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Goals for Addressing Server Concerns


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Can't quite see what's so commercially sensitive about this info getting out in the open.


EG: We'll possibly merge this one and that one, keep this one for PvP only and rename these three as master-overflow servers. - Normal renaming conventions will apply. However we want to make sure it's robust and working, so give us a month or two. THX. BW.


Easy. - Can't tell a thing about populations or numbers or sub revenue or anything SENSITIVE.... just where we may be in a few months time so people have a heads up.


Funny how foreshadowing isn't much evident in the story post Ilum, but there;s endless obfuscation when it comes to announcing basic technical stuff .


Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I DO!!! I remember!!! The "team" is still hard at work, working on the solution...right?


This is exactly why we can't have any insight or details on future plans. Things change but due to the gang's immature mentality, it's just not worth the hassle for the team.

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I DO!!! I remember!!! The "team" is still hard at work, working on the solution...right?


Solution? Solutions? Yes, there are things in need of solutions?


I digress...


It's almost two years since some Guild Ships went broken (for multitude of reasons) and no fix on that either. It's been like couple of weeks since the last I have seen this bug appear and have effect to a guild that never had it before. Solution? Solutions? It's not like they are responsible if we did not pay real money for something directly. Like a sub or something hilariously old fashioned.


Maybe whoever coded whatever quit and the documentation is whatever and wherever as in "lacking"? But hey, we should feel content as long as there are steady announcements about announcements and CM content keeps rolling. :D


We do get a lot of stuff like replay possibility for KOTFE where choices really mattered. That's neat. :p


This is exactly why we can't have any insight or details on future plans. Things change but due to the gang's immature mentality, it's just not worth the hassle for the team.

No, it's certainly not. If there is an actual development cycle and knowledge of their own system they can announce things when those are XY% ready. However, when they forget to tell they can't deliver or have suddenly changed their mind about something. That's called something else altogether. There are issues and they dangle carrots and it can lead to people keeping themselves subbed for false hope. :)


I rephrase but something along the lines:


"Never again a year without an operation" - they forgot to mention this had changed.


"Something better than megaservers or something.." - they completely forgot they were on it.


There are examples but again, I suppose it's the player bases fault for actually trusting the developers. :D

Edited by Ruskaeth
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This is exactly why we can't have any insight or details on future plans. Things change but due to the gang's immature mentality, it's just not worth the hassle for the team.

What changed? Where did you read that? Last I heard, what I typed WAS their reply...that is what THEY have said. That's where THEY left it, not me.

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What changed? Where did you read that? Last I heard, what I typed WAS their reply...that is what THEY have said. That's where THEY left it, not me.


I guess they didn't get the memo requiring all changes be run by you but thanks for proving my point. They aren't going to consult with you, TUX, anytime something changes internally. Plans change over time. Rather than deal with the hassle of a fringe group of undesirables digging through years of old posts to find any little tidbit of info that didn't come to fruition, they made the wise decision to clap down on the info unless it's set in stone.

Edited by Bruticis
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...a fringe group of undesirables...

Oh my, what an eloquent way of being an internet troll!


*golf clapping*


They do not have to do anything that much is clear from the TOS alone.


However, it's not that great customer service but who would mind that? I knew people from dozen or so raiding guilds and none of them are left because they felt like they were not treated fairly. All that carrot dangling and BW forgetting to mention they changed their plans. Again, completely legal, TOS and all. Just not great way to treat part of the community be it small part, large part of just a fringe group of undesirables. Customers nevertheless. :)


I told my partner I was going to cut the grass over the weekend. I didn't.

I am sure as a result your partner stopped paying you the grass cutting fee. :p

Edited by Ruskaeth
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Oh my, what an eloquent way of being an internet troll!


*golf clapping*


They do not have to do anything that much is clear from the TOS alone.


However, it's not that great customer service but who would mind that? I knew people from dozen or so raiding guilds and none of them are left because they felt like they were not treated fairly. All that carrot dangling and BW forgetting to mention they changed their plans. Again, completely legal, TOS and all. Just not great way to treat part of the community be it small part, large part of just a fringe group of undesirables. Customers nevertheless. :)


I am sure as a result your partner stopped paying you the grass cutting fee. :p


Yes, yes, I know, everyone personally knows over 387 people that quit, etc..

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Yes, yes, I know, everyone personally knows over 387 people that quit, etc..

Not quite that to be honest. Our raiding guild lost 40-50 people which translates to pretty much everyone. I know the same happened to at least dozen guilds in TRE. Granted that half of those were a lot smaller but some guilds were bigger. I don't really expect you to understand if you have not been part of the "silly fringe group known as the raiding community".


People quit for other reasons too so I'd expect your sarcastic number to be overkill on me knowing that much people who quit because of lack of raiding content. Still, a lot of people I really did know left because of the carrot being dangled and the promise mentioned already was not delivered. Now it really is a fringe group on part of NiM raiding for an example. But sure, feel free to be sarcastic about that. That will certainly help! Keep those oneliners coming! :D

Edited by Ruskaeth
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Not quite that to be honest. Our raiding guild lost 40-50 people which translates to pretty much everyone. I know the same happened to at least dozen guilds in TRE. Granted that half of those were a lot smaller but some guilds were bigger. I don't really expect you to understand if you have not been part of the "silly fringe group known as the raiding community".


