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This Game is Trash Post Level 35.


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Wrong, submitting tickets seems to get no response, and this game was obviously and sadly released before it was ready. Does noone learn??? The quickest way to get them on top of things is by harming their public opinion(sales). That will be done best right here in the forums. We've got no patience for fanboyz who arent having troubles. Good for you. Now let people voice their issues here where theyre supposed to.


Harming sales harms the games longevity, if they start losing money the game starts losing its ability to put out new content. And calling us fanboys because we can see past all the very minor issues that are out there and will most likely be fixed in time is just an attempt the make yourself feel more elite. I like the game, i know it has issues but what mmo hasnt less than a week after launch? Stop trying to ruin the game before it has truly gotten under way. Be patient and all these problems will be fixed.

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When most of the content consists of running long distances (half world zones here) only to have quests bug on you is absolutely ridiculous. Class quests bugging.. some who cant complete their class quest at 50... Quests bugging and not giving kills or letting people click objectives. Reseting quests (this is a mechanic because you know your game is faulty) only to have them reset 5 steps backs is absolutely garbage. I am about to hit 46 and all I can say is am not sure I want to see 50. 35-45 has been such a run all over snore fest. You can tell you ran out of content. It is disheartening and pathetic. I was stoked on this game. Then I figured out the design for my class (Marauder is garbage and its class quests are worse).


This game is not ready for level 35+. Either a patch better come soon or you are going to have a lot more pissed off customers.


I'd be surprised of many of these post thirty threads are started by somebody who even got off their homeworld.

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Because if they see a node that is on map but cant be looted the whole game is therefore broken and unplayable. Its an exageration that is both sad and getting quite stale now. They dont have facts good enough to back up their doomsday predictions so they exagerate in hopes it sticks.


Taris, from beta, had the dubious honour of being one giant memory leak and the sheer amount of ways you can get randomly stuck on flat terrain was legendary. They seem to have fixed the getting stuck (thank god) but not the memory leaks. It's great if you haven't run into this, hanging around the planet for a while starts making other things glitchy, fps to drop, companions refusing to sell gray items or sometimes just can't be dismissed until you log off and come back, etc.


Bugs need not be universal, just prevalent. If you haven't experienced it, then that is noted and good for you. Keep your exaggerations and hyperboles under wraps and move on.

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When most of the content consists of running long distances (half world zones here) only to have quests bug on you is absolutely ridiculous. Class quests bugging.. some who cant complete their class quest at 50... Quests bugging and not giving kills or letting people click objectives. Reseting quests (this is a mechanic because you know your game is faulty) only to have them reset 5 steps backs is absolutely garbage. I am about to hit 46 and all I can say is am not sure I want to see 50. 35-45 has been such a run all over snore fest. You can tell you ran out of content. It is disheartening and pathetic. I was stoked on this game. Then I figured out the design for my class (Marauder is garbage and its class quests are worse).


This game is not ready for level 35+. Either a patch better come soon or you are going to have a lot more pissed off customers.


Then submit all your problems and help make swtor better for all of us

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I also really appreciate the droid only cc on marauders when 90% of the world is humanoid. I also like that 2 of our 3 best damage dealing spells are not usable in PVP and the third is channeled on... by a melee class. Marauder stuns are not usable in pvp at all except the one we get at level 42... We have 1 cc breaker on a 2min cd and our only charge is 15 seconds.


Add to that the zero ability for /follow to work. The list goes on.


I loved this game till I hit my 40's. I loved it so much I bought a second CE to have 2 accounts. At this point I am regretting my purchases and the 5 days of my life I have now wasted to get to this point.


For 150 x2 bucks I expected more than this. :eek:



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Look, WoW is alot worse. First of all, you dont have to go to all planets in this game and you dont have to do every quest. For example Balmorra/Nar shadaa and Tatooine/Alderaan on imperial side are optional. In Balmorra for example you got more quest lines in another area of the planet if you want to carry on, even though your personal story on that planet already ended. Its exactly the same with current WoW content. You go on an area and get pointed from hub to hub. You can choose to stop at some point and move on to the next where the same happens, or skip a zone if you maybe dont need it.


Its exactly the same thing. The only difference is the areas in WoW are integrated with each other and here they are independant "planets". For some reason that makes you think its more linear, but in thruth its exactly the same.


The difference is, with insert other MMO, you can take yourself to a completely different zone/continent/planet and experience the game with the same character race/class in a different way. It's not a big deal, but when it comes to longevity it adds a lot to the fun of it. As people keep saying, it's a game - but it's only a good game as long as it's fun.


