not.


When i cant even play one KDY without 3-5seconds Ability Delay i won't consider it playable.


When i walk around doing some Class Quests, fighting the Delay more than the Mobs while my Companion isnt any help either because hes way behind me and starts to fight when im already finished... i won't consider it playable.


I cant even Loot or Gather anything most of the time...

YEAH its playable.... in the sense of "You can still login, so its fine!"


I'm used to ALOT of complications in MMOs and i never complain.

When Warlords of Draenor released it was damn laggy for 1-2 Days BUT they fixed it as fast as they could!

i wouldnt play a Game where those Lag issues are a constant Game Feature.


Thats all just a big joke here, the Email Support is laughable and the Information here on the Forums is even funnier.

Maybe next Friday they finally let us know how to update our Drivers and Stuff :p

Edited by Mili
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It's playable as long as we can login right?



I think anyone can decide for themselves whats playable for them and whats not.


When i cant even play one KDY without 3-5seconds Ability Delay i won't consider it playable.


When i walk around doing some Class Quests, fighting the Delay more than the Mobs while my Companion isnt any help either because hes way behind me and starts to fight when im already finished... i won't consider it playable.


I cant even Loot or Gather anything most of the time...

YEAH its playable.... in the sense of "You can still login, so its fine!"


I'm used to ALOT of complications in MMOs and i never complain.

When Warlords of Draenor released it was damn laggy for 1-2 Days BUT they fixed it as fast as they could!

i wouldnt play a Game where those Lag issues are a constant Game Feature.


Thats all just a big joke here, the Email Support is laughable and the Information here on the Forums is even funnier.

Maybe next Friday they finally let us know how to update our Drivers and Stuff :p


I did Belsavis this morning and it was like that. Glad I was over leveled because Khem was on strike. Gathering mats was a pain. Also took a couple times for my scooter to work.

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Here's a simple solution to this problem, and would fix many other problems.


Back when I played Rift after it had gone free to play, there were weekly "hotfixes" that would updated very small and minor bugs, and did not require a server restart. In fact, I remember playing in game and it would tell me that there was an update, yet I could still play while it updated these small hotfixes. I suggest Bioware looking into some sort of package control system like this.


Thanks for the news Eric. But if not hotfixes on a weekly basis, could we at least see 1 post from you each every week, a status update on the status of TOR, a reflection of what BW sees from the community, etc. It could be like a weekly meeting at work, from our manager. We would love to see you more.

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This, above ALL else, is what makes me angry about SWTOR. I'm a returning player. I took a 2 year hiatus, came back, bought Revan, subscribed, etc. and I'm flabbergasted that this has gone on so long. This should have been their #1 priority from the beginning. #1!!!!!! It affects everyone playing the game and it is the most frustrating thing about the game. I seriously question a company that takes this long to respond to this issue, much less fix it. Really shocking to be honest.
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This, above ALL else, is what makes me angry about SWTOR. I'm a returning player. I took a 2 year hiatus, came back, bought Revan, subscribed, etc. and I'm flabbergasted that this has gone on so long. This should have been their #1 priority from the beginning. #1!!!!!! It affects everyone playing the game and it is the most frustrating thing about the game. I seriously question a company that takes this long to respond to this issue, much less fix it. Really shocking to be honest.


It doesn't effect everybody. On POT5 there have been virtually no issues besides on launch day.

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Thanks for the news Eric. But if not hotfixes on a weekly basis, could we at least see 1 post from you each every week, a status update on the status of TOR, a reflection of what BW sees from the community, etc. It could be like a weekly meeting at work, from our manager. We would love to see you more.


Unless it is holidays, they do "sort of" this during their Community Twitch streams.

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It doesn't effect everybody. On POT5 there have been virtually no issues besides on launch day.
this is ******** there is massive ability lag on flashpoints, yavin, even when I'm on my ship with the targeting dummy.
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It doesn't effect everybody. On POT5 there have been virtually no issues besides on launch day.


It may be based on server. Hell, I know it's based on planet. Certain planets are FAR worse than others. Makeb for example has soul crushing lag. I actually died ON THE TAXI. I clicked my destination and nothing happened for about 15 seconds. Then screen went black and the taxi appeared at my destination but didn't drop me off. Then I get the death sound, it plops me on the ground and I'm dead. Srsly?


Now before we go any further, let's make it very clear that this is most definitely SERVER SIDE. I've got a month old computer, I7 5820 6 core, 32 gigs of ripjaws, dual GTX 970s, and rock solid business class internet.

Edited by Lupious
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Here's a simple solution to this problem, and would fix many other problems.


