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Rakghoul Resurgence Corellia.... or not 'cause BW is on vacation.


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Please explain why, when I click on the conquests tab it says, for this week's conquests, "The Rakghoul Resurgence Corellia," yet I see no Rakghouls any where in the galaxy except on Tarris where they belong... I mean we can't even do some of the things in the Conquest Tab because it has to do with Rakgouls... Which aren't even there!




Why exactly, have you closed your offices and gone on vacation days after the launch of a PAID expansion that is buggy and filled with problems?

Why have you decided that time off was the answer to all the issues this game is having?

Who Forgot to turn on the event, or worse yet, change what this week's conquests are supposed to be?



Just a heads up Fleet population on JC this morning is 67, 1 instance. Rishi was 55, 1 instance. Yavin was 80, 1 instance... I didn't look anywhere else, but this tells a tale all it's own. Less than a month after launch and my server has less than 300 people in the areas that should be heavily populated...


Get your Stuff together, you are losing people because you went on vacation while there are major issues with your game.

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still on vacation xD it appears..... better communication is needed here for sure. A heads up, "hey game is going to go wackie the next two weeks guys, but we are outtie". Would have been cool, maybe I missed it somewhere, I expected them to be off for xmas but this I did not expect. Especially with exploits and problems present, makes me wonder what they are thinking lol Edited by krisknife
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Just a heads up Fleet population on JC this morning is 67, 1 instance. Rishi was 55, 1 instance. Yavin was 80, 1 instance... I didn't look anywhere else, but this tells a tale all it's own. Less than a month after launch and my server has less than 300 people in the areas that should be heavily populated...


What does this have to do with anything? You posted this around 10am.....Most normal people are working now and kids may not be in school but I imagine most of them are sleeping in or you know, doing other things rather than logging in immediately after they wake up :rolleyes:. Even the almighty WoW has dead servers this early in the morning.

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What does this have to do with anything? You posted this around 10am.....Most normal people are working now and kids may not be in school but I imagine most of them are sleeping in or you know, doing other things rather than logging in immediately after they wake up :rolleyes:. Even the almighty WoW has dead servers this early in the morning.


Exactly.. but that doesnt fit the OPs narrative as such any minor discrepancy like this are thrown to the way side.

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Exactly.. but that doesnt fit the OPs narrative as such any minor discrepancy like this are thrown to the way side.


He could have at least made up a number saying "This time last week there was 2000 people on fleet and 67 instances of Rishi"


But an observation with no point of reference isn't much of a comparison or indictment

Edited by JMagee
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yet I see no Rakghouls any where in the galaxy except on Tarris where they belong....

Well, that is a good thing. Leave the Rakhgouls where they belong. No stupid "infect other players" BS going around... that's just awesome. Maybe some dev finally realized how stupid this dumb event is and kicked it...

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Well, that is a good thing. Leave the Rakhgouls where they belong. No stupid "infect other players" BS going around... that's just awesome. Maybe some dev finally realized how stupid this dumb event is and kicked it...


Which would have been fine for some, but leaving this week's Conquest tied to an event which isn't running demonstrates a high degree of ineptitude on the part of Bioware.


I mean seriously, the person who decided not to run the Rakghoul event couldn't communicate with the person running Conquest and work it out such that the two 'events' only come up when both are active?

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Well, that is a good thing. Leave the Rakhgouls where they belong. No stupid "infect other players" BS going around... that's just awesome. Maybe some dev finally realized how stupid this dumb event is and kicked it...


The event wouldn't bother me so much if the vaccine persisted through death. I tend to not long in during the event because all I do is pvp....which means the vaccine is nothing but a siphon of credits to me. Its not a lot of credits, but its credits I shouldn't have to spend over and over just because I don't want to hear my toon moan every 3 seconds and stun himself over and over.