I'm not complaining about the game itself, the experience is great and I'm having a blast. The problem is in the long-term value. And yeah sure, it's an MMO and they always get updated ..I've been in them all, since UO back in 97, but they've all had more flexibility than this, so it's hard to see where BW are going to take it from here. This is just a 2 cents post, not a complaint.

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I also really appreciate the droid only cc on marauders when 90% of the world is humanoid. I also like that 2 of our 3 best damage dealing spells are not usable in PVP and the third is channeled on... by a melee class. Marauder stuns are not usable in pvp at all except the one we get at level 42... We have 1 cc breaker on a 2min cd and our only charge is 15 seconds.


Add to that the zero ability for /follow to work. The list goes on.


I loved this game till I hit my 40's. I loved it so much I bought a second CE to have 2 accounts. At this point I am regretting my purchases and the 5 days of my life I have now wasted to get to this point.


For 150 x2 bucks I expected more than this. :eek:


5 days? 5 days? and you are lvl 42+? I doubt any game could hold your attn. or suit your fancy if you blast through them like that. Take a deep breath and try to enjoy the parts of the game in between the "DING! You have LEVELED!" moments.

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All the people saying the game is awful because of very minor issues and launched too soon are totally full of it in my opinion.


Let's be honest with each other, Bioware could have spent another 5 years in development and there would still be people coming out of the woodwork to complain about this and that and to make doomsday claims about how the game will be free to play within a month (but of course, Bioware would have been bankrupt long before another 5 years of development went by).


Some people will just never be happy because no game can possibly live up to their unrealistic expectations of "THE PERFECT GAME" which does not, will not, cannot ever exist. These people move like locusts from game to game, trying to drag as many other people as they can down into their vortex of negativity before they move on.


Already these people are pinning their hopes on GW2 as the great messiah of gaming they have been looking for, when in fact they are almost certain to be disappointed with it and to ***** about it incessantly, just like every other game they play.


I have no problem with people making posts about things they don't like and want to see improved, but the constant melodrama and hyperbole about how the sky is falling is really grating on my nerves.


tl;dr version: there is no such thing as a perfect game and some people need to grow up.

Edited by Chris_G
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Some people will just never be happy because no game can possibly live up to their unrealistic expectations of "THE PERFECT GAME" which does not, will not, cannot ever exist. These people move like locusts from game to game, trying to drag as many other people as they can down into their vortex of negativity before they move on.


This is such a brilliant metaphor of the vocal minority in the mmo community. The only thing that has so far spoiled my experience is being subjected to the irrational ranting of people who think they're entitled to a top-budget game tailored to precisely what they want.

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When most of the content consists of running long distances (half world zones here) only to have quests bug on you is absolutely ridiculous. Class quests bugging.. some who cant complete their class quest at 50... Quests bugging and not giving kills or letting people click objectives. Reseting quests (this is a mechanic because you know your game is faulty) only to have them reset 5 steps backs is absolutely garbage. I am about to hit 46 and all I can say is am not sure I want to see 50. 35-45 has been such a run all over snore fest. You can tell you ran out of content. It is disheartening and pathetic. I was stoked on this game. Then I figured out the design for my class (Marauder is garbage and its class quests are worse).


This game is not ready for level 35+. Either a patch better come soon or you are going to have a lot more pissed off customers.


That's what I'm hearing more and more of. And I agree, the "baby boomers" from release are going to be hitting that range momentarily. This issue isn't going to go away; it's about to blow up.


This is such a brilliant metaphor of the vocal minority in the mmo community. The only thing that has so far spoiled my experience is being subjected to the irrational ranting of people who think they're entitled to a top-budget game tailored to precisely what they want.


And that's the thing: he was really only asking for less bugs and a more streamlined leveling process from 35-50. A guild mate who was 40 was having the hardest time finding stuff to do. The breadcrumb process is really lacking in certain areas, and you can miss entire quests or hubs if you don't drive to every corner of these gigantic maps.


I'm also finding more bugs than I would like. It's obvious that they made a giant investment in the world, making it pretty, and the voice-overs and quests for much of the leveling. But you can also see where they ran out of time or money. The lack of information about timetables has never been more glaring than now.


As for me, I've already dumped my 35 scoundrel (a most wretched healing experience) and it seems just in time. I'd rather play around with some other classes while they clean up the upper end of leveling and fix the flashpoints than bash my head against an unfinished rock.