Back when I played Rift after it had gone free to play, there were weekly "hotfixes" that would updated very small and minor bugs, and did not require a server restart. In fact, I remember playing in game and it would tell me that there was an update, yet I could still play while it updated these small hotfixes. I suggest Bioware looking into some sort of package control system like this.


Thanks for the news Eric. But if not hotfixes on a weekly basis, could we at least see 1 post from you each every week, a status update on the status of TOR, a reflection of what BW sees from the community, etc. It could be like a weekly meeting at work, from our manager. We would love to see you more.


What your saying makes sense, but at this point I think most of the players won't mind the server being down for a few hours if it means there will be a permanent fix implemented.

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This, above ALL else, is what makes me angry about SWTOR. I'm a returning player. I took a 2 year hiatus, came back, bought Revan, subscribed, etc. and I'm flabbergasted that this has gone on so long. This should have been their #1 priority from the beginning. #1!!!!!! It affects everyone playing the game and it is the most frustrating thing about the game. I seriously question a company that takes this long to respond to this issue, much less fix it. Really shocking to be honest.


The only place I suffer from any sort of lag/ability delay now is Yavin 4. Everywhere else plays smooth and fine for me.


I'm on JC.

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First off, Happy New Years everyone! I apologize if you feel a lack of communication around this issue. Unfortunately, I haven't provided much since I do not have a status update as of yet.


Here is what I can tell you. We definitely have not forgotten about this and the team is still assessing what the cause is, and how we can begin to address it. What I am going to do is to work with the team to get a status update with as much detail as I can, by next Friday (although hopefully before then!).


Thank you again for your continued patience. We know that dealing with these issues isn't the best experience and we will get them addressed as soon as we can!





NO! after close to a month of lag JUST NO! They had 2 weeks b4 a holiday to look into this so the "its the holiday" excuse doesn't float. You released 2 patches of pointless fixes without even addressing this.


I don't know where you work at but when other companies have a glitch that could cost them literally all their business they work through weekend and holidays to get back on track. The lack of response or even basic consideration to this issue clearly proves we are still in the paid beta phase of this game. If they were truly "sorry" they would put their money where their mouth is and reimburse all the guys they have "inconvenienced". But like we saw with the skill-vendor robbery of the early start players they aren't interested in making things right.

Edited by Ferrnitty
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this is ******** there is massive ability lag on flashpoints, yavin, even when I'm on my ship with the targeting dummy.


ok I will say I have complained about lag since the very first day that SoR came out BUT I don't always have crippling lag (and YES I mean crippling as the deaths due to lag are usual not irregular which can be equated to unplayable.. the new systems require abilities to be used to get tanking buffs .. damage adds .. and no with standing a healer who is trapped in lag packets is NOT healing just standing there) ..


removing Bitraider 2 days ago from my computer helped a bit and then last night I was lagging badly with 40 players showing on a map. when I changed instances of the map my lag dropped to just noticeable ..


I am completely unsure why the engine for SWTOR is so flaky with only 40 players at times .. THIS is an MMO not a single player (if it was a single player I wouldn't need to sub/pay for a bunch of extra stuff all the time to get full benefits of the game) ..


I agree that HIGH population to a world makes the game or any game lag but SWTORs threshold seems to have dropped since November and has ALWAYS been way worse than any other game I have ever played.

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First off, Happy New Years everyone! I apologize if you feel a lack of communication around this issue. Unfortunately, I haven't provided much since I do not have a status update as of yet.


Here is what I can tell you. We definitely have not forgotten about this and the team is still assessing what the cause is, and how we can begin to address it. What I am going to do is to work with the team to get a status update with as much detail as I can, by next Friday (although hopefully before then!).


Thank you again for your continued patience. We know that dealing with these issues isn't the best experience and we will get them addressed as soon as we can!




Thanx for the update on THAT issue. And what about the horrid frame rates in 16 man ops and 55+ pvp since the day 3.0 hit?

Edited by DarthVengeant
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though I am not overly impressed with the lack of knowledge after 4 weeks of this I will say ty for finally posting to let us know someone has actually read this..


I will also mention that yesterday I reinstalled the game using the non streaming option found http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7826333


the LLLOOONNNNGGG download not with standing I will say it helped a bit..


Alderaan was playable with 40 to 50 players in the zone and little lag at first with later on larger spikes of lag that DID eventually die off for a bit where as I was getting constant lag..


Not sure if everyone using the streaming version will want to try this but I found it helped a bit even if it didn't "fix" it completely..




Personally, I have never been on the streaming version of the game install, so I cannot say one way or the other. But it might very well explain why some players are having more issues with the game then others (setting aside personal expectations an all, which are notoriously over stated by some people) .. you know where someone with a mega rig cries because they cannot sustain over 60 FPS.