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The event wouldn't bother me so much if the vaccine persisted through death. I tend to not long in during the event because all I do is pvp....which means the vaccine is nothing but a siphon of credits to me. Its not a lot of credits, but its credits I shouldn't have to spend over and over just because I don't want to hear my toon moan every 3 seconds and stun himself over and over.


Buy one of the the reusable relics that give you the same anti-toxin buff then.

Equip it, click it, then replace it with your usual relic.

Wickid easy.

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Just a heads up Fleet population on JC this morning is 67, 1 instance. Rishi was 55, 1 instance. Yavin was 80, 1 instance... I didn't look anywhere else, but this tells a tale all it's own. Less than a month after launch and my server has less than 300 people in the areas that should be heavily populated...


Low population in the morning? Tell me more. If you said Harbinger, I'd be concerned since that place is jampacked with APAC players but JC? Lolno.

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...leaving this week's Conquest tied to an event which isn't running demonstrates a high degree of ineptitude on the part of Bioware.


I mean seriously, the person who decided not to run the Rakghoul event couldn't communicate with the person running Conquest and work it out such that the two 'events' only come up when both are active?

The right hand never seems to know what the left is doing.

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Please explain why, when I click on the conquests tab it says, for this week's conquests, "The Rakghoul Resurgence Corellia," yet I see no Rakghouls any where in the galaxy except on Tarris where they belong... I mean we can't even do some of the things in the Conquest Tab because it has to do with Rakgouls... Which aren't even there!




Why exactly, have you closed your offices and gone on vacation days after the launch of a PAID expansion that is buggy and filled with problems?

Why have you decided that time off was the answer to all the issues this game is having?

Who Forgot to turn on the event, or worse yet, change what this week's conquests are supposed to be?



Just a heads up Fleet population on JC this morning is 67, 1 instance. Rishi was 55, 1 instance. Yavin was 80, 1 instance... I didn't look anywhere else, but this tells a tale all it's own. Less than a month after launch and my server has less than 300 people in the areas that should be heavily populated...


Get your Stuff together, you are losing people because you went on vacation while there are major issues with your game.


Have you considered, what is perfectly obvious to most people, that EA doesn't consider this game a priority in their portfolio? It isn't heavily or even moderately invested in, just barely enough to keep it running and sell CM items to a relatively small, loyal subscriber base that isn't really going anywhere, because it's Star Wars.


EA and BW are working on other games, likely including other Star Wars games. SWTOR didn't work out the way they wanted, and this route was decided long ago, in 2012. Things picked up a little since revenue-wise, but it hasn't changed the overall approach that was agreed upon.


In short, the game you are addicted to unfortunately isn't a priority at EA. They can (and should) let their employees have some time off over the holidays and fix the bugs in January.


You can go a few weeks with lag and other bugs that are irritating. It's unfortunate, but it is expected in this game with major changes, and fixes are known to be slow.


Also, another thing to consider: how would players like you have reacted if BW delayed 3.0 until next year?


It was clearly not ready for a proper launch, with plenty of major and minor bugs, as well as planning errors (what is available in the group finder at 60, for example).


I would guess the situation would be much worse for them had they not kept to the December timeline, and you'd be even more upset.

Edited by arunav
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I love it when D-bag tolls, not smart enough to read the entire post and lacking the intelligence to grasp the whole theme or concept, latch on to a sentence or 2 and think that is the sum of a post.


I think most people can agree that Trolls are the scum of the earth. I can't wait till they find some other game to hate.


The point of this post is this: The game has serious issues and the fact that BW just doesn't care is outlined by the fact that this weeks conquest is "The Rakghoul Resurgence: Corellia" and that event isn't turned on...

I could care less if the event is on or not, I'm pointing out that BW Obviously cares little for their product at this point and that is highlighted by the fact that they couldn't bother to change the title of the Conquest week or have someone around to turn the event on.