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When most of the content consists of running long distances (half world zones here) only to have quests bug on you is absolutely ridiculous. Class quests bugging.. some who cant complete their class quest at 50... Quests bugging and not giving kills or letting people click objectives. Reseting quests (this is a mechanic because you know your game is faulty) only to have them reset 5 steps backs is absolutely garbage. I am about to hit 46 and all I can say is am not sure I want to see 50. 35-45 has been such a run all over snore fest. You can tell you ran out of content. It is disheartening and pathetic. I was stoked on this game. Then I figured out the design for my class (Marauder is garbage and its class quests are worse).


This game is not ready for level 35+. Either a patch better come soon or you are going to have a lot more pissed off customers.




I'm level 48 and haven't seen one bugged quest yet. Just saying

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I read over this thread because of the amount of attention it got. From what I see the general consensus is that people are lovin this MMO. It may not be perfect but it just came out. Give it about 6 months and this MMO is going to be really rockin. Bioware is very ambitious and I dont want to see there ambitions fail. As a fan I support them and I personally really enjoy this game.
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I'm level 48 and haven't seen one bugged quest yet. Just saying


25 and I've only run into one bug myself, that being the inability to abandon a bonus quest. Not stressing that at all, submitted a ticket.


Some of you seem to forget this is a new game. New games have issues. If you weren't prepared to deal with issues, you should have waited 6 months till they got resolved, THEN signed up to play.

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While i don't personally had enough problem with the quests to whine about it, they do exists... Nar Shadda merchant quest with the turret and the enemy not spawning being one of the more easily remembered one from memory.


The size of the world though like in tatooine or Hoth is frankly not what i'd call an issue, the area should damn well consists of large open area... else it would do no justice to it's lore.


What i have much bigger beef however is the load time on these planets.


Hoth, Tatooine, Balmora to an extent, and any other planet with massive amount of space tend to load astronomically longer than other more condensed planets.


It can't be helped perhaps since they are a lot bigger, but that's not acceptable when the load time jumped to stellar amount.

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I read over this thread because of the amount of attention it got. From what I see the general consensus is that people are lovin this MMO. It may not be perfect but it just came out. Give it about 6 months and this MMO is going to be really rockin. Bioware is very ambitious and I dont want to see there ambitions fail. As a fan I support them and I personally really enjoy this game.


I think we'll get a feel for how they operate after the first patch. I'm giving it until then to see what they come up with and what their plans are to address the current situation.

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I read over this thread because of the amount of attention it got. From what I see the general consensus is that people are lovin this MMO. It may not be perfect but it just came out. Give it about 6 months and this MMO is going to be really rockin. Bioware is very ambitious and I dont want to see there ambitions fail. As a fan I support them and I personally really enjoy this game.


That's my hope as well, but in the interim we're going to suffer as they roll out the features that didn't make RTM over the next 3-6 months as major patches.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just hit lvl 35 and I am informed I have 'earn't time to myself'.

I have to agree with the poster that it very much seems I have run out of Class story-line.

I have left my Sorcerer and started lvl'ing a Bounty Hunter and I play a Jedi with my daughter. The whole family was massively hyped about the whole game and in many ways I'm not disappointed till now. I cannot see my subscription lasting more than a few months if my our other characters also get abandoned at 35


I have also found it extremely difficult to get groups together for Flashpoints etc. Waiting around outside a door with LFG stuck on my head asking anybody and everybody to join or if I could join them gets very boring when it goes past half an hour, and as a more mature player I have many other things I could usefully spend my time on.


Changing guilds could help but where is the useful guild finder now we are past launch? Just a sortable list by server/alignment/size with a description would allow me to identify alternative guilds so I could then more easily enjoy some social play rather than trying to trawl through 'ads' on the forum, which is not satisfactory.

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I haven't had a single bugged quest, so either you're being hyperbolic or have the worst luck in the universe if you're REALLY encountering that many bugs (which I doubt). I have a 50 Sentinel and did all my quests without any problems as far as I can recall. *shrug*
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idk what the 1% are talking about. i have leveled a bh to 50 and am working on a 30 trooper. ther only bugy i have ever come across are a few graphical bugs.


no problems with lag except in fleet. which it to be expected.

no problems with specials.

no problems with installing/patching.

no problems with broken quests.

cant comment much on pvp cause i rarley do it.


so i dk whats going on and what the problem is with these people.

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