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Where Were You...3 Years Ago!


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I had to buy a new computer in order to play the game three years ago. Never has a purchase been more worth it :)

I had been roaming the forums for over a year before launch and I was sooo excited when it was finally time to play. Nothing beats the experience of discovering every world for the first time with that first character. I had to go F2P for half a year because of some cash flow issues but I never left the game and I reckon I wont for a long time.


Thanks Bioware

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Three years ago I bought myself a nice early Christmas present, even though I was totally lost in Skyrim by that time and thought nothing could be better. Took me until February, until I inserted the SWTOR in my disk drive for the first time. Mostly because I had never played an MMO before and was a bit afraid tbh. (That's why I still get mad at people who are unfriendly with inexperienced players :-))


Needless to say, once I had started, I was awed. Ever since I'd seen my first movie - which was "A New Hope" on release day with my older brother - I had dreamt of this: Being a Star Wars Hero myself, with my own blasters & light sabers and people to save from the dark side.


What a hell of a ride you've given us, Devs and everyone @BW. Thank you for that and have the best of holidays! :-)

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Wall of text crits for 9,001 damage.


Lol, that is the funniest thing I have read from a Bioware person in a while. It's nice to see a sense of humor pop up in yellow posts.


Three years ago I recall my friends and I all discussing what we were going to do when the servers launched. Most of us were in at least one of the many Betas, so we had some idea what we were in for. We knew what server our guild was on and that we were all starting republic, but there was still some debate on which class to start, due to the starting planet differences and then later subsequent AC.

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Three years ago I had just had my first kid a few months before SWTOR launched. How times have changed. I now have 3 kids and very little time to play games.


I hope they bring back 12XP since that will be the only way that I can level alts and actually get through the story lines!

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I was at the Best Buy on South Mopac here in Austin for the midnight launch event. We had tons of players there, members of the 501st Legion, and even one nice gentleman who offered to train me in lightsaber combat :) Getting to spend that moment with our awesome community is something I'll never forget. Thank you all so much!
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I was a Junior in college that was supposed to be getting a good nights rest for a final in sociology the next day -- horrid timing. Instead, I stayed up all night playing SWTOR & leveling my Vanguard. Still got a B+ on that final lol.


3 years later, I'm still here & running my own Guild -- graduated college too btw! Here's to another 3 years WITH MORE CLASS QUEST CONTENT!! :i_angel:

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I was anxiously waiting to rip the package open! I had asked for the game as a Christmas present since I rarely purchase things, like games, for myself during December. Plus, I wanted to wait for the kinks, and infinite realm wait times, to calm down a bit. I remember being in complete awe seeing my Sith Warrior, and Bounty Hunter, in their first cut scenes. I still have those toons, my SW being one of my mains.


I have to say it has been a great three years. I have been here for the ups, the downs, the laughs, the infinite posts of doom and gloom, and that excellent Vector romance fan-club topic on the Agent forums. Thank you for making a game that I and many others enjoy. Here's to many more years.


Now let's work on giving my companions some new dialog. My SW misses the sound of Pierce's voice. :-)

Edited by Amadahy
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Around three years ago, I posted the thread Chat Bubbles: Please add speech bubbles and a toggle option to enable them for /say, /yell and /emote chat! on the live forums, in the firm belief that we'll have an option to enable chat bubbles for /say, /yell and /emote chat "at launch or shortly thereafter" as promised by Bioware's SWTOR developers and representatives. Alas, three years and many unfulfilled promises by Bioware's SWTOR developers and representatives, we still don't have them in the game nor does anybody bother to tell those of us who have been patiently waiting and loyally paying our subscription money for the development of that very feature for three years a projected patch version when they will finally be added to the game.

It's such a shame, Bioware, when will you finally make good on your promises made over three years ago?

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3 years ago?...


Well I was surely smashing my head on the keyboard for not living on the USA and for not having any way to get the game since launch or the collectors edition or bassically any damn prepaid sub card to play because the game was never sold on my country.


