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Interrupts bugged against lightning sorcs?


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Is the conduction talent in the lightning tree bugging out interrupts?


... In addition, being interrupted grants Unshakeable for 4 seconds. This can only occur once every 15 seconds.


I've noticed when interrupting lightning sorcs on thundering blast or crushing darkness unshakeable comes up, but the cast still goes off. Am I just missing my interrupt? Is this lag? I try and interrupt hard casts at the end so around 1.4. Or am I reading the tooltip wrong and this is intended? Anyone else notice this?

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There Force Barrier seems to be bugged aswell.


They literally absorb everything for 3-4 seconds after leaving the forcebarrier, and im talking 30-50k dmg.

We focusfired some sorcs multiple times after their Focre Barrier expired, with 2 Deceptions Sins and 2 Concealments... it takes a good 2-4 seconds till they stop absorbing everything.

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OP you don't happen to be a commando? Because I noticed on my commando that I could fire my interrupt at a sorc and it would never do anything even when he wasn't running any immunities. However on my Vanguard I have no difficulty with interrupt.


They literally absorb everything for 3-4 seconds after leaving the forcebarrier, and im talking 30-50k dmg.

We focusfired some sorcs multiple times after their Focre Barrier expired, with 2 Deceptions Sins and 2 Concealments... it takes a good 2-4 seconds till they stop absorbing everything.

Its always been like that, you can't burst through enduring bastion, you just CC them the moment they exit barrier and then blow them up when EB ends.

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There Force Barrier seems to be bugged aswell.


They literally absorb everything for 3-4 seconds after leaving the forcebarrier, and im talking 30-50k dmg.

We focusfired some sorcs multiple times after their Focre Barrier expired, with 2 Deceptions Sins and 2 Concealments... it takes a good 2-4 seconds till they stop absorbing everything.


Working as intended.

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OP you don't happen to be a commando? Because I noticed on my commando that I could fire my interrupt at a sorc and it would never do anything even when he wasn't running any immunities. However on my Vanguard I have no difficulty with interrupt.




And its 100% bugged on all lightning sorcs and teleknetics sages high enough to get the talent. I just threw a lightning sorc on focus and interrupted him like 10 times. His casts would still go through each time. Including things like force storm. So either its intended to make them immune to the first interrupt and then another person can interrupt them when the unshakeable drops and is on internal cooldown or they just messed the talent up.

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Noticed this as well, so I asked a sage friend to help test it. If you interrupt them when the new interrupt immunity talent is not on icd what happens is: Interrupt goes on cooldown --> Sage gains uninterruptable buff --> Interrupt tries to interrupt but fails. In that order. It works this way for any cast, including Force Lift.


I'm definitely capable of interrupting them on my VG, and definitely not able to on my commando, I'm going to theorize that they are bugged against ranged interrupts.


Tested with slinger and sent, and they're both bugged. If it's different for different interrupts it's not determined by whether it's ranged or melee. The internal cooldown of the talent that does this is 15 seconds, though, so melee should be successful in getting their second interrupt off due to shorter interrupt cooldown in some cases, whereas ranged interrupts will always fail unless someone else triggered the talent's ICD.

Edited by diadox
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There Force Barrier seems to be bugged aswell.


They literally absorb everything for 3-4 seconds after leaving the forcebarrier, and im talking 30-50k dmg.

We focusfired some sorcs multiple times after their Focre Barrier expired, with 2 Deceptions Sins and 2 Concealments... it takes a good 2-4 seconds till they stop absorbing everything.


Nope. Works as intended. Double lesson to get from this: 1) read description before claiming it is bugged 2) ccing a sage after force barrier till this effect expires is the best move to do

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I'm definitely capable of interrupting them on my VG, and definitely not able to on my commando, I'm going to theorize that they are bugged against ranged interrupts.


I'm going to add that my interrupts, as a commando, do not work.

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Of course it worked. Why would a sorc admit his own class is broken? Rofl


Unlike all the marauders and their smashtrain of noobyness sorcerers/sages (I was one of the more outspokes ones during the time, but hey what would someone like you know about that. You only come here to flame right?) have been asking the devs to nerf them on several occassions when they were overbuffed. Apart from your *****iness mr Fox, I'm not yet convinced it works on my sage vs a sorc. Will need to try that.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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Interrupt works from a socerer, read this thread thinking I'd have to try this - interrupted a sorc in arena, succesfully.


No it doesn't. I can't interupt Thundering Blasts and sag equivalent - and I am a sorc. And no, they weren't using Polarity Shift or had Enduring Bastion up. Not sure what the cause might be, I only noticed that I fail every time I try to interupt that Thundering Blast.

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No it doesn't. I can't interupt Thundering Blasts and sag equivalent - and I am a sorc. And no, they weren't using Polarity Shift or had Enduring Bastion up. Not sure what the cause might be, I only noticed that I fail every time I try to interupt that Thundering Blast.


As has been mentioned


Noticed this as well, so I asked a sage friend to help test it. If you interrupt them when the new interrupt immunity talent is not on icd what happens is: Interrupt goes on cooldown --> Sage gains uninterruptable buff --> Interrupt tries to interrupt but fails. In that order. It works this way for any cast, including Force Lift.
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