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But an observation with no point of reference isn't much of a comparison or indictment


Actually it isn't ANY sort of comparison XD


As for the rakghoul part, did they ever SAY they were opening up the event today? Not that I saw, so.. your assumptions are what your pissed about.. not anything the devs said or did. As for them not working.. and this goes for all complaints/bug reports/etc etc... Do you really think that these regular people who happen to develop and maintain the game we love are going to skip seeing their families and celebrating whatnot on xmas and new years just so that we can have some pretty minor (really none of the bugs i've seen are game breaking... OPINION) bugs fixed? Would you do that if you were in their position?

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If the event is not turned on, then the only thing it really affects per conquest is the ability to defeat The Eyeless. That is the only plague related activity that actually gives conquest points that I can tell. The rest of the conquest point-granting activities can be done at any time, plague or not.
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I love it when D-bag tolls, not smart enough to read the entire post and lacking the intelligence to grasp the whole theme or concept, latch on to a sentence or 2 and think that is the sum of a post.


I think most people can agree that Trolls are the scum of the earth. I can't wait till they find some other game to hate.


The point of this post is this: The game has serious issues and the fact that BW just doesn't care is outlined by the fact that this weeks conquest is "The Rakghoul Resurgence: Corellia" and that event isn't turned on...

I could care less if the event is on or not, I'm pointing out that BW Obviously cares little for their product at this point and that is highlighted by the fact that they couldn't bother to change the title of the Conquest week or have someone around to turn the event on.


You're right - they just launched a major expansion, re-did the entire skill tree system, etc - and must care little because an event isn't up. Nailed it.

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Actually it isn't ANY sort of comparison XD


As for the rakghoul part, did they ever SAY they were opening up the event today? Not that I saw, so.. your assumptions are what your pissed about.. not anything the devs said or did. As for them not working.. and this goes for all complaints/bug reports/etc etc... Do you really think that these regular people who happen to develop and maintain the game we love are going to skip seeing their families and celebrating whatnot on xmas and new years just so that we can have some pretty minor (really none of the bugs i've seen are game breaking... OPINION) bugs fixed? Would you do that if you were in their position?

They didn't need to "say" it Gopher, it's stated in the Conquest objectives. Anything in those objectives, should be possible to complete or you're misleading players.


And please tell me, how long do you get off for Christmas and New Years? Does your job cease to exist for 2-3 weeks because of two days that are holidays?

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Actually it isn't ANY sort of comparison XD


As for the rakghoul part, did they ever SAY they were opening up the event today? Not that I saw, so.. your assumptions are what your pissed about.. not anything the devs said or did. As for them not working.. and this goes for all complaints/bug reports/etc etc... Do you really think that these regular people who happen to develop and maintain the game we love are going to skip seeing their families and celebrating whatnot on xmas and new years just so that we can have some pretty minor (really none of the bugs i've seen are game breaking... OPINION) bugs fixed? Would you do that if you were in their position?


If there is a major exploit that affects the one op currently definitely....As not promising an event release the conquest for the week with one of the objectives been killing the eyeless implies the event being available. If they had no plans to run the event then they should have used a different conquest theme.

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It's not the first time this has happened. After all, conquest never matched up with the bounty event week either.


However, I agree that they should have started the Rakghoul event this week. Many players in my guild expected it to return due to conquest, so not having the event is frustrating them.

There are so many conquest events that they could have picked any other conquest not related to the rakghouls.

Edited by Jerba
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I love it when D-bag tolls, not smart enough to read the entire post and lacking the intelligence to grasp the whole theme or concept, latch on to a sentence or 2 and think that is the sum of a post.


I think most people can agree that Trolls are the scum of the earth. I can't wait till they find some other game to hate.

Because clearly your original post does not fall into this very category. :rolleyes:

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Honestly, it's not that big of a deal. There's a whopping ONE objective that cannot be completed without the event turned on, and it's a 1 time objective worth 1000 points. Everything else for this conquest week works just fine. I, for one, am glad to not have Space AIDS running around again so soon.
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