It was until the game trial up to lv15 was launched that I could finally enroll in the SWTOR experience I played as many toons I could to lv15 until F2P launched but I stayed with my sith Inquisitor because I always wanted to be a force master and deliver the judgement of the dark side to my enemies like a boss (Also because I'm easily seduced by Togruta females lol) but then when I started my PVP experience I was terrified by the way they hold themselves aganist enemies, Everyone jumps aganist you and they get killed stinkingly fast so I immediatly regrected my choice and somehow I wanted the adv class change was implemented on a patch or to fall in some bug that let me change to an assassin ASAP. x____x Actually Im still waiting for that.

And it was until one of my uncles moved to work on the USA later that year that I could start buying my subscription cards and Cartel Coins.


Today Im just trying to get friends and people into the game (with no luck sadly) I would love if the game gets a spanish translation someday near (subtitles at least) I could get a great ammount of people to play it if it was just spanish translated. I have no problem at all understanding english but the 99% of my friend list hell they have big trouble understanding it and no intention to join the game until that changes x____x


But anyways.... aside from my life problems and existential doubts I f*** love SWTOR :c its like a second life to me and an awsome stress release...

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3 Years ago I was smashing the log in button as quickly as I could for early access so I could reserve the names I wanted. Then I unfortunately had to go work out of town for the next week so I didn't get to do much of anything other than get my characters into my guild and reserve the names. Once I got home it was game on though and I've always loved this game. There are always going to be some issues with any MMO, but overall SWTOR has been my favorite game for the last 3 years and counting.
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3 Years ago I was about halfway a project for which my team had to develop a game.

One of my teammates kept talking about this new game that would launch and how he could not wait for it. At first I thought the money would not worth it, I would never pay on a monthly basis for a game.


After the christmas holliday I saw him play again. The Star Wars theme just kept me interested in what he was doing. A few days later I decided to just buy the game and see what would happen.


Now 3 years later (and admitted, with about a year break somewhere in between) I am still here. I should really thank the guy for all the people he connected me to. To bad he quit the course.

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I was pretty excited for the game! I remember queuing during early access - I rolled on Lord Calypho back then, and I think at this point I was running around on my Bounty Hunter being all enamoured with the cutscenes. I rolled a Sith Inquisitor alt just to see Korriban and then focused on levelling up for a while before getting into PvP.


I'll never forget the feeling of joining my first guild, getting to know people, hitting cap and working towards Battlemaster after work. SoR actually brought back a lot of that 'fresh' feeling for me of playing the game with friends and being excited to reach cap all over again and begin working on end-game content. Much love for TOR and what it's managed to achieve in those three years... it doesn't seem that long ago.

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Hey folks,


In case you don't recall, December 20th, this Saturday, will mark the 3-year anniversary of STAR WARS: The Old Republic. As part of that, we thought it would be fun to start a thread so all of you can share where you were 3 years ago when we launched. Or, share a happy memory of yours from the past 3 years! We will also have devs, other members of the community team, etc. swinging into the thread to share there memories!


I'll kick it off! Working at BioWare is actually my first job in the game industry so this was the first product I ever got to help launch. By far my favorite memory is the day of early access we all stood around the monitors in our "Live Pit" to watch what happened when the servers went up. We gave the go ahead and watched as the populations for each server began to go up! It was a surreal experience to see thousands of players swarming into the game within minutes, seconds even. I will never forget it.


Share yours!




Where was I?


Sitting in front of my computer looking back at the SWG screenshots I took during the finals days of that game because it was canned so this one wouldn't have "competition."

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Three years ago I was busy leveling up my trooper, who is still my main character to this day. I had played in the beta, so I when early access rolled around, I was able to get a nice jump start and not have to spend much time figuring out the game mechanics.


I was also excited to play again with friends from a prior MMO. It had been nearly a year since we played together, since our last game had shut down. We kept in touch through e-mail and coordinated the server we would use. I had put together a nice little player guide to the game, and was happy that the NDA had ended and I could finally mail it to my friends to give them a taste of what SWTOR was about. If I recall, we each kind of did our own thing on the starter planet, and finally met up on Coruscant and started grouping up.


It was kind of a warm-and-fuzzy feeling getting to play with old friends again in a shiny new MMO. I had some vacation time from work, so I was able to watch the snow fall outside while I sipped on hot chocolate and introduced the dregs of the Coruscant underworld to the business end of an assault cannon.

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