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Solo Play is dead !


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For anyone to suggest that this is not a "solo friendly" expansion is to defy logic. Having said that, if you're still having trouble completing solo flashpoints - the problem is you. Blue 17X are available throughout the storyline just like purple 156's were in Oricon.


Companion + God-Bot + a quasi-competent player should be able to solo any available flashpoint. Again, if you're having trouble, PEBCAK.

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Op seems upset that they took away the 10 ultimate comms we were getting for completing daily HM FP's. It appears to me that they only added that for a few months to get everyone into 180 gear before the expansion, so it makes sense that the option is no longer available.

As far as Ops go, you can still run 55 Ops in 16m sm and get Ultimate and Elite comms from the bosses just like before, and anyone who's run them recently will tell you that you burn through them in about as much time it takes to complete a few dailies. PUGS are running like crazy right now cause everyone needs comms so your argument about not having enough time is invalid.

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Wow, is it just me, or this games community becomes incredibly bratty lately? First they throw a tantrum for BW to leave 12x xp "OR WE UNSUB", than deman for money they paid for skills training from before cost removal, and now "WAAAAAGH NOT FAIR, ME WANTS HM EPAX WITHOUT DOING HMs!!!". Really people, get over yourselves, Even WoW, being theme park giving loot left and right does not do stuff like that...
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more casual play? They already scrapped the idea of story mode flashpoints and replaced it with ¨tactical¨ flashpoints which are nothing close to tactical, unless by tactical you mean smash everything in sight. Which caused tons of tons players wander into hardmode flashpoints now with just enough gear, then quit after 1 fight, complainging it´s too hard, because I quote ¨the lv55 flashpoints are not as hard¨, the thing is , ofc those were not hard when you get to buy 162 gear with basic commendations, try that with 156 gear when it was released. So right now there are literally nothing challenging if you don´t do operations, and even so it has to be hardmode or nightmare mode operations. How much more casual you want the game to be? And why do you even care if you have ¨operation standard gear¨ if you don´t want to do operations? I´m sorry, to say this but if you care about high end gear that much, you are not as casual as you might want to make people believe Edited by Horaciozhao
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Being a solo-player 99% of the time I could, perhaps, mayyybe, be willing to see it from OP perspective.

It is the urge for better gear that drives players often enough to continue playing a game.

I had this thoughtpattern my self at one point in time.

I don't anymore. In the newer ages of gaming, there is often the option to P2W.

-For me, if I P2W -The game just isn't entertaining anymore, shortly after choosing that route.

There must be a near impassable mountain somewhere giving a challenge. Making it quite satisfying the moment the player manages to overcome the challenge.

Better equipment? Half the fun for me in this game is to run around slapping Things, and get that nice 'niiiice'-feel whenever I find something better than I have, or can afford a new piece or armor/mod/enhancement.

Maybe my character looks like a dork, but so what. If I mind looking like a dork, I will have to prioritise differently, etc, et al.


Let the students, sickly and unemployed have their in-game challenges. I see no reason why its got to go all communistic equal rights for all. -If someone wants to play an über-overpowered character. -Fine. Why should we be bothered about that. People being afraid of being flagged for PvP... Fine... win some, Loose some, don't get so offended. Its a game.

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k, thx for that post ! Nice ! But -.-:

for me: its not only about "im an ops player or not" or im a "solo player" or not (i am both). Its also about possibilities. And the path right now is more than boring ! Do Ops for max gear, or endless farm flashpoints that are harder and give less comms. So Do we have a choice ? No !


I dont understand why there is no NiM Flashpoints ! Would be much easier to get groups and so on...!


And i also really dont understand why these discussions always follow one pattern/get one direction !

Are u really able to think about "my" opinion ?

Do u mind ?

Or is it just trolling in forums all the time ?


Wow, with that reaction, you'd have to ask yourself if it's not YOU doing the trolling...


What it all boils down to is this:


YOU don't need Ops level gear unless you're going to do NiM Ops.


Oh and I fully understand "your" opinion.

You want to be able to get that gear more easily.

I want to be able to buy a ferrari for the same price as a used honda civic... doesn't mean that's something that'll happen.


Fess up here friend, you just feel that you are entitled to get the best gear without doing the work.

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Really? I thought for once that the gear you can buy for normal comms is far closer to the one you get for the fancy ones. Before, the best you could do was 156 vs 186 - 30 points difference. Now it is 186 vs 192? Or is there a Godlike tier now for the Ultimate comms?


I dont understand why people comes to MMO's to play solo...


Well, for me, I am good enough to play solo, but I don't think I am good enough to play in groups, plus the sheer amount of memorization that goes into prep + the amount of time it gets + uncertainty of any rewards.... = group content just not appealing.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Really? I thought for once that the gear you can buy for normal comms is far closer to the one you get for the fancy ones. Before, the best you could do was 156 vs 186 - 30 points difference. Now it is 186 vs 192? Or is there a Godlike tier now for the Ultimate comms?


Ultimate or HM Ops drops: 198

And it's called Revanite, not Godlike.

Edited by Halinalle
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Why is everything dead in this game?



What reason is there to do dailies anymore?


Level 60 Group Finder has almost no content.


PvP's been dead for a long time.


See Group Finder


See Group Finder

Spending credits....dead

Because people don't want to buy anything and just want to hoard their stash.


Crafting's always been on life support./B]

The game...dead


That's why.

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On the other than, the idea that top-level gear is pointless if you don't "need" it... something smells funny about that one.


That's because its a crap argument that never holds up. Nobody ever needs end game gear, not even the people doing end game content or else they'd never clear it. Players, all players, want end game gear to make the content they play go easier and progress faster in order to maximize credit earning and minimize fight length VS time spent playing.


That being said, I'm not against earning it in raids, but seeing as I'm in a good raid group, its easy for me to take that position. I will say I didn't feel the same when I was a mostly solo player without a guild.


Right now the biggest problem in game is by far the rewards for HM 60's vs Tacticals. I want my GF to pop again.

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That's why.


Dailies? Mounts, cosmetics, pets, stronghold items, dyes...just like it's always been.


Group? There is plenty is group finder and why do you have to use group finder, join a guild or watch chat.


Fp? See group


Ops? See group


Pvp? Don't really care don't pvp


Credits? I agree


Crafting? I wouldn't say it's on life support could use a little tlc though I've made a ton of credits from crafting...


So since you think every aspect of the game is dead...why exactly are you here?

Edited by tdmaha
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Personally Im not bothered what so ever being mostly limited to elite com gear (ops group i now run with very casual and probably will not be doing the new ops for a good month or so anyways, much less hard mode)


But one does have to wonder why, with a expansion that made to be solo'd and lacks over all challenge and longevity, that they decided to NOW limit ultimate coms to ops only people.


Seems like a rather strange choice really when they have gone out of their way to make almost all content soloable (and easily solo'd).


I think the biggest issue about gear is not that a person needs its, but gear is treated as a status symbol and anyone thats played this MMORPG for very long knows the ops (and PVPers) do enjoy belittling those that dont have the gear or ranked rewards. It did seem to calm down some when ultimates could be gathered through flashpoints and weeklies before 3.0.


Having said that im sure enough people will whine that EA will once again back track and make ultimates much easier to obtain so everyone can be in top ranked gear with out doing the hard mode ops.


Really at this point, I'd just like to see EA actually stand behind a choice for a change rather then dumbing it down again.


anyways, 186 with augs more then good enough to solo any of the solo content and much of the group content.


But then again I dont wander around inspecting random people so maybe I just dont have that "keeping up with the Jones" complexe.

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