I can however say that while performance was very bad on the servers the week after the expac went live, a number of issues that were seen globally by all players seem to have been stabilized.


There is still ability delay (the topic of this thread), though except during peak server play times I do not personally see it as a big issue. Peak server time though... it is a problem on some servers ... I play three different ones, and The Harbinger definitely struggles the most with this issue (typical really for The Harbinger).


To all the grumpy bears making with the hyperbole, indignation and threats..... keep in mind that ability delay has been on on/off problem since launch. Every MMO has some idiosyncratic issue(s) of some form, and for STWOR it is ability delay. They have fixed it before, and they will fix it again. If you cannot take the wait then play another MMO until this one gets fixed (or never play SWTOR again if that is all your temperament will be happy with).


As for all the rhetoric about "paying customer" and "deserving of service"....... it's an online game.. not your bank. You spend the equivalent of 3 lattes per month on this game. It warrants you no more consideration or service then a random stop by your local coffee shop. Set your expectations appropriately, IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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Personally, I have never been on the streaming version of the game install, so I cannot say one way or the other. But it might very well explain why some players are having more issues with the game then others (setting aside personal expectations an all, which are notoriously over stated by some people) .. you know where someone with a mega rig cries because they cannot sustain over 60 FPS.


I can however say that while performance was very bad on the servers the week after the expac went live, a number of issues that were seen globally by all players seem to have been stabilized.


There is still ability delay (the topic of this thread), though except during peak server play times I do not personally see it as a big issue. Peak server time though... it is a problem on some servers ... I play three different ones, and The Harbinger definitely struggles the most with this issue (typical really for The Harbinger).


To all the grumpy bears making with the hyperbole, indignation and threats..... keep in mind that ability delay has been on on/off problem since launch. Every MMO has some idiosyncratic issue(s) of some form, and for STWOR it is ability delay. They have fixed it before, and they will fix it again. If you cannot take the wait then play another MMO until this one gets fixed (or never play SWTOR again if that is all your temperament will be happy with).


As for all the rhetoric about "paying customer" and "deserving of service"....... it's an online game.. not your bank. You spend the equivalent of 3 lattes per month on this game. It warrants you no more consideration or service then a random stop by your local coffee shop. Set your expectations appropriately, IMO.


While I understand your points, I too am an original paying customer. I have played on and off due to several bouts of boredom or frustration with the games development (at times - lack there of) over the three years. I've tried several other mmos since (Teso, TSW, Wildstar and play D3 & PoE). Occasionally, I log into the games to see how things are and mess around for a couple of days or so. With all that said, none of those games have I suffered the daily ability lag or just lag in general. With none of those games do I get the amount of groupmates being DC'd as this one. Is it a coincidence? Maybe. Is it a frustrating coincidence? Absolutely.


Now, who I am? I am no one... just a customer that can take my money elsewhere (and have at times). I come back because it is Star Wars. But, I am a customer that has dropped a lot more money on the CM than I would like to admit. I am a customer that plays games like Game of War and has had a top five army on a very competitive server. That means I have a lot of disposable cash to throw at games when I am bored. I think those are the customers SWTOR needs to be careful losing. Not because we are better than other users, but because we are the casuals/hardcores that keep feeding the gravy train with 100's of dollars per month without blinking an eye.


I don't demand a fix. Because if they don't fix it my money will go into someone else's gravy train. At the end of the day maybe it is just a coincidence - a coincidence other games don't plague me with.

Edited by Kahldor
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Jesus Christ... I finally, finally managed to get a group for HM classic ops, but during the 1st boss and on the way to the 3rd my game lag was so bad, the ms climbed up to 150kms and booted me from the server twice, yet my internet seems fine. Other times, like when I'm on the fleet or doing dailies, the game will lag up to 3kms but it happens every few minutes. This is getting to be unplayable now :( I'm too shamed to log back on, I hope that group just kicks me.
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First off, Happy New Years everyone! I apologize if you feel a lack of communication around this issue. Unfortunately, I haven't provided much since I do not have a status update as of yet.


Here is what I can tell you. We definitely have not forgotten about this and the team is still assessing what the cause is, and how we can begin to address it. What I am going to do is to work with the team to get a status update with as much detail as I can, by next Friday (although hopefully before then!).


Thank you again for your continued patience. We know that dealing with these issues isn't the best experience and we will get them addressed as soon as we can!




Happy new year to u too and ur families I hope u guys can nail this issue down cause I am running a alacrity build 13% and it is hard to get a gauge of this setup when thunderblast for example lags a extra second.

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