People quit for other reasons too so I'd expect your sarcastic number to be overkill on me knowing that much people who quit because of lack of raiding content. Still, a lot of people I really did know left because of the carrot being dangled and the promise mentioned already was not delivered. Now it really is a fringe group on part of NiM raiding for an example. But sure, feel free to be sarcastic about that. That will certainly help! Keep those oneliners coming! :D


My response was just a polite way of saying I think you're making up numbers out of thin air. We should be in the negative population by now based on all the armchair experts comments and the billions of people each one of them personally know that quit the game.

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What changed? Where did you read that? Last I heard, what I typed WAS their reply...that is what THEY have said. That's where THEY left it, not me.

someone went to the cantina and posted the question he ask on the fourms

it was said at the cantina l that the stuff they had plan were many things was suppose to be release and announce all at once at this week comic con but some of it was already release such as pve and pvp instances. some of it is still to be release so they change plans and decided not to announce what ever they have left for it.

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I guess they didn't get the memo requiring all changes be run by you but thanks for proving my point. They aren't going to consult with you, TUX, anytime something changes internally. Plans change over time. Rather than deal with the hassle of a fringe group of undesirables digging through years of old posts to find any little tidbit of info that didn't come to fruition, they made the wise decision to clap down on the info unless it's set in stone.

Who said they would or should? You? All I, or anyone here, has to go on, is what they HAVE told us, not what we don't know. If their plans change, it would be nice to know on something like this...since it's a big issue for many players, as well as a topic THEY came out and spoke about...not me.

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Who said they would or should? You? All I, or anyone here, has to go on, is what they HAVE told us, not what we don't know. If their plans change, it would be nice to know on something like this...since it's a big issue for many players, as well as a topic THEY came out and spoke about...not me.


Common sense would tell you at this point their plans have obviously changed since 2014.

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Common sense would tell you at this point their plans have obviously changed since 2014.

I may be incorrect, but I thought Eric commented on it just this year?! Back in Jan or Feb possibly?


Common sense tells me to be patient...not to scrap ideas that THEY have said were coming just because it hasn't happened in the last few months.

Edited by TUXs
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Feburary 2016

Hey folks,


By the term "Megaservers" I presume you think we are collapsing multiple servers together into "megaservers." Especially with many of the quality of life features you highlighted. These changes were only designed to allow friends to play together, regardless of their personal playstyle. Now someone who wants to play on a PvP server can play on the same server as their friends who don't want to.


Hope that clears up any confusion.




May 2016

We have no intentions of merging servers at this time.


Personally, I am grateful that they re-instated 90CC transfers for a couple of weeks early in summer so we could all move as it did helps hundreds of players but I still think mergers have got to come at some point soon. Even with easy leveling it is still a massive negative for new/returning people who arrive on the dead servers and find they can't play all aspects of the game then essentially get told "you have to pay us another 1000CC to move to a busier server or re-roll from scratch".


I believe conquest is a good indicator of guild/server activity. Sure people that are guildless are not reflected in the scoreboards and some guilds choose not to take part in the conquest but still, looking at the scoreboards for the ones that do still gives insight.


These are the ToFN results for this weeks Yavin 4 & Rishi conquest and here is Dulfys page showing the points you get for each activity. People could score from PvP, GSF, flashpoints and raids. At the time I'm writing this 18:20 BST there are 25 people on Rep Fleet and 28 on Imp Fleet and the only one chatting in either is the same same gold seller posting their spam every couple of minutes.

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I may be incorrect, but I thought Eric commented on it just this year?! Back in Jan or Feb possibly?


Common sense tells me to be patient...not to scrap ideas that THEY have said were coming just because it hasn't happened in the last few months.


Every time Eric has been cornered on the question he has assured the questioner that more changes are imminent and that "better.than x-server" was not an empty promise even if it wasn't a carefully considered word arrangement. At last year's NY con we were told by Michael Backus that we would see at least two changes to address server concerns before this year's NY con. Patience was not rewarded. No one has mentioned why merges haven't happened yet and at this point BW'S relative silence on the subject is just bizarre as are the platitudes of trolls saying everything is hunky dory and "all good".

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These are the ToFN results for this weeks Yavin 4 & Rishi conquest and here is Dulfys page showing the points you get for each activity. People could score from PvP, GSF, flashpoints and raids. At the time I'm writing this 18:20 BST there are 25 people on Rep Fleet and 28 on Imp Fleet and the only one chatting in either is the same same gold seller posting their spam every couple of minutes.


That score doesn't mean anything. ToFN is mostly dead. There are probably 200-300 players at most on it.

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Did you read his whole post and think he thought ToFN wasn't dead?


Yes, i did. I was mostly advising not to take the final score as a factor directly correlated to the population. As a matter of fact the score could be way lower since most of the player on that server have alts in multiple guilds.


Just forgot to mention that his information is partially incorrect. You cannot make points from pvp and gsf normally because they don't proc.

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